EDIBLE INSECTS set to be approved by EU in 'breakthrough moment'


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and nobody will eat it because deep down we all know that if we buy this stuff they will take the meat away

not to be "that guy"

but you already consume bugs. its in multiple fast foods and pops


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Shut up faggot

Yeah so imma stick to pork and beef.

Lol then we can lockdown forever!

How much would it cost me to set up a bug farm this could be lucrative

you WILL eat the bugs, goy

Reminder that vegetarian foods try to emmulate the taste and texture of delicious pork, chicken and beef, not worms.

>Imfuckingplying antibodies provide real and lasting immunity
Not sure about this whole ADE thing, but SARS antibodies lasted 6 months to a year. Nevermind the ever increasing mutations.

Man, come to think of it I get way too upset at this. Let the bongs get certified for the herd, better them than us.

>Not sure about this whole ADE thing, but SARS antibodies lasted 6 months to a year. Nevermind the ever increasing mutations.
Obviously everyone would need to have their subdermal vaccine passport chips updated every few months or else an alert will go out to seize all their property and relocate them to a holding facility until they agree to accept their booster injections.

hahaha euro's are gonna be force fed bugs while your kids are raped by muslims

Covid-21 coming soon

Because the price of meat will be quadruple and unaffordable for most. Plus, there's all those extra bodies coming in from Africa.

So not meat unless you're elite!

>Implying they'll stick to vaccine passports
Nah, they'll get McApplezon to create the most trendy full-on integral identity solution to combat fake news, online hate, fraud and corona all at once while providing the most amazing convenient shopshipandpay™ solution you've ever used.

You have 10 seconds to give me a non-emotional, non-soi, over 100iq actual real argument to why eating bugs is bad when they are not poisonous and fit for human consumption.

macaroni and bees
stink bugrrito
BLT (beetle, larva, termite)
peanut butterfly
lice cream sundae

Cap this post and come back in 2 years bet this shit will come true

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You eat them exclusively then plebbit faggot

Wait, why will it suddenly quadruple? What has changed? Last I checked first world countries have a population growth problem, not the opposite.

Big nothing bugburger.
Who the fuck cares about 1 or 2 bug restaurants in the entire country living off the mentally retarded far left SÖYboys and "influencers"?
No other restaurant in their right mind will put ONE bug food on their menu for obvious reasons.

Theyre going into fucking overdive

He believes greenpeace whining will kill a multi billion worldwide industry for "muh environment" when it's a fact that we require meat in our pallet and switching out all meat with green would actually strain the environment even more.

Why do you even care?
Just shut the fuck up about it

based, gimme bug meal I can make burgers out of for 5 cents/pound



>when it's a fact that we require meat in our pallet

you require meat in your pallet? what does that mean?

How can people be this stupid? What new pandemics will arise from people eating bugs? Why is it so hard to eat the same food humans have been eating for thousands of years?

Europe's priorities.
No wonder Russia had to step in and save Italy from the EU.


Because gentiles living comfortably is anti semitic.

things are accelerating

>meanwhile in the EU bathroom

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They are here.

Expect new tariffs and taxes to meat worlwide. Taiwan has already banned the consumption of wild meat (the healthiest type of meat), plus with the vegan's push for ending factory farming, what's left? A few small family owned farms, which are being harrassed by the FDA and other organisms of that kind, and the private organic farms for the elites.

They literally all dried infects and pasta made with insects in Kaufland.

When was this approved? If feels like very old news.

a fucking leaf

>How can people be this stupid?
>Eat bugs like nigger savages and be happy about it

kill yourself my man

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getting nervous for your one industry sancho?

Holy fucking shit wtf. Autocorrect had a fucking stroke.

I wanted to say that Kaufland already has bugs on store shelfs.

Based macho man randy cabbage

I mean palette, english hard.

The world is slowly becoming like the Snowpiercer movie.

You misread that post

You forgot:

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You will when the food runs out and we go full Onions Green.
It's all over.

I'm a NEET. I have no industry, and no posessions to speak of. I just worry about the future of mankind and myself, but it seems every time I do I just get spit in the face by a retard like you.
Human's natural diet is meat, we are here to consume animal products. We literally cannot survive on vegetables and fruit.

Ah, i sure did, maybe just a newfag

hard to make accurate predictions on a per individual basis
if you take enough people and test them regularly you will end up with some having no antibodies after a few months and others having them for life (very few compared to those who just have it for years or longer)
this is because the cell lines that undergo somatic hypermutation do want to survive, the body however does not want to expend that energy indefinitely
how that plays out can differ drastically

There are people who test for many different antibodies and the US record is 93 and another in the seventies.
Most people just test positive for a few or half a dozen with a substantial minority having a dozen or one and a half different antibodies.
This can mean anything, however with those that almost reach a hundred or have many dozens, it's clear that their relevant cell lines either by base DNA have the ability to survive (be it that the body sucks at killing them off or that the immune cells themselves have a defense against getting shut off) or they acquired that through hypermutation (unlikely since it'd have to happen ~90 or ~70 times)
The antibody tests to get people out is a good idea.
Pity we can't use them to early test since it takes 7-11 days of active sickness to get enough for a quicktest, so we're stuck with really labor intensive PCR testing that has to be redone up to six times AND the swab has to be done at the right place at the right time depending on the progression of the disease (first sinus cavity, then for a really short time throat and at later stages only in lung secretion)

>why do you care what people do in their own bedrooms
>why do you care what people do with their own bodies
>why do you care what people are writing into government policy and spending tax payer money on
You best start believing in slippery slopes. You're on one.

what a time to be alive

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>We literally cannot survive on vegetables and fruit.
Plenty of people are vegetarian, retard.
Unless bug consumption on a mass scale unleashes a pandemic as pointed out, there is pretty much nothing to worry about. Carry on eating meat.

There's literally nothing wrong with this you reactionary retards holy fuck

>take the meat away

More like reduce meat production so that we're not fucking raping and destroying all arable land and forests

also you can be sure that antibodies to ANY corona virus utilizing ACE2 (almost all that infect all higher order vertebrates) infer at least partly to full immunity
the relatively easy explanation is physical (mechanical) and chemical
>tertiary protein structure is how the building block is exposed to the outside
>antibodies are structures which exposed parts are built to fit on stuff
all ACE2 might differ in primary and secondary structure but their tertiary structure will only differ marginal to not at all (polarity/electrons exposed to the outside of this very intricate machine/punch code analogy)
as soon as this is not true anymore the gene ceased to function (because after all the protein is made from the punch card material we call RNA and if it can't create a functional expression of itself, then well fuck)
This ACE2 receptor is shared among all higher order vertebrates and the reason for Corona ease to infect other species.
>the absolute majority of all zoonotic diseases progresses extremely mild, as is well established with all influenza and corona that is pet, human, avian or anything specific but infects other species relatively regularly
>bats are a danger because many viral particles exhibit a mostly temperate life style, not making them sick but under stress they will reproduce and might infect a species that eats them or is close to them

since the outside, especially the exposed part, has to be functionally the same across all possible higher order vertebrates, Corona has developed a protein that allows it to dock to it, there are few corona strains that do not possess this entry factor.

You are being that guy you fucker, it's not on purpose.

You get poop in your mouth when you breathe in a bathroom, now go eat shit and die


The level of shitlib and kike dishonesty is so overt and outlandish I don't understand why everyone doesn't automatically see it and reject it.

"Sometimes you unwittingly consume bugs due to uncontrolled variables in food mass production, therefore you must submit to consciously and willingly replacing your preferred meat/dairy diet with insects."

This is why people want to hurt you.

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in other words, the elite are going to continue eating juicy delicious steaks while the lower classes eat bugs like good goy slaves. gotta stop raping the land goyim!

and they barely survive through the cheese, milk, and eggs they consume. Not to mention that some people "identify" as vegetarian and consume fish too.

I know more than you, and probably more than anyone else on Yas Forums about diet and nutrition, I'm the guy that eats raw animal organs and drinks blood, you might have seen one of my posts before.

What's the best tasting thing you've ever eaten?

>sorry goy, the livestock are depleted because of the virus, but we have all these bugs you can eat now



I like bone marrow a lot. The front legs are very creamy, even raw, the hind legs are tastier with a little heat so they soften up a bit.
I have eaten bull's testicle which was nice too. Liver blood is very conforting too. I love blue cheese too. That's what comes up to mind right now.


lads the nightmare never ends, is this true suffering?

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Eat bats get deadly global Flu eat bugs get ?????

Hope it's cheap enough. Insects are a good source of protein. You niggers are unironically acting like overemotional women by saying "ewww bugs xD".
t. Yas Forums