She's right you know...
She's right you know
>Covid killing only niggers
wtf I love covid now
She is retarded. Just like the people she is talking about. Niggers are fucking stupid.
Maybe instead of running around campaigning with Bernie she should have been in her district making sure her constituents were protecting themselves.
Her lack of leadership in keeping her constituents informed is what is failing the POC.
I make a paltry 50k a year and I dont have coronavirus
Bitch is retarded and should be sent back to her 3rd world shithole where there are no cases
You mean black and brown niggers
or maybe it's that poc don't actually respect the government, they live in their little shadow society where people like AOC has higher authority than the federal or state governments, when AOC hasn't done her due diligence to inform the minorities of this danger while they ignore the warnings from federal, state and local governments, it really leaves the blame solely on people like AOC
or maybe, just maybe they ignored quarantine orders and decides to throw parties and weddings and other group gatherings
Maybe because non-whites are retards that pack themselves like sardines into cities?
For as much as people talk about America's declining white percentage, it's still fucking white as can be in rural areas. Blacks and Hispanics are all in the cities.
The things I would do..
>being a nigger is hazardous to your health
I love AOC. every time this retarded gibs goblina flaps her horse jaw, the Democratic party looks more ridiculous
Whoa, jinx
It's spiking in brown and black communities because niggers don't listen to quarantine rules and they're all out gettin 'crunked' or whatever.
Also they smoke crack, Newports, and weed more.
I hate AOC so damn much. I wish I could grab her and snap her weak bones in half like a stick
What’s redlining in her vocabulary? I’m pretty sure it isn’t revving an engine.
Bullshit. These fools will cry racism untill they hit the gates of hell. They push hate till indifference turns to hate.
>to brown people
>who came to country by choice
how does this even make sense to anyone?
Through the lens of critical race theory, a poor white has more privilege than a rich "POC".
The only people that give a single fuck about that theory are sheltered academics and useful idiots.
This horse-face spic needs to be executed for her anti-white, race-baiting insanity.
"Reperations" is just codeword for extorting white people's money and handing it over to greasy niggers and spics.
((("""Reperations"""))) will cause a civil war if they push them hard enough.
this is why democracies eventually fail
March 27, 2020
On Friday, the Louisiana Department of Health released some of the first statistics regarding the underlying health conditions of those who have died from COVID-19 as of Thursday, or 83 individuals.
Pulmonary conditions and the immuno-compromised are not the leading underlying health conditions based on percentages in Louisiana. Instead, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, obesity and cardiac problems are the most commonly repeated pre-existing conditions.
Forty-one percent of the first 83 COVID-19 deaths in the state were patients with diabetes while 31% had chronic kidney disease. Twenty-eight percent had obesity as an underlying health condition while 23% had cardiac issues.
At a Friday press conference, Louisiana Office of Public Health Assistant Secretary Alexander Billioux addressed the statistics and said the state has delivered a consistent message that everybody has a reason to be concerned and take actions to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19.
“We know that the people who are at the highest risk are the people who are in the older age group, but we also know that people with conditions like, as you’ve seen, diabetes, kidney disease and obesity are also at really high risk for bad outcomes,” Billioux said.
Underlying health condition, percentage of deceased with the condition
Diabetes, 41%
Chronic kidney disease, 31%
Obesity, 28%
Cardiac, 23%
Pulmonary, 18%
Neurological, 5%
No underlying conditions, 5%
Immuno-compromised, 4%
Chronic liver disease, 1%
So...we'll make things more equal by giving nogs more money than whites?
It's also interesting they see black Americans as exactly the same as someone from say, Guatemala.
Isnt that where you rev your car engine until it hits the limit?
>environmental racism
Mother nature is racist by giving black people a lower IQ than whites on average.
But she must think it rains only on black people or something?
Niggers are stupid and don't follow directions news at 11.
The aren't stupid you retarded fuck. They are promoting their own racial self interest while whites are getting stripped of ecery last bit of theres.
And if you let them become a majority then reperations WILL pass and white people will be extorted into ground by these blood-sucking lazy niggers and spics and the kikes who puppet them.
No, it’a that niggers and spics are fat as shit and obesity depresses the immune system.
No. The problem is someone told them they were immune to the virus and many believed it. Don't listen to that bartender.
when you have big lips and big nostrils it creates more surface area for the chinese flu to stick on
remember two weeks ago when twitter said black people were immune?
it's paying off!
who knew twitter was so fucking based
or maybe because they're throwing block parties in the middle of a pandemic
dumb nogs
We immune dont belieb dis proganda
They tryin make us look weak
No, WuFlu patients should be charged more for getting sick. It's the same deterrent used in carbon trading. If it works for global warming then why wouldn't it work for the WuFlu?
>environmental racism
I just can't keep up with all these retarded mutt concepts
The Democrats will declare open war on white people if they regain full control. They hate you and want you broke and dead. They are the enemy of the people.
This is literally a false equivalency. Black people are also a lot more likely to be fat and Coronavirus really doesn't like fatty.
It's also why Mississippi is has the highest hospitalization percentage and why the Netherlands have started to ration their ventilators to BMIs 25 and under.
nyc,syracuse took down all the basketball rims at the parks because they wouldnt go home
I'm sure the rates are whole heck of a lot better than from wherever shithole these brown people are from. What is the call to action here, for white people to do more for them?
>lens of reparations
You won't do shit, nigger.
Maybe if the damn Mexicans wouldn't cram 18 people into a 2 bedroom house? She needs to hush and show us her tits
Makes sense to the browns, who are next to being a majority
throw more money at niggers
that should help
But we wuz immune and shit!
Corona hates shitskins. /OurFlu/
This. They will keep saying all kind of retarded shit if it means whitey will go intoa guilt trip and give them everything they want. Whites are being pushed around by niggers, spics and chinks and they keep helping them. What a pathetic race.
Can't unsee
She was advocating the release of all prisoners. That bitch is crazy
No niggers thought they were immune since Africa hardly had any cases. It certainly wasn't because Africa was a shithole nobody visited.
In any case, they acted like there was no virus at all and now they're paying the price because apes are stupid.
Maybe spiking Black + Brown communities don't practice social distancing, careful hygiene, and all the other safety measures as actively as non-spiking communities.
I'm Dominican and literally 90% of my family in NYC has it because they're all dumbasses who cant go two days without a family dinner or party.
Lol, absolutely zero fucks given.
You owe user a coke now, nigger
All white people in here on quarantine
Brown people have been flying kites down there in teenage groups while screaming like chimps sometimes, I can see from my window.
gee, why are they being infected more?
Saving this
In addition to those communities being less informed and usually having more and multigenerational members in the same household living under one roof (like a problem in Italy, many adults still live with older parents), I can anecdotally say that several Hispanic coworkers of mine are totally disregarding the guidelines to NOT have weekend parties of 30+ family members all together in close quarters.
fucking racist virus
why don't leftists ever come out and directly say they believe certain populations to be subhuman?
The real reason is because the virus is racist
>She's right you know...
She's a moron, dancing in the graveyard to advance her evil agenda.
spics and niggers dont follow social distancing and self quarantine
washing hands is too hard
>Oi Vey! Minorities are disportiananliggyeSJWTrumpsMericaGaslightrReparationBLMism Covid19 deaths!
>Drumpfs fault!
t. NottaKike Shekelbergestienowitz
The weird thing is that Africa is full of Chinamen. They should have gotten it a lot faster. More likely they just weren't testing
Fucking white people, and their hability to follow simple sanitary instructions.
>still participating in partisan politics
Vote for BASED Republicans. Based Bibi and Kushner!
>t. Moshe
Christ on a bike, just nuke everything already I want it to be all over...
Fucking faggots correlate low IQ, obesity and education issues to poverty but dont bother to do it for anything else like simple fucking hygiene practices in the midst of a pandemic.
Fucking hell, why is everything linked to racism? Whats the endgame here?
This shop reminds me very much of Amber Alena.
>environmental racism
>trees learned to hate after hundreds of years of unwanted farm equipment hanging from their branches
No Alexandria.. Black and brown people simply live in overpopulated developements, and have crap hygiene.
You know it, I know it, they know it. Don't be a traitor. It's comments like this that will have you looking over your back once they find a hotter latina actress to take your place.
>not hivemind
You absolute new faggot.
more like having hundreds of bikes chained to them
>environmental racism, wealth gap
Is that when everyone who previously had no issues running a decent town wants to leave because the place gets taken over by non-whites?
it looks like she's just holding two balls in front of her chest.
> When the titties are so fake they look like balls you're holding in front of you instead of being attached to your body.
Those are some very unpleasant looking breasts also the fuck is with that guys thigh. Looks like something is trying to burst through the skin
>three chambers of Congress
Leftists just make all this shit up to feel good and woke. This language is straight out of a sociology 101 textbook.
Those are some sad looking tits.
Corona is RACIZZZ YO
Jinx hivemind
Am I doing it right now?
>environmental racism
Damn, I had a hunch those trees at the park had their branches pointed at blacks and were whistling “niggerrrr” with every passing breeze
Fuck this bitch
Who is this "Covid" and why does he hate minorities?
She's right about niggers living in squalor and creating health risks for themselves, decreasing their life expectancy and making them more susceptible to disease.
She's wrong about it being the gubment's fault.
Just let it happen, girl.
She may well be right. And it is good that the wuflu acts this way, as god intends.
being an obese sack of shit is a liability
50% of blacks are obese
Niggars are collectively worse off then they were a hundred years ago. Collective benefit my ass niggers only do what they're retarded corrupt pastors tell them and demand more Gibbs. There a bunch of crack addicts wanting more crack instead of wanting to get clean. Fuck you fuck her and fuck niggers.
It is hyper bimbo - plastic tits mental issue.
Dont ask me why she agred to it.
Guess she likes to be just a toy?