Yas Forums humour thread
Yas Forums humour thread
Bump. Any other gifs like pic related
this has been, and always will be, my favourite gif.
There is nothing funny about glorifying Nazis
you’re right it’s serious business, they deserve such an aurora of respect and admiration.
>you must respect the integrity of the national socialist party.
Fuck off.plebbit
What ever you say
Fuck off Achmed
Achmeds are usually pro Hitler
Heil Bush!
Take your meds
why dose retard mean late in french
Retardant=to slow down=late
it means the same thing in English you late person
Bitch is in denial, I had my kid in January and the emotions I felt was indescribable. That days was the first time in 5 years that ive cried. It felt good
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail etc.
I guess that's why they call them jar heads.
Being in the military is supposed to pay for college.
If he didn't get the GI bill, means he was kicked out before his two year mark.
Fucking hell... You have to be in the military for 2 years before you get free shit?
That's bullshit.
Our minimums for contracts are usually 4-6 years...the two year mark is just for using your GI bill in or out of the service, and for tuition assistance (varying amounts of free money essentially) while still active.
I wish there was some magical way we could take the famous images or videos of random soldiers that we have and play back their entire life to see how they lived, grew up, how it lead to to the picture or video taken of them, and ultimately, how they died. I think about this a lot when I look at these short clips of panzerwaffen especially. I wish life had a historical spectator mode. That’s all I want.
there's loopholes
Piss off
I thought macedonians were bulgarians
That's right. Glorifying Nazis is serious business.
you and me both tвh faм
Holy Lord
they are
Its probably because it isnt her baby
Jesus... I need to start doing jumping jacks. I doubt I'd look any better doing them.
Fuckin Americans
Still pissed off about being the only major ally to lose WWII.
4th from the left had it, though his timing was off
refugees welcome
kek lmao
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
fucking lost
Thanks for the try...
Dead serious, fampire.
you jelly, frog?
Lmao that was a good thread, OC factories seem to be running high output these days.
Think they can walk and chew gum at the same time? History is full of examples of the advanced meeting and coddling the underdeveloped.