The entire staff of "The Outline" (leftwing "trendy" commie trash) has been laid off and are currently sobbing on twitter.
can gawker finally fuck off for good too?
I would tell them to learn to code but they've been pushing H1B's so hard and calling everyone racist for not wanting them, so that's not really an entry level option for them at this point. I guess it's off to OnlyFan for them.
Time to boot up the old "learn2code" accounts
They should have taken our advice and learn to code
L2 code amirite
Tell them to "Learn to Code"
they gave away all their safety net jobs to immigrants thinking lefty was the future too bad killary lost she would have killed them since they eat their own :(
Trump is too nice to these retards.
I don't see one learn to code comment in that thread.
Literally have never heard of them in my life or ever seen a link to their site. This is probably a big money laundering scheme but oh well
This, I’m disappointed. If I didn’t get permabanned for having a fake Maxine Waters account I’d be spamming the shit out of that
How in the fuck do literal who journalists get blue check marks?
Don’t you have to be someone of at least some note?
>How in the fuck do literal who journalists get blue check marks?
learn to farm
Did they learn to code?
Julian Assange never received a check mark but this girl did. Think of how history will judge.
>Trump is too nice to these retards.
Unironically this. For being the fascist dictator we’re told he is he’s pretty damn weak. At this point I want to see him snap and live up to the image the left has painted him as.
I don't think anyone in the media should make a living wage. It would be one thing if they reported facts and tried to be objective about it... that would be a valuable service, but now facts are only used when they can accessorize peoples' opinions. Worthless.
Reminder: the blue check mark is endorsement mark of twitter, it's not meant as a way to verify that you are you.
I wish he was more like Duterte.
this literally makes them a publisher
oh no not the journalists!!
twitter is a media propaganda platform
Implying that burners of coal will ever acquire their own resources
Learn to code is gay. This is something they will probably do anyway, and infect the already pozzed tech sector even further.
Want to insult them? Learn a trade should be what they should be told. Imagine the horror they’d feel actually having to work
happy now?
The eternal mick strikes again!
These guys have to right idea. Fuck that learn 2 code shit
Indians are just better skilled than you, mutt
It's real
Learn to lead blower
In VHDL and verilog
Thank you Miss BRAPPPP
women and browns in STEM are propped up by competent people constantly cleaning up their messes
Why don't just send them links to start their OnlyFans profiles. They keep glorifying "sex workers," so let's see them do it
Based. The Constitution should be amended to remove freedom of the press and journalism should be outlawed
Leaf blower
Autocorrect is a stupid bitch
I don't see how they can misunderstand this place more they can literally just go on know your meme. Like when they said imagine the smell means imagine the smell of raping a woman wtf who even thinks like that.
Boeing needs to be nationalized. No bailout.
What took them so long? This one doesn't even know how to use capitals.
Now this is the kind of news I like to wake up to in the morning. Thanks OP.
This is why we have a Ecoli outbreak from our lettuce every summer now.
Hey Pajeet, got any toilet paper? It’s not like you need it.
>Learn to code is gay. This is something they will probably do anyway, and infect the already pozzed tech sector even further.
It's what all mainstream liberal journalists spent the last eleven years saying to blue-collar workers laid off by Obama's promise to bankrupt the coal industry.
It's even funnier how journalists think it's literally a death threat, because that's what they meant it as when they were saying it.
Can you make this thread about politics instead of someone's suffering?
Funny thing is that until this point they probably actually thought that their employers really believe in their values.
What the fuck do you think politics is?
No. Journalists suffering is a good thing.
i think we should show some goodwill and offer them some kindly advice in these times. we should let them know that the option to learn to code exists. its the mature thing to do
God they are such scumbag liars
>I don't see how they can misunderstand this place more they can literally just go on know your meme.
Because it's not about understanding, it's about gleichschaltung.
Worded quite well actually.
9/10 statesman.
Not true in any instance in any job whatsoever. Indians belong in the jungles they come from. That is a fact.
>Based Department
>decline option
Poo in loo
Bump isn’t an exclusively Yas Forums thing even.
Based af
>Like when they said imagine the smell means imagine the smell of raping a woman
For fuck sake. I remember reading a thread they were all enabling each other on that theorised "love will win" was code for the holocaust
She shoves each head up her ass before it gets shipped out?
when did jean shorts turn into thongs
learn to cough
Sort of. Would have liked link so I can see responses. No will to scroll through all those retards whining.
>Trump is too nice to these retards.
I think he thrives on this shit
Oh, people can decline the redpill, and often do. They just get BTFO by reality, without warning as far as they can tell.
I mean they literally are real life caricatures at this point. Its utterly surreal. They basically self satire themselves kek.
Guess they can learn to code.
imagine the honk
>Like when they said imagine the smell means imagine the smell of raping a woman wtf who even thinks like that.
It's literally how the Nazi Party came to power, if you know their actual history and not the liberal rewrite where they pretend they never supported Hitler as a true progressive leader of the Weimar Republic.
Wait you mean the government slush fund money has run out and their artificially sustained business fails because people never really supported it in the first place?
Oh no that sucks