Big yikes. How is this allowed?

Big yikes. How is this allowed?

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fauci dated mother teresa

Attached: fauciteresa.jpg (500x390, 49.35K)

It's protected by our first amendment

>Prayer is bad, mmmkay? t. progressive wearing a butt plug

Omg how stupid can these retards be stupid idiots making a photo op nodding to the country's dominant religion omg why isn't everyone as smart as me
>lives in a ratbox apartment and is about to die because he lives in new york

>noooooo stop praying you have to be atheists and wave flags about trannies

I bet this fag would praise sandnigger praying

Praise Jesus Christ! Best America

This kind of thing bothered me when I was a teenager too OP

Ok, now let's see them tell the Muslims and Jews to stop praying and going to church en masse

If I was made dictator, my first order of business would to send death squads out to kill reddit users.

would they post the same for muslims praying on the floor for allah's forgiveness in islamic society's
terrible npc's

What's with the wrinkled poster of Lincoln in the background? Couldn't afford the archival quality print? Looks like something from a public school classroom.

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I'm an atheist and I don't see a problem with people praying.

Based, if only this wasn't a lie for boomers.


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look I'm as much of a fedora tipper as the next guy but if people want to participate in religious rituals to keep morale high i don't have a problem with it at all


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This is an old picture. Mulvaney is still present. Next to the Lincoln painting.

Prayer is good. OP must be degenerate lgbt, blue haired demon.

>religion is bad and stupid
>now excuse me while I cut off my dick and pretend to be a woman

You know what to do with a slide thread boys

>”Why are officials allowed to have personal beliefs and take actions to show solidarity and reverence when we all know it probably won’t change anything! Reeee! But let me cross dress with kids and flash them or you’re Hitler!”

I hope Trump is as evil as they say and police start murdering leftists.

What's the problem? Every little bit helps. Even if you don't believe in God or the power of prayer, every bit helps.

do you even know what prayer is you insecure heathen?

>how is prayer allowed
Read your Constitution, faggot.

The prayer isn't the problem, the complete failure to maintain social distancing is.

Yea, only children go to church..

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Why can't they pray in their own private time? Pride is fucking disgusting.

so what you are saying is that you can't act rationally if it isn't part of your ideology? so what exactly DO you believe OP?

how come they dont have to be 6 feet apart?

>someone unironically has an issue with this pic

Someone should Photoshop Jew hats on all their heads and post it. Then some Reddit faggot can post it there and claim that the OP is an antisemite and he should be forced to go to all the gas chambers and relive what 6 bajillion kikes went through.


>country's dominant religion
I didn't know that there are that many Jews in the White House.

Because we live in a free country. I'm a non-believer and even I don't give a shit if they pray. They have that right. Seethe more.

This too. Matthew 6:5-6, people. Christ could not have been more clear on this subject.

Group Prayer was invented by protestant cults to mind control their victims. It places attention on the person leading the prayer in an attempt to inherit the presumed power of the god.

I point this out every time someone says, "let's pray."

>How is this allowed?

It's called a photo opportunity and more than one of those people are probably Masons or atheists who only want to pander to religious Americans.

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What is allowed, mewling basedfag redditors? I ask myself that on a daily fucking basis.

2017-2018 flu season in the US:
44 million suspected cases
20 million visited a doctor
800,000 hospitalized
60,000 dead

Thanks to an 8 year study from Glasgow, we know that every year 7-15% of all ILI’s are caused by coronavirus. So...

4.4 million suspected coronavirus cases
2 million coronavirus doctors visits
80,000 coronavirus hospitalizations
6,000 coronavirus deaths

What were the media, government, and public’s reactions to that flu season? Do you even remember it? Why wasn’t it newsworthy? Hospitals set up tents to treat people, they ran out of masks, there was a shortage of IV saline bags... but no mass hysteria.

It’s literally just the flu.

They are working a garbage ton, they deserve any reasonable comfort to boost their morale.

It's called Christianity. People tend to do that from time to time.


Jesus "Fucking" Christ. If you could make a website in which only boring millennial faggots with huge student debt could post on you'd still never get such a huge concentration of septum piercings, sleeve tats, novelty vape skins, Rick & Morty laptop stickers and people who look like they're on the verge of tears all the time.

Atheism is perhaps the cringiest religion

"Christianity" means overtly disobeying Christ's command in Matthew 6:6?


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Heavenly father, please forgive the arrogance and ignorance of my fellow man which may doubt you or speak ill against you. May you forgive their sins, and ours, and for all your children's whose hearts are empty, may you fill them with grace and may their souls be saved in absolution through the blood of your son and our holy savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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Before I clicked the picture, I thought the "yikes" was about the lack of social distancing.

"how is this allowed"
Are you fucking retarded?

The FIRST AMENDMENT allows religious freedom.

Hey look, some people are exercising their rights, get'em!

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You do realize the context of Matthew 6:6, right? Jesus was calling out the Jews who would stop what they were doing and pray, some discreetly, but others with a pretentious display. He was not condemning all public prayer like you atheists suggest when you point out this verse to Christians. In fact, Jesus often prayed himself in public. The purpose here is to focus your prayer more on God than what others might think of you.

Mike Pence received a lot more flack from that picture than he received praise.


Mathew 6 is telling people not to pray in public as a way to get attention
Mathew 6:5: “And when you pray, you shall not be like the [b]hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men.

I'm not a christcuck but why is one group harassed when they pray to the sky fairy and shitskins praised when they pray to their child diddling sky fairy?

Are you seriously telling me that the OP pic isn't a pretentious display?

Anyway, Matthew 6:5 is where he lambasts the Jews about that. In Matthew 6:6 he gives SPECIFIC instructions on prayer. He doesn't say "doing it in public is fine if you are humble about it".

Who is leading the prayer in the picture?


1 post by this ID.
And what fifty replies so far? It's almost like OP doesn't care. As if he had some other motive for making this thread beyond a conversation on prayer.

Why didn't you quote Matthew 6:6? Is it because it is a direct instruction form Christ which you are ignoring?

Matthew 6:6: But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Why are you asking when you know the answer?
