It's literally not even as bad as the flu, BRO

This hysteria was artificially created by the jews make an excuse for the economy to crash (it was going to anyway), and then they double down by forcing the economy to stop working with government orders.
It's a total conspiracy between the government, banks, and media - all jewish.

Small/medium businesses are going to be wiped out with no help and bought up by big corporations just like after the 2008 crash.
Mass immigration will increase, affirmative action and welfare will increase, and the banks will give out easy to get affirmative action 'loans' (free money for everyone who isn't white) to buy houses and cars and everything they want, as always.

We have to come to terms with the fact that 90% of the population is totally insane and basically retarded.
They deserve zero respect. We can't let these people have a say.
We have to take responsibility for everything on our own and remove the current leadership by force.
The jews are taking complete control of everything.
Civil war is the only way we can survive.

Attached: flu.png (884x475, 79.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The lack of policing make this a perfect time to hit thebgrid and crit infrastructure with little to no repurcussions

Are you an idiot on purpose?
Do the math. If 39 million people get COVID-19 [by your own infographic's mortality rate ]888,000 Americans will die.

We don’t go on lockdown for the flu, did no social distancing, companies did nothing to isolate and clean.

You don’t get to look at full stay at home in practice in most states and pretend this is an equivalent comparison. The death rate is way higher, 15 million or more get flu every year and it’s minor for most. Most Covid patients have real trouble breathing for a bit, most deaths occur within a few days. It’s much worse. Our mitigations are working.

But isnt that the statistic for the entire last year,COVID in the US just started and is still spreading,i think in this month there will be more deaths than italy and spain

Reminder that there is no COVID-19 test, there are only tests that look for corona.
Actual Covid-19 may be deadlier, but they can only test for ALL strains.
>flu-deaths and pneumonia cases have gone down by the THOUSANDS in Italy.

Alright, but what could be their endgame then? muh Georgia guidestones?

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but 39 million people will not get it because it is not contagious enough.

if there's no test for it, how do they know it's a new strain in the first place ?

>hysterical retard
they don't know how many people are infected you stupid piece of shit
there is no random sampling for corona ANYWHERE in the world

the deaths are the only significant figure and who knows if those are anywhere near accurate with all the political pressure to blame corona, they're probably inflated by blaming corona for deaths that were primarily caused by other things, but even if they aren't we still have 19,000 deaths to go until corona catches up to the MINUMUM flu deaths

inferring from China's corona cycle THIS WILL NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN

You understand that if COVID had a flu like infection millions of people would be dead right? Right user? Brainlet

did you read the post, memeflag retard?

to buy up every business and consolidate the economy under jewish elite control then use this institutional power to genocide their enemies and competitors, replacing them with jews and third world brown 'people'

One point I never see being made here is this:
If the flu has so many annual deaths, and our medical system is already moderately stretched each year by the seasonal flu- what will happen when another virus, like the Coronavirus in question today, is added to the mix? It's not replacing the common flu, it's in addition to.
Strained resources that are already stretched thin will begin to be insufficient to treat either the flu OR coronoavirus, and the death toll for both will skyrocket.

>just started
>been going on for a month
uh no

we're at least 1/3 of the way through this shit
comparing to china corona deaths won't reach the MINIMUM estimate for flu deaths

>It's not replacing the common flu, it's in addition to.
people can only die once, so yes, it is

Viruses are fake and don't spread
All that 5G they are puttin up will kill ya dead

>I can compare on number to another; I'm smart

>Thinking China released real numbers

That might be the most Common Core thing I've ever read.
I'm going to use really simple numbers so you can understand.
>Sample size: 1000
>Number of flu cases annually: 250
>Number of flu deaths annually: 25
This is normal. However, this year, it looks like:
>Sample size: 1000
>Number of flu cases annually: 250
>Number of flu deaths annually: 25
>Number of coronavirus cases: 250
>Number of coronavirus deaths: 25
So now instead of having 250 people sick and 25 people dead, you have 500 people sick and 50 people dead.
This shouldn't be hard for you to understand.

It might reach around 20k deaths,even if it doesnt its still braindead to compare that to millions of flu cases through a whole year

the illnesses compete for the same demographic
some one who would die to flu who gets corona can't die to flue

>sample size
this is rich, that retard croat should read this too THERE IS NO RANDOM SAMPLING FOR CORONA ANYWHERE

that's not even the argument you illiterate retard toddler

its not the numbers its the curve, the rates, and their economic activity
their numbers are probably bullshit but they're probably proportional to the truth hence their economic activity correlates to the death curve

there's no reason to think 'lockdown' is doing anything
for example, everyone rushed into packed grocery stores to panic-buy when there were identified cases
why would you assume there weren't mass infections then?
also everyone in STILL cramming into packed stores and for some fucking retarded reason they all limit their hours now

WHAT isolation you fucking retard?

we have no idea how many people are infected, there is no random sampling

>Our mitigations are working.
yeah they will be saying this when absolutely nothing happens, ignoring every argument

these 'people' should be killed


Saw an article the other days saying that lockdowns brought a 20 to 50¨% diminution on other infectious sicknesses.

Anybody got some more info on that?

>the illnesses compete for the same demographic
>some one who would die to flu who gets corona can't die to flue
The illnesses compete for the same demographic and indeed there will be some carryover especially among the already-at-risk groups. But to say there is 100% carry-over is insane, obviously Corona is going to put an additional strain on our healthcare systems.

People who have the flu don't need to be hospitalized. Without a respirator, many people with Corona-Chan will die. That's why we need to flatten the curve., so we don't overwhelm our medical infrastructure. We need everyone who will die without a bed to get a bed.

It's not that this is the new black death but rather an exercise in preventing avoidable deaths.

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You think like an NPC fresh off the reddit boat. Lurk and don't post for another year.

no one said that you retard leaf

>repeating brainwashing phrases like "flatten the curve"

No shit dummy it’s a bigger country

why would you believe something like that? 20-50%???? that's an outrageous spread, why not just say 0-100%?

you need to get a brain and question how they actually get these numbers if you're going to take interest in what they say

how many millions will die in the subsequent years of an economic depression? the damage to the economy can never really be quantified and if things continue as they are, quarantine may forever change the fabric of our world here to save, what? 1-2% of the population?

that's the plan
they saw the white suicide rates during the last crisis
they saw the drug addiction rates

we need to kill them all at any cost at any risk
burn jewish children alive on video
total and complete terror

Go back to your /cvg/ containment mouth breather

>Cuomo Warns "More People Are Going To Die", New Jersey Lowers Flags To Half-Mast, As US Cases Top 250K: Live Updates

look at this, they really have no limits
they lower the flag to half mast for fucking 6k deaths tops, they keep trying to meme that this disaster already happened

meanwhile 25-50k people ALREADY died from the flu
I guess we should keep the flag at half mast constantly because people eventually die from being old

like I said, most small business aren't even eligible for bailout money, and they can't even get new lines of credit

this was all orchestrated, this is nothing but the same old jewish scam to steal everything from everyone and reduce our freedoms

Telling the truth in retarded times is a suicidal act.

Just da flu bruh

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Look at the amount of flu cases compared to Corona so far

>Just you wait 2 more weeks bro we'll all be dead
>t. doomer in the 4th month of a pandemic
They crashed the market for this, never forget.

Even at just 1 million cases in the US, which should happen in less than 2 months, there will be at least 20k deaths

I just love to see how these threads are working on Yas Forumsbrainlets....
how are people not tired of answering to the same topic 24/7?

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This was an attack, and we lost. The west lost, and what we lost is irretrievable. This sounds hyperbolic and I get that, but our prosperity left us.

just the flu brah just flatten dat curve bois we're all this together we wont let it beat us!

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and then it will still be less deadly than the flu

>didnt make it past arithmetic in school
>doesn’t understand exponential growth

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You’ll hit 24k deaths within 10 days..

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>inferring from China's corona cycle
...and you actually believe China??

>People who have the flu don't need to be hospitalized
Actually yes they fucking do?


Why are /cvg/ niggers so fucking goddamn retarded?

CEO of based.

How they casually started banning economic activity across EU and USA like it's been done a thousand times before lmao.
No one is going to be held accountable for this.

I swear I won't be able to handle much more of retards like you using the word exponential as some sort of esoteric technical term and trying to talk down on people because you use it. It is the literal most basic thing you view when you learn about differential equations.
I bet you wouldn't bet able to demonstrate the most basic bitch properties of the exponential function.
It also shows how much of a retard you have to be to think a physical process keeps an exponential rate with a positive real part for any extended time. The exponential appears because of the hypothesis of variation being proportional to the existing stock, an assumption that becomes ridiculous once you leave the realm of small variations.

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either because they are literally niggers/spics with subhuman intelligence
or they are children that can't reason under pressure

It's not just the flu, bro. Currently more than 3000 people are dying per day from it worldwide. That's basically a 9/11 every day.

>inb4 I don't care about the world, only the US
US deaths are around 1000 per day now. So it's still gonna be 9/11 every three days.

>9/11 every day!!!!! the planes are crashing into everyone!!!
could you try to appear more hysterical and retarded even if you wanted to?

it's already been clearly established there is a conspiracy to increase the hype
therefore none of the numbers can be trusted, these people might have had other conditions that made them easy to kill

Now think of when 39-55 million Americans get Corona you fucking sperg.

The bottom line is simple: unless YOUNG people are dying in large numbers there is no possible justification to shut down the economy

there is no proof of this, there is no hint of this
this is pure bullshit and we have to kill the elite, all of them, or they will keep doing things like this to destroy our lives and eventually we will all die out

>it's already been clearly established there is a conspiracy to increase the hype
No it hasn't. If anything, the CCP and Trump alike both downplayed it early on, suggesting that institutions have a bias towards de-emphasizing the severity. My bet would be that the worldwide numbers are accurate, or perhaps somewhat larger and China and/or Iran are releasing artificially low figures.

you don't actually explain anything, you just narrate your bullshit like the retarded animal you are

the news stories posted just in this thread already reveal the hype, but you don't look at anything at all, not sweden that hasn't done any lockdown at all, not germany's high testing and low death rate, nothing

you are a beast that deserves no rights
>> no 3 cause of death in US
Once again, OP is a faggot

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I actually have been following the numbers in Sweden for exactly that reason.

A larger percentage of their population has died than the US. 0.0035% of Sweden has died, vs. 0.0021% of the US. I will continue to watch and compare the numbers to see how effective the quarantine is.

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