It’s over

Attached: 88C29826-0206-47A1-BF67-1A4381C718BD.png (933x525, 560.22K)

It has only begun.

no way this is real

Oh shit when you see it.

I assume you mean the spiral

If I were the guy in the red shirt, I wouldn't allow that beta male creep to set foot inside my home.

I suspect the wife is some sort of ball-breaker and both males are subservient to her.

nintendo switch

If you're not a Chad, save yourself a lifetime of child support and grief. Live alone and escape into a paracosm of your own creation.

You underestimate the amount of men with a cuck fetish
I have a group of 4 friends of girls, we have orgies all the time & have known each other since high school
All of them have been in relationships with other men who were never involved in our group of friends, and they all cheated on their boyfriends behind their back
One was recently engaged (last year) and that entire time, she fucked us behind his back
He eventually found out & left her
Shit is fun desu

He looks attractive, why is he stuck with that bitch?

every girl has their "man" and then every girl has their "lover"

way more fun and less responsibility being the lover.

Nothing you just said relates to having a cuck fetish.

Attached: 8F6C5EC6-3AA1-4A84-BE51-0E7857B3836D.jpg (1216x1854, 576.96K)

Kill yourself

wow you want a medal?

modern family dot png

>instead people should be forced to be miserable together their entire lives and psychologically fuck up their kids by this dynamic

sounds great

Pics or it didn't happen.
Even if it did, enjoy hell.

Aren't those his kids too? If so then who cares.

thank you for the new word mate

Wait, so it is just 2 families on this photo.

THere is nothign wrong with this, although it is a bit weird. It's not like the dude alone hangs out with his "ex-family" or some shit.

kill yourself degenerate

why do white people do this?

Attached: screw the rules.png (1068x756, 901.27K)

>Shit is fun desu
This tells me you are a virgin cool larp though. Have sex incel.

In a “white” western country he is average to less than average. Remember being white doesn’t automatically grant you high status when the majority of people are white too. That makes you common.

God I hope Chad is nailing rad girlfriend along with 5 BBC's

This is what my local news channel called a “blended family”, when interviewed them in quarantine.


The fuck is up with the girl on the lefts face?


Everyone involves in this story is physically ugly as shit

Sounds like you and your friends are gay for each other. But it’s just a LARP so who cares. Sage this whole thread.

You might call this guy a 'cuck' but the reality is that he has had more sex and children than most people posting in this thread.

What is over? Are you actually feeling emotionally invested when you see this pic? Are you also 160 lbs, 5'10" manlet with black rimmed glasses?

Some people call it disassociation, but it's saved my life. Nobody goes around saying Tolkien was crazy, and he created one of the biggest solo ones to exist.

The whole blocking of names is super faggotry done by redditards who are afraid of being banned for "doxxing" despite these people choosing to post their information in a public forum.

Thank fuck, I thought I was seeing things.
Degenerate gamily confirmed!

I came back into this thread to see if this post was a canadian

nice reading ability you have there. The pic literally states "...and her children" not "... and their children". None of these kids are his.

>nice reading ability
It says "my ex-husband and OUR CHILDREN."

ok I cant read apparently. "our children" implies there's some kids that may be his

Rent free lmao


Shit like this makes me feel good about being an autistic NEET.

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1 post by this user

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What wrong with this? A couple had kids and got divorsed. The father maintains a good relationship with the mother and spends times with his children, maintaining a healthy environment to grow up in. This is the best case scenario for kids of divorced parents.

You should be applauding the dude for being a good father figure. What's he supposed to do? Abandon them and call their mom a whore whenever he sees her? You guys are retarded autists

whats up with incels always getting mad about the fact that some men fuck women who are in relationships.

lots of incels I've told about me fucking women who were dating someone else got mad. It's like they are jealous but it comes off as them white knighting for a woman they aren't in a relationship with, and are exposing their own insecurities that even if they got a woman, their woman would end up fucking me. (probably).

kek, have sex incels

it doesn't matter if he's lying or not , just know guys like this exist. Being a good looking Chad is a different reality. 90% of men are invisible to women and looked at with contempt. the top 10% are living an insane life of validation where every time they're in a room with one or more females it can turn into a Brazzers scene. I've known a few guys like this personally and their stories (no, they had no reason to lie, they don't have to impress me) would always lead me into a deep depression for days on end. none of your politics , cope, and self improvement will change the fact that you won't be sexually attractive to women at a primal level. Call them whores or roasties but it's just biology and it's all that matters


>You underestimate the amount of men with a cuck fetish
>One time this guy found out he was being cucked and left his girl
Burgers you have to take responsibility for this.

Scarcity mentality. When I was a beta I couldn't imagine "degeneracy" either

> and escape into a paracosm of your own creation
this is a much underutilized notion

You’re not totally wrong but it’s still totally cucked.

Nah, he's on his own.

unitonically this i cant believe i have to defend a leaf, regardless of how big of a soi shit he is atleast he didnt abandon his kids like a fucking nigger

technically he's turned the usual evolutionary system upside down, usually the beta raises the kids of the alpha male, that's why women get more attracted to Chads when they are close to ovulation, and beta provider cucks when there's less chance of being pregnant. but here Chad is raising his kids instead? probably she's hoping for a son from the new guy, it's really only male genes that count cause women get fucked anyway

If I were the guy in the red shirt I wouldn't marry such a vile whore in the first place

Can a non phone poster get a pic of that girl in reds face
"If only you knew how bad things are"

Obviously didn’t happen..

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Well this isn't as bad. At least he has a gf and he's spending time with the kids.

Literally have sex dude ffs

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Share their stories

nah, he looks like a chump

Can confirm I was television in that room when you all had orgies.

Because if the relationship is this good in the first place then they could have held the marriage together and persevered with a stable family.
But the whore wanted chad cock, so she got chad cock

Would you accept the same excuse from a negro or a Jew?
You have allowed this man to represent you, and will suffer the consequences. The onus is on you to make this right.

but CNN says cuckolding is healthy! Be moar smart and voat blue no matter who!

Attached: cuckoldingcnn.jpg (900x853, 187.85K)

they must have some sort of bdsm / slave fetish arrangement

haha a fucking leaf comes out with a post like this. figures. look at that ridiculous s oyboy in the pics. how did i guess he would look like that? if he wasnt such a beta s oyboy cuck he wouldnt be in that position in the first place. what a fucking sucker that guy is.

Ok so let's say hypothetically life exists as you know it. I'm relatively awkward and reserved. Unless I'm with friends I don't talk much or socialise. I've never approached a girl. Yet I've had multiple relationships and just random offers for sex from girls I've met. I'm not in the top ten percent looks wise. Id place myself somewhere between top fourty to thirty percent probably. I'm also not rich I'm just a college student. If we live in some incel clown world where only the top ten percent of males are attractive to females how do you explain my experiences?

the dude moved on and has a girlfriend and everything. He is just trying to be involved for his kids. once they are grown he wont need to hang around his ex-wife anymore

this thread is just teenagers who dont have kids and arent worried about raising kids they best they can

you know you can download , crop, and post images on 4chins all in the comfort of your android

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another fucking leaf engaging in beta s oyboy cope. fucking amazing. how are leafs SO fucking pathetic?

>Watched all my kids

You are part of the problem

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pick one

I'm exaggerating . Top 30% is fine to hook up and get lucky once in a while, but the real crazy shit usually happens with the top guys. You're still ahead of the curve, it's the average and below guys that are screwed

yeah i remember when I thought women had integrity.

american women for the most part are just moist fuck holes. low iq and all that they know is to have sex.