I only have 4 sticks of cigarettes left. I went to the store to buy a pack but they said cigarettes are out of stock and only essential foods are being supplied.
WTF? How are you cigarette fags holding up?
I only have 4 sticks of cigarettes left...
Other urls found in this thread:
Bought 8 of this things online. I suggest you do the same.
See the corner you addict fucks put yourself in. I hope you suffer. Not really stay safe, use this opportunity to quit
Forgot pic, and forgot to comment that i forgot pic. Jesus
Don't worry corona will kill you so you won't need more cigs
Imagine being on a roid cycle right now
I wish those were cheaper.
Dude just quit. It's not as hard as you think it is. I quit in 2012 after I saw personally the consequences of lung cancer and I had been smoking from 11 to 27 years old. It's gonna suck for the first couple of weeks, but you'll get through it. I never thought I could do it, but I did and was surprised how easy it was, it's 90% in your mind.
Now with Corona-chan rampaging people's lungs is a great time to quit.
>being a slave to the smokey jew
neck yourself for having a pleb addiction
I checked. They are only supplying food items online
Now this and the seeds shifts me back over into the “this is more than they are saying” camp.
Smokers get cranky when they don’t have thier smokes. I would think you would want to keep people clam, but set them off.
>current year
>smoking cigarrettes
>not smoking supreme cannabica
salt nics can have a high concentration of nicotine up to 50mg. go for at least 25mg as 50 is maybe a bit much. dont be some moron who goes for 3mg thinking its going to satisfy
lot of media scaremongering around vaping. but the problems are from the flavoring used by chinese or homemade juices. but get a name brand from a north american manufacturer... oh wait nepal i dunno then. but a legit vape juice manufacturer anyways and you will be fine.
I have the best quality hash with me nigga.
>Not essential
I hate the 21st century. Even POWs in the war got to smoke.
dashvape sent me an email saying that their supply may only last until May :(
Buy the nicotine gum, patches and drinks you dumb fag
alcohol is considered essential in Ontario at least
>smoking cigarettes when there's a virus going around specifically killing smokers
I stopped two weeks ago. It sucks but whatever
This fucking kek
faggot, should have start vaping
I have liquid enough till 2050
Are you serious? I bought a couple packs of cigarettes a month ago because pol told me it will be good for barter. I don't even smoke. It has only been like a week or so and you addicts are already going crazy? I'm going to be the jef bezos of this apocalypse
I will smoke. Pandemic or no.
Lmao at you
Send me few packs jew bro. I will pay for the shipping.
smokers are less likely to die from corona though
Full article:
My personal stash
I stocked up on vape juice. Feels good. vaping kills bacteria and viruses.
pic with timestamp or gtfo larper
Exquisite my french friend
marb reds are only like 20% tobacco.
Time to quit. Use the time and energy for self improvement. Pushups, Situps, and plenty of Juice.
>Le French Prepper
City fag here, just bought a carton of camel wides
Imagine not buying individual packs and not cartons
I suggest this.
Maybe you’ll realize you’re wasting your money and you’re a slave to a paper cylinder. Learn to deal with muhh stressss the same way everyone else does, faggot.
Nepal, 6 cases, and everything is going to shit?
He doesn’t cross the frontier everyday to buy a full suitcase
fapping? drinking? weed? everyone has a vice
Post teeth
they are extending lockdown for 1 more week from coming Sunday. I think it is really unnecessary.
I live in NC, about 20 mins from Camel City. Smokes are $32 a carton and we'll never run out plus I'm on a 90 acre farm with tobacco barns all over it. Sucks to be you city fags.
Post teeth
While inhaling 400 degrees can kill a virus, it also damages your blood vessels. Just smoke instead
Got me a carton.
the addition is more having something resting in your mouth than the actual cigarette. try plopping a penis in
With a little extra in the car
this. While dumb people were hoarding toilet paper. this is what smart people bought.
I don't think you can afford it nepal flag.
I'm holding onto them for a while anyway, you aren't desperate enough.
liberals trying to take away your freedom to smoke
what the fuck is a stick of cigarettes?
>he didn't quit smoking as soon as corona spread to his area
You're never gonna make it user. I already quite smoking like 3 or 4 weeks ago. My respiratory system and throat already feel noticeably different.
This. It’s a tough mental battle early on but it gets much easier after a month or two. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself.
Bought a big bag of tobacco, some papers, and rollers. I'm fine, and I'm weaning myself off to quit
I bought 5 packs 2 weeks ago assuming the lockdown will only last that long. Should had bought a whole case. And now we can't go outside our area (neighborhood) without a pass.
Seriously though cartons are a thing
Surprisingly my vape store is still open, but I live in small town Texas and despite a lot of businesses being closed or restricting hours a a lot of people are going on like normal and just stocking up on sanitizer.
Vape you dumb nigger, superior to cigarettes in every way. Literally 100 times cheaper.
Can’t you make a groceries pass and proceed to buy cigs?
If you’re certain to get controlled and fear they lecture you for shopping non essential shit buy some food too?
Wtf dude? Where are your fangs?
I've been buying snus and nicotine infused toothpicks. They get delivered. Quit smoking January 1st.
I'm never going to suck on that robot dick, faggot
>400 degrees
The fuck are you talking about, vaping is quite cool
The based poos at my local 7/11 are still open.
Everything normal with cig stacks in germany
Don't know. They have plenty here.
LMFAO you think cigs don't burn that hot? Are you a retard?
I don't think they will give me the pass because all "essential" supplies are available here. Just not cigs.
Great time to quit faggot.
Don't say you can't. I did.
based black AS user
same here, but I roll my own
All smokers are fags anyways what's the difference?
>I will suck on a paper and fiberglass dick and kill my lungs instead
If you’re a pack a day smoker, you can buy salt nic juice that will last for a month for literally $10. It’s practically free, and much healthier
Had all my teeth redone in superior glazed ceramic, I ask for molars only, the rest is for fags
>4 sticks of cigarettes
>red malboro
mah nigga
>tobacco free nicotine pouches with menthol flavour
You can get proper snus in stores in the US, no need to act like a faggot.
Also, if you tried vaping before the emergence of nicotine salts, it’s a whole different game now. Salts give the delivery and satisfaction of cigarettes much better than the traditional “freebase” vape juice.
I bough a can of rolling tobacco 3 weeks ago.
Only faggots don't roll their own smokes.
Are you living in nepal? You guys have 0 corona deaths while bordering china and having all those tourists. I bet living in those mountains with clean air gives you better lungs than your average new yorker or chinese, even as a smoker