Only hire white people

Fuck Mexicans fuck niggers they can’t even do a simple job without breaking other shit in the process.

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I’ve hired white people and they’ve stolen from me and they also did a very bad job at the work given to them.

Nail broke off in wood so I’m gonna have to take them all out and reinstall them at new height unless one of you fags knows a better way to fix it

it's because mexicans like taking shortcuts, which is a thing i really really hate about my race. can't speak on black people bc i don't know.

Yeah hiring white trash is just as bad.

Use screws. You could always try to shim the existing hole with some spare wood.

>white trash losing trash job to mexican

should i feel sorry for you?

eventually it will be you too, stupid

No honestly I blame myself. I shouldn’t have gone with the lowest bid

That's what your MOM said ...


This joke was sponsored by namefag gang.

White trash are still better then their shitskins equivalents. They may of stole but the shitskins equivalents would murder and rape your daughter. The average shitskin is like a white trash while the worst of the worst whites are white trash and the worst of the worst shitskins are psychotic murderers and rapists. Best still to never hire shitskins.

Fuck that. I've hired plenty of sub par waste of breath whites. Hire a GOOD worker who is RESPONSIBLE and has a positive WORK ETHIC.

>had to hire someone else to do a supposedly simple job.
what a fucking faggot.

But the jews told me that white people don't want to jobs so we need to import more immigrants.

>be cheap lazy boomer
>get shit service
what the fuck did you expect would happen?

OP is a mutt or jew don't bother. Who the fuck supplies nails to hold weight verticaly anyway. Modern tools use isn't for apes.

i have to go to court on tuesday for selling n95 masks at cost to whites but 20% markup to blacks. apparently this is illegal

looks like shitty quality goods there lad

Because there was never a white rapist/murder
Lmao take your meds, schizo

This is true.
>lived in Mexico

You have to go back

am i suppose to live in fear some mexican will take my job?
thats not how it works faggot grow up


whites have poor skill set, are generally lazy and will steal shit from you for buying drugs

that's harsh, good thing the demand was the determinant not the race.

Blacks would have to be working in order to shortcut.

>do anything right except suck joo and nog dick

Agreed. Illegal Mexicans will do shitty work for half the price of shitty white people work

I thought whites excelled at everything?! Including Rape and Murder? I'd rather have a "shit skin" who mind end up fucking up the act of malice

Maybe don't be a cheap piece of shit and things will go better next time. You bought Chinese pot metal and installed it with illegals. You expecting miracles?

Why do mixicans eat Refried beans.

They didn't get it right the first time.

nope white trash is just as bad

For starters, op is a faggot kike as usual. Twist the thing 1/8” past original hole and run a screw, faggot. Second off welcome back to the trade pro thread. If you don’t have an account with the lumber yard you can fuck off queers.

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Kill yourself.

That's the general problem of cheap labor. Those people don't have better paid jobs for a reason.

I hired them to pour concrete, I did the fence

it already has a roof dumbass why you putting up a new one. structurally unsound and massive waste of material.

blatant lie

the blacks doing a shitty job, okay their is some truth in that, that can slide.

Mexicans however have been the hardest working people Ive seen and do the best quality job/As good as white guys in their trade.

If you hired mexicans and they fucked it up, I promise you the next mexicans you hire will make it look great

t. worked construction for 3 summers with the same company in HS/college

I might notice it’s not centered

Concrete for fencing is easier than building the damn fence. Dig a hole, dump 2 bags, garden hose mix. You’re a nigger

Homeowner wanted the roofline to the new two story garage to match. Turned out great.

>I might notice it’s not centered
Most people won't, what kind of nail did you use that broke so easy,

Fill in the hole with wood filler or mix wood glue with saw dust and squirt in hole. That's what you get for not hiring your kind filthy white monkey.

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>hiring spics
This is why America is in the shape that it’s in

But you actually have to pay white people a fair, competitive wages and benefits, and they complain about things like workplace safety and unpaid overtime

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that's an anti-white slur that you used, anons

why are you so anti-white ?

how would you have learned your lesson other wise, spic enabler ?

>this post was made by le reddit meme squad xd gang

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Would white Mexicans like myself be your ally in the upcoming race war

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Use some 2-3" golf Tees as a splint. It worked for me when I fixed a door the other day

atleast be castizo fucking indio

Drill a new hole then you nigger

No you don't. Minimum wage and no benefits, and you'll still get desperate applicants.

Are seriously seetihing because of a missing screw, you sperg? Take your meds.

shut up nigger

It's what you deserve for giving them money. Idiot.


Hmmm you’d think that maybe race doesn’t play into someone’s ability to complete a task properly... whoa, what if we were just divided by dumb/smarts instead of white vs. color

Agreed. Sure there are white trash, but niggers and shitskins equivalent "trash" is 1000x worse. Just look at any gore website. 99% of the content is brown and black psychopaths

>unless one of you fags knows a better way to fix it
Sorry, I only do hillbilly construction, replacing my porch floor right now.
We wouldn't even sweat a job like that, just make it work and figure nobody will notice.