Brit/pol/ London Prices Edition

>UK announces 684 more coronavirus victims today: Total death toll reaches 3,605 and more than 38,000 people have now tested positive for the infection as Matt Hancock warns there could be 1,000 deaths per DAY by Easter

>Manchester United stars donate £3.5MILLION to their local NHS by giving up 30 per cent of one month's wages

>Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson teams up with other Premier League skippers to set up a coronavirus crisis fund to raise millions for the NHS

>Princess Eugenie delivers boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables to NHS 'heroes' at Hammersmith Hospital to thank them for 'everything they do

>'It is a message of hope for those who need it most': Prince Charles opens NHS Nightingale Hospital

>Two NHS nurses aged 36 and 39 die from coronavirus within hours of each other as death toll of frontline health workers rises to seven

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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bioweapon confirmed. HIV genes = even less chance of a vaccine and no chance of natural immunity after "recovery"

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I state for the record I would never do anything against our government, armed forces, police or private forces hired by said organizations.

My posts on here previous to this one have been purely fictitious and nothing more than locker room banter and I apologize for any offence it may have caused.

I am in no way stockpiling any sort of supplies and am following all Covid-19 regulations issued forth by the government.

My IP is my digital Signature and everything I have stated here is true and may be used as evidence with my total and unwavering consent.

>>Manchester United stars donate £3.5MILLION to their local NHS by giving up 30 per cent of one month's wages
Cor, absolute heroes, but i'm worried about how they will survive lockdown on just £8million for the month.

One time I was in Worcester and had full english; nice lads, I really loved it.

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>those prices
fucking hipster coffee shops
i can picture the staff in my head right now.
three blue-haired dykes and a ginger-stubbled chinlet dressed like a sailor

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Potion seller, I am going to Tesco, and I need your strongest potions.

Are you a bot?

Lads I was gearing up to buy a flat in London to save myself the commute but right now I'm very glad to be out in the Home Counties
Even after all this shit is over, do I really want to potentially get trapped in there surrounded by diversity the next time a Made in China killer bioweapon leaks?

>bioweapon confirmed
by who random twitter chink ?

>Sunny and 18 degrees next week

Social distancing will end this week then

5.50 for a slice of bread and bean dip

>buying a flat in London

Are you typing this from 2007?

how fucked are things there ?

>tfw no games
>tfw football clubs have to pay millions for their players to sit around for 6 months
>tfw the clubs collapse
>tfw football is competitive again

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>pre recorded
won't it be out of date by then

jennifer zeng is one of the most reliable reporters on what's happening in china.

>flat in London
Might as well commit sudoku fren

Fingers crossed.

evening lad. hope you're staying sane

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i never realised you'd actually been to this country

But I can't afford a house
And I have too much driving to do

I will immediately watch football if they give them all a sword and shield.

Clapcels BTFO

should i watch 28 days later?

Cunts will stop Social distancing forcing the gov to crack down harder and I wont even be able to walk the fucking dog anymore.

Pick one

May God have mercy on are poor premiership baller lads. I'm not sure how they will survive after giving away so much of their wealth so generously. Maybe we should start a Gofundme for them.

i saw a video you might like user

>flat in London
Lmao, co-worker was going to do that but intelligently bought a big house in the country. Best decision she says.

If gov doesn't crackdown, I will.

I wish the memevirus was half as deadly as you always try to make it out to be. At least then I could understand the to Tories cooping us up inside and restricting our freedoms while beating us over the head with RNHS. I genuinely wish this stupid fucking virus was that bad.

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wait 3 weeks and you can live it

Only if you like black birds lad

watch Await Further Instructions

Watch Doomsday 2008.
>disease shows up in Scotland
>Hadrian's wall re-built
>keep the Scots contained

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so pretty fucked then
Good riddance, cunt.

Have you went insane form being locked the the house for 3weeks yet?

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Hello; barely
What do you want to know?
Why not, lol; that would have been pretty strange

Is it out of frame? Can't see shit, sounds sick though.

Anybody else more scared of the world's response to this virus than the virus itself? Immediate global co-operation and mass lockdowns. Something doesn't feel right


watch i am legend, or if you have netflix, kingdom

Neil Marshall kino.
Dog Soldiers is based as well.

>out of date
just what are you expecting? a running commentary in the style of Craig Charles?

I have no reason to post this

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being a shut in I don't get what the big deal is about staying in but the normies are crackin up

>Immediate global co-operation
Not really mate, theres plenty of countries that are being fucking retarded about this.

it is as bad as we say it is. read the research in the /cvg/ pastebin.
>causes brain damage
>neuroinvasive qualities allow the virus to hide in neurons indefinitely
>HIV genes allow the virus to disable your immune system
>causes organ damage even in "mild" or "asymptomatic" infections
>30% CFR outside of china, in line with MERS
>leaves men sterile and cuts their testosterone in half

has anyone noticed boris is shallow breathing.

hang in there bud

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Debenhams is collapsing and we can't even go out to their clearance sale.

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his lungs are fucked. he'll be in an ICU soon.

>Dog Soldiers is based as well.

im curious, why werent your instincts at least twitching a few weeks ago?
leaving it a little late to still be speculating

no, i'm just really bored
yup, it's globalism. i'm still a bit scared of the virus though. pissed off that everywhere is shut and i could face criminal charges for simply going outside.

twitter #questions maybe or call ins, i don't know just seems a lot could change by Sunday night

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Well, let some people die or let everybody die? Which is it? When is genocide justifiable?

the virus is real and the reaction is fake and serving a different agenda entirely. most people cannot process this possibility and yet it is the only reasonable explanation for what is taking place when examining the data in conjunction with the purported motivations

I've been locked away for best part my adult life I'm in my element.

Is bongistan this cucked?

When was that announced?

assuming this does happen
how much time will he have?

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>An expert therapeutics taskforce has been set up to search for and shortlist other candidate medicines for trials
a bit late for that, isn't it? we're already in the exponential spread phase of the pandemic. we're never getting an effective drug

Are people keepiing it together or does it look like it might kick off?

Priti 'Fill my throat with cum and I wont tell' Patel

no. i go for a walk. there aren't loads more people out, it's like a normal sunday.

imagine it in doggystyle

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2 hours ago

for the rest of tonight i will be experimenting with blocking ids on britpol to see if my experience improves.
ill start by adding everyone who things the virus is a real pandemic

LOl that one piece of bread costs 5,50?

simple as.

I'm worried he said he was feeling better but still has a temp people that got fucked up say you start to feel better then get fucked.

It usually takes well over 5 years to get anything approved m8, this is turbo mode already.

Did all the trip fags die of corona?

nah, having an alright time playing bass and only getting drunk at night

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no Its worse !

Fucking disgusting sandwhiches op. God muslims have no taste

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I'm reclusive and still working. It hasn't affected my life at all.

They're not sandwiches you uneducated spastic.
They are disgusting though.

how longs this lockdown gonna last for lads just wanna be on summer hols with the brads

>thinking 1/2 tomato and humus = avacado and an egg in price
markup on that middle slice of bread is huge.markup on the avobread is not that much

In the Norf everything is under control; pretty somber atmosphere in any case; we suffer in silence, like always.
In the South they said they will start an uprising; needless to say, nothing at all will happen, it is just a big show for morons.

I knew it, God

you can have your summer hols.. in 2022 that is.

r8 my ideological journey

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Reckon she has an onlyfans?

it's never going to end. the virus won't magically disappear and there's no chance of a cure or vaccine.

met her once at a house party in Luton

is it true they're all gyppos in the south?
what's the word? zingaro?

What do u call half a sandwhich?

At least until mid June according to my boss (in the public sector so it's probably accurate).

Pretty much constantly mate

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funny how 4-4-20 is one of the dates in David Goldberg's notes
wonder if something is actually going to happen this time

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i miss not being an adult, now that my body is genetically waging war against itself

Thats nothing lad, she went to my school

technically any piece of bread or toast with something on is an open-face sandwich

That chart, although cool to have so many wojaks, is so wrong.

Steady on there Snake

they didn't clap

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No it isn't, cunt. You just want to fearmong and shitpost all day. Good for you if it's keeping you occupied, but I'm bored of this LARP. We shouldn't be made prisoners in our own homes just to avoid catching something that most of us will recover from just fine.

Absolutely. That twat Bill Gates is constantly chiming in on the situation. Like, since when did he become a qualified epidemiologist? He wants us all to be installed with ID chips, supposedly to (((confirm))) who has recovered from the virus.


idk mate I think she mostly just thots on insta

She has a massive arse ngl.
It would be like shifting a wardrobe.

Fuck off, sandwich has two slices of bread, if its one slice with something on it, its food with a bread plate

Given that we cannot do anything at all, I envy those who fled to the country to live out their days in pure harmony while the city rots and whiters, like in the Decameron.


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oh god, they're actually talking about that chloroquine snake oil "miracle drug". it's been debunked by multiple studies now, same with that HIV drug that they keep mentioning.

30-Mar: Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

25-Mar: First randomized trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquin

retard school?

Another Brighton user? This pic was in The Argus today.

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>listen here goy

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Clearance sale would be over priced

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World war 2 started because Germany didn't have enough territorial space for it's population...

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It's just a retarded image lad. Don't overthink it.

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>something that most of us will recover from
>uk strain has a 96% CFR

Zingaro means gypsy, yes.

Southerners are strange but they are not gypsies; travelers are hated everywhere in Italy, in the south more than in many other places

God your pathetic. It's a half assed sandwhich because another piece of bread would cost another 2 euros.

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Supermarkets are pissing me off lads, over zealous staff and fellow customers, mostly middle aged women who back away from you with their gloves and masks on, refusing to move when you wanna go passed them. Gonna knock someone out

Can I get a template senpai

Tell us

Hove, actually

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based Morresy

It just sucks you in with it’s tardedness. Frankly its kinda art

shop local. simple as.
i'm not going to tesco again until this has died down a bit. last time i went it was a fucking chore

That's the one. What a complete and utter bellend he is.

You're boring.

>Chinese communist
Okay, zhang

Mine went:
Classical Liberal, Liberal, Federal Banker, Feudalist, Traditionalist, Monarchist

i knew a lad from the North, and he said they are all 'fakkin zingaro' so i had to ask


Basically her single redeeming feature. It'd be a hell of a lot of fun to bend her over one of the back benches.

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I liked the idea of an authoritarian capitalist yet still state interventionist system.


Imagine be so bitter and puerile you refuse to clap for one minute for the millions of hard working NHS workers who put their lives on the line every single day.

>how longs this lockdown gonna last for lads

as long as you're willing to take part in it.