3M official statement to Trump:We are doing more for America by giving masks to other countries

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I don't quite understand this reasoning.

It's a threat

It's a hostage situation.
3M board members should be string up and publicly flogged

the free market, ladies and gentlemen

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The CEO's response is literally double speak.

He is saying if we refuse to sell to other countries, other countries will refuse to sell to us.

The reason we need to look to other countries is that our own companies are selling to the world rather than us. Not to mention, we are receiving less masks from 3M's behavior because we are having to outbid other countries.


3m is owned by the yellow jew, I wouldn't be surprised if the masks don't work in the first place

Wrong answer asshole.
Rip 3m, you had a good run

Ignorance is truth
War is peace

3M needs a cleansing

We're about to witness one of the few times in US history where a company is dismantled and nationalized.

Haha this.
Trump these fuckers, Mr. President.

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Canada makes the pulp that the masks are made with.

Why commie? You hate the free market. You want the masks? Outbid them. You want them for free too?

It's a game of chicken.

They're trying to gaslight Trump. And it's not going to work because Trump is the master of gaslighting

Yas Forums flip flops hard with their beliefs, usually in tune to how trump flip flops his'


Fucking kikes are at it again


I thought masks didn't do anything???

So you are saying up is down?

It's kinda like masks are no good, save them for doctors.

america first is not a flip or a flop

3M got DPA's on Thursday morning
You'd be upset if you got raped yesterday morning too
>Earlier Thursday, the White House invoked the Defense Production Act to acquire more masks with N95 respirators from 3M.

No, it's a whore screaming because she got raped

This is how you know we're going to war with China: companies are being chopped up and nationalized under the DPA

somebody explain 3M what export means

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Good. Fuck the globalist experiment.

Do they not have domestic competition?

Nice newspeak. I’ll die before I even take a free mask from faggot 3M. Fuck anyone working there.

Chop up the CEOs too.

May every executive there starve in the street with their children.

They're going after China because it's not globalist enough. High IQ, racially similar country that has implemented American System/National System economic policy [debt free money, closed markets, direct injection into production sectors for specific purposes].


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We get more masks as imports than we can make. If we say to the world "fuck off, every man for themselves", they will follow suit and we will ultimately have less masks

hmm you mean corporate CEOs are all globalists with no loyalty to country and no respect for sovereign rights or societal duties. Its almost like people with the most money have an obligation to return the money to the people who generated it through their labor output which central banks and census data aggregate into a Time Valued Money price tag on their self worth as a serf in modern economics.
true to meme flag. Never go full retard. Nothing is free about the market. Contractual orders are locked in for yearly quotas. Penalties and wholesale discounts for not meeting supply/demand metrics are usually in place.
>high iq. The average chinaman is a fucking moron. Only the dragon's head is smart.

There is only room for two superpowers. Kill one: China, America, Greater Israel
China is the obvious choice because of the reasons mentioned. They're G*DS bitch and they know it.

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I hate politicians and corporations with a passion

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The average "American", "Canadian", "Brit", "Frenchmen" is a nigger or part-nigger. It's not 1982.
The US is a superpower only because of its overwhelming stockpile of nuclear weapons. The production gap between the two countries is staggering.

>He is saying if we refuse to sell to other countries, other countries will refuse to sell to us.

The Philips respirators are made in the US, but their control units are made in Germany.
Hopefully Germany will blocks exports of those control units to the US if the US blocked export of the Philips respirators to Europe. - making them unusable to anyone.

And do you notice that only one superpower gets to have the "manufacturing base" at a time?

>The average "American", "Canadian", "Brit", "Frenchmen" is a nigger or part-nigger.
Don't got any nigger blood in me you projecting mutt bastard

Really? The Soviet Union had a manufacturing base. China has one because Western capital made the conscious decision to leave in order to grow. That's it.

Get paid cash so you can pay more people to make more masks. If you let the price increase Supply will chase it as well. Hell competitors will appear.

Based Dunning-Kruger Anarchocapitalist

For surgical masks? N95 masks are not made out pulp you retarded nigger

They're traitorous pieces of shit and our government is absolute garbage for exporting our ability to defend ourselves and absolute fucking traitorous faggots for having no plan for something like this, no storage of masks, nothing, it’s really depressing how shitty all these people are in government and business.

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That's true, user. I think there is more to the bigger picture than most of us here know.

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Oh no, how would we be able to manufacture a part???

It's called bullshit.

Nationalize 3M. They belong to the American people now. Fuck the (((globalists)))

It's a CEO crying for help. His Just-in-time game using cheap labor is over. Supply chains will crumble because goverments of other countries will retaliate 3M and divert raw materials to local companies.

The bigger picture is that capital wants to go where it will grow.

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>Yas Forums is one person


The control unit is the hardest part to make, that's why it's made in Germany.


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>Trump supplies Canadian government with excuse to begin nationalizing it's 3M factories

wtf I love Trump now.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not anti Han superiority in their own state. I'm anti-genocide. The Chinks are committing genocide and that's the line for me.
Break a few bones. String up some examples on pikes. Fine. Trying to kill entire people's is not ok.

This what happens when your politicians allow your companies to outsource your production of vital medical equipment to your geopolitcal rival. The US is so retarded that I could imagine us waging a war on China while producing military equipment in China.

They are just begging to be nationalized and forced to work at gunpoint. It happened before, see the Pullman strike.

We're being genocided right here, but you don't care about that because you're not White and the only thing you want is to agitate White men against an external enemy.

Somebody explain Hans how capitalism works

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> Trump is a pussy for not taking charge.
> Trump is a villain for taking charge.

This is sage as fuck. These people just want to say Orange man bad regardless of the action.

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You have no power here.

>We get more masks as imports than we can make. If we say to the world "fuck off, every man for themselves", they will follow suit and we will ultimately have less masks
I could sympathize with this line of reasoning if 3M weren't getting money from the trillion dollar bailouts (are they?).

Genocide isn't maintaining a racial hegemony by its very nature.

It's hilarious how America is revealing itself as an authoritarian socialist and military backed communist country just because of a flu

We're not fighting for your niggerfaggot country. First opportunity I'm killing here.

In other words, "let us jew around or America suffers the wrath of the (((Bilderberg))) set". Trump should should rape 3M's anus while the iron is hot, send a message to the rest of them.

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Lol thay just means theyll continue to operate elsewhere. They got factories all over the world not just china.

They turn statists the instance the free market doesn't have an answer.
And they started sucking Saudi cock the instance you flew some planes into their buildings.
They are just weak.

This is called high treason. Unfortunately, in this day and age, people aren't killed for it anymore.

>other countries will refuse to sell to us
Who IN THE FUCK cares.

Masks don't prevent the virus anyways. Please donate any masks you have to your hospital.

Sounds like commie talk to me.
Your kind will go first.

The entire point of the DPA is to suspend capitalism so you can better control your own production and supply lines in times of emergency. There’s 0 logical reason why suspending exports would lead to less masks being available as the entire point is to produce them domestically to begin with

yeah all the natsoc here are really hardcore ancaps

3M was basically cancelling state's orders and selling masks to foreign nations

The US probably imports more than 3M produces domestically alone.

Anything anti China is pro ourselves. You beat the drum of antiglobalism when China exists at all in this form solely due to globalsim.