Brit/pol/ - Sleeping Tradies Edition

>UK announces 684 more coronavirus victims today: Total death toll reaches 3,605 and more than 38,000 people have now tested positive for the infection as Matt Hancock warns there could be 1,000 deaths per DAY by Easter

>Persimmon directors give up bonuses

>Construction: coronavirus villain or saviour of the economy

>Mace and McAlpine furlough workers

>Wates announces staff furloughs and pay cuts

>Morgan Sindall furloughs 1,000 staff

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck ur homo general u literal anglo subhuman filth

first for jake yylenhoolehée

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I challenge you to a duel, brit/pol/ regulars

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he sorts by creation date, cringe

What you doing this weekend.

t. Continental

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What are we going to do with all this gammon

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thank you for your service

serbs are hot to m8

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reminder that this virus is a bioweapon and there will be no cure or vaccine.

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F Debenhams

fuck all

Thinking about going down the pub with my mates, maybe go see a film, then do a little shopping and...
Fuck off lads we're all staying in aren't we

Who ready for the riots?
You have less than 1 month to prepare.

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Shoving it up your fat arse you cunt.

whats your bdsmlr account

get tae fuck

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how's Belgrade treating you, Null?

Hope so. If it goes off, I hope it's fucking epic.


My old FWB has a whole host of respiratory issues and works in a care home. Should probably check she's still alive.

TK Max is going to be full of discounted loot when the quarantine is over


Normal lads. I've got an issue. My mother mother's employer doesn't want to see it as a quarantine and forced my mother to sign it as a vacation. What can I do.

Hauw you, yous are wee pricks

based, I love TK Max

Is your prime min gonna się od he's getting better?

Spending it with my wonderful wife from Poland.

he still has a temperature despite feeling better, which going by what infected people have said means its going to get a lot worse. i think he will get hospitalised.

Bill Withers is no longer with us.

t. Bully Boy

Oh no

>European leaders warn coronavirus could lead to the breakup of their union

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Extremely based:

Can Hanlon's razor be applied to the way the governments around the world are handling this chink flu, lads?

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Just don't pay in the first place, problem solved.

It's beautiful

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Its either a malicious attempt at culling people, or the Hanlon's razor postulate.

Red pilled.

"Help me Brit/pol/, I'm a Zombie! Please help by sending me BRAINZ!" - BoJo, Downing Street

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What a load of ambiguous shit.


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reminder that there is absolutely no evidence of this virus having a low kill rate. even with china's fake numbers, it still kills 1/5 of the people that catch it.

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Yeah saw this coming as soon as the backstabbing started. Both the WHO, the UN and the EN have shown that these "groups" are talk only, money sinks. And when real shit actually happens, stuff that needs a good response from those getting paid to respond. Everyone panics, blames eachother, and nothing has been done or prepared.

Nigel didnt want to leave because of this, but its hopefully opened many brits eyes to how shit the union is.

>could be 1,000 deaths per DAY
average age 79.5

>tfw no munchy boxes

Unironically. USA needs more British cuisine.

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How are you hapless shut-ins doing?

Tonight I shall be tasting Queen Margot... A bottle of spirits a week isn't bad is it? I really don't think that makes me an alcoholic.

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Who. Does. Number two. Work. For

Prey for bojo

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Working on the anime backlog.

>abduls 12” mystery munch box

Andy Burnham is a spineless yes man and his claim he would be tougher if he were in charge is laughable.

Mowing the lawns, going to be beautiful Sunday.

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I live in a white town not a wogville

>kills 1/5 of the people that catch it.
How did you get the denominator?

How much do they charge? I expect both at once, of course

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based and redpilled

>Hanlon's razor

Stupid name


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Posting here about how i wish i had a gf but not actually leaving the house all weekend, you know, just the usual.

Hastily finishing my memoir before I contract corona.

You're wasting your time pal, it's a robot.

Only severe cases get diagnosed you tit.
1million diagnosed cases probably means 10 million actual cases for 50k deaths.
Like 0.5% death rate.

Only about double your recommended units innit, and those units are on the poofy low side. You'll be fine.

nothing mate
being one of the lads a girl I know texts I suppose
got some ale in to get pissed on tonight
worrabout you?


>That anime
The number of times I fapped as a kid to that whore...

Wasn't there some Brit (or "Brit") who said "once you learn the recipe, you don't need the people?" Was it the Greek?

do you have any proof of these numbers? you nothingburgers keep repeating this line, but there's never any proof.

Attempting to buy weed. I have got as far as buying some bitcoin.

I shall also call my elderly mother in Spain and ask where the will is and if she has the number for a good estate agent.

>that whore...
Delet this

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you haven't proven anything either, apart from saying the chinese are lying. i believe this is man made, but i dunno what it is exactly, or what its purpose is

It was Rowan Atkinson.

You're alright, upside-down-russia-with-smiley.

>reminder that there is absolutely no evidence of this virus having a low kill rate

I mean... sure if you're fucking retarded and think the only people who have coronavirus are people who've been tested and passed for coronavirus

Is Rowan Atkinson Jewish?

so, no proof of your numbers? you're just as bad as the CCP. face it, this virus has a 20% CFR minimum and the uk hasn't seen a single "recovery " in over a week.



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