BCG Vaccine likely makes people more resillent to COVID-19

"According to Prof. Dr Lyubima Despotova, president of the Bulgarian Society for Long-Term Care and Palliative Medicine, the worldwide distribution map of COVID-19 “overlaps” with the vaccine policy map. Countries that have abandoned BCG are currently in the midst of the epidemic and are heavily affected.

She cited the example of Germany – which publishes a map tracing the development of the epidemic throughout its territory and illustrating the spread of the disease in great detail – and stressed that there is a significant difference between former East Germany and former West Germany: the former GDR is up to three times less affected."

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Antivaxxers BTFO’d

Show your flag.

correlation not causation
lazy science.

>anti bacteriel vaccine
>helps agains highly virulent virus
>against ANY virus

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Maybe it stimulates the immune system and makes it stronger.
Maybe it's bullshit.
Who knows.

>ITT kids too young to remember smallpox vaccinations

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Ever heard of comorbidities retard.
Sometimes when you fix one problem, you fix another that previously seemed completely unrelated.

One of the first mandatory vaccines you get in Mexico.

I have that sort of scar. It was the most painful vaccination i have ever gotten in my life.

>Daughter of a despot

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BCG is for TB not fucking COVID-19.

I have the BCG and still got COVID 19, I hope people like you die from this virus because you truly are the vermin that wanders the earth.

And did you die from Covid-19? No?

The fact that you arent hospitalized and intubated after having caught the virus speaks for itself. Nobody has ever said that IT IS the cure/vaccine/miracle drug or whatever. Just that there are obvious correlations. Learn basic reading comprehension bong.

I have it and I hate how the hair in the scar grows all fucked up.

Well fuck me a 30 year old didn't die from the virus that has been killing off the elderly.

Lecture me on statistic when you've had to nurse patients sick from this fucking disease for kiwi cunt. Jump in a volcano.

Don't lecture me on research you fucking grade a moron. Go injected krokodil and kill yourself you filthy russian cunt.

Trust us. Trust what we're saying its bullshit.

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>the vaccine makes people less susceptible to the virus
Are you fucking retarded?

Built for BGC

Give this a look, a study suggests that it boosts the immune system thus making you likely to die or develop sever symptoms against this virus. Go read up on it bros, no need to be all negative and mad for no reason. Maybe it helps maybe it doesnt, but it surely isnt the cure.

>poor countries give BCG
>poor countries not testing as much
>poor countries have less cases
must be the vaccine and not the lack of testing
Who the fuck makes these conclusions?

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Less likely to*

I didn't need this when we got it in school because I was already immune.

Does it mean I have a natural resistance to coronavirus? I mean i guess it does as I already got it and just had mild symptoms.

How did nobody else notice this?
They don't even try to hide it sometimes.
Haha stupid cattle, here's your rulers-- love them.

You are suffering from worse ills than covid, friendo.

I can finally feel good about being born in Argentina

U don’t have covid fag

>Maybe it stimulates the immune system and makes it stronger.
I know something that does...

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It's more like a sort of universal vaccine that boosts the immune in a more general way.

Check cvg archives, the virus survives hiding in your gut's bacterias.

Immune system


My family collects elderberries every year and we make this syrup at home for every flu season.

nice try MLM shill

1 part garlic, 1 part ginger, 1 part lemon juice, 1 part honey. anti viral, immune boosting

Retard, BCG is mandatory in France and it's not helping.

I got some in the back yard, right now, but I'm going to cultivate new plants this year. Grows like a weed, but that's good.

All I know about it is, the old folks in the mountains make wine out of it, and take the syrup as a preventative for colds & flu, and they are the healthiest bastards I've ever seen.

there may be something about their lifestyle, too, they don't vegetate like people tend to when they retire, but they swear by this stuff, and that's enough for me.


vaccines don't work
fuck off

>Daughter of a despot
>How did nobody else notice this?
It's not working like this, it's not nordic surname.

Lots of established science lacks causation. Gravity for instance.


shit. i didnt have my BCG at school

Shut up Hans.

Fellow oldfag detected.

your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries

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Based Bulgarians finding excellent excuses on why the fuck you don't need to sweat this bullshit.

Go on Bulgaria, enjoy your spring!

>WHO giving advice
ok, il ignore this

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Read up on BCG. It’s is very old and no patent. It’s the only good vaccine I’ve ever heard of. Dr at Harvard uses it to cure type 1 diabetes. Can’t get funded for stage 3 trials because JDF is made up of big Pharma that wants people to stay sick. It is used as a First line treatment of bladder cancer. Can treat glioblastoma and can probably be a master cure for all kids of problems..

*kinds of problems

niiiiice! My boomer mom grew up in Czechoslovakia and has OP's pic related. At least I only have one parent to worry about now

Easy bro. Glad you got better.

>gravity for instance
Doesn't exist.

or cause a new one

That's from the smallpox vaccine nigger.
The swine flu fraud of 1976, on 60 Minutes
(Originally posted on TheLibertyChannel during the swine flu fraud of 2008 -- the following text was written during that stage)

Some observations on the current swine flu 'crisis':
- It's a global reprise of the US 1976 phony swine flu panic;
- Just as happened in 1976, the virus is not a significant threat having very low morbility and mortality rates. And, even if it mutates into something more dangerous, the most reasonable scenario to be expected is a flu pandemic like the ones in the 60s and 70s, which, although being lethal to many, were also easily controllable, and quickly faded away. As a matter of fact, flu viruses have never been the kind of monstrous threat that is now being sold to the public. The only exception to that was the 1918/1919 pandemic which, of course, had an ideal context for lethality: the trenches of WWI Western Front and the terrible sanitary and nutrition conditions of post-WWI Europe and America, particularly among soldiers, which were the main incubators for the flu;
- So, it's on the basis of a virtuality that the public is now being terrorized, and made to comply, with the orgy of hysteria being promoted by intellectually bankrupt pseudo-scientists, aka, the fake pharma and govt. "experts" who are more interested in promoting dangerous untested vaccines than in *reality*;
- Like in 1976, the pharmas are now being given legal immunity and liability for whatever harm is caused by their fast-tracked, untested vaccines;
The vaccines may actually facilitate the spread of the pandemic and facilitate virus reassortment and/or mutation (via live viruses and nucleic acids in some of them);

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It also was in more respectable media.
It does not prevent infection, but is suspected to lead to milder sickness.

Can confirm this, all my family have that vaccine that leaves a mark, my mom got the virus and is just having a normal cold, meanwhile nobody else in my family got it (over 100 ppl), I live with my mom and didn't even catch it. Brazil also is living proof of this, for a country that size the number of deaths are meaningless, and most people there have this vaccine.

>BCG is for TB not fucking COVID-19.

Yes, but...

The receptors in the lungs TB likes might actually be similar to the receptors corona viruses like, therefore some of the surface glycoproteins on the corona virus might actually share immunogenicity with bacillus surface antigens, thus the TB vaccine might actually cause partial immunity to covid, you get that with similar species of virus, it might happen with bacteria/virus, though im not aware of that ever happening.

The season influenza vaccine sometimes passes partial immunity in a similar way as flu strains have letter designation relating to surface hemagglutinin and neuraminidase which is what the h1n1 or h5n5 stands for, its the subtypes of the surface enzymes on different flu strains.

Cool, I got injected with so many vaccines while in the military including that one.
My phams are from a country where they get those injections too.

And for those who don't know, the average US citizen *pic related* doesn't get those shots.. they're screwed.

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