How bad are things going to get? How much longer will this persist? Give an honest opinion. Schizos stay out.
How bad are things going to get? How much longer will this persist? Give an honest opinion. Schizos stay out
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Consider this. It only took a few dozen cases to grow to this point. If we can't get it down to 0 it's just going to go exponential over and over until enough people are immune. But that point is when 70% of the population has already caught it.
What the authorities aren't telling us is that the lockdown is going to last 18 months until a vaccine comes out. They'll be clinging to power by a thread as civil unrest grows. The national guard is going to get involved once grocery stores start getting looted.
Q predicted this
Imagine the flu season. Now imagine that 100 times worse. Now imagine an invasion of hordes of meat eating aliens. Now imagine legions of angels of death breathing fire down upon the masses. And frogs.
Like that.
My guess is right wingers, gun owners, people who called out zionism/name the jew etc will be vanned by the military during a deliberate nationwide blackout in the US (and other western countries) while internet and cellular service is down. Q is in place so that these groups don’t freak out when they start seeing military in the streets, because they believe the elite pedos are the ones who are going to be rounded up. The massive increase in aggressive all caps shills recently lends itself to this theory, flaming anyone who is anywhere even close to the truth. But who the fuck knows desu
The plan of your long nose tribe is an economic and everything rebuilt as a corrupt authoritarian dystopian commie shit with technology way worse than the chinese social credit system.
*economic collapse
Angry and disenfranchised people begin descending on the city centers, or on logistical sites like airports and ports. Their angry invasion resonates in a distinct yet parallel way with people living in marginalized or low-income neighborhoods either inside the city or at its edges (graffiti crews, rednecks, truck drivers, drug dealers, sex workers, former-prisoners, pensioners). Ethical extremists of various ideological or subcultural persuasions operate alongside one another in the streets, united only by their respective unwillingness to police each other’s anger at the system (for better and for worse: anarchists, neonazis, soccer hooligans, gang members). The various social groups never synthesize into a larger whole, but simply move alongside one another, occasionally clashing with one another, but returning week after week to smash the glittering facades of the cities and attacking police and governmental buildings. Those who can’t make it to the urban centers block the roads and arterial infrastructure on which they depend, from outside. This heterogeneous alliance of ‘randos’ from the near-and-far hinterlands and urban ethical extremists repolarizes the political situation from top and bottom, rather than left and right.
Politicians, leftist organizations, trade unions and N.G.O.’s initially distance themselves from the confusing mêlée and denounce the violence. The crowds pay them no mind, owing them no allegiance. Realizing they have been eclipsed, leftist organizations have no choice but to tuck their tail and chase after the crowds from a rearguard position, attempting however possible to co-opt, manage, and eventually pacify them. College students and middle managers of all demographics attempt to shame and divide the rioters racially, sexually, geographically, by class, by any axis of identity they can, so as to better gain a foothold in the chaos. Along the way, the police will commit their usual heavy-handed blunders, which will (at first) widen the antagonism and expand the struggle, forcing the government to deploy the National Guard. When they reach this point, struggles will will either dissipate, or else succeed in fracturing the armed forces and inducing widespread social defection…
If status quo China domination is inevitable. US and Russia should nuke them asap
If USA troops will keep on coming to EU it means exactly one thing. Shit is going down.
This user seems to be right about it.
((They)) don't want smart people to be after all this shit.
Either they will remove us, or they will transfer us to some underground camps where all these human traffickers were.
Like come on, who would want to have only fucking retards walking on this planet ?
Be ready anons, trust no one but yourself, your gut feeling is the one, get guns, prepare a lot of mags, build a wall or hideout.
Best in forest, go full Vietcong style it was proven effective vs USA army.
Baddy bad
At the end of June 2006 in the State of Oaxaca, the occupations of city halls multiply, and insurgents occupy public buildings. In certain communes, mayors are kicked out, official vehicles are requisitioned. A month later, access is cut off to certain hotels and tourist compounds. Mexico’s Minister of Tourism speaks of a disaster “comparable to hurricane Wilma.” A few years earlier, blockades had become the main form of action of the revolt in Argentina, with different local groups helping each other by blocking this or that major road, and continually threatening, through their joint action, to paralyze the entire country if their demands were not met. For years such threats have been a powerful lever for railway workers, truck drivers, and electrical and gas supply workers. The movement against the CPE in France did not hesitate to block train stations, ring roads, factories, highways, supermarkets and even airports. In Rennes, only three hundred people were needed to shut down the main access road to the town for hours and cause a 40-kilometer long traffic jam.
I just want to go back to work. I don’t even qualify for NEETbux because I’m a student. Fuck.
“This business shows that we are not dealing with young people making social demands, but with individuals who are declaring war on the Republic,” noted a lucid cop about recent clashes. The push to liberate territory from police occupation is already underway, and can count on the endless reserves of resentment that the forces of order have marshaled against it. Even the “social movements” are gradually being seduced by the riots, just like the festive crowds in Rennes who fought the cops every Thursday night in 2005, or those in Barcelona who destroyed a shopping district during a botellion. The movement against the CPE witnessed the recurrent return of the Molotov cocktail. But on this front certain banlieues remain unsurpassed. Specifically, when it comes to the technique they’ve been perfecting for some time now: the surprise attack. Like the one on October 13, 2006 in Epinay. A private-security team headed out after getting a report of something stolen from a car. When they arrived, one of the security guards “found himself blocked by two vehicles parked diagonally across the street and by more than thirty people carrying metal bars and pistols who threw stones at the vehicle and used tear gas against the police officers.” On a smaller scale, think of all the local police stations attacked in the night: broken windows, burnt-out cop cars.
One of the results of these recent movements is the understanding that henceforth a real demonstration has to be “wild,” not declared in advance to the police. Having the choice of terrain, we can, like the Black Bloc of Genoa in 2001, bypass the red zones and avoid direct confrontation. By choosing our own trajectory, we can lead the cops, including unionist and pacifist ones, rather than being herded by them. In Genoa we saw a thousand determined people push back entire buses full of carabinieri, then set their vehicles on fire.
it'll basically be over by june
april will be the worst month and then we are over the hump
1 to 2 hundred thousand deaths in the us
which mostly over a month is a lot
compare to about 350k deaths from car accidents over a year
but mostly older people. its still bad though but... it's not apocalypse bad.
it will be a new recession like 2008, worse probably. but it will end just before it spirals into serious global depression.
the scar it leaves on human society will be that large gatherings will fall out of style and more people in the west will start wearing masks like the asians do, once masks become available again.
Some former MetalEurop employees become bank robbers rather prison guards. Some EDF employees show friends and family how to rig the electricity meters. Commodities that “fell off the back of a truck” are sold left and right. A world that so openly proclaims its cynicism can’t expect much loyalty from proletarians.
On the one hand, a commune can’t bank on the “welfare state” being around forever, and on the other, it can’t count on living for long off shoplifting, nighttime dumpster diving at supermarkets or in the warehouses of the industrial zones, misdirecting government subsidies, ripping off insurance companies and other frauds, in a word: plunder. So it has to consider how to continually increase the level and scope of its self-organization. Nothing would be more logical than using the lathes, milling machines, and photocopiers sold at a discount after a factory closure to support a conspiracy against commodity society.
Things are going to get really bad really soon.
There is no such thing as a peaceful insurrection. Weapons are necessary: it’s a question of doing everything possible to make using them unnecessary. An insurrection is more about taking up arms and maintaining an “armed presence” than it is about armed struggle. We need to distinguish clearly between being armed and the use of arms. Weapons are a constant in revolutionary situations, but their use is infrequent and rarely decisive at key turning points: August 10th 1792, March 18th 1871, October 1917. When power is in the gutter, it’s enough to walk over it.
Because of the distance that separates us from them, weapons have taken on a kind of double character of fascination and disgust that can be overcome only by handling them. An authentic pacifism cannot mean refusing weapons, but only refusing to use them. Pacifism without being able to fire a shot is nothing but the theoretical formulation of impotence. Such a priori pacifism is a kind of preventive disarmament, a pure police operation. In reality, the question of pacifism is serious only for those who have the ability to open fire. In this case, pacifism becomes a sign of power, since it’s only in an extreme position of strength that we are freed from the need to fire.
From a strategic point of view, indirect, asymmetrical action seems the most effective kind, the one best suited to our time: you don’t attack an occupying army frontally. That said, the prospect of Iraq-style urban guerilla warfare, dragging on with no possibility of taking the offensive, is more to be feared than to be desired.
I honestly don’t know why westerns don’t wear masks more often. Our culture is ridiculous
Take meds
We must consider two kinds of state reaction. One openly hostile, one more sly and democratic. The first calls for our out and out destruction, the second, a subtle but implacable hostility, seeks only to recruit us. We can be defeated both by dictatorship and by being reduced to opposing only dictatorship. Defeat consists as much in losing the war as in losing the choice of which war to wage. Both are possible, as was proven by Spain in 1936: the revolutionaries there were defeated twice — over, by fascism and by the republic.
When things get serious, the army occupies the terrain. Whether or not it engages in combat is less certain. That would require that the state be committed to a bloodbath, which for now is no more than a threat, a bit like the threat of using nuclear weapons for the last fifty years. Though it has been wounded for a long while, the beast of the state is still dangerous. A massive crowd would be needed to challenge the army, invading its ranks and fraternizing with the soldiers. We need a March 18th 1871. When the army is in the street, we have an insurrectionary situation. Once the army engages, the outcome is precipitated. Everyone finds herself forced to take sides, to choose between anarchy and the fear of anarchy. An insurrection triumphs as a political force. It is not impossible to defeat an army politically.
This is going to go until all the nothingburger fags have to shut up.
n times like these, the end of centralized revolutions reflects the decentralization of power. Winter Palaces still exist but they have been relegated to assaults by tourists rather than revolutionary hordes. Today it is possible to take over Paris, Rome, or Buenos Aires without it being a decisive victory. Taking over Rungis would certainly be more effective than taking over the Elysée Palace. Power is no longer concentrated in one point in the world; it is the world itself, its flows and its avenues, its people and its norms, its codes and its technologies. Power is the organization of the metropolis itself. It is the impeccable totality of the world of the commodity at each of its points. Anyone who defeats it locally sends a planetary shock wave through its networks. The riots that began in Clichy-sous-Bois filled more than one American household with joy, while the insurgents of Oaxaca found accomplices right in the heart of Paris. For France, the loss of centralized power signifies the end of Paris as the center of revolutionary activity. Every new movement since the strikes of 1995 has confirmed this. It’s no longer in Paris that the most daring and consistent actions are carried out. To put it bluntly, Paris now stands out only as a target for raids, as a pure terrain to be pillaged and ravaged. Brief and brutal incursions from the outside strike at the metropolitan flows at their point of maximum density. Rage streaks across this desert of fake abundance, then vanishes. A day will come when this capital and its horrible concretion of power will lie in majestic ruins
chinks all wear masks anyway and still spread viruses because they live like insects. we dont live like insects and dont need masks unless we catch a chink virus. whats your point faggot
In the subway, there’s no longer any trace of the screen of embarrassment that normally impedes the gestures of the passengers. Strangers make conversation without making passes. A band of comrades conferring on a street corner. Much larger assemblies on the boulevards, absorbed in discussions. Surprise attacks mounted in city after city, day after day. A new military barracks has been sacked and burned to the ground. The evicted residents of a building have stopped negotiating with the mayor’s office; they settle in. A company manager is inspired to blow away a handful of his colleagues in the middle of a meeting. There’s been a leak of files containing the personal addresses of all the cops, together with those of prison officials, causing an unprecedented wave of sudden relocations. We carry our surplus goods into the old village bar and grocery store, and take what we lack. Some of us stay long enough to discuss the general situation and figure out the hardware we need for the machine shop. The radio keeps the insurgents informed of the retreat of the government forces. A rocket has just breached a wall of the Clairvaux prison. Impossible to say if it has been months or years since the “events” began. And the prime minister seems very alone in his appeals for calm.
This, basically. In fact, in regards to my country, I already half expect my government to ease on the quarantine a good deal when summer has fully kicked in and, when autumn comes, it will be even worse than this first wave of infection. Shit's fucked until AT THE VERY MINIMUM next year. Enjoy your judeochink holidays.
>Our culture
okay chang
no one has to wear masks in the civilized world because we don't eat road kill and fry our shit in gutter oil
It is a nothing burger.
>oh no some retired people might die quick destroy the economy
There's way too many gun owners for this. Way too many right wingers too. This might happen in foreign countries, but they didn't need the corona virus to do that there.
>How bad are things going to get? How much longer will this persist? Give an honest opinion
Now, let me tell you why the Shanghai Shivers ain't shit, just a bad cold. Because the normal flu will kill children and babies. The Ching Chong Cough never does. There are 3 world wide coronaviruses in circulation, and they have been since forever, they just give you the cold. Give the Kung Flu a few mutations and it'll be just as harmless as the 3 others.Not even the flu, just a dry cough.
That's why I promise if you vote for me as President, I'll lift all bans on the first day in office. In this country, there's this little thing called freedom. We'll just ride this sucker out, like a cowboy into the sunset. A six shooter on the hip, burning forehead and a pile of corpses. It's called the american dream.
God bless you all and God bless America
As long as it takes for total economic devastation, that way its easier to bring in a global digital currency as a solution.
End times bad.
It won’t be over until we the people rise up and put a stop to this global, again, this’ll be end times bad.
Falling interest rates therefore have two fundamental consequences: the inflation of asset bubbles and the piling up of debt mountains. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin: for every debtor there is a creditor; every debt is someone else’s asset. Asset bubbles could deflate (if productivity increases), or else they will burst; economic growth could, over time, erode debt mountains, or else they will come crashing down.
Since 2008, productivity has stagnated across the world and GDP growth has been lower than in any decade since World War II, resulting in what Nouriel Roubini has called “the mother of all asset bubbles,” while aggregate debt (the total debt of governments, corporations and households), already mountainous before the 2008 financial crash, has since then more than doubled in size. The growth of debt has been particularly pronounced in the countries of the global South. Total debt for the 30 largest of them reached $72.5tn in 2019 – a 168% rise over the past 10 years, according to Bank of International Settlements data. China accounts for $43tn of this, up from $10tn a decade ago. In sum, well before coronavirus, global capitalism already had ‘underlying health issues’, it was already in intensive care.
Global capitalism – which is more imperialist than ever, since it is both more parasitic and more reliant than ever before on the proceeds of super-exploitation in low-wage countries – is therefore inexorably heading to supernova, towards the bursting of assets bubbles and the crashing of debt mountains. Everything that imperialist central banks have done since 2008 has been designed to postpone the inevitable day of reckoning. But now that day has come.
too long to read nobody cares about kikes and marxist larpers are faggots
people will soon stop respecting the lockdown as the numbers fail to materialise
Actually I want to ask this question but have a Venezuelan give me his full opinion. After all Venezuelans have more experience in civil unrest, high unemployment, high crime and societal collapse.
10-year US Treasury bonds are considered the safest of havens and the ultimate benchmark against which all other debt is priced. In times of great uncertainty, investors invariably stampede out of stock markets and into the safest bond markets, so as share prices fall, bond prices – otherwise known as ‘fixed income securities’ – rise. As they do, the fixed income they yield translates into a falling rate of interest. But not on March 9, when, in the midst of plummeting stock markets, 10-year US Treasury bond interest rates spiked upwards. According to one bond trader, “statistically speaking, [this] should only happen every few millennia.” Even in the darkest moment of the global financial crisis, when Lehman Brothers (a big merchant bank) went bankrupt in September 2008, this did not happen.
The immediate cause of this minor heart attack was the scale of asset-destruction in other share and bond markets, causing investors to scramble to turn their speculative investments into cash. To satisfy their demands, fund managers were obliged to sell their most easily-exchangeable assets, thereby negating their safe-haven status, and this jolted governments and central banks to take extreme action and fire their ‘big bazookas’, namely the multi-trillion dollar rescue packages – including a pledge to print money without limit to ensure the supply of cash to the markets. But this event also provided a premonition for what is down the road. In the end, dollar bills, like bond and share certificates, are just pieces of paper. As trillions more of them flood into the system, events in March 2020 bring closer the day when investors will lose faith in cash itself – and in the power of the economy and state standing behind it. Then the supernova moment will have arrived.
Where can I sign up to your newsletter?
Depends on where you live.
If you are in an urban area you are screwed. It will be like Katrina with no Houston to run to or to come help.
If you are in the suburbs and have prepped you might be okay if you can band together with your neighbors and can protect your block.
If you are in a rural area, plant a garden and be wary of the new liberal elite that just bought the plot of land own the way and thinks you should help them. Make sure they have something to offer you in exchange.
but a guy who does can get on an airplane and walk next to you in your country within a couple hours
Seeing as we knew masks worked in 1918...
I'm guessing at least 6 million dead in the states.
- Soviet Union
- China
- North Korea
- (Brazil)
- Venezuela
- Former Eastern Block Countries under Communism
- Vietnam
- Angola
The gamut of the left in imperialist countries – the Jeremy Corbyn-led wing of the Labour Party in the UK; the motley crew of left-Keynesians such as Ann Pettifor, Paul Mason, Yanis Varoufakis; supporters of Bernie Sanders in USA – are united on two things: they all acknowledge, to one degree or another, that imperialist plunder of colonies and neocolonies happened in the past but do not acknowledge that imperialism continues in any meaningful way to define relations between rich and poor countries.
And they believe in one or other version of the ‘magic money tree’, in other words, they see the decline of interest rates into negative territory not as a flashing red light showing the extremity of the crisis, i.e. not as the implosion phase of a supernova, but as a green light to borrow money to finance increased state investment, social spending, a Green New Deal, and even a bit more foreign aid. In fact, there is no magic money tree. Capitalism cannot escape from this crisis, no matter how many trillions of dollars governments borrow or central banks print. The neoliberals rejected magical thinking, now they embrace it – this shows the extent of their panic, but it does not make magical thinking any less fantastical. The trillions they spent after 2007-8 bought another decade of zombie-like life for their vile system. This time they will be lucky to get 10 months, or even 10 weeks, before the explosion phase of the supernova begins.
This video is the one bit of factual information amid the sea of everything else
The guy has the credentials and explains everything in laymen's terms.
It already peaked in Italy and Spain. Now we just enjoy 1 000 000 amerimutts dying and go back to normal in summer.
only accurate post in this thread
This is the best case scenario
Two weeks
Given the JIT system leaves 3 days of supplies within most major stores not including those still in shipment and orders preordained to said businesses in storage along the chain. I say you have a solid month of supplies before things start going to shit.
Italy started cracking around 24 days in. Give it another week unless the white man can steal all the third world foods. Already seeing government chimping out over medical supplies stealing their shit.
U.S. I'd say 2 more weeks. Italy is in danger zone.
The problem will keep getting worse. Nobody has any solutions. Soon the entire population of the board will be trannies and/or jannies. The virus thing will be fine.
who know, just kick back and enjoy the ride
>yfw kung flu hasn't even peaked yet
Pentagon ordered 100k body bags recently and were are *supposedly* only at 6k deaths so if some math fag can calculate the exponential death rate we can come up with roughly when this will at the peak and then assume it will take just as long to get back to 0. With all that said, I think there's something much larger and more significant happening that has nothing to do with corona so there's that possibility to factor in.
it happened in China you heard about Hong Kong protests anymore
>he bought into psychology bullsh*t
you made your own bed now lie in it
>the lockdown is going to last 18 months
>I just want to go back to work
>I don't even qualify for neetbux
>I'm a student
So going back to work for you means going back to school?
Fingers crossed that second wave won't be on the same level as the Spanish Flu
18 months duration, even if vaccine/effective treatment is found, there are MANY people who will need it before we stomp it out
Not bad enough to make things better.
For the us
By June maybe 100000 dead. By end of year maybe 250000 to 500000. Market doesn’t really improve till June, rises over the summer. Half of closed restaurants make it.
Next spring vaccine
Next fall hello more communicable h5n1. 1/3rd population dies.
Thanks for shitting up a perfectly good thread
What we need to look out for is mutations. The only reason we got ebola-chan under control is because she mutated into an asymptomatic version we were able to innoculate people with. But the virus could also mutate into something with even worse symptoms then it has. In reality, this is probably going to become endemic like the flu. It won't be the end of the world, but it will be lifechanging for all of us and set many new norms. Things like everyone in public wearing a mask and social distancing all the time will become normal. Looking at things like hugs and handshakes in movies pre covid-19 will make people cringe, etc.
thanks m8
I live in a small studio apartment in a shitty neighborhood. But I have guns and at least a few months of food. Am I going to be ok senpai?
Pentagon and NATO commands / commanders will practice information denial against American civilians and civilians in NATO countries until those civilians demand war with China.
Trump announced this using the anti-Chinese jingoism strategy.
virus=warmonger hoax
it's neocon bullshit
same stuff we got after 9/11
This is the TJRW formula
Global economic depression with 200k+ dying, we are going to become numb to the deaths, will take mid 2021 likely for everything to turn back to normal.
latest government projections from ontario
worst case scenario is if we do nothing
so thats not going to happen, we wont get the worst case scenario unless we totally go back to normal life immediately