White flight is based and redpilled.

One thing many people don’t understand about white flight is that vibrant and diverse people need lots of services just to live. Buses, section 8 housing, social workers, all these must be in place before any vibrant diversity can find its way into a community. Only then can a community receive enrichment. White people know this, which is why in most areas, high density housing is banned and buses are only for seniors.

The threats made here in particular that “they will just follow you hahahaha” fall flat when you realize an incredible, expensive infrastructure is needed to maintain a diverse community, or to enrich a non-diverse one. Anybody who is dumb enough to post “deyz jus gwon foller yew” is just worried about more white flight.

White flight is based, redpilled, and works amazingly well. There is nothing honorable about staying in a diverse area with all the risks to your and your family’s safety, the higher taxes, and the feeling of oppression one must endure. Anybody who says that you need to “make a stand” is just a kike worried about his section 8.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Anybody who says that you need to “make a stand” is just a kike worried about his section 8.
If you don't make a stand, eventually you are going to have nowhere left to flee.

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I moved out of Chicago because I hated seeing buses. It was that simple.

There's literally nowhere left to run. Even Maine is being filled with Somalian's.

I live in a city and pray I can ice a fucking chimp that breaks into my home or tries to rob me so I can have a chilling effect on the local ape population.

Nope. Just leaving the enriched zones is enough.

Non-whites have basically no presence in counties with no Section 8. You’re just worried about the property values of your slum properties, kike.

Buses are annoying but the contents are dangerous, too.

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And what will you do when there is nowhere left to flee?

In one or two towns. In one or two neighborhoods.

Move away and the slumlords go broke. It’s that easy. They need you “bravely” sticking it out to pay for the enrichment.

Move to Wyoming.

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Have you seen how big the universe is?

flight to where you stupid piece of shit?

every country in the world has welfare for niggers funded by white productivity

wow jews are retarded


You keep repeating this but ethnic types have zero mobility. And they will never move into a county with no Section 8.

Look at a map of the US, most of the US is still over 95% white.

Big cities are pozzed as is the Brown. belt but everywhere else is so white that you can live your whole life without seeing a single brown person.

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Live on a mountain?

White flight is the answer. DO NOT buy property in diverse areas.

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Most of the US is still over 99% white. It’s not difficult to flee the hordes.

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filter the well then make it bacteriostatic

you have a pea brain at best

how did they get here to begin with? our government gave them free money and free transport here.
the government will just move them wherever we go

this is all beside the point, no one is going to leave their life behind to instantly start an economy in a remote area, your idea is fucking retarded and so are you


White flight already happens everywhere migrants go. Also in the Netherlands.

This. Not only will you likely lose money as blockbusting and white flight accelerate, but it’s a terrible risk to your personal safety. And if you have children it’s an even bigger risk to theirs.

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>White flight is based and redpilled.

peak cowardly lol. Only a little bitch runs away from their problems

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Tons of people already do. White flight is the single biggest driver of real estate sales in the US.

White flight terrifies you faggoty shills. You just wanna scream, LOL. We can tell.

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You’re a Jew living in an armored compound.


everything's a jew bro, from under your floor to on your roof. they comin to get ya.. they coming.

>You keep repeating this but ethnic types have zero mobility. And they will never move into a county with no Section 8.
>implying the Jews and their shabbos goys won’t move heaven and earth to chase you down

im gonna white flight to China, buy up property in Wuhan while its time to strike

Metzitzah b’peh

No, we can tell. There’s only one SA poster and you’re a kike.

White flight is based and redpilled. And it’s happening, it’s the biggest reason people buy and sell homes.

More people are selecting non Section 8 counties too. And the number of Section 8 counties hasn’t grown much in a quarter century, because everybody knows what that means.

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מיר וועלן עסן דיין נשמה

>White flight is based and redpilled.

keep running white boy, soon you'll just have sea water to your ankles. מיר וועלן עסן דיין נשמהlol

Bump. I chose this girl because she makes Jewish people seethe. Pretty soon Ukraine won’t exist, just Novorussia.

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Yeah but I can walk to the co-op and take a bus or train anywhere

It’s true that the MSM has an unfair agenda against everyday whites but anyone who thinks whites are oppressed or have life harder is literally so deluded it’s hilarious

>retreating forever is an option
Any faggot that's played starcraft knows you're wrong

Tell that to South African white farmers

It's called a pogrom and Jews are responsible for it.

The jews must really want whites to run away while their globalist machine and shitskin armies are burning to the ground.

The government will still import diversity to your rural, white areas. Look at Missoula, Montana or Portland, Maine. Those were nearly all white communities until the government and Lutheran Church organizations decided that they need to import Africans for their own altruistic desires.

This is fine, I will saturate the ocean around me with kike blood.

That was all done under Obama, Trump stopped the Section 8 migration. There were articles for it for quite a while.

Also immigration is down by *HALF* under Trump, and ZERO REFUGEES. He withdrew from the UN Refugee Compact his second day in office.

You're afraid.

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>when the last of the amalekites leaves town and your can only use brown shabbos goyim on the Shabat

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White flight means higher white birthrates, that's all that matters long-term.

It's also safer for the women and children.

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Bump. Striking out for greener pastures is a European tradition. It's why Europeans are spread right across the world.

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The whitepill is strong with this one.


>board jews are still objecting
It's too late, white flight is not only happening, it's the main reason why people in the US buy and sell property.

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White flight is no option when your government is hell bent on turning your wealthy area into a diverse shit hole and builds a complex for 3000 immigrants in no time... it doesn’t matter if your neighbor drives a porsche or if the school is good the government will try to undermine every nook and cranny and force them unto you weather you stay or go to the next locale where they will follow you shortly after.. you have to make a stand and end it because if you dont there is nowhere left

Yeah fuck off back to europe faggot

way ahead of you.
smell ya later

Kikes hate whites because we can literally *thrive* anywhere, under almost any conditions.
Self reliant, innovative and innately resourceful.

We don’t need this satanic-jew societal system to ascend to greatness.

All other races merely only *survive* when left to their own devices.

With the exception of Japan, when not being bullied by globohomo, they too strive for great things.


Europe's full of the genetic homebodies who never struck out for greener pastures. And whatever complaints people have about government support for brown people in the USA goes tenfold for Europe and Canada.

The USA is large and mostly empty. Non-whites are terrified of the woods, mountains, and desolate places which white people enjoy.

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Screencapped. Good op. But watch the nufag spacing.

This has been proved by the Orania settlement.

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Mountains work good for avoiding Basketball-Americans but spics are perfectly happy living there. Not sure about Asians but anytime I go hiking in the mountains, I run into some of them so they're probably not afraid of the mountains either.

The federal govt pays for them. The local cities are not allowed to say no.

I would white fly to Yulia any day

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Asian-Americans could count as whites if they stopped voting Democrat. Luckily they aren't present in large enough numbers to affect any major political outcome.

Trump's win in 2016 proved that the media program isn't working any more.

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That's not correct. A county must join the Section 8 program for any of that to happen and they stopped joining Section 8 like twenty years ago. Even under Obama the number of Section 8 counties barely increased.

There is strong local resistance to moving crackheads into their localities. Don't worry though, there's still plenty of enrichment and diversity and ethnic food in your pozzed up hellhole.

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She's a cutie and can carry her body weight in combat gear. And she has a crew of gopniks to do her dirty work.

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>White flight
Eastern Russia seems like a good place. I was in the past in SPB and Moscow, and one village in the Leningrad oblast. I never saw such a homogeneous population, even in Moscow and SPB.

Russia is a great place to escape, life is simple and the East is like the Wild West of the USA.

I hope to move there one day, or another country in the East. I'm fed up of the degeneracy in the West.

>white flight is based and redpilled

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I'm not in favor of leaving the USA, just making the brown parts browner and the white parts whiter. Non-whites have always been a political bloc, and with Trump's election we are seeing the emergence of a white, self-aware voting block which is voting for their own interests again.

Enjoy your tacos and falafel, city cuck.

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There is no white flight in white towns across Central America

The solution is integrating immigrants like America has done for decades with success.

>Central America
It's basically only leftists who are comfortable there and "white" has little meaning in those areas, for the most part.

Living in walled compounds in Central America seems to be a trend with people but the actual countries themselves are pretty much shit. You can live like a king in those places but government corruption will catch up with you eventually.

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Wrong. It's time that we stop being cowards and reclaim what is rightfully ours. White flight is cowardly, and is only delaying the inevitable if we don't take a stand.

The small city where i grew up near went from 68% white to 73% white in the past decade. Gentrification is based

>refugee asian-americans
>vote republican at about a 55% rate, successful business people, actually took citizenship classes

>first-gen asian americans
>vote Democrat at a 95% rate, less successful in business but have access to parents money and live at home, took diversity classes and learned to hate whitey (see sarah jeong)

I get you, but in my case the EU is doomed, and I'm not a materialistic person, I just want a peaceful, simple live, get a family, go on Sundays to church (might convert to Orthodoxy), and teach my children all the Red-Pill stuff I know to prepare them against clown world.

I don't mind of Putin and his party being the sovereigns of Russia, at least they care about their population (or more than most Western European countries), but well, let's see how it goes.

picture is from Primorsky Krai

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All white Americans have ancestors who struck out for greener pastures after getting tired of living as near-serfs, now that we're serfs again in our own cities we're leaving for the hinterlands which never hebraized and became diverse.

Very good show.

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