What is the Libertarian response to the CoronaVirus?

What is the Libertarian response to the CoronaVirus?

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Act normal because the virus is fake and shoot fearmongers in the face for violating NAP. No, I won't wear a mask.

in other words, a decentralized network of public health agencies would have reacted to the pandemic appropriately. The centralized FDA and CDC couldn't quickly respond until it was pushed through executive orders.

An anarcho-capitalist system of private regulatory agencies, and privately run quarantine/public health organizations would face no such problems.

Ignore this fake ass jewish hoax and carry on with your life.

>collective physical and mental well being
Holy fucking spooks. Absolutely unpraxeological.


billionaires who control the economy would pay the agencies to look the other way

Libertarianism is a invention by Jewish billionaires to make sheep vote for their tax cuts.

yeah mean, just like how they did this time around? Pretty sure all those congressman had no problem letting their friends in on the move so they could short the market.

Why wouldn't those same billionaires pay the FDA and the CDC now?

Decentralized systems have to be more accountable than centralized ones.

Incidentally, did you know the majority of FDA funding comes from big pharma via user fees?

Avoiding large gatherings, washing hands and being individually responsible in general especially if you're vulnerable

nice trips, but you used the wrong memeflag, /leftypol/ filth.

>you used the wrong memeflag
Nazism is another billionaire-funded ideology. See Ford or Bush's great great grandfather.



Hope you all die because your "private insurance" refused to cover you.

you're thinking of the "muh economy" neocons, not us lolberts.

Life insurance providers have already started kicking off asthmatics and people with other pulmonary illnesses off their insurance plans in anticipation of the catastrophes.

There is none, because it a libertarian world, there are no communist governments brewing coronavirus in labs

You feel sick
>Go to a doctor
>Doctor say it's Corona chan
>Doctor prescribes HCQ
>Buy HCQ at drugstore (no goverment roadblocks)
>Take it

Now go back to work

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do me a favor, and go to the hospital and volunteer your time with these folks.

Report back.

Your logic is as stupid as a faggot saying HIV is fake and continues to be selfish and reckless with that mindset. You can join the group of antivaxxers as well.

I'm all for people wanting to kill themselves or engaging in activities that has little to no risk affecting someone else, but your attitude is the exact opposite of libertarianism, hence the point of this fucking thread.

They retreated to their hive.
I've seen it, pic related

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Except there is no government regulation of hording and HCQ is in short supply. So you buy it on a mark up of 10000% and sale yourself as a sex slave for ten years to pay it off. You scream "Atleast the government isn't regulating the market" as five men train you night and day. After that you start a new career as a prostitute because now your stretched and its easy money and government cant interfere with your new career. you die of aids that you cant afford because prostitutes are cheap and you cant make enough money for the medicine.

Well for starters the lack of Intellectual Property means Big Pharma can't make your healthcare ridiculously expensive in general, so it would be decentralized and substantially more efficient.
Economic prosperity also means there's no reason we'd face supply shortages, and no IP means any idiot with a 3D printer can make some masks and stay safe without legal repercussions.


The Objectivists response....

>So you buy it on a mark up of 10000%
And all kinds of people who a piece of the pie establish supply routes and ramp up production, quickly bringing down the prices.
This is lolbertarianism 101, one of the most trivial talking points ever, cmon step it up.

HCQ is cheap and easy to manufacture in any drug company. It will spike at first but market pressure will make the price fall due to oversupply.

Only niggers in Africa won't be able to pay $50, but who cares.

Stay at home and don't infect others.

You do realize that its a free market that allows massive companies to gain so much profit they can crush smaller companies and raise the price. Big pharma would still exists because without government interference they would all create monopolies and destroy any new competition entering the market. Right now they already do that except they have the power to lobby and elect politicians that do the same thing while getting around monopoly laws. Business should always be secondary to national interest that the only way to stop massive corporations. To much business or to much government there is no free market that is a meme. As for shortages why wouldn't a company create artificial shortages to drive up demand like oil producers already do?

Stop moralfagging you loser

Yeah that sounds super profitable. Get all of your workers and customers sick.

Let 2-5% of the population die. More jobs by the end of this.

Faggots who leave their home who are supposed to be in quarantine put others lives at risk. The foundation of libertarian philosophy is

"the right to swing my fist ends where another man's nose begins"

Take care of your own family and people. Put your nation first. N before commie mentiond poorfags who didnt prep. I live paycheck to paycheck and I still prepped. Buying a little extra every week when this first started saved me and last minute toilet paper hoarding nothing burgers will get jack shit of help from me.

T. Classical Libertarian.

No its state power that allows big companies to crush smaller competition. Just use your brain. Private businesses cant "crush" anything, that word doesnt mean anything, but the government can impose fees and regulations too expensive for small businesses to comply with. In a freemarket the inly way to gain power is to provide things people like at a price theyre willing to pay.

all kinds of people? dude who the locals just randomly start building roads and learn logistics? Yeah the Grocery store guy will start producing your medicine and after sells it to hundreds of people and you all die the next person will buy it from another rando selling medicine from his garage. local cartels would be formed and they would act like drug dealers already do in lawless states. if thats lolbertarianism 101 no wonder its a dead meme.

Over 7-8 percent of the working population is out of work in just the span of two weeks you moron.

But the hype is fake. The variant of the virus that spreads rapidly from public situations is common cold tier. The deadly one is sewage/hygienic issue contracted.

Saying libertarians think the whole thing is phony is like saying we're anarcho capitalist. Shits just plain wrong and intellectually dishonest.

There isn’t one. It’s just “people would act rationally” which they wouldn’t. Or “the free market will magically fix everything” which it wouldn’t. Just like commies, lolberts assume 140 iq rational actors when they talk about hypotheticals.

>libertarians are anarchists that don't believe in federalism
the decentralized system we have today is inherently libertarian. The federal system is the agents of the states who are agents of the municipalities that are agents of The People.

Decentralized power is the most effective method for handling civic emergencies.

Centralized military authority is the final domain of the federal government.

The US data will be superior to your shit-tier Chinese system

>go fuck yourselves cucks

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Continue to work, sanitize everything, keep distance, personal responsibility. Hoard food and supplies for self early on to avoid needing to go out for things as more sick people clog up grocery stores and pharmacies.

No idiot you use your brain. The reality is we had a very free market when america was just formed. What happened? Those massive corporations hired politicians and lawyers to create regulations that favored them. What the hell would stop them from doing that all over again? Yes private business can do many things to squeeze out competition Walmart does it already by going into an area with competition reducing its prices so noone can compete. Then when everyone goes out of business raises the prices to a profitable level. There is plenty of way to destroy competition. And who exactly will protect the free market? I sure hope you do not say government because its decentralized and doesn't have the power too. Im sure companies will play nice, stick to the rules of chivalry and never do anything to make the market lean in their favor.

Decentralization is not inherently libertarian. If local government is using violence to compel people to shut down their businesses and shelter in-place, that's still a violation of the non-aggression principle

Shit their pants and die begging for $1200 dollars of government money.

No. It's always the government and its regulations that leads to monopolies. It's not the free market. The lie is that a free market exists today. It doesn't, and never really did. The economy everywhere is at least partially centrally planned and you get what you see, as a result.


I hope this crisis has convinced rightists that libertarianism is a meme ideology and is not worth considering.

The libertarian and lefty muttoids will continue sucking china's dick for as long as possible no matter what, so no change at all.

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Isn't that Trump's relief plan

Trump is the closest to a Libertarian president, so yes.

Oh right when america was first founded in near anarchic state and had to produce its own business and build up infrastructure it wasn't a free market. What they hell do you consider free? There was no price regulation and no state in bossiness for a hundred plus years. It wasn't until Lincoln that we started leaning towards protectionism and using tariffs. Exactly what laws were around in 1776 that heavily affected trade in america until the end of the cold war? On top of that since those laws and regulations didn't exists who do you think put them in place? Im sure the Rothschild didn't work on any regulation or hire lawyers and politicians in there early days. No they played by the rules.

The reality is in a free market with little regulation what happens is exactly what happened in america. Free market means business can trade and become powerful when they do they hire politicians to pass laws that lean in their interest. How would the free market fight huge corporations forming monopolies and influencing law in their individual interest?

Trump is the least Libertarian president since FDR lmao

nothing of any consequence. this was the nail in the coffin of that retarded philosophy.

>it's a sugar pill
>you have no recourse

Life goes on as normal because we realize the virus is not a threat at all.

With that said, I do think a discussion of what would happen during a significant epidemic would be interesting. I'm not entirely sure what I think the government should do or should be allowed to do in such a situation. The only thing I'd be willing to commit to at this particular time is I think it would be reasonable for the government to, generally, be allowed to force people who are experiencing the appropriate symptoms to not be allowed to leave one's property except to receive medical care.

>Those massive corporations hired politicians and lawyers to create regulations that favored them.
Wait, government intervention? Fuck off.
>all over again
People not being fucking morons and falling for muh government.
>predatory pricing
Then it would be profitable to compete. "Monopoly" only makes sense when there isn't free entry. A saturated market would fall into "monopoly" by your bumbling fuck standards. Even if predatory pricing is attempt, why make it illegal? It's their property and it's the customers money; no victim, no crime. Walmart is a publicly traded company so ma and pa can invest and reap the Walmarts profits anyway.

What would be the most profitable for those with power? Obviously price gouging and utilizing advertising to get more people sick.

Allow predatory pricing haha what a massive faggot. You think ma an pa can make enough money to support themselves and all their employees by trading Walmart stock. Haha what a massive faggot you are. One top of that pricing is irrelevant Walmart hires only the amount of employees that is necessary to run so when it runs everyone out of business ma and pa dont just lose money so does everyone they hire. All over again? of course they are you ancap faggot they have for 10000 fucking years whats going to change the next. Yes Corporatism is from the left the first retarded liberals that founded this country thinking you could run a state without fucking laws, guess what companies hierd politicains and made those fucking laws those faggots refused to make. BTW Im not Left. I believe in protectionism the same idology japan and the rest of the east has practiced sine the end of WW2 and what all of Eroupe used to practice that brought them to their superpower status before they all blew each other up like a bunch of faggots. You want a free market go trade grapes with monkeys in the forest you fucking faggot. Yes corporations are not nice and work within their personal interest and not the nations. Unregulated they will move all their shit to china and produce their avoiding taxes and taking jobs from Americans. Then pass laws that make all that legal if it isnt already.

>private regulatory agencies
because regulatory agencies have a play in an Anarcho-Libertarian society.

Who would be funding these "health" agencies while there is no pandemic?

That funny, Communism and extreme Libertarianism are 2 peas of the same pod.

1 up to Communism, because at least it existed in some fashion.

>Then it would be profitable to compete.
>what is barrier to entry
>what is Amazon
wew lad

Under a centralized government libertarian ideals are much more valuable than collectivist ideals. FREEDOM nigger.

Shot everyone who enters your 300 KM2 property with killer drones (because he has no authorization from you to enter your property during the pandemic)

And I hate libeterians.

If ma and pa are being screwed by Walmart, then they can recover that with Walmart stock. Walmart is just doing what capitalists ma and pa do just by being capitalists. People voluntarily going to Walmart is supposed to be somehow different than people voluntarily going to map and pa?
>That the right to cooperate is as unquestionable as the right to compete; the right to compete involves the right to refrain from competition; cooperation is often a method of competition, and competition is always, in the larger view, a method of cooperation ... each is a legitimate, orderly, non-invasive exercise of the individual will under the social law of equal liberty ...
>Viewed in the light of these irrefutable propositions, the trust, then, like every other industrial combination endeavoring to do collectively nothing but what each member of the combination might fully endeavor to do individually, is, per se, an unimpeachable institution. To assail or control or deny this form of cooperation on the ground that it is itself a denial of competition is an absurdity. It is an absurdity, because it proves too much. The trust is a denial of competition in no other sense than that in which competition itself is a denial of competition. The trust denies competition only by producing and selling more cheaply than those outside of the trust can produce and sell; but in that sense every successful individual competitor also denies competition. ... The fact is that there is one denial of competition which is the right of all, and that there is another denial of competition which is the right of none. All of us, whether out of a trust or in it, have a right to deny competition by competing, but none of us, whether in a trust or out of it, have a right to deny competition by arbitrary decree, by interference with voluntary effort, by forcible suppression of initiative.
Benjamin Tucker
Also, do you even know what the fuck comparative advantage is?

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