/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2888 - 1 MILLION EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,056,581 (+41,516) ► Died: 55,780 (+2,613) ► (Reset: -10:15:12)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 3.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,856 different strains have been sequenced —

6 million file for unemployment in the US

Ecuador has a lot more deaths than officially reported, president says

Engineer ran train off tracks in attempt to sink the USNS Mercy

Strain hitting Ecuador closely related to original Chinese strain

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

N95 masks can be reused if dry heated at 70 °C for 30 minutes

Resistant to antivirals

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

Asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic transmission

12 year old in Belgium dies, no previous conditions

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths


09:13: 217 new cases and 3 new deaths in Malaysia.
09:06: 1,422 new cases and 132 new deaths in Belgium.
09:02: 173 new cases and 1 new death in Israel.
08:53: 385 new cases and 29 new deaths in the Philippines.
08:40: 75 new cases in Kuwait.
08:12: 203 new cases and 2 new deaths in Poland.


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Godspeed corona chan!

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Today's groceries in their quarantine bros

Fresh stuff for fridge and freezer is drying and will be washed again in mild bleach, the loose stuff like lemons will be washed in the sink and the long life stuff washed and left alone in the box for 5 days.

You should all be doing this frens.

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big corona milkers

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Welcome to the CCP hating club, South America! The Chinese Communists have tried to blame Italy, USA, and now Ecuador... who is next? Doesn't matter. Everyone knows this shit started in China and that the Chinese INTENTIONALLY SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE.

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What the fuck is going on with Venezuela, i heard about an US battleship near the Caribbean sea

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Stawus Wepoe

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So what happens once we open society back up?

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Insider pastabro here.

Leaked numbers for today as promised.


>4.585 NEW CASES



>119.827 CASES

>14.681 DEATHS

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>CIA working to uncover China's real numbers
>pic related

this should be good

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Pay your rent, back to work for the economy, trumpbux coming, file your taxes, just a flu bro, trust the WHO, look at that economy, flatten the curve, MAGA, 6.6m new unemployment filed, open by may, hoax, china is our ally, not infectious while asymptomatic, masks don't work, summer heat kills it, immunity after infection, BRRRRR, don't be racist, everything is under control, vaccine is coming, trust the government

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Did WHO have any tweet about masks? My country's enforcing a mask now.

Nothingburger General

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FUCK this virus, you faggots don't really understand until someone you know dies from it. Its gut wrenching. All you nihilistic pieces of shit cheering on this thing until it kills your family

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The bananas. ARE FUCKING RAW.


Hey guys, you know what would be a great idea right now? Rioting.

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>more threads than daily deaths in America
total nothingburger amirite fellow shills?

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took them long enough to fucking tackle this
Yas Forums was on it months ago

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Hopefully people will be less entitled because they saw a bit of misery and feared for their lives a little, especially Americans

Still a virgin

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I already had some in lad so these will come good when those run out

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Nicely done fren, this was mine from a couple days ago, last few nights have been water runs

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nope and going for trips

Some Greek stats:
>1613 cases, 99 new today
>59 deaths, 6 new today
>92 people in ICUs, +1 from yesterday
>49 men dead, 10 women dead
>average age of death is 71
>95% of the dead were either "old" or had underlying medical issues
>mortality rate "around 3%"
>22437 test conducted

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how long before we get aqua edits of corona-chan when this all blows over?

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>Dead: 3605
>Recovered: 135

Everything's fucked.

Fucking useless glowniggers.


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Based chaos gods

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You should have seen it 15 years ago. The single nigger in town was shitting his pants, and I had a blast. Girls were superb (discussions only, but whores were nice too). Nice food in few restaurants the locals could not afford back then. And I might planted the seeds of some very anti-migration ideas back then.

How is your No-No Square doing, soon to be raped again, bozgorian rape baby?


WHO conference about to start with an extra special surprise guest.
Please place your bets.
For me, it's Bill Gates.


Thanks, based pastabro.

Who is ready for another Italy nothingburger announcement?


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Lads could this actually work is scam?

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I'm just hoping there's something we can do. Many nations can't enforce a lockdown, and should reach saturation in a month, so we will know.

>Yas Forums now supports the CIA
lel what happened to this place

well, nothingburgers are one thing but what makes me happy are those hordes of migrants about to get rekt

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Spent 3 hours the other day disinfecting this months supplies after a 3 day outdoor quarantine shit fucking sucks man it takes forever

March 13rd was 5428 confirmed deaths, so deaths go tenfold in three weeks
If this keeps up we will see 550 thousand deaths by April 24th

Fucking bongs, amirite?

>Quarantine groceries
>Fresh banana
Fren you doing it wrong

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You are social distancing aren't you Yas Forums?

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Right there with you man. Theyre in a better place and dont have to deal with the fallout from this bullshit at least.

We must all make sacrifices

The chance of anyone in this general getting corona is extremely low

Why are we worried? I don’t go out


nwe Trhead



Any mass anons here? every fucking store within 20 miles of boston is cleaned out

more like pol uses all the intelligence it can get

So this is the power of social distancing...whoa

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

could also be called "temporary agreement"

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>CIA working to fabricating China's real numbers


I'm waiting for vaccine raep

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Is anyone else hearing sounds from this pic?

in the article, it says they have been working on getting actual numbers since early-Feb, it's just being leaked now.
fuck the CIA. not one of these comments have been supportive of them either, i just thought it was a worthwhile article to post

I can't think of anyone else but it would be funny if it was Trump

readily available anti bodies tests when???
I want to confirm i had it

Sure if you want to filter weed smoke

I'm pretty sure your question is bait but if it's not, no please don't do this

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Anybody who got their work moved to home is never going back to the office, all office space should be abolished once this is all over.

Asking again since I am interested in your views

Considering if this is the big happening bring about the NWO.
How would the powers that be consolidate power?
What kind of movement should we look out for? Who are the people we should follow right now? Not talking about celebrities and such, but investors, manufacturers, moguls etc.
I've seen a surprising lack of talk abou that in the threads, I thought we'd have constant updates on the elites movements or at least them laying suspicously low.

So far we had responses like

>Power grab, lasting impact on freedom around the world
Wars and a different approach to economy
Nuclear bombing of infected cities to prevent walkers from ravaging the countryside

>Game over, man. Game over.

>Well basically This virus could trigger World war 3. Why? Rivaling nations could see it as opportunity to intentionally spread it, cause chaos and use it as an excuse for an "intervention" invasion, or just to economically weaking said countries

>They will all probably nationalize the production of common goods like masks and tools.

>Biggest US-military deployment on Europe in recent history

>Experimental vacines designed to kill via ADE
>Disregard thinking about the "why" it's time to prep, and survive. And talk about this at a later time

>Jeff Bezos apparently seen in New Zealand recently
>some senior hedge fund Jew hasn't been seen since Thanksgiving (Anecdote)

>Experimental Drug Promises to Kill the Flu Virus in a Day

Stay safe

Stay sane

Stay alive

May God have mercy

Incase you have become infected, gargle some pennies and distribute them liberally around your local synagouges (apparently copper kills the virus, so lick some bills instead)

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It's a fucking chore norge - but feels comfy when its finally done

>corona sweating and getting mommydommed by vaccine-chan

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>Toilet roll wrapped in a sports sock sealed with electricians tape
Yeah user looks good bro
Buy em all

aren't you that faggot hipster pretending to be homeless?

this is glorious bro. Hopefully though, you can evolve from this to a homestead and have many children.
you can return to this peace when you retire.

You won't remember how it was like because it will be a process. The quarantene measures will stay until there's at least either
>herd immunity
After that society won't be the same. Expect local epidemics and quarantenes into forseable future so globalization won't come back to a degree we were used to. Travel will take a hit, so will tourism, everything will become more localized. At least at the beginning.

We don't use battleships anymore

You Turks must be immune

Is it true that blood transfer heals corona?

f chen

I’d like to flatten corona chain’s curve, if you know what I mean.

Honestly i feel like every nation should shut itself up and care about their local production, people and everything else

No joke this happened today
>refugee camp gets corona'd
>1 woman is patient zero
>government tests everybody, actually 23 cases
>quarantines the camp, says nobody is allowed to go out
>next day, like 15 people are missing, walls down in many places, cops looking for those who escaped

champion of hearts


It's a good wake up call about the unsustainability of our production/healthcare/economy etc.

It also shows us how fragile our world is. Hopefully we learn lessons from this and change our world for the better

This should be stupid.

Still late. I started following this in January because a friend mentioned it in a text. Intelligence agencies should have been on that shit way earlier than me.

there is research being done world wide too see if bloodplasma donations from men who have gotten corona and recovered can help currently sick people.

There are some early indications it helps a lot.

Lol who cares just think if anyone else suffered for this you'd be laughing laughing at them and if you sympathized? Your empathy would pass. Human emotions thoughts and beliefs are ephemeral and worthless lol. Praise the lord of Paradox! Embrace absurdity!

>being so retarded
Have a (you)

Maybe i misheard what exactly it was but something was deployed by the US in central america because of something Venezuela did, i heard it on a local radio and i can't find it

Not-so-close family of mine is dying already, so yeah, shit sucks. It comes to us of all, so? Cry, it will help you getting it out of your chest. Then, when you're ready, start moving on (well with corona is difficult because, y'know, the 24/7 news). This ain't easy man, and the future is not looking well either. But we gotta keep pushing, coping, or get mad from despair.

ADE, reinfection and the fact that this virus passes the blood brain barrier have pretty much taken herd immunity off the menu. As far as a vaccine goes, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it. There has never been a vaccine for any corona virus, let alone one with ADE potential.


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No. But a semen transfer does.

>may have breathed through an asbestos filled filter
>still less deadly than corona-chan
hahahahaha i'm worried

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Lemme guess, now you ask for pic of my weapons in typical cianigger fashion

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I would share a bat with her

not immune, we just closed down literally everything 3 weeks ago unlike you retarded mutts and your retard president who though it was just the flu bro

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>tfw there are STILL pseudo intellectuals on facebook trying to make themselves look smart by downplaying the effects of the coronavirus

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Russian companies are flying in medical supplies to Nevada and Jew York

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>7,530,000,000,000 in this world
>56,000 died

Oh no!! How do we manage with just 7.529.999.944.000 people??!

Fucking bullshit virus.

>just two more weeks bro, then you’ll be sorry!

Actually, it's a fecal transfer.

where is the hope?

im just saying if you're not mentally ill or broke you're not really homeless, you're just being a hippy faggot

New Thraed

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yea lets get to the streets and destroy our infrastructure!

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>could hold my breath for 2 minutes last month
>could only hold my breath for 1 minute this morning

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5 cases in PH. 3 healed and 2 got better. I think it works.
Never knew finns were this retarded. Shame I liked AleksiB.

I dislike China more.


Enjoy that maple leaf jackboot on your face son.

I am, except I quarantine my stuff for at least one week.

It's airborne but i think it is not that contagious. Sort of like for airborne transmission you need sustained contact with infected person. Also spread through contamination. If it was super contagious you would not have seen UK's 13k tests coming back 0.2% positive at the end of February.

You calling uncle ted a hippie faggot?

It’s effecting first world countries, that’s the fucking problem

R8 our testing strategy
Bare in mind 4.5k of those tests were positive

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What are you going to do when your utilities go out?


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this kills the globo jew and that’s a good thing

I think it's too early for these talks. It needs to go to shit first, then we'll se where we are and when we see where we are we can figure out where do we like to go.

Or in other words: the real happening is yet to happen.

>3M Response to Defense Production Act Order

>Over the last several weeks and months, 3M and its employees have gone above and beyond to manufacture as many N95 respirators as possible for the U.S. market. Yesterday, the Administration formally invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA) to require 3M to prioritize orders from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for our N95 respirators.

>We have been working closely with the Administration to do exactly that, and we appreciate the authorities in the DPA that provide a framework for us to expand even further the work we are doing in response to the global pandemic crisis. We look forward to working with FEMA to implement yesterday’s order.

>In the course of our collaboration with the Administration this past weekend, the Administration requested that 3M increase the amount of respirators we currently import from our overseas operations into the U.S. We appreciate the assistance of the Administration to do exactly that. For example, earlier this week, we secured approval from China to export to the U.S. 10 million N95 respirators manufactured by 3M in China.

>The Administration also requested that 3M cease exporting respirators that we currently manufacture in the United States to the Canadian and Latin American markets. There are, however, significant humanitarian implications of ceasing respirator supplies to healthcare workers in Canada and Latin America, where we are a critical supplier of respirators. In addition, ceasing all export of respirators produced in the United States would likely cause other countries to retaliate and do the same, as some have already done. If that were to occur, the net number of respirators being made available to the United States would actually decrease. That is the opposite of what we and the Administration, on behalf of the American people, both seek.

Source: news.3m.com/press-release/company-english/3m-response-defense-production-act-order


shut the fuck up technopile

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China>>>>US any day of the week. US is actively trying to negrify our homelands and genocide our people, debase our culture, etc. They are the worst and our biggest enemy.

the guy who plays crappy guitar and purposefully shit himself to dodge the draft? yeah, he's a dumb faggot hippy

Why are there so many fucking slide threads what is happening

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If the fatality rate is high enough, and ADE is able to act fast, then maybe the virus will burn itself out quickly and those of us who prepared can re-emerge from our bunkers/homes after a year or so. Otherwise, this virus is going to be a problem for all of humanity for the next decade at least.

You gotta pump those numbers up son, you guys should be performing 50k tests per day by now

time for a truthbomb

Y'all niggers think Chinese have magic abilities to detect a new virus or something. The actual facts of the cases are that in December, doctors in Wuhan noticed a strange new disease - people with respiratory failure, acute pneumonia, etc. They alerted the Chinese CDC, who alerted the WHO, samples were taken, took a while to find that indeed there was a new virus at work, the genome was sequenced, shared around the world with specialists, WHO sent teams to Wuhan to investigate, etc. Some people thought it was a recurrence of SARS, like the doctor who was briefly censored. Also keep in mind that the latency of the virus is almost two weeks. Yet you pretend like from the first outset of the case they should have known exactly what it was and what it was capable off? Madness.

It was actually lightning fast to figure out the virulence and severity of the virus by late January, and to shut down the entire economy because of it.

So why are you incessantly bombarded with "China lied" talking points by glowies and their useful idiots? I'll give you a hint: ten million Americans declare unemployment in two weeks and all your government does is give you a $1,200 “advance” on your tax return while bailing out corporations with the largest wealth transfer ever. Your rights are evaporating, your government has failed to provide the bare minimum social safety nets during a very manageable pandemic, your nation’s billionaire class has been growing wealthier and wealthier while most of you would struggle to pay a $1000 emergency bill, yet, China is your real enemy?

You want to know who covers up and lies? The US medical industrial complex. Doctors being fired for bringing their own protection, or complaining about a lack thereof. It is all pure projectio

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>Thousands of Swedes will die from COVID-19
>We will have to count our death in the thousands, we might as well prepare ourselves for that

So says Sweden's Prime-minister

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is there a pastebin or list of updated numbers by country and by US state?

Trump is going to announce everyone is to go back to work today

>toothpaste education

Rioting is the most useless shit you can do to your own territory

what the fuck is the point of doing so, you only destroy infrastructure that will later need to be repaired and endanger your own fucking neighbors

riots are for retarded monkeys, it's the same as a 10 year old crying at the supermarket that they aren't buying him a toy. It just happens that instead of a 10 year old you got 30+ adults who can carry firearms or are strong enough to cause serious damage

which is why i want them to happen, chimpouts are also really entertaining

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Italy is fucking my head.

It's not that I'm afraid or anything, my life has been a crisis before this "crisis" started.

I feel like a gambler. Come on Italy, we're gonna be around 3k cases today. Don't let me down baby. I put my saving into this.

I dunno, literally all sources out there say there we can expect a vaccine in a year or so.
And I will believe virologists before I'll believe Yas Forums and it's imaginary sources or lack of them.

>China>>>>US any day of the week.
No way in hell.
>US is actively trying to negrify our homelands and genocide our people, debase our culture, etc.
China does all that + creating a totalitarian dystopia. Why do you think China is in Africa right now?
>They are the worst and our biggest enemy.
The worst enemy are the population that votes for pro-immigration politicians.

>seasonal flu
partly immune, vaccine available

only in tropical and sub tropical area's and medication available, NOT infectious

very hard to become infected only trough sexual intercourse or blood on blood contact. Therapies exist and easy to prevent.

diseases caused by these are not infectious and these are easily preventable.

>suicides/traffic fatalities/hunger
Not a disease and not infectious

Not infectious

why are normies so retarded?