He's our only hope right now
He's our only hope right now
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nope, he already censored and memory holed. No one even knows who bill hicks is anymore. It is up to us now.
A fat larping schizophrenic? No thanks.
alex jones is a deepfake
he not even real
Fuck off zionist shill
An alcoholic vitamin salesman? I'll pass
Hey, it's that vitamin salesman guy haha
Zionist controlled gatekeeper
He was really entertaining. I miss him, bros.
You've come to the wrong pizza parlor globalists
AJ is legit. anyone who says otherwise is a shill working for the satanic new world order.
i think that alex has seen more than what any other human has ever seen in their life and i think its fucked with his brain
Not typed in all caps=fake
ive never understood the idea that aj is a shill. dude is pretty based for the most part and hes been based since before people even knew what it was...same with michael savage (yeh i get it hes a jew but tell me hes been wrong on immigration once in the past 25 years)
he's a gatekeeper in a good way, like David Icke. They're more like Gate Openers imo
He has totally lost his looks. What happened?
Jews hate al and Ickey
David Icke did his part and mentioned everything and everyone, AJ does not.
Hes literaly pro patriot act now because trump is a good leader.
Icke has named the Jew many times, he's a bit out there but he speaks volume of truth with it.
You are a lying bitch.
Icke perpetually conflates native Terrans with the evil of jewry as part of a concentrated disinfo campaign by draconicucks and plebadians.
>Watch for the symbolism: eagle vs serpent
These threads are literally astroturfed by shills. Look at the 4plebs archive going back 2 years...
It's the SAME cut & paste stock phrases every single thread (doesn't matter who they're targeting: TRS, Red Ice, Fuentes, Alex Jones, Owen Benjamin, Peterson...)
>___________ is a Zionist shill controlled op Mossad gatekeeper schizo snake oil salesman
They only attack right-leaning ecelebs. Whenever a thread about TYT, Destiny, Contrapoints, etc. appears, suddenly these shills are nowhere to be seen.
It's also the same shillfarm behind all the "MIGA MIGA MIGA" spam.
He is emulating Joe Rogan.
Native Reptilians have been guiding the White Race since the Middle Ages. It's those faggots from Alpha Draconis that have been fucking everything up.
He's not a schizo just a snake oil salesman
We're going to build a mighty big space wall and Alpha Draconians are gonna pay for it.
i was sober all morning 'til i woke up this afternoon
Here's your contraops bro
>Alex Jones invited by King Plachacha of the plebadians for some prime 69 diccsucc
Has no one on Yas Forums ever discussed who the "crown families" are?
What a total faggot
I like jonesy. Never understood how some on here just hate his guts, he's not that bad.
All of those ecelebs are ziocucks. All of them. They deny the rise of white collectivist interests, are anti socialism, even if that means mere better social security, are pro status quo corporate oligarchic monopoly simply by parroting muh capitalism and disregarding the actual state of the system, with fiat money, debt economy and wealth redistribution with every market crash.
thank the baby Jesus I listened and cashed out my 401k in February and several funds and stocked up on ammo and freeze dried food.
I have a one year supply of food and supplements thanks to Alex Jones and thanks to previous regular use of his products and filtering my water, I'm never sick.
The only thing I get sick of are faggot shills who haven't figured out Infowars is life.
His lawyer even said he was a performance artist and that's really the only way to tolerate this idiot.
still no mention of jews after years and years of theories
he has been a mossad agent for too long anyone can see
>The South Branch of the Potomac River is as clear as bottled water here, where it rolls over a bed of smooth stones about 230 miles upstream from Washington. But there is a mystery beneath this glassy surface.
>Many of the river's male bass are producing eggs.
he's been right for years and still is. I can argue against anything you can cherry pick from his entire career.
no problem. which side do you want. I'll take either and win, mostly because of superior genetics but also for Brain Force reasons.
If I take you off Youtube will you die?
It would be most painful
You're a censored guy
For You
Literally shilling for him despite the mountain of evidence he's controlled opposition. That's the argument.
Some of us have known this for over 10 years. Catch up, son.
jealousy will get you nowhere, my island monkey potato nigger.
Salty NPC. Did you not recognize the input?
>t. Sebastian Gorka on a vpn
Lmao you're malfunctioning
Fuck all zio-cons
Jones has been right for years, and his supplements work.
I posted evidence for you, and the general narrative is that he's full of shit, so you're shilling the general narrative.
He is full of shit and a meme.
I took a few vitamins earlier that cost 1,000% less than the poison AJ sells.
Mark Dice (another controlled op) did an exposé on AJ's snake oil years ago.
Let's agree that you're right for the sake of argument. Alex Jones is right about shit. How? How can he be correct, and involved, and drop names, and make accusations, and used charged rhetoric, and STILL no one has even as much as shot at him? Well, there's a couple possibilities:
>He's protected controlled opp
>He's too physically powerful and rich in resources to be truly taken down
Which is more likely? Unless you wanna go with option C:
>he's a meaningless grifter nobody
which mark dice are we talking about here the only mark dice i know is a billionaire
>no one has even as much as shot at him?
not my fault you're blind
>NEW YORK (AP) — New York’s attorney general is demanding that conspiracy monger Alex Jones stop hawking phony coronavirus treatments.
>Attorney General Letita James’ office sent a cease-and-desist letter Thursday saying it’s “extremely concerned” by Jones’ claims that toothpaste, dietary supplements, creams, and other products sold on his website can prevent and cure the disease, known as COVID-19.
The conspiracy theorist
He was pushing Q tier shit in 2012.
he's a slobbering waste of oxygen little known e celeb trying to bandwagon off of Trump.
And I'm supposed to believe the court cares about his blatant gifting because? The videos are still online, his message still hit the followers behind his paywall. They'll shill it for him, no effort required.
He looks like he's about to arrest Heisenberg.
>Everyone in that photo is a faggot
Not helping your case.
funny he gets slammed on pol since he says and stands for every single thing pol collectively advocates with the exception of the racism and jews which would lose his entire audience real quick. hes even attacking q every day now as a psyop to make people passive while the global government surfaces
>haha le funny edit
are you a fag for liking shemale porn ?
I don't give a fuck what you believe, user.
It's not you that matters in this argument. The point is you can't refute that Jones is a target of the Bolshevik party, and not controlled op.
I give you evidence, and you can only say
>muh beliefs
so those lurking will see that you're full of shit, and Jones is a worthy source of information and water filters.
it's only gay if you make eye contact while banging sexy trap gf irl
They didn't push him out hard for nothing.
Still a lot of things he keeps saying are WRONG/FALSE.
Alex should be more careful and not so happy go lucky with his statements.