Have you noticed an increase in gif files being used as reaction images on Yas Forums? I'm not even talking about the long gifs showing something interesting from people who still haven't figured out how to make webms, just really short reaction gifs demonstrating laughter, sadness, annoyance etc.
Where are all these posters coming from? Is it a reddit or kikebook thing? The only place where I see short reaction gifs being used extensively is on whatsapp conversations with boomer relatives.
Q boomers are on their board talking about how they're "redpilling Yas Forums about Q", so...
Connor Wright
It's a twitter thing. Twitter is fucking awful about using short and shittily made gifs because of it's post limit preventing actual discussion. tumblr (use to) makea lot of the short reaction gifs you see floating around from TV shows, you can usually pick them out because of how short they are, and often low quality. I assume when tumblr suffered a lot of it migrated over to twitter.
I know what you mean OP. Whole gifs have always been around on Yas Forums there's definitely been a noticeable increase in the use of real shitty, low quality reaction face type gifs. The sort of thing that's common on vbulletin forums and tumblr. It's almost as if a forum somewhere got shut down and they all came here.
>be OP >be faggot >be newfag >realize he doesn't have any reaction gifs to post >make shit off-topic slide thread knowing that anons will spam his thread with reaction gifs
Leo Rivera
It's because Yas Forums quite recently increased allowed image size. Not that you would know anything about it newfaggot
you are a newfag, gif is the basic animated format of Yas Forums (gets a mention in the holy texts of Raptor Jesus ffs), and webm is a stillborn mistake of a technology.
Yea that's a big twitter/tumblr reddit thing, gifs like these. You never seen those SJW's on twitter doing this shit? It's basically their go-to way of insulting/"owning" people.