"Government cheese"
Social Security in America looks like
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Government cheese
uma delicia
> And I'm proud to be an American
> Where at least I know I'm free
> And I won't forget the men who died
> And who gave that right to me…
"Momma Please don't Eat dat Gubment Cheese" was the best play I ever saw.
prove me that germany hasn't done shit like this by "fixing" the markets you faggot
If you live off of the government you don’t deserve anything else
Hey, Velveeta is tasty as fuck.
>If you live off of those who actually work you don’t deserve anything else
Looks like Velveeta to me. I'll make you some badass cheese dip with that.
government cheese is actually extremely high quality cheese. its from the government stockpile of cheese, and they cycle out the older cheese blocks. if you knew anything about cheese, the older is gets the better it tastes. its not crappy cheese.
Processed American cheese product is necessary on some items. Like a breakfast sandwich, or go figure, on a cheeseburger. Even Bobby Flay and Gordon Ramsay agree that a cheeseburger isn't the same without it.
People also forget that it's basically Velveeta, and makes baller mac and cheese. Much better than the powder they give you in kraft.
the cheese is fine...it's the peanut butter that's fucking disgusting
Government cheese is a good deal, in the 80s you could buy it from welfare queens for a dollar.
Government cheese makes the best grilled cheeses you will ever have. Not kidding.
stop calling this shit cheese.
back when i used to live in anglosphere. it used to be marketed this as cheese flavoured sandwich slices.
a much more accurate description.
It melts better than cheddar. It's awesome in mac and cheese.
American 'cheese' is not cheese
It's not even food
Its a block of plasticine with colours and preservatives
Fuck your gRiLLeD cHYEeeZ and mac'n'chiz, youre a fallen people in a dying empire
Says the dead empire. Go find your kids, Muhammad is fucking them.
Bin that knife
Gub'ment peanut butter is better than the crap you buy in the stores, and it's better for you.
In any case, you're getting it for FREE, so what the fuck are you people bitching about?
Have some more blood pudding and spotted dick, Pikey
Processed cheese is cheese plus emulsifier. Processed cheese product is the same, but with milk, cream, or whey added.
you understand we have real cheese too, right?
only poverty niggers buy that shiit
I don't care about boomers except hoping all my aunts and uncles and mom starve to death
Literally never once in my life have I seen government cheese.
dont you be talking shit about government cheese that shit is good
Imagine being such a wet-behind-the-ears noob, you've never heard of US Commodities before
How's the fifth grade for the eighth consecutive year so far?
>Hating one's own mother
Wow, no wonder you can only get hard for guys
Jezus thats disgusting just a gigantic block of chedder.
Hate to admit it but i had that once and it was the best cheese i ever fucking had.....
Thats not cheese you filthy Americon
Is it normal to fuck one's mother in Belize? In any case shitskins don't have opinions, you're little more than an ape slapping random keys.
Rare flag
imagine thinking that the best mac and cheese is made from velyeeta
thats not government cheese though i can see the land o the lakes package?
I´ve seen a documentary about all the cheese, it´s hilarious!
>land o lakes
that shit's expensive nigger
Thats not what he said he thinks. Dont put words into other peoples motmuths you fucking kike.
Ok ahmed
Being this new.
It doesn't claim to be
Didn’t your grandmother get raped over and over again by a pack of ruthless Soviets? And you still think you have a culture? Kek
>retard discovers widely known term and it's origin
you da man
What's your point Hans? Is this you trying to learn to have a sense of humor?
You want to be like the west now?
Don't you have a child to stab, nigger?
Andrew Jackson had a 4000 pound block of cheese sitting in the White House for any American to eat who was hungry. It's a grand old tradition.
I dont understand what your issue is with it
Leave britbro alone.
It's the germs that have no sense of humor.
I tell you, they could clear a bar just by talking
How does this shit taste?
you sound butthurt as fuck that they get free cheese and you don't
Like spaghetti
It's literally cheese though. We send the shitty, brittle, too acidic extra sharp and sharp cheddar cheese to long hold process to get turned into Velveeta and American singles. The good stuff goes to the cracker barrel store brands, and the mid range goes to kraft shred/slice/block depending on its consistency
T. Kraft cheese grader
Your're flag is shit
Ever had a Kraft single? That slice of Yankee cheese in plastic? About as bland and lifeless as that.
>i dont know that america has the entire state of wisconsin dedicated to cheese production, to such an extreme level that its citizens are required to walk around with hats made from cheese at all times
Sounds like a nice job where do I apply?
>Kraft single
Light as a feather, and melts in your mouth with buttery, tangy goodness.
what kind of cheese goes to kraft macaroni? the powder and the kind that comes with a pouch of premade liquid cheese
That shit is delicious though, yurocucks will never understand what real cheese tastes like.
this thread is embarrassing Hans
Trans cheese.
Genetically plastic. But looks and tastes kinda right.
I eat it straight
You cant bump you're own thread you dipshit.
And govt cheese is fine. There's a shitload of it, and it's good to have a stockpile.
Okey thanks have soms gouda
As if German government and military don't have any standardized rations. If they can give up peace time production away as gibs, in emergency conditions they can produce lot more for military. Keeps factories running when army doesn't need that shit and has excess capacity. Basically welfare for food producers.
Before you sperg out about processed cheese, it has more shelf life than real cheese. Might taste bit shitty, but better than nothing and it adds some calories to military rations.
That's not what govt cheese is. Not the same shit.
My buddy’s dad used to be in the import/export business. He would sell truck loads of this stuff to overseas companies.
“Govt cheese” got memed in the 80s as low quality, much like everything related to bureaucracy, but in reality it’s more like regulating a product like old German beer laws. Govt cheese is pure as fuck and amazing.
Blaming that one on my phone.
There will never be a president as based as Andrew Jackson ever again.
I don't deal with any powder cheese, but the liquid in pouches if from the same process as Velveeta etc. Some cheese "if Machine metal shavings might be in it for example" gets sold to a third party for dirt cheap and usually melted down and put through x-rays to sift anything out. then they do whatever they want with it. Sometimes cheese dips, animal food or bait. tons of stuff
You fags are really still crying about an American cheese winning that competition a year or so back, aren't you? Get over it. Imagine being such a pathetic excuse of a country that all you can do is mock the food we eat. Tell you what, the day the Bundeswehr stations troops on US soil is the day you can start to criticize anything about us. Until then, shut the fuck up, buy our nigger rap music, and raise the bastards of American servicemen.
Sorry, I meant metal detectors, not x rays
They had to evict Jackson's parrot from his funeral because it was constantly swearing in Jackson's voice.
That shit is amazing. Need to replace the bald eagle as our mascot with this!
What kind of cheese products would you allow your family to eat? What cheese products are safe for human consumption in your mind?
Just listen to Rekeita's show?
Its actually really good. Its different from any of the store bought american cheeses you can get. They should start selling it since they dont give it out anymore.
this user has been there. Best fuckin grilled cheese ever.
>block of cheese sitting in the White House for any American to eat who was hungry. It's a grand old tradition.
Yes indeed.
I am inpressed what was the cheese bastards name?
ching chang cong
I'm on welfare and the cheese we get is better than this fake shit.
Don't diss the gummint cheese until you've tried it.
thats based
i have to pay for my cheese myself :(
I thought US govt cheese was straight up cheddar, which is great.
This is a cool story but it isn't necessarily true, the real story is pretty interesting though.
The cheese went on a tour of the US, then eventually was on display in the White House for 1 year. Then, during Andrew Jackson's last "shindig" as President, he allowed everyone to get their fill of the cheese.
This, coincidentally, took all attention off of the Petticoat Affair. No one talked about shit but cheese that day and completely forgot about John Eaton.
u wot m8?
Fuck you. In the 80s there was nothing better than government cheese.
Britain is a dead empire owned by the rothschilds
Sauerkraut is finely cut raw cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria
Imagine coming up with this, even the name throw me off. I bet you eat eggs in vinegar you fucking backward savage.
Pretty much any of the solid cheeses are fine. Aside from some stuff to accelerate the aging process, The only additives are anti congealing and anti sticking agents in those. The processed stuff isn't going to kill you but its kind of shit for nutritional value
Government food is unironically fantastic.
>comes in grey boxes with black text, no kike brain tricks
>usually comes in huge quantities
>shelf stable for fucking years
>tastes as good as any generic grocery store brand of a similar product
>amusing straightforward names like, literally, "grape drink"
If you've never shopped at a base exchange you're missing out.
here is the problem.
When these programs started we needed to make sure people bought actual food with the money and not booze. Food stamps were literally stamps you gave to the grocery store for milk, eggs, bread, cheese, meats etc. The government bought food at low prices and sold their own brand to help. It was low quality but not bad.
Fast forward to today and Snap cards. I have seen more "people" buy a single serving pack of chips and 20oz soda than buying real food. The $4 purchase could have been used to buy a loaf of bread and a 2lt soda.
>inb4 soda bad. yeah but a 2lt for a family vs 20oz for 1. Its the point of buying single serve vs bulk
oh fuck i'm so hungry
Mutts are mad