What is your honest opinion about an independent Flandre Yas Forums?

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Should be in the United Kingdom.

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Don't do it unless you plan on joining the Netherlands shortly afterwards

mixed feelings

I think the entire Benelux should just join the Netherlands.
Then the Walloons become a minority, changing the entire political balance. And we can deal with that.


Just join France or Netherlands and be done with it.

flanders should be part of the netherlands.

It seems to me that Belgium exists basically just to cuck the Dutch and the French out of a big chunk of land that has / had a lot of ports and industry

Courtesy of the British in 1830 who didn't a want big industrial / mercantile competitors just across the way

>Then the Walloons become a minority,
if Wallons had a right-wing party as an option, they would have voted for it.
But since any RW party is banned from French speaking TV they simply don't get a chance.

rightful Dutch Levensruimte.

Give me one reason why it shouldn't be a part of the Netherlands?

Bump out of interest

Belgians are more defined in what they aren't instead of what they are.
They don't want to be French or Dutch so we just pretend they're a nation.
The sheer time and cost to teach them all proper Dutch.

Flanders to the Netherlands and Wallonia to the Great-dutchy of Luxembourg

Flanders should rejoin Netherlands to form Dietsland

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I support it, along with every single secessionist movement there is in the world.

Can you elaborate, why ?

We lost Brussels.
We cant take the hordes of Brussels.
20 years ago I'd say yeah.
But the demographics are against us.
We must go alone and leave brussels be.
.t belgian

Flanders is more densily populated than the netherlands. Definitely if you account for brussels.

Fuck your gay made up country.
Half for France, half for the Nederland and the german community for Germany

Flandre is shit I prefer Remilia Scarlet.

Fucking based af

Why though? Belgium is doing relatively fine, politically and subsequently economically. Flanders' independence would surely have some economic consequences. Although, a new state based on language/ethnicity rather than one on not so much relevant anymore Catholicism would sure raise some question and move the Overton window in a direction favourable for mine, and most of Yas Forums's interest. But I can't see fertile soil in modern Belgium for it. Maybe in a generation or two.

I don't think she's ready.

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smaller groups of people are preferential.
You need diversity in thoughts and political actions.
This way you can more easily spot which country tackled a certain problem in the best manner and emulate that country.

would just make the scots and catalans more annoying and the irish more car-bomb prone

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I'm for it.
It seems nice.

Because fuck centralized nation states. Descentralization is the only way forward for the entire world if we ever hope to live in prosperous and peaceful times ever again. Centralization is a sign of decadence, of decline.

>Belgium is doing relatively fine, politically and subsequently economically.

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Flanders is less made up than the Netherlands.
Flanders has an old, rich and unified history, but it was always milked for its richness by others.
France, Burgundy, Spain, Austria, Netherlands, Wallonia.
It has to end.


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Probably unavoidable in the long run.
Belgium keeps tearing itself at the seams every other election.
>Luxembourg joining anyone
not in a million years

that's rich coming from france

Belgium was created by the brits ad both a buffer zone between the germans and french, AND a way to spite both by making it "constitutionally neutral".

I hate stupid Flanders

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What if they join the Dutch to become Dietsland?
It was a popular concept in the interwar years, I've been told?

brusseleir here im more flemish than anything and don’t associate with walloons at all that said our country is already a multicultural hellhole what’s even the point of independence

Two Flemish independent parties N-VA and Vlaams Belang had %48 together on the last election. I think they will have more than %50 in 2024 and organise an referendum for indepency.

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flanders are dutch so if it were to happen we might as well call it the netherlands, diets is a antiquated word basically meaning the same any way

Build a wall around brussels and dump all the muzzies from antwerp in there.

why not just deport them i like brussels

Flanders should be a part of the Netherlands. Wallonia should be a part of France.
Bruxelles should be ground zero of a thermonuclear explosion.

>It has to end.

Based localist, I literally even hate the villages around my own.


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nva zijn neoliberale cucks

Join the Empire

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honestly probably the best choice, the political divide is too big at this point, wallonia goes to france, flanders to the netherlands. If anything i would love to see a hugely protectionist EU with just language zones / culture zones, but that would require a huge shift towards the right in the general of Europe.


Wallonia to France, Luxembourg and East Belgium to Germany.

Only if France gets Wallonia

Howdy-di-doo neighborino.
>Ned Flanders Masterrace

I think "Belgium" needs to be split in two.
Too bad european governors don't consider separating different cultures/languages.
Only one thing, that enclave is not going to Flanders, it would make the Beneleux map horrible.

As compared to Macedonia it surely is.

Ambos para ESPAÑA

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Why is your ballsack in the photo?

only legally possible for local affairs user

would france even take wallonia?

The solution at 10:15


>Too bad european governors don't consider separating different cultures/languages.

So you'd be OK with jettisoning the Basque and Catalonians as well?

You should let yourself be annexed by us