The only reason the US has high numbers is because they’re actually testing. Theres nothing else special about their response to the virus. Literally every countries actual infection numbers if tested would be at the same level as the us right now in terms of percentage of population infected.
Besides that, china has like 21 million dead at least and an insane amount of infections. Thier official numbers are known to be bull.
So what the hell? Are people actually believing its hit the USA the hardest??
oh thank god, I'm glad our incredibly high numbers we don't have the resources to deal with may be outpaced by other countries, maybe.
Robert Hernandez
Those are the Trump haters repeating and amplifying their usual bullshit.
Brayden White
Dude for real, we are all fucked compare to you. We are hardly testing at all
Adam Ramirez
These people think it because they want it to be true, to own the big bad orange man. To them, wishful thinking is reality. That's how derangement works.
Jason Taylor
You are fucking full of shit. We have tested more per capita than any other nation
Xavier Perez
Where can I get those particular masks unwashed? Asking for a friend.
Doesn't matter really, its all old, fat, and worthless people dying. The only thing that fucks us is the economic impact of it, but I think there will be severe repercussions for the chinks going forward. This has awoken almost all Americans to the threat of China and solidified that we shouldnt deal with them at all in the future.
No, thats bull. Its almost impossible to get a test here in australia. They only test people whove been to china and select other countries and display harsh symptoms or have been with a confirmed infected person
Austin Gomez
>US is doing badly compared to other countries
naaah i dont think so, BUT the US is a bigger place than a lot of countries, naturally it would have more cases
Ryan Miller
You don't understand. Trump mishandling this is *not* a good thing from the point of view of anyone. If he had come through and really been on top of it from the beginning, he would have become a savior. This was his mcfucking chance to become the king he always wanted to be. Instead he devolved even more into his reality tv personality self. If it wasn't for Fauci we would be so goddamn fucked.
Colton Gonzalez
your news article doesnt change the fact they are barely testing anyone here
Colton Reed
The 21 Million dead is false news and impossible to hide. Stop spreading lies you aren't helping. America is doing so well for the same reason I stopped my walk early today, they are not observing the guidlines carrying on as if nothing is happening.
Ryder Morales
cope and sage getting real tired of you schizophrenics. every week it's worse now. your cabin fever is kicking in I hope the police Stasi come and put you out of your fucking misery you mong tard
Dominic Clark
Can't pretend every country has the same culture and density. Chinese and Italians should have been hit worse than Americans because they all live with their fucking parents/grandparents.
Brayden Hughes
Hey Chang has arrived!!
Andrew Lopez
This is what I've been looking for. Where to find more mask bras? When I search all I find are bra masks.
Trump hasnt misshandled anything. All our govs have done the same thing acting 2 weeks later than they should have and saying it was just a flu at first.
Stop being so closed off and isolated, the whole world isnt america
Ayden Russell
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Chinese shill
The absolute state of nupol. You're probably a Q Tard as well. Absolutely cringe.
Lincoln Foster
I mean, most leaders of most countries have been pretty goddamn dumb about this.
Elijah Long
Wasting masks for their tits, great job women.
Angel Morris
Okay Chang
Elijah Green
Yeah thats true and that’s why it sounds crazy when people try it lay it on trump. The whole world has done this. Its really Damn suspicious
Henry Collins
>wasting they're perfectly usable, please send them here
Ethan Evans
I couldn't imagine anyone handling this worse than trump- except that multiple leaders have been handling it worse. So I guess if we grade on a curve, well done trump. But otherwise- what the fuck.
Jayden Long
every woman should give up her bra to make masks imagine the lives that they could save! and we get to free the nipple to
Isaac Hill
The media has a vested interest in getting people to believe this. Anything that makes the president look bad.
Gabriel Powell
kek our back log of tests is like 17,000 at this point. the numbers are probably 5x higher at least. also since the governments multibillion dollar funded yearly agencies failed to prepare and then blamed 'hoarders' and others for mask shortages, etc you now cannot sell masks or other items even if auctioned so the free market can determine the price. without masks people are spreading it like crazy and our governments answer from Trump himself is 'wear a scarf over your face'. I mean yeah it's better than nothing but offers virtually no protection. I have a few extra 2 packs of n95's that I would sell into the market but can't because Ebay/Amazon banned all sales and I'd rather just keep them for myself if I can't get the price the market is dictating. I have less than 10 of those so not really a big fish but other people out there have 100's and due to government overreach and lame attempts at price controls people will just keep them off the market
Carson Stewart
Americans are retarded. If you want to see something incredible look up Democrats bragging about how they convinced people Trump didn't give them a tax cut.
Benjamin Evans
I can't even immagine the reality of it in India
Carson Wright
I have a friend whose liberal wife believes she didn't get a tax cut because her tax return was smaller afterwards, and her husband showed her how much less she paid in taxes overall and throughout the year, but she just shut down and couldn't process it.
You have no idea. Everything you just wrote in your wall of text has also happened in every other western country and continues. Thats the whole damn point. Theres no reason your infection numbers would be any higher than anywhere else proportionate in percentage to population.
In any case you’re not doing particularly badly and china is far worse off right now
Lincoln Garcia
>America is fine because every other country has it worse Did you hit your head?
Juan Ortiz
It seems leaders were tricked into letting this virus into thier countries under some plan or false intelligence that the virus was harmless and then told later that there actually was no plan and they just let their populations get exposed to a bioweapon
Dylan Watson
It is just a flu. Nobody is dying
Jaxson Foster
>tfw you actually have N95 masks but can't wear them in public because the neighborhood you live in is packed with spics and they'll mug you for it and then rape you if they saw you wearing one
Zachary Scott
look at our deaths. we have the lowest mortality rate in the world
Jeremiah Barnes
it's just shameful and exposed our governments and all our health agencies as inept. I mean our CDC and NIH who are supposed to be prepared for this shit instead have spent millions on studying drunk monkeys or how turtles go on treadmills and I wish I was kidding. plus the complete and total dependence on Chinese slave labor and manufacturing has exposed how fucking retarded our nations have become. imagine if this was 10X more lethal or we were in a war with China, how the fuck would we be doing then?
Jack Walker
Josiah James
The US actually is fine. You have better hospitals than us, better doctors, better access to the worlds supplies and better intelligence. You have resources the rest of the world doesnt have. The US will be fine utlimately
Its just bizzare that people seem to think that the US has been the worst hit and that they are no longer a world power. Thats commie propoganda for sure ive only heard it from brownies to be fair
Even if we come out of this "better" than other countries- we are still going to be in a rough place. Really rough. So many people will never recover from this. I say this as someone who is going to be 100% fine- but others are going to be FUCKED.
Thomas Rodriguez
Sure, but every country has been exposed to the bone. My country has been exposed as unable to defend itself militarily if there was a war, first by the chinese lighting bushfires across the country last year and now with the chinese infecting us, taking all of our medical supplies and shipping them to china and even shutting down our hospitals that they bought up before the crisis
Really, this kind of thing has exposed how weak we’ve all become and if we survive we will be a hell of a lot stronger
Wyatt Butler
I'll take a difference stance on this for the sake of civility to you miganiggers that seem to be permanent residents here now. I think there is a lot more Trump could of done but I will say a lot of the trash response is indirectly on him. The federal government been a bloated useless money sink and things like the CDC/FEMA could have been much better prepared for this, and while he's the boss, I'm not going to give all the blame for decades of the federal government being shit. I'll say he carries part of the blame for some governors like DeSantis, he like's his placid sidekicks, you have to guide them though in times of need because sidekicks in easy times don't turn into leaders in hard times.
Josiah Gray
USA is a big country with a lot of people coming in by plane from other countries and a lot of movement between and through the big cities. Of course it would hit the USA the hardest.
Hudson Wilson
Those appear to be Asian tits. Holy fuck I love chinese tits, with those black little gumdrop nipples. My last gf was Chinese and didn’t shave her underarms either. I found it sexy as fuck.
Matthew Nguyen
You're treating the US way too much as homogeneous and equal, by the end of this some states are going to be much more fucked than others, we have a lot of resources that most other nations don't but they're not distributed equally.
Eli Gutierrez
Same here man
700,000 hazmat suits stolen from australia and sent to china along with masks, hand sanitizer etc
To put that in perpective, that more than enough suits for our hospitals and our hospitals have 0. I dont think they were taken from retail
ironically the liberal states with huge urban centers are going to be hit the hardest first- but then the more conservative states are going to get hit hard and then KEEP being hit hard. Because they aren't taking this shit seriously at all. They gonna die.
Landon Wilson
>china has like 21 million dead at least and an insane amount of infections. source: my ass
I'm concerned that India could steal our high score. How can we fuck up worse, gents? We need ideas, and fast.
Samuel Walker
Ok Chang
Bentley Foster
Germany is testing like fuck and you guys are fucking choir boys compared to them. Also, muh jesus chrast made tha werld faw me mentality is going to seriously fuck your older generation right in the anus. Enjoy!
Jayden Collins
Yup. I'm in jew jersey and surprisingly we're taking a huge hit early but really holding off the deaths. I think a lot of solid red states will be fine just due to rural spread, but it's going to be the rust belt states that are really really fucked. Look how quick michigan is escalating because detroit is still densely populated and has no resources. The zombie cities of yesteryear are going to be cleansed.
Sebastian Baker
Based Lu Ping Xing. That's what you get when you privatise hospitals.
From where im standing it the chinese gov attacking australia
Fun fact, they also lit the bushfires last year
John Johnson
That's a bit rich mate
Dylan Wright
oh fuck, you are so right. Big cities with crumbling infrastructure and hospitals are so fucked
Luke Perry
>34 nice edit. its 1 hospital
Eli Hughes
Literally, nobody cares about your irrelevant brown cct infested police sate of a country anymore gramps, especially when you can get arrested for posting on twitter there
Julian Perez
Not an edit chang, thats the original article
Jayden Williams
What's happening in NY has nothing to do with my life, we have 5 cases and 0 deaths in my county and that hasn't changed for days. they're probably in one wing of a nursing home, that's why they don't tell us.
US doesn't have high numbers, NYC does, because it's a 3rd-world toilet and their corrupt leftist leaders ignored the problem until it was too late.
Cooper Sanders
They're not looking at cases relative to population because they're stupid.
Aaron Mitchell
alright, calm down. fucking hell. All we did was kill your grandad in a series of callous military decisions, get over it.
Jose Roberts
Just to clarify this for you, his intentions are clear and he is shutting them one at a time throwing out corona patients on to the street
Joshua Sanders
Well what they haven't outright purchased they shuffle good globally via a network of Daigou to avoid tariffs taxes etc. Mainly because 95% of their state created products are utter trash. There will be a backlash from those actions in the form of revised foreign ownership laws in western countries for starters. It's about to all come tumbling down right on their heads.
Samuel Rivera
You might be right, the only country that tests more than us would be South Korea and (I believe) Germany. One thing that's special about the US outbreak is that half the cases come from NYC which is literally fish in a barrel for the WuFlu because of population density. That alone might account for the increase.
Ryan Walker
> trying to explain to a Portland progressive former coworker that tax returns aren’t bonus money, it’s the government deciding how much of your own money it wants to give back to you. >hfw
Canadian media is shilling how Trudeau is doing such a better job handling the Corona virus then the bad orange man constantly It’s pretty fucking retarded
Juan Young
take your meds schizo
Evan Baker
Who cares? Even when there were no cases in the US, they only ever attacked the US over the virus. Can barely find news about it in Asia/Europe.
Levi Diaz
The only reason the Italy has high numbers is because they’re actually testing. Yet mutts told us that it was somewhat our fault Also I've told you that you motherfuckers will die by the hundred of thousands Why wouldn't you listen
Testing was a meme, no one accomplished anything with testing other than losing billions on it making the WHO hand-rubbers selling test kits happy merchants (they ran a similar scam with swine flu vaccines in 2009, forcing member nations to buy more than they needed). South Korea's strategy was to use their extensive domestic spying they put in place after MERS to trace contacts. China's strategy was to do a military-style quarantine.
Elijah Bell
>Lowest mortality rate what a retard xd the plauge is simply top short and killed only those for whom ot was the deadly strike. It hasn't killed the long-sick ones yet
Easton Gonzalez
>masks Those are "masks" useless anyways Get some good shit for your doctors if you want them to survive
It doesn't matter that we test more. All that matters is the deaths. Our rates are getting shitty for a country that tests as much as us. It should be that it drops the more people are diagnosed and not dead, but that's not what is happening.