Thank G-d this random kike stuck his dick in the president's daughter, otherwise we'd never have his leadership in these trying times.
Thank G-d this random kike stuck his dick in the president's daughter...
Just ride the tiger man, its beyond the point where we can fight it anymore.
God bless God for these tests
you have to be a straight up demon to find that freak attractive
the whole trump family needs a good gassing
>you have to be a straight up demon to find that freak attractive
I'm like 99% sure he's the Anti-Christ
Big slimeball this guy
And his father robbed Germany blind, flew to NY and kept stealing everybody there.
Ivanka had a typical jew face before being reconstructed to look human.
>this random kike stuck his dick in the president's daughter
You don't know that
Jared Kushner briefs fellow Jews on the progress of White Boomer Genocide
looks like God himself sculpted his face specifically to trigger people into wanting to punch him.
Probably. I guess if you are the anti-christ it is a good idea to be close to power but not directly under the spotlight.
The Kikener family is a lot more powerful than the Trump family. They used Trump to put themselves into the government. Trump himself doesn't do anything but act as a spokesman of the Kikeners.
Just heard a commercial on the radio where it was a robotic sounding woman representing google thanking me for social distancing.
The time to stop this ride is now.
Does anyone actually like him though?
Trump supporter here. Fuck this cocksucker. I didn’t vote for this fuck. Get him the fuck off stage. He’s a squirrelly little fucking weasel and I can’t stand him. Donald, you listening. I hope so. You keep marching this fuck out we aren’t going to like it.
>she dated Tom Brady
>but chose this Jew over him
not even his wife
You'd think Trump money would buy a better surgeon.
Probably is a power thirsty cunt.
He’s not listening. Son in law is a very close position to someone. Kushner’s presence is pretty fucking grave to ignore. Mnuchin is a cunt too don’t forget. Loves foreclosing on widows.
This man is a homosexual, physiognomatically.
Did reports ask fair question
I’m wondering if there’s some secret joo code
Thank God this one-third term junior Senator from Illinois had black skin in 2008, otherwise we'd never would have had his leadership back in the day.
A lot more competent than Cheeto in chief.
You should be grateful.
I've been in a leadership position in the military. Fuck that shit. This is a damn power play. This kike wants to be in charge and will do anything to get it. So, what does trump do...he puts his ass in front of the camera during mass hysteria. He wanted it...he got it. Now, look at his face. Priceless. Being the President of the United States or any country in fact is not a fucking cake walk nor is it a privilege. It is a massive burden. Even Washington didn't want it. Hell, every real leadership..I'm talking about your dick sucking corporate manager...but real leadership position is a fucking pain in the ass. You have to babysit fucking everyone, you have to make decisions to not get your team killed and at the end of the day, after you successfully navigated your whole team through a mine field, they still bitch and whine about you. Fuck being a leader.
>I'm talking about your dick sucking corporate manager
Meant to say "I'm not".
This. I just realized that trump supporters were just shitbagz who vote against their own economic self interests.
We would unironically be less fucked with him in charge and you know it.
Do you believe those people onstage are leading or talking? None of these sniveling kikes are shot-callers.
Is he wearing lipstick?
I tell my dad this stuff and he never believes me. I told him how Kushner helped Trump get elected and how politicians and world leaders are just representatives and spokespersons and they are controlled by people from the shadows. I can’t jewpill him, it’s impossible. He just tells me to stop listening to Muslim propaganda. He is legit concerned for me and seriously thinks I’m part of (((ISIS))). It’s funny because he’s fairly redpilled on a lot of other topics. How do I jewpill a brainwashed indoctrinated boomer?
Doesn’t he own a building named “666” somewhere in New York?
Dude I'm not getting into an illuminati argument. I don't give a fuck. I don't care if they are "shot callers" nigger. I know that they are the one in front of the camera and the one who the public hold accountable. I may not have been the "shot caller" when in the military. But I was still responsible for how I executed the orders I was given. Get your ass up in front of a presidential presser and tell people that they might die from a virus. See how you handle it.
looking like Damien from the Omen isnt a qualification for being the antichrist
>some dumb fucking nigger who never had a real job is smarter than a self-made billionaire with a vast industrial empire
Give me one reason Obama became president other than "he black".
it looks like he's melting, what's his job again?
Cowardly way out
God what a fucking ugly looking jew
I don't know what you're talking about, Jared looked poised and confident up there. Believe it or not he's being groomed by Trump to handle big business in the middle east. Once this fake virus fiasco is over and done with you're going to see big things unfold with Iran.
Look at those soulless dead beady kike eyes
Honestly, I didn't like nor hate obama but he was only president because he was black (that's how he got the black and sjw vote) and his voice. His voice was calming and reassuring. I watch a documentary on this back when Youtube wasn't gay. Was spot on how his looks and voice attributed to alot of his positive character.
Is Yas Forums allowed to talk about Kushner?
Thanks for your service, corporal.
Explain to me why Tim Scott (R-SC) shouldn't be president right now. He's black and has a voice.
Here's the redpill on Kushner. He has a very high verbal IQ like a typical kike. He's able to speak for minutes straight without ever stopping and going "uhhh". Words roll off his tongue flawlessly like water off a raincoat. In that regard, he's very impressive. However, he looks like a soiboy cuck and has no charisma. Therefore people have little to no respect for him. Leftists at least respect Trump on some level becaude he has an authoritative presence and can stand up for himself. But when it comes to Kushner, they not only hate him but show absolutely zero respect towards him. Even a lot of conservatives thinks he's cringe. His verbal prowess matters fuck all if you're perceived to be a cuck.
Everyone was sick of the republicans and John McCain was a senile psychopath who picked a literal retard as a VP.
>positive character
>spent 30 years bitching about white people, despite them opening every fucking door for him his entire life, all the way to the White House
He looks like Tiny Tim with a haircut
The press conference convinced me to vote Democrat.
Tell him about circumcision and how he's an anti-semite because Muslims count as semites.
I know that feel. My dad is the director of a well-known Jewish hospital kek
I'm never, ever going to successfully redpill him
>a senile psychopath
>a literal retard as a VP
Good thing we didn't get one of those!
Did he solve the Middle East issues?
Ok, democrat. Keep us posted
terrific bait OP. all the shills fell for it.
Cringe, yes. But powerful too. Weak that Americans let themselves be ruled by jews. A country has the jews they deserve I guess, and America has the most.
Maybe thats why Netanyahu asked "if he was who they were waiting for"?
Checked and kek'd user.
>implying ivanka actually lets that scrwany little fag touch her
It's one of those arranged """""marriages"""" purely due to economic and political interests