Yes, this is a shameles ripoff of the Ukraine post, I was just curious
What does Yas Forums honestly think about Romania
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Like i told you in the other threads you make you are gypsie faggots that should never have been allowed in to the EU, you are the fucking reason the UK left nobody likes you kys
Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria kinda get along
>forgets to change flag
>Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria
fucking subhumans nobody thinks about
I cant wait for this fucking Union to collapse so you animals can go back to your country and be the Sudan of Europe
Borat was filmed there because it looks more like a shithole than Kasachstan.
U mad, bro?
At least I didn't get called a nigger
I love Romanian music
And Romanian food (pic related)
And Romanian car (Dacia Logan)
You hurt my feelings ):
Well done Sarmale with cream are better in my opinion
Muie geoana
a bit late but never too late
White enough desu. Euros might disagree
even /ck/ would come up with better food than a plate of fucking corn you retard bong
Very based, Romania is on my bucket list on the places I want to visit
Stfu Sanchez, stay in the dessert and raise chihuahuas
I'm a Romanian-American for whatever that's worth. Probably hated by all but what can a man do but be what he is? Hail to all my cousins in the homeland though.
meh. They're pretty based.
Meh, They can sometimes be pretty based. especially when it comes to their opinions on sub human niggers.
no retard,the porumb fiert not this trash manele.
here have some good manele,stupid retard idiot
my wife and i laughed our asses off
t. Romanians
I think the Hungarian/Romanian rivalry is funny because Hungary is objectively superior in every way
Honestly? Not much.
That romanian guy Vee guy on youtube is pretty based tho
I didn’t realize Dacia was Romanian. Every Dacia I’ve ever seen (Eastern Europe and in China) looked like mobile vomit
Fuck off you disgusting slav or whatever the fuck your are
Romania has the best tricolor. I heard the language is the most like Latin of the existing romance languages. Seems cool.
>Hungary is objectively superior in every way
I honestly don't care what Yas Forums thinks about Romania. Can you stop with this sympathy begging, faggot OP.
ok bitch the fuck out now.
My honest opinion is that it seems kind of Turkic and oriental. But I’ve never been there so maybe it’s better than I’d expect.
At least half of the stripper cam girls on MFC say they are Romanian. Are the women all sluts?
I feel that all your good reputation has been tarnished by gypsy subhuman filth, much like mexico was ruined by mexicans. I know you have some excellent traditions and respectable history, but I just cant bring myself to disassociate you from that disgusting trash. It doesn't help that you were ottoman and communist for so long.
Orban is crashing liberalism with no survivors and Budapest is one of the comfiest cities in Evropa, what does Romania bring to the table
we were never ottoman lol youre thinking of bosnia/albania
wife and i were born here my guy
If you hate communists, you’re ok in my book
you made codreanu, so thats pretty cool i guess
It’s actually just a renault with a romanian name. The romanian side of the company made like 1 or 2 cars from the ground up here which were absolute garbage. Everything else is basically low budget Renault.
And what the fuck happened with the captcha on this piece of shit site? I stopped posting a few years ago and now it takes me a few minutes to solve a captcha for a fucking post
we were never ottoman...sure we were unloyal vasal states but never Pashaluk
We're a bigger country and we rekt their shit before, when our army marched in and occupied their capital in 1919.
That's really sad, bro. Stephen the Great must be rolling in his grave. He didn't beat up those Turks only to have the women go downhill.
We only used them as vassal state. Romanians were bro tier.
we were only tributaries, mudshits couldnt fully take our land
So much this. Makes me hungry evert time.
Romania is pretty much the rapebaby of Europe
Why are retards like you always making these shitty threads? I guess its the romanian mentality to ask foreigners what they think about us in hoping they will compliment SOMETHING because we know we're fucking trash. I've seen it happen irl everytime a foreigner admits he's not from this place.
why are romania romanians like this? youre an embarrasment to diaspora everywhere
There sure seem to be a lot of you niggers on Yas Forums for a relatively small country so I guess that’s something
Installing yourself as dictator who can't be removed from power is not based in any way, unless you're a fan of Cuba's Castro or Hugo Chavez.
it's funny cause Stephen the Great was a also a great you could say he contributed to the process...kek...nevertheless a great man
Well I planned to go there for a vacation this year as I, by surprise, found out a lot of places look very neat. Besides of the gipsies people seem nice as well. But due to current restrictions I can't go as per now.
Half of diaspora is made up of street beggars and thieves, what are you talking about?
Its a country full of gypsies. The white men are nigger-tier, full of poverty and social degeneracy from its population. The UK literally left the EU just to escape the large influx of Romanians. It would be nice if Romanians could actually understand this, that they are causing the collapse of the EU by their mere presence, its like that dirty smelly guy who enters the room and everyone else leaves. Yep thats you Romania.
Also, the country is far too big than it deserves. Has literally never existed through history, has no background, and the very name "Romania" itself has been hijacked in a desperate pursuit for an identitety. Its absolutely pathetic "bruh me wuz romans n shit". No you barely ever touched the empire, and when you did you were still considered some backwater mud station.
Romania should be partitioned between Hungary and Bulgaria. Dobruja to Bulgaria, Transylvania to Bugaria. We'll call the remaining country Wallachia since that would actually make sense. Give Gypsies the rest.
Why does it smell of burned grass?
>We only used them as vassal state. Romanians were bro tier
No your granpappy just thought our land was worthless mainly because you didny allow us to build any kind of fortification and we would be more useful as tax farms
Like I have said before, as a tourist in Romania, I love it, people are pretty nice, stuff is cheap and beautyful women. Other than that, fuck gypsies, they ruin Europe and they ruin Romania