Give me one good reason why we shouldn't tax straight white men

Give me one good reason why we shouldn't tax straight white men.

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Because the wage gap has been disproven.

If businesses can get away with paying women less money for the same work, why don’t they just hire exclusively women? Nobody gives a fuck if white men get passed over anymore

Because if I have to pay more in taxes I'm going to cut your wages to make up the difference.

Why doesn't a female owned company hire exclusively women and dominate the market?

I have a nice supply of lead and brass I'll happily send your way

Now show us how much the jew earns. He is more privileged than white. When jew tax?

Prove it. Your opponent has a flashy infographic that is a compelling substitute for actual evidence.

>not latino
Not even a spic but the incorrect spanish grammar here bugs me

Holy shit! I can hire a team of nothing but Goblinas and cut my salary expenses in half!

Thanks Feminism!

I wonder who's hand that belongs to at the top.

Shut the fuck up.
Nobody cares about that horse shit when we have real problems to deal with.

Be glad they didn't say Latinx

The straight White Male, Schlomo Shekelgrubberstien.

White men are the only people who pay taxes.

1. Nancy Pelosi

The same train we don't tax corporations: our spending creates more jobs because we have more money to spend. If anything, women should be taxed more and the rate should very based on complexion.

>profit-crazed billionaires run corporations
>and pay a 25% premium on wages to a subset of the labor pool for no good reason
If the wage gap was real, white men's wage would be instantlt cut to be in line with wahmens, wahmens's wouldnt be raised.

White men are already taxed you tool

Because then nothing will ever get done production-wise

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Are they litterally saying everyone with full time jobs should be paid the same? Fuck marxism and it's "equity." Fuck commies, niggers and jannies. Fuck em. Throw em all from helicopters.

Give me one good reason straight white men shouldn't kill you.

Why don't they show Asian men and Jewish men in this chart?

The latinas in this infographic are paid so much less because they're all cleaners and landscapers, jobs that pay like shit.

THAT'S your wage gap: different jobs that pay differently.

Jokes aside, it's almost cruel to keep this myth going. Shit, my little sister had to do some bullshit school project about how girls are treated around the world (naturally I made sure she didn't include any bullshit western 'feminism') but some of her pleb classmates did the 'women are only paid [percentage of the day].
How fucking cunty do you have to be to tell children that they are going to get paid less just because of their gender?
Of course, they wont know better, and they might grow up thinking they are worth less (inb4, they are)

Wait so is the top hand Jewish?


>we shouldn't tax straight white men.
We should!
White men love taxes.
t.white man

Hispanic women are called latina, how do you not know this

I can hire an equally qualified latina for less than half the cost?


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We all know the answer.
Im just playing poker at this point

The gap shouldn't exist!!
Women shouldn't be employed!!

we dont care.

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I’m Jewish and work with my hands for barely above minimum wage. But then again I’m a Yas Forumsack, too.

Who do you think pays the taxes now? The only people who work and earn income are straight white men.

>White men are the only people

cmon man find something funnier to larp about

>Give me one good reason why we shouldn't tax straight white men.
you lack the power to do so?
time to up taxes on everyone but white men
then you can feel the pressure and you wont have time to annoy us :)
smart huh

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I don't get it... if these women subtypes are paid less than men then why don't these companies ONLY hire these woman?

The sheer advantage gained by overhead reduction would decimate their competition!

I thought you guys said pay doesnt line up with IQ? LOL

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Even for higher positions.
women don't know how to negociate their salaries.
My gf always asked for the middle of the salary fork she had in mind, during a job interview. I always asked for the higher end.
We finally always got what we asked. And then she wonders why I'm paid as much.
Each year, I have to tell my female coworkers to ask a bigger raise than what they planned asking. Basically the same amount that the male ones are asking, for similar positions.
And shocking, they finally get it.

Women are just shit at negociating.

why dont all CEO's just hire STRICTLY female staff then?

wouldnt it save millions year on year to pay people only 49 cents to the dollar?

Jewish and asian men earn more than white ones on average. Why don't you go after them first since that's your whole argument

now compare to jewish men

Latina is correct

straight white men already pay the most taxes

>dumb and violent
>probably criminal record
>no work experience, just gibs
>nobody knows what the fuck kind of language they're screaming in
And then they wonder why they don't get hired to the same positions as English-speaking whites who act professional&polite, have been working since they were teenagers and don't have criminal record

You already do.

The burden of proof is on you commie, if you want to take away our money, you gonna justify it first.

whose money would the women spend?

We shouldn't tax straight white men at all.

Women and minorities already receive more than they pay in tax

that guy obviously did, as do you

>Give me one good reason why we shouldn't tax straight white men.

>Literally the ones who pay the most taxes.

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I pay my taxes

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Come on user, why did it take so long for this?

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Because we’ll flip out and kill you. Something will be the last straw.

FPBP wage gap is a myth based on risk averse choices.
Childless women make more than men of the same age.

Because we already are taxed more than any other group and our entire society will die if we decide to stop letting you shitskins get away with not paying taxes.

We already do. In fact straight white men pay pretty much all the taxes for all the nogs, and whores to exist

Because only straight white mens are able to create functional society. you stupid nigger