Quotes—from Hitler's War and Mein Kampf—proving Hitler's Hatred of/Atrocities against Slavs

user: you believe (absurdly, based on nothing but emotion and a desire to cosplay) believe Hitler was a Burger-style white nationalist. When people cite historians showing that Hitler was racist/committed horrific atrocities against Slavs, you say this was all muh forgery.

But how, in this connection, do you explain away the primary-source evidence from David Irving's Hitler's War and Mein Kampf itself? Consider the following quotes:

>“In 1942 [Hitler] announced that the male populations of Stalingrad and Leningrad were to be exterminated.” (Hitler's War, Introduction, xi).

>“Koch’s harsh duty was to squeeze every ton of grain and every slave labourer he could out of [Ukraine]. The idea of harnessing Russians voluntarily to the war against Stalin was a chimera, said Hitler.” (HW, p. 581)

>“When Ribbentrop identified himself with General Vlasov’s idea for a Russian army of liberation, Hitler rapped his knuckles. ‘There will be no such political operations. They will only result in our people fraternising with the Russians.” (581)

>“To Hitler . . . to let the Ukrainians set up their own government would be tantamount to throwing away the Nazis’ entire war aim.” (HW, 581)

>(Quoting Himmler, re razing of Warsaw) “Warsaw, the capital, the brains, the nerve centre of this former sixteen- or seventeen-million-strong nation of Poles, will [be] wiped out – this nation that has barred our passage to the east for seven centuries and lain foul of "us ever since the first Battle of Tannenberg." The Reichsführer ordered the destruction of the city; it was to be blown up block by block. (HW, page 716)


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I concur.

Hitler being anti-USSR doesn't mean he was anti-slav. Fuck... Why are amerimutts so fucking stupid?

And here is a quote from Mein Kampf, on Hitler's reasons for opposing the Germanization of Slavs in Austria:

>"The result would have been fatal. A people of foreign race would have used the German language to express modes of thought that were foreign to the German, thus compromising by its own inferiority the dignity and nobility of our nation." (Mein Kampf p.323)


And here is a quote from Zweites Buch, which deprecates Poles as racially inferior and anticipates their eventual ethnic cleansing. :

"The Folkish State, conversely, must under no conditions annex Poles with the intention of wanting to make Germans out of them some day. On the contrary, it must muster the determination either to seal off these alien racial elements, so that the blood of its own Folk will not be corrupted again, or it must without further ado remove them and hand over the vacated territory to its own National Comrades."

Anyone that still falling for the Hitler was a good guy meme has been Jewed hard

Hitler was 25% Jewish
Hitler was controlled by the Jews
Hitler implemented Jewish socialism
>Hitler like all socialist gave himself a dictatorship
Hitler gave the Jews Israel
Hitler never planned on killing the Jews
Hitler killed millions of white men
Hitler permanently cucked the white race
Hitler is responsible for mass immigrarion we see today

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Ok now read beyond the subject field Ahmed

so what? Most of those inbred retards didnt do shit to stop a bunch of kikes from killing their monarch and taking over their country. All the based Slavs died in the Civil War or flocked to the German side.

>Inb4 Hitlers socialism was different
it wasn't different at all pic related

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Hitler was a pan-German nationalist, only Germanic people mattered. Anyone else was at best a tool or at worst an obstacle to be crushed or destroyed.

>flocked to the German side.

They literally couldn't until 1943 when the war was already decided and Hitler was running out of men for the meat grinder. Only then did he turn to Slavs. Prior to that Hitler denied participation to Ukraine Slavs in the army and a Ukrainian state as well as to Poles.

Some Slavs are actual subhumans though and if Uncle Adolf wanted to genocide them, then that makes him more based in my book.

Hitler was an ethnosupremacist that only cared about Germanics and viewed other Euros as tools. In a way he is similar the average ethnocentric Jew who is fine with destroying Europe and the west to attain his aims of Jewish supremacy. The only real difference is Hitler probably wouldn't completely destroy Europe whereas modern jewery certainly will.

Plenty of Americans, Germans, French, etc are subhumans. That doesn't make massacring civilians ok.

Collaboration on a large scale actually dates back to 1941 during Barbarossa.

> That doesn't make massacring civilians ok.
Even by your own sources it never said he wanted to massacre civilians
Worst you can say is “entire male population” which would’ve at this point in the war mean anybody whose left after Stalin threw every man, woman, and child at the meat grinder. Killing the men of a tribe and taking their women is a human trait that’s been around for our entire living history

unarmed enemy combatants*

>your own sources
My mistake I didn’t look at the right ID

>>“In 1942 [Hitler] announced that the male populations of Stalingrad and Leningrad were to be exterminated.” (Hitler's War, Introduction, xi).
Never happened though, so no exterminatumion was ever carried out, whether or not the quote has any merit.

In fact, after the siege of Sevastopol, Hitler travelled to visit the soviet POWs and congratulated them on fighting such a long battle.

Ukranians weren't allowed in the army, no Ukrainian state was allowed to exist, advocates of Ukrainian nationalism were put in concentration camps just like Polish nationalists. Ukranuans were expected to continue working of the communist collective farms that had been impoverishing so many as Hitler wouldn't even commit to abolishing that. Hitler only switched that policy when it became clear he was losing.

>Hitler was 25% Jewish
source: your ass
>Hitler was controlled by the Jews
source: your ass
>Hitler implemented Jewish socialism
you're a fucking retarded idiot
>Hitler like all socialist gave himself a dictatorship
>Hitler gave the Jews Israel
no, he shipped them to the Middle East like rats. didn't give them a fucking nation, retard
>Hitler never planned on killing the Jews
unfortunately you're right about this. his biggest downfall
>Hitler killed millions of white men
good. fucking shabbos goyim retard slaves to the jew
>Hitler permanently cucked the white race
no, retards like you and your faggot Allie ancestors did
>Hitler is responsible for mass immigration we see today
you're jewish

most jewish post on Yas Forums today. mazel tov, rabbi

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Dunno about other Slavs but germans had nothing against Czechs. They even passed law for securing czech nationality and pure blood in Bohemian and Moravian protectorate. Hitler said Czechs would be assimiliated in ranks not earlier than 300 years. My own czech great-grandfather made it to Hauptman rank in organisation Todt during WW2 and saw some action on eastern front.

>Hitler was a pan-German nationalist, only Germanic people mattered.
Doubtful. More than likely he would have stabbed Germanic collaborators in the back and used their women as breeding stock for his officers, much like it happened in Sweden.

Warsaws a dump anyway.

fuck off with this shit. the first introduction quote is literally quoted from an example of how historians make shit up and misquote their sources.

one thing that's been puzzling me the last 10 years, but I have never researched this and there is so much disinfo to this very day.

It's his plans for norway. As you are ware he had a program called lebensborn. In effect he encouraged nazis here to exploit the situation and breed with our womyn, called german-whores(tyskertøs). about 12k got children with them, all severely dealt with after the war ofc.

However here comes the part which I do not know if it's just more wartime propaganda or not, because it seems an awful lot like what this new world order has been doing since the war, just replace germans with filth people;

That there was a plan to relocate about 500k people or so to Tronheim. The aim was alledgedly to permanently germ-ify the population and in effect exterminate the culture in this regard. Same propaganda or what it is claims that he considered moving the capitol that for weird reasons.

I honestly don't know. When it comes to slavs though the facts at least that alot of that propaganda got started early on, with simply the aim of legitimizing the land grab east wards for the germans and not to mention soldiers, dehumanization fake history and whatever. the other stuff there I doubt without seeing sorces as it might just be propaganda

>the first introduction quote is literally quoted fr
lol no it isn't. Stop lying or being too lazy to read. Irving is listing Hitler's atrocities and saying we have an order for all these things, yet we don't have an order for the extermination of the Jews.

false, a number of Ukrainians groups actively assisted the german military, with some taking direct orders from the Wehrmacht in the early stages of Operation Barbarossa. More Ukrainians actively cooperated with the USSR than Nazi Germany, but still, a decent amount of Ukrainians fought for and served Germany from 1941 onwards. They fought behind Soviet lines, suppressed partisan activity, manned prison camps, and fought alongside Military units. In 1942 50% of an infantry division of the 2nd panzer army was composed of hiwi units from various slavic states.

9/10 in Bongland

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wtf happened to flag?

Hitler was wrong in that case. Doesn't mean he was wrong about everything. If user believes (absurdly, based on nothing but emotion and a desire to cosplay) in a racial theory that doesn't involve genociding slavs, he does so not because he thinks that's what Hitler thought - he believes in it because it makes sense to him. What Hitler actually thought or said is, at the end of the day, irrelevant, and even more so if you remember he lost his war.

>In the furtherance of his goals, Heydrich decreed racial classification of those who could and could not be Germanized. He explained: "Making this Czech garbage into Germans must yield to methods based on racist thought."[4] Racial surveys, conducted under the pretext of tuberculosis prevention, found the Czechs to be more Nordic than the Sudeten Germans, East Prussians, and many Austrians and Bavarians. These results were kept secret.[5] In 1940 Hitler agreed that around half of the Czech population were suitable for Germanization, while the "mongoloid types" and the Czech intelligentsia were not to be Germanized and were to be “deprived of [their] power, eliminated, and shipped out of the country by all sorts of methods.”

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>a number of Ukrainians groups actively assisted the german military,
After Stalingrad Germany altered its anti-Slav policies out of a desperation for allies/collaborators/cannon fodder.

at Stalingrad, a quarter of the German 6th Army was composed of Hiwi units as well.

Next he'll say Hitler was 25% black 25% gay 25% drug addict and 50% pedophile

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Live around them for a while, you'll come to agree with him eventually.

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nobody denies that

>pan-German nationalist
not really, just see the actions in the occupied countries.

it was GERMAN supremacy, all that weirdo propaganda you can't listen to that you have to see what he did. FFS he had fucking breeding programs. If he had won the war I'm pretty sure language all over the board here etc would have been german and that ie norwegian culture would be something you watched at teaters and movies, reduced to a fucking prop

The eternal austrian.

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can you not fucking read you inbred mongoloid? in fucking 1941 at the beginning of Barbarossa some Ukrainian forces were taking orders directly from the Wehrmacht and fought the soviets.
Prior to stalingrad there were a number of Ukrainian units under german command carrying out anti partisan duties, acting as reserve forces, or serving in the Wehrmacht. 50% of an infantry division of the 2nd panzer army was made up of Hiwi units in 1942. A quarter of a fucking division was made up of Hiwi units leading up to Stalingrad.

Quit repeating obviously false bullshit.
Yes, Ukraine wasn’t on some vichy level of autonomy but to say the germans didnt do shit with them until the end of the war is completely false.

Ukranians could be recruited as military police but unless they were from Gallicia which got special treatment, they were not fighting on the front lines. At most they might be guards. The average Ukrainian was expected to work on the collective farms under German overlord Reichskommissar Koch with no hope of a nation or even abolishing the communist era farms.

slavs larping as nazis is pure cringe.
slavs, you will never be nazis.

I don't see any problem here. Poles were fucking faggots and deserved to be conquered.

The Soviets did the majority of the massacring,
The soviets would even fire upon their own men who were reluctant to advance because they hadn't been brainwashed unconditionally into totally committing themselves to the communist state and that was unforeseen by the top brass...

and yet the male populations survived

and yet the ukrainians fought for the axis

and yet the russian defectors fought for the axis

and yet warsaw (deemed "fortress warsaw") was only damaged during the combat to seize it

the 134th Infantry division of the 3rd panzer army alongside many other units begs to differ.

>at the beginning of Barbarossa some Ukrainian forces were taking orders directly from the Wehrmacht and fought the soviets

They still had hope of Germany supporting Ukraine independence, which Hitler later dismissed.

>50% of an infantry division of the 2nd panzer army was made up of Hiwi units in 1942.

Only with Ukranians from Galicia which was a special case like the Czechs, Germans appealed to Gallicians to ally against Poles. Other Ukranians simply were not considered until the war was all but lost in 1943 and Hitler didn't consider abolishing the communist farms until then as well.

I feel there's more nuance & context to this.

Americans get their knowledge of the Third Reich from Captain America and Jewish professors instead of real books.

you forgot your memeflag kike

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>National rivaleries, animoseties and historical hostilities exist in europe
>This means that we can't identify as europeans and see ourselves as one force in these times when we face extinction

Blacks don't see swedes/poles/germans
Asians don't see french/russians/scots
Jews don't see irish/swiss/finns

It's like aliens attacked earth and you're screaming "B-B-BUT HUMANS HAVE BEEN FIGHTING OTHER HUMANS FOR MILLENIA", right... and we'll get right back to that AFTER we take some ayylmao warbrides.

I stand with all of my european brothers, excep if you live south of the alps lul.

was Hitler Adolfs real last name? And who was Hitler's Grandfather?

>believe Hitler was a Burger-style white nationalist
No you retard. He was a nationalist. A German nation for the German people, a Slavic nation for the Slavic people.
Exactly. You can't mix Slavs and Germans, each needs their own nation. That doesn't make Slavs subhuman you fucking kike.
>which deprecates Poles as racially inferior and anticipates their eventual ethnic cleansing. :
It does neither you filthy lying yid. "Poles can't become Germans" does not say "Poles are inferior".
You're late Chaim.
All of that is great. It is only a problem when you have parasites in your country.

you fucking moron

Wow Hitler not wanting slavs to forget their roots and become second hand germans, the horror.

But what am I saying this is birthright citizenship weimerica I'm talking to, what would he know of heritage?

>You can't mix Slavs and Germans, each needs their own nation

That's what half of Eastern Europe was for centuries