Why is the alt right dying?
Why is the alt right dying?
Chong ching wong dong wing bong kong Canada ching ding fong wong?
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The alt-right never existed in the first place.
because it was retarded from the start. The sincere players of identitarianism, populism, whatever you want to call it; are still around. This old brand of autism and larping are falling out
because Richard Spencer is a Socialist
Dickie Spencer is far left now
Because Charlottesville, feds, and e-celebs. It was a fad comprised of non-serious people who couldn't take the heat. The kikes and their cronies are sad because their favorite Boogeyman is gone, hence why they are drumming up bogus reports of neo Nazis terrorism. The Jews are powerless without victimization.
It's just identity politics + American enemies.
It never existed I the first place you brainlet cunt
the only ones funding it were Yas Forumstards
Whats alt right mean?
Every "alt-right" (((figurehead))) is a glownigger.
>It never existed
Imagine being this retarded
Alt Right is a media-generated boogeyman used to scare and condition normies, and Spencer is controlled opposition.
>Spencer was once a political force
lmao... nice comedy
The "leaders" and "ecelebs" get called out for being controlled opposition so consistently that it's been decided to shut it down
This. It was always manufactured by the media to use a scapegoat. Only idiots followed along.
exactly, yet another failed operation run by incompetent idiots
The dissident right has no political power and no money to run to candidates. It has a lot of great thinkers, but that's about it. Until we have a George Soros type, our ideas--no matter how good--aren't going to get us anywhere.
Neo anglo mongloid forever btfo
It literally never did though
Corona virus
boomer retard
The federal government is having to withhold money from them due to lack of funds.
Based faggot, convert before its too late tho
The "alt-right" hasn't been relevant for about 3 years. What the shit are you even talking about.
Nice way to call controlled opposition made by the FBI to dismantle any nationalism and make a scapegoat for your failed government policies
Because all the ‘alt-right’ figureheads are big fuck heads that no cunt would even want to have a beer with
Kek did they crop the top of his head on purpose?
did you mean ‘autistic-right’?
Alt-right is fine, Spencer just got punched in the face and decided to go home and cry
Because it stopped being fun and got too blackpilled and miserable.
Because the alt-right is a group of known and verified retards.
been calling this fag plant ever since he showed up giving roman salutes for the cameras.
Can you really be this retarded
The Alt-Right is dying for all the 100 IQ basic bitches that got into it for the racist memes. That was Dissident Right 1.0.
The groundwork is clearly being laid for a more philosophically rigorous Third Positionism that has the potential to go much farther, by providing a coherent critique of neo-liberalism alternative to leftism:
>look, my shitty wokipedia written by an lefty idiot and approved by other lefty idiots says it exists so it is a proof
Kys, unironically.
They all shit their pants and crawled under their separate rocks after Charlottesville.
Now they just snipe at eachother like botchy women and come up with reasons why they should never try to do anything ever again.
The "altright" is a boogeyman created by delusional leftists. Anyone deemed guilty of wrongthink is either a nazi, incel or altright, which is all the same thing for them anyway
The term alt-right was very short lived and meant different things to different people. Then it quickly became a slur. Even normal people are aware of the JQ and demographics at this point. Which I always thought was the core of the “alt-right” and being “redpilled.”
A lot of things happened. It succeeded in getting the race/IQ message out to counter balance the retarded 'all disparity is due to white privilege' narrative. Beyond that, people are distrustful of probably fed plants like Spencer so it's more decentralized and not a movement. Also, Trump sort of sucked the energy out of the room. I'd say it served its purpose.
>"Why isn't our manufactured figurehead spook more popular?"
Get sniped CIAniggers. Will you see it coming? Haha no.
The term "Alt Right" should be retired though. Should be "Dissident Right" or something else.
Because the center moved to the right
You have redpilled discussions on immigration in loads of countries now, we have a hardline anti-immigration immigrant minister who himself is an immigrant (LOL) in a red-party coalition that hasn't tightened as much as the far-lefties would have liked.
The alt-right was and is a glownigger op.
This, basically. What was called the alt right I think was largely people mistaking an awakening as a movement. It was more like a mass recognition of the importance of ethnicity and how differences in intelligence impact success in a free market. In fact, attempts to make it into a movement may have been intentional attempts to corral and ultimately destroy this process so thank God they all failed.
because they're all jewish mossad agents peddling civic nationalism or libertarianism and a whole other bunch of gay jewish trash that people just moved on
quite frankly I'm glad the (((alt-right))) happened. it finally made me realise there is no political solution
only violence. all these people deserve brutal extermination. their loved ones need their heads blown off too
Mossad funding withdrawn.
Stop taking the bait you mong.
The term alt right basically applied to libertarians and an caps that were finally not being afraid to be racist. Now they’re all just fascists because fascism is correct and necessary
> Tightened
I of course meant loosened the policies
Eric Holder got his honest conversation on race.
Alt right is just fucking retarded as the left
He's a glowing faggot
Courts deny any sort of FOIA into his org and his rallys because he is controlled opposition.
Everyone is moving onto traditionalism and metaphysics I'm noticing. We've actually expanded who we are, it's gotten very strange. It reminds me of this picture I saw once wherever there is a white nationalist there are Indians or something along those lines
>the alt right is just a concept created by leftists
White nationalist === alt right. Not sure what you think you're accomplishing by denying reality
Because they are in power, which makes people weak and dull
>Once a political force
no he wasn't, stop lying kike we know hes a fucking glowie
Probably because wignat larping is fucking retarded, especially when a "movement" is ran by nothing but a bunch of grifter homosexuals in denial. But it's all your going to get with a bunch of autistic weeb NEETs who can only worship a father figure and not actually think critically.
I though you said it was dead? Borders matter now. Domestic supply chains and jobs matter now. Tribe matters now. Education, ability, skill, solutions matter now. Hollywood, consumerism, celebs, diversity, homos, global trade, greedy jews, junkies, whores, border jumpers, getting checked. NBA is kill. NFL is kill. Biden and Bernie are kill. Everything the alt-right advocates is happening our way and we are still here. We have taken your best shot and we are still here, now it is time for us to pay it back. Send a check to Heimbach, Kessler & Associates dey goo bois now and need ADL gibs. Dey aint gunna doo nuthing no mo.
Says the journo while his entire "profession" dies out during the crisis.
Spencer was never a “political force”. He let some retard FBI agent carry a Nazi Flag all around the place. Perfect Incompetence, which is hard to achieve.
The main reason is that the entire movement was made up of autists on the internet who fell for rebranded neo-Nazi propaganda. It also never had any real world presence besides really cringe groups such as Identity Europa / American Identity or American Renaissance.
There's also that the leadership has always been as slippery as the kikes they fight. Their entire purpose has been to constantly smash the outrage button in your brain to maintain views, memberships, and so on. They have no interest in actually pushing for a movement or any real change. They all just erroneously expect for the American government to suddenly fall and everyone to suddenly snap towards supporting them.
There's also the fact that they constantly deny what they are.
>I'm not Alt-Right I'm Third Position
>I'm not a Nazi, I'm simply a 20th Century German Socialist
>I'm not Third Position I'm a Fascist
>I'm not a Fascist I'm a member of the Dissident Right
Doesn't matter if you call them what they've claimed to be. They simply worm out of being labeled so their ideals cannot be properly attacked.
There can't be a movement if there's 5500 different ways to identify the movement with everyone claiming a different identity based on who they're speaking to.
You also can't have a movement based on disingenuous lying to normies and then slowly ratcheting the narrative up more once they're further ingratiated. People instantly recognize that as cult-like behavior and dip.
Just white, thanks. We mainstream now.
The Right realized they were controlled opposition
true it seems that people like nick fuentes are leading the charge now, with their normie friendly optical approach
The same way right-wing movements always die
>christianity retardation
>conspiracy theory retardation
>worships jesus but doesn't look to jesus as an example of how to lead people
>doesn't take any hints from the jews on how to leads golems to a new ideology
>anti-science, believes psychology is bullshit
There are scientific and data-driven arguments for racism and jewish control, and nobody except 10 people on the entire planet know about them. Everyone else just thinks its some magic demon voodoo shit.
The alt-right formed because racism and jewish control were literally the only scientifically correct things that the right wing believed, and these ideas couldn't exist outside the right-wing. As soon as they left the core ideas of racism and jewish control, it collapsed. Because we realized there was nothing there that anybody agreed on. Once you take away racism and jewish control, there was no unifying mantra or ideology. That was it.
Spencer, being not a conservative at all, clashed with the conservative christian boomers that now infect this board with their un-intersesting room temp IQ conspiracy theories.
Trump killed the alt-right by turning it into "boomer christian conservatism but slightly edgier" and thus the movement was dead. Because conservatives are retards, they always have been retards, they will never stop being retards. The right-wing regressed back into its baby stages of white nationalism 1.0 and it will never leave this stage ever, without the activation energy of abandoning one of the hallmarks of conservative thought
1) christianity
2) conspiracy theories
3) traditionalism
at LEAST one of these cancers must be purged before the right wing ever leaves alabama-tier retardation
That's bullshit. In 2015 Yas Forums was proudly wearing the label of alt right because alt right just meant a Donald Trump supporter, then the media caught wind of it and Yas Forumsacks went "WE'RE NOT ALT RIGHT STOP LABELING US"
The alt right was Obama’s baby as part of his dialectic to institute marxist revolution.
Street fighting? Ready made honeypots to radicalize? Sourced extremist organizers?
The whole thing was a farce from the beggining with its correllary in BLM