I believe it's real only because the arguments against it are so poor. One of the earliest is that retarded video trying to show how perfectly it collapsed but it clearly falls outside of the white lines they put on it.
Carson Ramirez
Thanks for posting the actual footage and not the shopped one with internal explosions added.
Jayden Hill
What was the general mainstream consensus on building 7?
I'm assuming that most journalists know it's silly, but if they call it out they know they'll get suicided. I also wonder if the ones who do the suiciding also get suicided later down the line. I hope so.
Matthew Wood
I've been looking at the structure of airliner airframes lately...the idea that a flimsy aluminum aircraft can bash a hole in a building with 3-4" thick steel skin is preposterous. The aluminum skin of an airliner is proportionately thinner to its size than the walls of the flimsiest beer can.
I might be psychologically scarred by the media shitshow that was 9/11 and everything that came after it, but it does remind me of it a little bit. Glad they have reimplemented the eternal running banner at the bottom of the tv screen.
The shock-wave caused from the collapsed Towers and the impact from the plane weakened the structure of Tower 7, which led to its collapse. It didnt collapse because of some Jew conspiracy tin foil hat thing. Take your meds schizo.
I know aircraft very well. There is no way the not-even- 1/4 Inch alu can do ANYTHING to Steel. It's like trying to cut diamond with wood. It simply doesn't work. The plane would decimate itself on the tower and the structure would be left unharmed.
Instead, we got a perfectly controlled demolition. Weird eh ?
That's all I needed to prove my point. Thanks frens
Dominic Cooper
>The shock-wave caused from the collapsed Towers and the impact from the plane weakened the structure of Tower 7, which led to its collapse. Why then was building 7 and only building 7 to collaose at near free-fall speeds the same as the other 2 main world trade center buildings? Other buildings where more badly damaged physically and structurally than wtc 7 and did not collapse in on themselves.
Chase Davis
>The shock-wave Oooh that shock wave kek
Building 6 blew a massive hole from a bomb deep in its foundations 15 minutes before the two towers collapsed.
It's more than just jews and jews isn't even a good category for the people in it as they don't all see eye to eye. Yes, jews are part of it, like the masons, but it's much bigger than just that.
Alexander Nelson
>A fucking BOMBER. >16 dead >Building open 2 days later. Ha ha! Also, love that fucking Disney music over the news story. Jesus.
Now the 2 planes that slammed into WTC 1 and 2 each had 30,000 liters of fuel on board as we know from the flight recorders that were recovered. And it turns out that the plane that crashed into the pentagon also had 30,000 liters of fuel on board as the flight recorder revealed. We are told that 30,000 liters of fuel so weakened the huge steel beams of WTC 1 & 2 that they collapsed. That's a helluva lot of heat to do that eh? Let's see what all that fucking heat from 30,000 liters of fuel did at the Pentagon...
are you stupid? It weighs between 80 and 140 tons, add the speed of about 500 mph and you have a flying demolition ball. Sure, it's not enough to take down the whole building, but it's enough to punch a hole in it.
Take a beer can and fire it out of one of those potato guns at a slab of 1/4" steel would be a better test. the can will blast open, flatten and flop off the slightly dented or scratched steel. Fuck me you really are a mong. What does jew jism taste like, shill?
I was utterly shocked how many of the old 9/11 (but also JFK) videos either utterly disappeared from YouTube, or are nowhere to be found. For many years they always were at the top of the search results and I returned to them from time to time. Also the search always seems to return something totally different than you really want.
Caleb Perry
It killed many jews
Luis Diaz
Don't yell at me, I didn't bring it up and would rather have a 9/11 thread, dickhead.
You should see what liquid copper can do when it's at a very fine point and moving VERY fast. It's called the Munroe Effect or Shaped Charge. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaped_charge The same energy principles are behind tornadoes driving pieces of hay and straw into trees and telephone poles.
Levi Cook
Oklahoma City bombing was even faker
Ian Jenkins
Greater Israel and the subjugation of the entire white race came of this event.
Justin Thompson
It's made of reinforced carbon fiber, kevlar and aluminum alloys. It's got enough energy to punch a hole in the steel. Listen, the story is already full of shit as it is and you can easily point out other fallacies, this only makes you look like misinformed idiots.
Joseph Taylor
Anyways back to Coronavirus
Hundreds of hospitals and testing tents across the world that are at the heart of the virus are empty #filmyourhospital World leaders aren’t wearing PPE Trudeau’s wife gets it but not him Governments itching to shutdown everything and pass idiotic laws China “stabilizes” overnight Nobody knows anyone that has died of it 5G being discussed
Bentley Myers
>Are you stupid? Try putting wings on a tin can and throw it at your lincoln logs. Same thing
What if I throw my Lincoln Logs at a concrete curb? >brainlets that think they understand mass and velocity
dancing israelis 200 mossad agents arrested around the same time same mossad agents lived right next to the (((terrorists))) in florida (((terrorists))) couldn't even fly the easiest plane but managed to do impossible maneuvers thousands of hours professional pilots couldn't replicate larry "pull it" silverstein silverstein took out a insurance policy against terrorst attacks just before he and other top executives just so happened to be late to work on the same day mossad moving company in the building the weeks leading up flight 93 evaporating into thin air upon its crash countless reports of explosives as people fled the towers
I recommend buying and or listening to David Ickes new 1000 page book entitled trigger and or listening to his 3 hour rant on londonreal
Aaron Foster
>Thanks. Was awaiting this pic.
Nooooooo weak things cant go thru strong things!!!
>What was the general mainstream consensus on building 7? There was a fire and it fell down oh wait I'm sorry >there was an absolutely raging inferno that absolutely wasnt a raging inferno and no fire tests from bld 7 steel because that was the first shit carted away
Michael Richardson
They just forgot to place an engineering post near it.