Is tea good for you?
Is tea good for you?
fucking disgusting cant see your eyes soulless bug dye your hair red
Imagine the smell
Mutts law.
Let's stay on topic. I drink three cups of macha a day. Is that too much?
yes I drink it every night
that's the joke
That’s the joke
Chinese men are weak lying faggots , chinese women need real men like the AFRICAN BVLLS
It's important to drink lots of fluids during this pandemic.
Chiggers iz rulerz of the world.
regularly consuming warm liquids leads to dental issues. both with the teeth and gums.
thats why brits teefs is so fuckt
would bleach
Yes and redpilled.
Only from BEST CHINA
>I drink three cups of macha a day
fucking 90's/00's mentality liberal faggot
I guess you voted for Obama
I got banned for that thread, few days ago
yeah, no shit, that's the joke
Kill yourself you fuckin reddit faggot
Probably. I like mine unhealthy though. Cream and two sugars, please.
Obama did nothing wrong
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So you are the cunt who keeps making them
nah, I made only one
Nigger faggot
t. Unique individuals.
Nothing wrong with being one of a kind. But I'm glad we're not all unique individuals like you desu.
fug, someone stole my idea of the cut out xD
Tea? What sort of faggot drink is that? Go drink some strong coffee.
The adversity Hitler felt to the idea of the German populace mixing with the slavic...
One can only imagine the disgust not only of intellect, but also in peasant foulness for the idea of "yellow fever".
>mutts wanting to export faggotry yet again
god i fucking hate you people
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Good one, fag
Kek I know these girls... they love white cock
What’s new tho
>it goes in all fields
hot dude
it gives you cancer so no
Eimi... mai waifu
way better for you than coffee.
a great deal of chinese culture is beneficial and superior healthwise but their ideology got poisoned.
look at their work ethic. they're solid in a lot of regards but scams are not ok and a result of over population and getting bullied by russia by proxy.
I think the medicinal advantages outweigh the disadvantages, if consumed in moderation.
I like sweet Iced Tea dear
What are the medical pros and cons?
Dude stop posting things like that I might start cooming.
you haven't hung out with real chinese men.
you met lazy commies but also take into consideration that yellow fever douche bags ruined the acceptance of miscegenation.
kings and queens world wide used to marry each other. racial purity can lead to disease and poison ideology which isn't inline with the global community ideology.
>global community ideology
cringe and killyourselrightnowpilled
>UN flaggot
Based and southernpilled
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I would stick my dick so far up that yellow pussy
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Horrible shop job
would love to fuck this clean tasty slut
The only liquid I drink is the nectar from azn pussy
It has to be, just look at all these thirsty faggots
Your kind isn’t welcome here
That's the joke retard. Also pic related
Oh god damn
I guess I am thinking of tea alone without sugar. And especially the herbal teas. Plus the added benefits of caffeine in small doses.