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Other urls found in this thread:

It' for trauma and non-corona patients only, faggot.

Freddy needs a nanny because Freddy's been a very naughty boy

so, hospitals aren't overwhelmed, got it.

you sound desperate mate

I think they said its for the non-kung flu patients to take the burden off all the empty hospitals.

They don't want to treat trauma patients in hospitals that are overflowing with people that are infected with a contagious disease.

Its for:
>car accidents
>industrial accidents
Imagine breaking your leg outside running in central park, and getting taken to a coronavirus hellhole to die of septic shock and pneumonia.

>1 post by this ID



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una nadahamburguesa

I broke my toe in early February and just splint wrapped it with popsicle sticks because of this exact thought. fuck going to hospital

You sound monkey mate

they will be in a week you fucking retard

Any hospital would kick you out for showing up with a broken toe. I called them up when i broke mine and they laughed at me. Unless it's infected they literally won't do anything for you.

Doctors do nothing for broken toes you baby

Your not allowed to call it a nothing burger! Stop! Mods! This man disputed our corona-chang! Shut it down!

Cant treat patients if they don't exist. This entire thing is a hoax, they havent even shown the bodies

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How much would all the cost ?

they're treating the overflow of non-corona patients retard
maybe read some fucking articles before you post inane shit on this board you boomer


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>oh no, the backup capacity isn't immediately all used up
>how horrifying

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Each hospital has a covid unit. Just because lobbies are empty doesn’t mean there’s enough ICU beds, but your point is well taken. I do not believe the ICU’s are overstretched. I guess I’ll just wait 2 more weeks bro.

So far there are 3 threads, France, Canada, and Germany "USA stole your masks!!!" Berniebros are in overdrive today after coming back from a devastating loss

PA here.

The lockdown 2 weeks ago really did knock down the number of cases in my rural location.

We’re past peak and declining at this point.

The economy is totally fucked up here, but not too many chink flu cases anymore.

>Just wait two more weeks

this just keep waiting another 10 years it will be happening!!!

Look up any start of the year flu coverage
>"We are pretty much at capacity, and the volume is certainly different from previous flu seasons," Dr. Alfred Tallia, professor and chair of family medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Brunswick, N.J., told Time. "I've been in practice for 30 years, and it's been a good 15 or 20 years since I've seen a flu-related illness scenario like we've had this year."
Stop giving these shill threads attention.

you and me brother, we get it, all we see and hear from the media is fake, it's all made up. We're different though, we can see the truth, and that it is always the opposite of what we are "told", in this way they tell us the truth in a funny way.
stay strong brother, they will be coming for us, as we know too much and they are afraid. I have already started seeing them parked outside my house, they watch me all night, and when I go out to confront them they drive off.
I fear they will go beyond just watching soon.

>destroying your economy for a hoax
Good Job muricans.
You never cease to astonish the world.

coronachan isnt going to satisfy your dopamine addiction with instant gratification

They'll certainly charge us for doing nothing, though.

fakefags BTFO

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The hospitals are overwhelmed for a short while after a liberal news segment is over and the panic stricken public rushes to the hospital to get tested, with a 60% accuracy rate, most people test false positive and then magically get better because they never had the virus in the first place, hence the inflated recovered number. Of course deduce the Chinese numbers all together.

>its slightly worse than a normal flu season
>lets destroy the global economy for it

60% accuracy? based on what

This, and everyone has covid now

Are we already abandoning the idea that good guys are killing mole people under ground before they eat the babbies? I was just starting to come around too

What will you do when your mom dies of COVID?

you know the spanish flu lasted 2 years right? we're at month 4

We didn't shut the world down for Spanish Flu, either. So if we're still at month 4 of 24, we're retarded.

We. Are going. To. Die.

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>calling someone a monkey while hiding behind meme flag


$20,000 for a broken toe

So the goalposts have officially been moved from just two more weeks bro to two more years bro? Pitiful

And only 50 million people died

To get on the ship you need to get a corona test
That takes 2-14 days right now
Give it 2 more weeks

>hospitals that are overflowing with people that are infected with a contagious disease.

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The average intellect of a Trumper.

Good God, stupid people need to die.

>2 more weeks
It’s just getting sad now

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King Kike Trump wouldn't have sent it if not for the necessity. Prepare your anus the next 2 weeks are going to fucking suck.

go to youtube, search "citizen journalist hospital" and filter for today...see what other people are seeing about these hospitals

The whole point was for these ships to alleviate non-Coronavirus emergencies. Try not being so fucking stupid.

I guess hospitals are under capacity

kek. paul harrel. good vids

One of the hospitals in my city just set up a triage tent in the parking lot because of an anticipated surge in corona patients. We’ve only had 9 hospitalizations in total over the past month it’s fucking retarded

search empty hospitals and #filmyourhospital on 4plebs trend started on Yas Forums then spread to twitter
Elmhurst, the hardest hit hospital in America, is the Sandy Hook of hospitals right now, even though other hospitals are empty, the crowds seems to show up only when the MSM cameras are set up pic realted,

TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!

Dr. Smith" is a self-proclaimed, Medical Simulation Specialist, Smith is involved in medical simulation, and was part of this paper, published May 2019:
A Simulated Mass Casualty Incident Triage Exercise: SimWars
"A mass casualty incident (MCI) is an event that overwhelms the local health care system
shills are pushing the nytimes video of Dr. Smith video as proof, its really drill acting at Elmhurst

compilation of the Berlin empty hospitals video and a new video out of brookyn NY, "in reality as opposed to what the media is saying there is no lines largest hospital in Brooklyn NY, on Saturday March 28, 2020"
so with no surge of total patient admissions across all hospitals in NY they have sent all the normal flu patients to the remaining hospitals to concentrate them thier in front of the MSM cameras at Elhmhurst, in a real pandemic all hospitals would be non empty across NY right now,
more proof Elhhurst is empty except when mass media is there

Dr. Colleen Smith Simulation training

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>coming back from a devastating loss
coming back to what? kek. they can:
>vote trump
>stay home
>vote pic related

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When people stay indoors mainly, there's not a whole lot of trauma accidents.