You are going to believe his lies again, aren't you

You are going to believe his lies again, aren't you.

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when are you going to give up?

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OP foegotbto dalate and now his (you will always be male) fauz vag is closing up. The puss and septsis is setting in.

Allah wishes a long a painful death upon OP.

Someone was mad enough to make this comic

Lmao he's going to push through a bunch of shit that normally gets protests

The value of a meme is only found in how deep lies it's sting.

A handful of welders for temporary jobs. YAY MIGA

Remember kids
Shills are not trying to change your min
Just keep you distracted and preoccupied so you're not on the offensive.
Stop letting the left control the narratives.

Leftists with stupid degrees will be desperate for jobs. They'll beg for a job working on the oil pipeline now.

He's multitasking all over your ass, faggot.

You don’t actually believe this do you? Yesterday he said that he had Saudi and Russia on the phone working out an oil deal. Total fabrication. Today he’s talking about keystone XL. None of this is based in reality, he’s trying to get people to talk about something other than 10% unemployment

>Leftists with stupid degrees will be desperate for jobs.
You're not right-wing if you think of yourself as a capitalist.

Yeah, no. While many of the jobs associated with constructing the pipeline will be temporary, it will create permanent positions.

There will be people who have to be hired on a permanent basis to maintain the pipeline, to inspect it from government agencies, and so forth. There's also the additional jobs that will be created in Texas due to increased oil refinement.

It isn’t a narrative to say that over the last few weeks trump has been literally making shit up on Twitter so people stop talking about unemployment numbers and the grim outlook for middle/working class Americans

Lmao stop reading Yas Forums and start doing some real work.

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>it will create permanent positions.
A few, perhaps. But enough to make a difference?

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We need oil on this continent. If we want to deal with the China problem we can't have dependencies on countries we have to run tankers long distances from.

why do people celebrate giving jobs to mega corporations?

It isn't a narrative to say the Democrats the media the celebrities and soijacks on twitter are fucking over America in lockstep fashion over cooked CDC numbers to get back at Donald Trump.

If you want to be possessive, it’s “its” not “it’s.” If you want to sound intelligent, learn how to write in your own native language, retard.

A few seconds of googling says it takes about 35 people to operate a pipeline that size once complete. Huge opportunities for the 6.6 million unemployed who filed this week

>"D-dont look at the work h-hes g-g-getting done, we said ORANGE MAN BAD! and that's "our truth!" You c-cant question it!"

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>implying biden will handle this shit any better

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I believe in his lies because its fun and makes people i hate very angry.

>implying democracy is real

He hasn't done anything.

>We need oil on this continent.
No, we don't. We can and should live without oil. Any other mindset simply serves neoliberals and neocon warhawks.

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But that's dumb as hell.

And trumps bigly response is to make shit up on Twitter? Lol

>I believe lies because it triggers he libs xD
Nupol in a nutshell.

based leaf

>If you want to sound intelligent,
If I wanted that I wouldn't be on Yas Forums.

In less than 4 years of Trump we have gone from Hillary's TPP free trade deal with China to everyone being convinced that we need to move the supply chain partially back home and move the rest outside of China. This is BIGLY winning.

"Keystone" is a Masonic term, isn't it.

And a signal

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So because everyone else is acting retarded you're going to do the same?

>35 people to operate a pipeline
>6.6 million unemployed

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>everyone else is acting retarded
Are they?

>We can and should live without oil
Have fun being someone's bitch.

Lol that's how you shake an old, fragile lady's hand.

Give up on your pansy waiter job and bartending at the trendy microbrew, learn to pave roads and build real bridges faggot. American infrastructure needs upgrading.

I work maintenance at holly refining as a pipe welder. Or did. Everyone got laid off bro. There are no jobs. I’ve been shitposting and drinking for three weeks

What has Trump lied about?
Don't answer I already know what it's going to be. Something he said that he would do that gets blocked by the House.

>2 days before the hoax that led to the erosion of our rights

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Why do you believe immediately believe someone is telling the truth about their beliefs? The presidents job is to lie, cheat, and steal just like Eddie Guerrero.

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>Have fun being someone's bitch.
Because of not having oil? Nigger we can just use solar panels and ride motherfucking horses to and fro. If we really need oil for military operations we can just invade Latin America and use that as an excuse to kill off all hispanic people. Shoot two birds with one stone.

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You mean when he had complete control of Congress.

>>During his coronavirus press briefing on Tuesday, Trump said he spoke by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. “We’re all going to get together and see what we can do, because you’re going to lose an industry over it, thousands and thousands of jobs,” said Trump.

He literally made all that up bro

This. Learn a skill. Better yet, learn multiple skills. I'm out here making $36 an hour before overtime while everyone else is wondering how they're going to pay their rent.

Leaf, as our 52nd state you should be more supportive of your president.

it's literally a repeat of the Obama presidency for leftists
they had complete control, didn't do their ideological shit, then blamed obstruction later.
it's a charade

>it's a charade

Who’s even hiring right now? I can weld, fit and operate equipment, been doing it for 7 years and no one is returning my calls

>Who’s even hiring right now?
The grim reaper.

I know this feel. Got laid off from my job as a carpenter and it's been booze Netflix and Yas Forums ever since

While I don't disagree on the temporary part you do have surveyors, ROW clearing, dirt work, hauling, fitting, welding, inspecting, substation building, engineering, and mats needing to be manufactured by the timber companies. Many different people get a bite of this apple

Probably no one due to uncertainty at the moment. I got into the petroleum industry a few years ago because it's one of the few industries in the entire world that can sustain itself during something like what we are currently experiencing.

The job is 75% IT and 25% mechanical.

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Well a child molestation charge makes employers skittish

Yes sell our resources to China that much faster