/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2891 - 1 MILLION EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,074,290 (+59,225) ► Died: 56,987 (+3,820) ► (Reset: -08:20:34)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 3.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,856 different strains have been sequenced —

New strain hitting Ecuador closely related to original from China

Ecuador has a lot more deaths than officially reported, president says

Engineer ran train off tracks in attempt to sink the USNS Mercy

US urges citizens to return or stay abroad for "indefinite" time

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

Growing number of "recovered" patients test positive again

Survivors will be immunocompromised

Survivors will be exhausted for six months

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

Under 1 year old in the US dies to COVID

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

DOW tanks 3000 points or 13%, worst day in history

Millions of Americans to lose their jobs

Italy doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes


17:34: 333 new cases and 4 new deaths in Chile.
17:33: 125 new cases and 1 new death in Luxembourg.
17:31: 68 new cases and 4 new deaths in Kansas.
17:29: 181 new cases and 3 new deaths in Mississippi.
17:26: 155 new cases and 7 new deaths in North Carolina.
17:23: 427 new cases and 6 new deaths in Maryland.


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Other urls found in this thread:

epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Infografica_2aprile ENG.pdf

What the fuck is going on with Germany death stats? There is almost no way this has to with their 'aryan' genes when the Dutch also have more than a thousand deaths with around 15000 cases.

Are you here?

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Godspeed Corona chan!

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I am so proud of /ourgirl/ and this community, we have come such a long way since the ebola days

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>3800+ deaths
>almost 2 pm
Damn. She’s accelerating

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epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Infografica_2aprile ENG.pdf

Attached: Screenshot - 04032020 - 07:42:56 PM.png (1218x588, 214.73K)

-Mass testing
-publishing new numbers throughout the day

Bros i went to the store 3 days ago and now i just started coughing. If i have it, when is the fever going to start?

meanwhile NPR is talking about whether or not ordering takeout is safe

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1Mil Corona repost
Thicker version at Fuck Jannies

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41% of people admitted to hospital in New Jersey are on ventilators

Oh look another Nothingburger thread. How cute.

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Who here /Comfy/?

It pleases me to see normal people in such panic for having to stay at home for a relatively short period of time when I have hardly left my room in 8 years.

Its over for the US

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>Covid deaths
99% are with comorbidities with an average age of 79. Any death with covid was ruled as a covid death in Italy, which they only test the sick in hospital.
>Muh death rate
Research, SKorea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Austria etc show that 80-90% of cases are asymptomatic. This brings total fatality below 1%.
>Case # skyrocketing!
We are testing more, it only makes sense. This also brings the mortality rate lower.
>What about the testing methods?
With a false positive rate of 80% reported by the FDA, it tests for the same genes in the common cold.
>But this country has a high fatality rate!
They only test the people who are hospitalized. When compared to the flu by hospitalized, flu has a mortality rate of 10%.
>Muh stockerinos/get to work goy
The people who are the freest from stocks and Jews are small businesses being destroyed from this while mega corps thrive. 45 million unemployed. You think it'll get better?


Basically you're fucked if you're above 60.

I'm always here

Gif here

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shut up Bill

Anyone else getting a little bored of this

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>The state of New York now has a higher death toll than 9/11

wew fucking lad


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Anons, analyst on the situation?

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Oh look someone like the dad in this webm

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>antibody test

b-but dr birx said herd immunity was a meme and we won't even hit 1% infection rate??? why would we ever care about antibody test?

I am proud of her too! It's possible she will get 1.1 million today! And I remember her when she was such a small cute little virus with a few infections from just one city in China.
And now, look at her, she is everywhere, and she will bring death to America! I am so proud of her!

Corona-chan, you got this! Yay!

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Tbh some editanon should sneak the thicker version into a gif

Love these

Remember that post of predictions. It’s in South America/Brazil now. When can we expect this thing to mutate???

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>nothing burgers be like this is fine

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Unlike ailments before her, Corona chan comes back because she knows how much u miss her, reinfections for everyone

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shit is fucked
big time

Yes. I just want it to infect and kill me already. Tired of waiting.

- Most deaths with underlying conditions are not reported. Germany has the highest rate of deaths without comorbidities, at 70%
- They don't test post-mortem or report on deaths outside hospitals

Go back to the jungle, George.
There's a fine line between acceptable hair and a fucking 'Nam jungle
But the tit freckles are a nice touch ngl

no it's boring and uncomfy desu
>mom won't buy me groceries every day anymore
>esports cancelled
>every day of news is literally the same
>all anyone talks about is this dumb flu
>actually kinda worried if I'll ever get a good job now


Taleb is shitting over the WHO on twitter.

He's been BTFOing nothingburger retards from day one. >pic related

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What did they give the british royal then.

Cvgbros... Anyone? Please?

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Can she please evolve into a much deadlier version? I want to see full panic


go back to the Trump rally John America

this webm makes me soo mad

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Any news about Ecuador? Ive seen alot of horror videos yesterday. Something happened today?

usa is no more

Is anybody else still finding it hard to find toilet paper? The fucking normies didn't leave one single pack at the store this morning.


>biggest slums in India

It’s mostly muslims spreading chink flu deliberately and liberals covering up for them and calling everyone racist/islamophobe for stopping em

Regarding BCG vaccination, readed about Russian Strain BCG vaccine. A guy posted this crossing data of west germany and east.

Are any open source project to collaborate to feed data for AI?

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Publishing new numbers throughout the day reduces your likelihood of death? Cool.

It's pretty fun watching her climb the ranks

>- Most deaths with underlying conditions are not reported. Germany has the highest rate of deaths without comorbidities, at 70%
>- They don't test post-mortem or report on deaths outside hospitals
Sauce? I saw something about them not testing the dead but it was just a tweet.

Everytime I get close to it some new shit comes up, so no.

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According to these models from earlier in the pandemic, we can ascertain that we are between the white and green models regarding a timeline of infection, however the number of deaths compared to the number of infections exceeds the projected number in all but one model.

We also know that deaths from the virus are greater than what has been detected... That is to say, the lethality of this virus is seemingly greater than anticipated.

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guys, what if we all kill in april?

Oh shit lol saved

Pretty sure its fake



white snow niggers aren’t aryan only Indians and Iranians are Aryans

user everyone knows shits fucked, just how fucked is it? Did they spend the money on defense or what?

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>NY averaging 10k cases per day
It's going to be a very comfy month watching that shithole implode!

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they wouldn’t be admitted if they didn’t need extreme measures dumbass, they’d be sent home. so that means less than half the people they deem bad enough to admit get put on a vent.

Big poo poo pee pee