Anyone else getting really scared of Chinese power?

Anyone else getting really scared of Chinese power?

>largest economy in the world at 27 trillion and growing at 6% each year

>most rapidly growing military with hundreds of planes and naval assets being added to their arsenal each year

>building loads of bullet trains and roads each year

>China used more concrete in 3 years than the US did in the entire 20th century (HOLY SHIT)

>handled the virus better than every other nation combined and successfully quarantined their citizens, unlike the US which is burning right now

>their leaders are the highest IQ communist thinkers in the world, meanwhile Trump is a retarded former TV host

Guys I'm really fucking scared for the future. Us Westerners are run by fools while China is run by a robust, strong, central government that doesn't fuck around.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The US military is a joke, if they can't even win against rice farmers in Vietnam, how can they win against China?

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>noooo america needs to rule the world so that we can brazilify every country, it's the end of civilization if we can't inject drugs and niggers into every corner of the planet noooooo

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They can't. Americans are dumber than a box of rocks and run purely on emotion. By every indication China's economy is more formidable today - both in absolute terms and relative to America - than at any time since there's been an America. $27.3 trillion GDP growing at ~6% per annum, rapid technological advancement, a competent, stable, and robust government, I could just go on and on. Meanwhile in America, the president is Donald Trump (yes, that Donald Trump), the economy is nothing more than a giant rent-seeking bubble, no technological advancement to speak of, and an endless low-grade civil war. In summary, it's a country of delusional idiots getting flushed down the toilet.

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Damn the Navy has corvettes.


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Zero chance they could invade. We have guns in every home. Rednecks will be the first line of defense. No chance.

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>muh redneck guns will work against an incoming ICBM

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those who can't make carriers, make patrol boats.

They don't have to invade, they just have to collapse you like what happened to the Soviet Union. Then every gun-nut sister-fucking retard will off themselves.

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>12 replies
>7 posts by this ID
many such cases, SAD!



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>1 carrier
yeah good luck dominating the globe with that single carrier changs

No blue water navy. Fuck Op go home

I have a feeling that this Virus will be used to reset the global economy, US will no longer be the #1 super power. The amount of Gov. debt, Fed money creation is going to break the levy by the time we're done with this thing. Perhaps even at the extreme, kill the USD as reserve currency.

>US will no longer be the #1 super power
Good. I look forward to the amount of kvetching that this will cause

No. They will try but they have no goal beyond destroy the west. Once they manage that their own people will eat them raw.

This chart is misleading. Chinese are still using cold war tech, and have no aircraft carriers. USA has fucking death laser gizmo bullshit that will vaporize you from Mars without you seeing it coming. I pity the red mist to be that attacks the US.


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Now show our worldwide naval assets

>baguette really believes China would use icbms against hillbillies

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congrats on entering the 50s Wong, see you in 70 years






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Imagine thinking we won't bomb those shipyards.

Boomer branch of service

A big tell was when Pelosi introduced a digital Fed coin, digital wallet. This was later removed but It will 100% be re-introduced in another "stimulus" bill which is really just the greatest transfer of wealth in US history. So if you interpret some of their moves, it looks like a reset with a Digital Central banking currency. this stuff USED to be tin foil hat stuff, then they tried it. These are things to transition to a NWO, mark of the beast's almost surreal.

You think you'll bomb them and they won't bomb you back?

You're thinking like the Nazis LOL, and what happened to them?

Cold war level garbage

China is 50 years behind the USA and won't ever catch up

US really has so few frigates and destroyers?
And not a single cruiser?

50 trillion economy by 2030!

>and have no aircraft carriers

Not at all. Even after the end of American dominance we'll still have a big enough dick to rule our region.

The rest of the world deserves what China will do to them.

The chynx navy is a joke compared to the usa

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the prospect of having a real rival again is kind of exciting but that's just me fantasizing about a type of war that will probably not be seen again anytime soon.

>Anyone else getting really scared of Chinese power?

Chinese battlegroup.
They'll have like 10 of these by 2030.

>Chinese power
HAHA!! Good one, Nigel Cuckberg.

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Forgot pic

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they have plenty of AEGIS Cruisers

>handled the virus better than every other nation combined and successfully quarantined their citizens
Kek! Faggot, Taiwan handle it better than any country in the world and we are living normally.
Fuck the CCP! Stay strong men of the West!

you have ZERO credibility, frog. go play in canada

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Why is Nipon not bulding up a navy

We are too far removed for them to really threaten us within the next 50-100 years.
Japan, The Philipines, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan and all the others near them though.. They are facing hard times.


>Talking about the former French Indo-China

If France didn't fuck up royally against Ho Chin Minh in the first place, American blood wouldn't have to have been spilled

>white nationalist and swastika tatoo
>maga hat
These people have no clue what they're talking about, and neither do you.

Now post what all of those "tanks" and "warships" consist of

Ancient Soviet tanks, MIGs and coast guard cutters are a great way to inflated numbers, China is literally a shit-tier nation that could be beaten in under a year by the US Navy alone


this is the only vessel that matters

China's carriers are ski jump and I would bet most of their other fleet vessels are trash too.

Imagine thinking China could bomb the USA.

fuck off chang. And anyway thinking numbers matter shows you know fuck all about military history


Your days are numbered, Chinese province.

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Why be scared of them when you can join them

nah submarines are they only vessels that matter and chink submarines are trash.

hi, china. go fuck yourself

>aircraft carriers
>24 vs 1
"I-it's so close.. look at all those patrol vessels..."

gg ez

No. The US would still win without nukes if it brought its entire carrier fleet. All Chink ships would be overwhelmed by air superiority. US is also better at detecting subs and defending against missile attacks. They'd suffer losses, sure, but they'd inevitably win and force the bug people into the continent. If they retaliated with nukes, even just a small tactical one, they'd get completely glassed, along with Russia and NK if they dared to do anything about it. The US would go full MAD, no fucks given. In the end, even when glassed in turn, it would still fare much better than the other 1-3 nations due to how widespread their population is. America's fucking huge. Yes, Russia's bigger, but nobody lives in Siberia, the largest part. And 90% of China is concentrated in the east. NK isn't even an issue. I expect some kind of retribution after the pandemic is over. Maybe sooner.

All you need to do is kick the door in and the whole rotten house will collapse

look at the eurocucks that support chinese because they know they cant fight anyone.
You guys made these mistakes in the past.

Keep it up. I cant wait to see our jets over Europe, in control again.

HAHAHA pussy ass niggers.

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>>handled the virus better than every other nation combined and successfully quarantined their citizens, unlike the US which is burning right now
That's a deception. China now has 21 million less mobile phone users. The truth is, they hid the severity of the virus initially. The first doctors to publicly speak of it were arrested.

The Chinese military is focused more on political indoctrination than training, I wouldn't be so scared of it, as long as we don't put women and minorities in charge of our naval assets, the west will maintain an advantage.

There are youtube channels dedicated to laughing at China's poor construction quality.

China's greatest strength is western bankers. Our financial cartels sent trillions in investment and uprooted vast quantities of our manufacturing to China. Trump is the only western leader taking any meaningful action to fight back.

Is this their 1 aircraft carrier?

>Anyone else getting really scared of Chinese power?

Follow me back to 1946. Europe is ruined. China is still a backwater. The USA puts together an alliance that allows everyone within it to trade goods into the US without significant trade barriers. This allows Europe to export their way back into prosperity after WWII. It gives them room to grow their economies beyond what their somewhat depleted populations will allow. In addition to allowing the free flow of goods, the USA becomes the security guarantor of the free world by using our navy to police the world’s oceans and enable the low risk (hence low cost) global trade.

But there was a condition. In order to deal with the US, you had to be on our side in helping to combat and contain the Soviet Union. Essentially, the US traded some of its economic/manufacturing capacity for increased security and strategic assets to assist in the cold war. Only one problem. We won. The Soviet flag went down in 1991, and we didn’t really make any changes to the world order. George H.W. Bush tried to reinvent the system, and we booted him out of office after a single term. Since then, the people of the US have voted overwhelmingly for candidates who focus on domestic rather than foreign issues. The system limped along for another few decades, primarily because of the USA’s massive demand for oil and energy resources.

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All fake numbers, they have fake cities that nobody live in while people live in poverty. Their gdp per capita is $8000/year. After COOFing the whole world with their disgusting hygiene habits, nobody is going to want to trade with them and they will be sent back to the middle ages (which parts of their country never left).


Enter shale. Since around 2007 net US energy imports have been in sharp decline because we discovered how to process shale into oil and natural gas. And boy, do we have a LOT of shale. The US is now a net energy exporter. Meaning we no longer have to give a fuck about what’s going on in the middle east. Meaning we can bring our troops back. Notice the international outrage over Trump pulling troops out of Syria? This is why. They’re terrified of the current world order collapsing. To drive the point home, for the past half century or so, the US has kept a naval carrier group in the gulf sea at all times in order to protect Saudi oil supplies. But more recently, the past few years, it’s only been there about 6 months out of the year.

We’re done protecting the world and getting nothing in return, as you can see by the foreign heads of state visiting Trump. Shinzo Abe knows he needs America’s help, so he brings a 500 billion dollar investment for US infrastructure and manufacturing with him. Good play. Theresa May knows she needs America’s help, so she offers to sail the Royal Navy’s two brand new supercarriers with US fleets, and offers to share intel from Britain’s intelligence services, who recently had their budget doubled. Good play. Xi Jinpeng… knows America is not going to help him. So he put everything on the table, from IP theft to the trade deficit to product dumping to North Korea denuclearization, all so we wouldn’t go in for the kill right then and there. Best play he had. Angela Merkel doesn’t know or doesn’t think she needs America’s help, so she shows up telling Trump “If you do this, it will be the end of Europe.” And he hands her a 300 billion dollar bill for services rendered. She didn’t bring anything to the table. Bad play.

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>pictured: Chinese "naval asset"

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>gun-nut sister-fucking retard
SEETHING brit cuck.

keep cryin, bitch nigga



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If we're going by power projection id say carriers, but in the grand scheme subs are the most effective part of the nuclear triad due to basically being undetectable until launch so if a war with chinks stayed non-nuclear I'd go AC but if it went hot I'd say subs.

Pentagon and NATO commands / commanders will practice information denial against American civilians and civilians in NATO countries until those civilians demand war with China.
Trump announced this using the anti-Chinese jingoism strategy.
virus=warmonger hoax
it's neocon bullshit
same stuff we got after 9/11 Christian Magic
This is the TJRW formula

>no supermaneuverability
>no thrust vectoring
this is pussy shit compared to an su57 or an f22


So where are we now? As previously mentioned, the US is the least globally integrated economy by percentage of GDP. We’re evolving into a global superpower with no global interests. It’s not a Trump thing. It’s a geographic thing. It would have happened no matter who won the office. But with Trump it’s happening faster. When we leave the world stage, the world will go back to doing what it did before we showed up to save them in the war. Namely, fighting over breadcrumbs. No other navy on the planet has the ability to protect the world’s shipping lanes, much less the motivation to do so. At current build out rates, the rest of the world’s naval forces combined won’t catch up with the US until 2263. China doesn’t even have a blue water navy, meaning they can’t operate long term outside of China’s sphere of influence. If we stop protecting the ships that China relies on for food, and for oil, and for sending us trillions of dollars worth of dildos and $30 microwaves that break two months after purchase, their economy, government, and nation collapses. This is even assuming the Iranians don’t initiate a war with the Saudis over control of the oil production infrastructure. Which they will if we aren’t there to intervene.

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LOL funny for a frog to complain about us losing to their colony that they lost even faster to.

they couldnt figure out catapults. Those planes have very limited payload compared to US planes.

... that sink when they ram a cruise ship.

you dont matter, have no valid opinion and couldnt protect yourselves from an invasion of polish girl scouts.
your time is coming, sven.

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so subtle. way to remove all doubt, shill

your mum eats dogs

China requires western materials and trade to operate and can't afford to make enemies with America or any of it's friends


What’s more: The US is the largest and wealthiest consumer import market on the planet, and since the Europeans forgot how to have babies back in the 70s, will remain so for decades to come. China NEEDS us to buy whatever they can sell, because they simply don’t have any other customers who can buy as much as we do. And the money they do get from us is leveraged into shadow loans handed out by the Chinese banks to anyone who can promise employment. Not profit, and not a working product. Employment. Because if people have jobs, their less likely to march into the capitol and hang their politicians. Remember the Obama stimulus package? 800 billion dollars, and all the corruption and wasteful spending that goes along with that kind of top down spending? The Chinese government loans out that much money every 17 days. And even that doesn’t work anymore. The average hourly wage in China has octupled in the past decade. They’re two times as expensive as Mexico now. It’s no wonder factories are reshoring in the US and Mexico. They know the end is coming. The smart money is already out of the country. They’re just trying to make it end in a way that their country doesn’t implode.

China only beats us on trade the past few decades because we let them. We’re not letting them anymore. Globalization is over. Free trade is over. The rest of the world riding America’s back is over. Atlas is shrugging. And to any Europeans here, I’m not trying to be mean, I don’t have anything against you. But you can’t expect a free ride to last forever. And you guys really, really shouldn’t have stopped having kids. Once your boomer equivalents retire and you don’t have the tax base to pay for their benefits or the young consumers to drive the economy, you’re looking at decades of stagnation, spending cuts, and tax increases. Incidentally, this is why the EU is importing migrants as fast as they possibly can.

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>what happened to them?
USA beat them. kek , nigger

imagine calling yourself a superpower in 2020 with no bluewater navy. likewut?

>muh corone infected aircraft carriers
>torpedo goes vrrrrrr

MAD only exists between US and Russia its pointless using it for chinks because theyd get nuked into oblivion while hardly managing to get a shot off

China isn't interested in you cuck country anyway.

>>China used more concrete in 3 years than the US did in the entire 20th century (HOLY SHIT)

Those hollow blocks from the videos?

>It still has a radar cross-section
How do chinks even hope to compete?

Not concerned at all, All Chinese naval ships are made in CHINA! lol they are just for show and will fall apart

Made in China. They cant do anything with a navy. They cant invade.

its not a fucking bong. How stupid are you? Ffs

don't forget they're a nation of insects that are completely disposable to each other and their own government

how much are they paying you to do this
have some dignity, user

>stupid bong assertion with graphic


>>aircraft carriers
vs 1
>"I-it's so close.. look at all those patrol vessels..."

Attached: america-butthurtSpecialists.jpg (594x530, 67.84K)

>7 vs 19

>2nd guy top row
>1st guy 2nd row
>guy with glasses in the middle
>9th guy 2nd column
>i counted only 1/10th of them
Did they take some neets out of the basement for a photoshoot?
Are they supposed to be scary?

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Nice bate m8
Anyone who knows thier dick from a destroyer can see that one side is a professional Navy and the other is basically a floating farmer militia for shallow waters

china lied people died


That new trade deal? Phase 1? Xi caved. Totally and completely. The enforcement mechanisms are enough to tip China straight into recession if they screw us over again, which means there's a real chance that China holds up their end of the bargain, unlike any deal any outsider has ever made with China in the past thousand years... so long as Trump or another trade hawk remains in office. On the other side, it shores up Xi's domestic position because if he gets replaced by some frothing tankie who massacres Hong Kong, their economy gets knifed. Normally you'd think that was a negotiated win for China, but China does not culturally understand compromise and mutual benefit - an action either advances the Middle Kingdom's interests or it does not. Trump, Lighthizer, and the rest of the team stapled China's dicks to the ground, so now the "action that advances the Middle Kingdom's interest" is learning how to play by Western rules in truth rather than just pretending and lying.

Every part of the deal is enforceable via tariff penalties. China has no wiggle room, and if they try their usual bullshit they can enjoy every single thing they export to their biggest customer getting tariffed - and judging by Trump's past actions, tariffed at however high a level the President feels is necessary. Moreover, their agricultural output is capped by the severe pollution of their farmland and rampant pig ebola, so if they try another trade war, their people starve. The only other country with a prayer of supplying them is Brazil, and now they have their own strong bilateral with the US to protect, as well as being an official Major Non-NATO Ally, which puts them in the same military status as, say, Japan. The rest of the world combined can't supply their pork needs if we stop selling.

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>Be China.
>Be Communist.
>Use slave labor to lure business to China.
>Make cash.
>Use cash to build EVERYTHING at once to shit Chinky standards.
>Business leaves China after everyone realizes they suck.
>Chink economy built on lies.
>All the shitty quality stuff they bought/built at once ages at the same rate.
>Chinks looking at Trillions in maintenance.
>Massive number of Chinks all retiring at the same time.
>Majority males.
>Population crash.
I'm thinking the Chinks got more on their plate than they're letting on.
No shock there - they lie. All the time.
Empty cities... trash fleet... garbage goods... morally and ethically bankrupt... bug people.

Accidents happen.

well ALL chinese subs are useless since they are noisiest in the world atm, some experts say they even worse than north korean ones (if it even possible) and in modern warfare it means insta death

their new destroyers and frigates are very nice tho

Just the AC alone wins that

Yeah China has such a rich military history of winning wars. They couldn't even stop the sloppy Mongolians

I think you need to get your eyes checked chang i see three, the rest are PT boats which are not blue water capable.

>canards on planes
>ramps on carriers
for everyone who posts chinese military equipment, u need to know that those man-eating escalators and sealable buildings were made by the same contractors with the same work ethic

Lmao, China's navy is about 200 years behind the US.

>2 social credit points have been added to your account

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Shanghai would fall within a week, American technology is so many levels above any other country its not even funny. All the chinese and russians do is lie lie lie.

Your paratroopers got BTFO and you surrendered like the little cucks you are.

We killed three generations of North Vietnamese men, fucked so many hook sluts that now viet chicks have noticably bigger tits and whiter skin than laotians, completely destroyed the VC, utterly, used the conflict to break the Sino Soviet alliance, then bombed them to the negotiating table where they signed a treaty that gave us everything we wanted.

The LITERALLY FUCKING YEARS AFTER WE LEFT a third war starts and the South Vietnamese lose. Somehow if you are French this = American defeat.

No wonder you don't hear about any big intellectual breakthroughs coming from France lately.

why did they invest in corvettes?

>Anyone else getting really scared of Chinese power?

kek no not at all

Only one of those two navies can cross an ocean


You guys gave up to the rice farmers first

>its not a fucking bong.
yes, you are, cuck

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I'm getting suspicious of online content being degraded on purpose. Can anybody else confirm that the Wikipedia app will not display full size images of any kind? Clicking on to an image gives 'this page cannot be found' and opening the file page isn't possible. I can give further examples if anybody else has noticed this recent phenomenon.

One ship blocking the strait of Hormuz and China would revert to the 1800s withing a few months.

This is a slide thread
Chinks know better than to attack America or our allies, they would have by now if they could but they haven't
I'm sure that the day Xi took office the DoD emailed him a video of a chink getting melted by a directed energy weapon or something to that effect

No need. They have ours at their service. Win win.

>Thinking China would be able to get their carriers close enough to the US Coast to bomb anything in America

The most the Chinks can bomb is Guam.

China doesn't have a military. The Chinese communist party has a military. US military members swear to uphold and defend the constitution. Members of the CCP military swear allegiance to the party.

Carriers are useless

i would pay to live that timeline

Take your meds, schizo.

This thread is being slid hard, keep posting about China guys

>patrol ships

This is a navy designed to protect local waters, primarily from lesser actors such as pirates or smugglers.

>massive destroyer gap

China has decided to not even attempt to counter US nuclear subs.

Probably a wise move as the world is just fucking over if those are activated.

What? Carriers are actually the least important vessel

>difference is mostly in patrol vessels
yeah rusty fishing boats are very scary

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They aren't if you're planning on bombing a country across the sea.