When did that happen?
All of a sudden it became OK to destroy 10 million jobs
When the 4th Industrial Revolution started 3 years ago
Don't be retarded; you know that most of those jobs are coming back as soon as this blows over
>durr it won't ever blow over
Fuck off
Explain please
When they decided to replace workers with AI.
isn't it crazy that over 10 million jobs were worthless busy work?
It's pretty confusing to people who can't read graphs, but it's going to become very clear in the next two weeks once we reach millions of infected and tens of thousands of daily deaths. Low IQ people are going to get a crash course in exponential math.
Holy crap I cant believe there are over 6 million unemployment claims. How can you put 10 million people out of work? You cant just have 20 million unemployed people.
>When did that happen?
(((Patriot Act)))
If you go out and get the virus and die, that’s your fault. If your immune system is weak stay the fuck home. Let us get back to our lives.
just remember its democrats that are doing this to the working people that they use as an excuse everytime they want to push some bullshit
>we're for the workers
>all you workers have to stay home
>no we're not passing this bill we need to make sure non citizens get help
why when they can hire retarded brown people at half the price?
Just a reminder that if you’re currently out of work because you’re non-essential, then your job was probably bullshit to begin with
When 10 million jobs became useless busywork.
>mfw just got hired at a pretzel factory
>mfw that's considered essential
May 1st million man march. Won’t get fooled again. No more 2 more weeks bro.
Am I wrong or shouldn't entire nations that don't/can't maintain precautions be infected by the end of the month? Shouldn't we know whether it's over by then?
Everywhere would have already been overrun. Look at #filmyourhospital - empty around the country
It’s a late season common cold
America is full of cucks and degenerates who love getting fucked in the ass.
Imagine someone with a public education actually understanding what this means.
>"Just you wait, 2 WEEKS!"
You dont know what the 4th Industrial Revolution is?
>it's going to become very clear in the next two weeks
>force businesses to close for the sake of social distancing
>businesses lay off workers
>workers have to get new jobs where social distancing is near impossible(cashier, warehouses, etc.)
One month ago
>We're going to have tens of thousands of cases by the end of March
Two weeks ago
>Surely these people will learn when we reach 9/11 level deaths in early April that this is serious
Lmao, we're not changing the goal posts. You're just changing the Overton window of acceptable deaths each week so that thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, is hunky dory.
You in May:
>It's not even a million deaths yet!
are you retarded? Food, bev and hospitality will take a major hit for years to come
of course you can... this is when the race war happens
Dude just hold for few more years.
I am a commercial electrician for new construction, grocery baggers are not out of work but i am...
Lol I just love the low key link shilling on pol. But in all honesty, buy link if you want to survive the 4th industrial revolution
The virus doesn`t care about your immune system, if you get it, you get it, it will eat your lungs, eat your brain and if it doesn`t kill you the first time it will the second.
The jews are gutting the economy and no one seems to notice.
It’s going to get worse for the wagies, and the virus is just an excuse for Corp to replace workers with automation. Buy crypto and gold
So are fast food places and liquor stores somehow.
Good one. Imagine my shock: you used a term you don't understand and are unequipped to do anything but make trite comments about it.
You know how I know you're a nigger?
>Non wealth generating industries will die
good, learn to cook you lazy piece of shit.
Most people affected by this is small business owners. Most are gonna lose their business all together when this "blows over". The economic damage that has been done will take years or decades to fixed. Life will not be normal.
Are 3,000 LINK enough?
I can not buy more currently.
Trying to get rid of some stuff to get more cash for more LINKIEs, but nobody wants to buy.
I figured that only 333,333 people can own 3,000 LINK. So I should be good, right? I mean it will be the foundation of everything after all
Yes, you will do well.
>When did that happen?
The job loss, due to AI and drones, was almost here, and the COVID hysteria gives those job losses a good cover.
Too bad GOY, but the billionaires must survive!
>he really doesnt know about the 4th Industrial Revolution and the next wave of automation it brings
Or are you just butthurt because it kills your job and turns you into a gibs nigger?
10k is the minimum amount to actually make it.
When Boomer lives were threatened.
Our lives are more important than your business. Take advantage of the gibs :^)
Should be a balancing act. Weigh the deaths from economic collapse versus deaths from COVID spread
>When did that happen?
when the left needed another attack against Trump because they know they cant win an election.
But the virus kills everyone and an economic collapse would only kill the underclass with no savings or resources. Give me the economic collapse senpai.
If you, or anyone posts about chainlink on my page again I will tweet every day about what a piece of shit Chainlink is and the price will go to zero. Are we clear?
That was the $1000 eoy 2018 timeline, something got fucked up along the way, so now to balance out the timeline were in LINK will pump at a much more accelerated pace, the new make it stack in this time line is 100 LINK.
It will be normal, except all those small businesses will now be run by the (((big businesses))) that had the clout$$ to get declared essential.
I don’t know why you’re so buttblasted by that term.
Kill those panicmongers. Kill them all dead.
How does $3 million sound?
This and only this fuck off all of you other faggots.
The new make it stack is just 1 LINK.
I've heard of the term
Maybe you should have looked it up instead of spewing angry autism
I need my fucking pretzels during times of rona.... Make my pretzels now.
I'm ready to be rich now.. what's taking so long?
It has been going on for a while. Now they are ramping it up. There’s a reason why US is introducing the digital dollar.
There will be no small businesses. Just mega corporations everywhere. It is gonna look like something out of robocop.
This is the year
Fuck all the way in q3? Fuck.
You're already rich, my fren. Reality just hadn't caught up yet.
The model that the White House is using to predict hundreds of thousands of death isn’t even verified and nobody knows what the assumptions behind the model are (to keep the authors anonymous) therefore it’s meaningless. Happening fags are going to be so embarrassed in May.
Be happy with what you got stupid. You will be in the .01% once this is over
>bono cried for the 100th time since last year
if your job can be done by a retard then maybe you should go back to school
Not really because they will botch the numbers to fit the narrative, either way we are all unwillingly going along for this ride.
any day now is hetting real old hearing on this faggot website
They won't since the small to medium businesses they're linked to will be dead.
People keep acting like it's only America where the economy is suffering and Trump could fix it all with a snap of his finger. It's not that simple. Wake the fuck up.
untill it overtakes traffic fatalities for even a day im not hilding my breath
odd in nc elections are going
Probably because America is the only country that matters. The rest are glorified vassal states
proof plz
Found the kike
Then what do I do after that?
>but it's going to become very clear in the next two weeks
I read this every day here for months now
7th Dimension Chess
I thought that this was serious because my mom got It but my mom is hella unhealthy. My brother got it and was fine in 5 days. Yea, it sucked and he was down for a couple days but he is fine now. 100%.
Coronavirus is bullshit. It's a really hard flu or it's man made but it only takes out the really old and really sick.
Don't be scared. This is some bullshit. They destroyed the economy for some bullshit. People always dying. Now it's a crisis? Some dark forces at work here.