White privilege doesn't exi...
White privilege doesn't exi
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But aren't white people about 70% of Americas population? Shouldn't it also go that we'd also be 70% of bachelor's degrees?
Now tell us the drop out rate for niggers on high school
I fucking wish. We were at 70% back in 1990, now it's down to like 52%.
>exact same grades
Imagine being too fucking retarded to understand the affirmative action as its written down for subhumans
>exact same grades
Patently false considering the GPA inflation in urban schools.
Statistics count Hispanics as white. So we're still around 70% in this argument.
Get fucked. affirmative action has been cancelled.
Reverse these numbers and you have the demographics of the NBA or NFL. Explain that privilege? Oh wait it's genetic? Explains a lot doesn't it?
Nice reverse. I wonder if those that butch about unfair that is will reverse their standing when they realise it needs to be flipped.
Whites still hold a slim majority in the USA, faggot. Of course they're going to be a large % of the bachelor degrees handed out. Stupid niggers can't think.
*ahem* if a POC under the affirmative action clause does not find higher education even with LITERAL BLACK PRIVILEGE over whites. It's the individual who's at fault. Not any made up non sense
Whites have the privilege of not being a monkey, but the only unfair thing is all the negro children that would be human in a less pozzed timeline.
All that proves is that white people are smart than niggers. Big fucking surprise.
Nigs just have a lower IQ on average than whites. It's genetic.
This is blatantly false. There are entire preparatory alternative districts in the US dedicated to nothing but feeding blacks into colleges.
Ignore these slide threads!!!!!
Blacks make up 13% of the population. If 29% are getting bachelors degrees, they are overrepresented.
>affirmative action
all a nigger has to do is show up to class and regardless of grade, theyll get admitted. But they cant even do that cuz there niggers. sad
Not sure that even 29% should be there tho...
I before E, except after C
>statistics count non-whites as white
>non-whites are now white
Because even though niggers are literally only accepted because they're niggers, they still fail and drop out. The only way to boost their numbers is if the university literally gives them a degree, because they're so fucking stupid they can't get one themselves. I hope every non-white burns in hell.
>my proof is a cartoon that my grandma posted on Facebook
Wow. Great source you got there.
>because of my race
How do people actually write this shit? It's a blatant lie.
>In the US, a prominent form of racial preferences relates to access to education, particularly admission to universities and other forms of higher education. Race, ethnicity, native language, social class, geographical origin, parental attendance of the university in question (legacy admissions), and/or gender are sometimes taken into account when the university assesses an applicant's grades and test scores. Individuals can also be awarded scholarships and have fees paid on the basis of criteria listed above.
Even if they actually had the same grades, then I'd say it's more likely for whites to do extracurricular activities or internships while in high school, to give them a better chance. What's more likely is that this person is just straight-up lying.
Blacks get fooled into getting degrees from for-profit diploma mills. A bachelors degree from American InterContinential University is worthless but blacks love the for-profit schools because you pass by doing little more than taking out loans to pay for tuition.
so you think for some reason its 'opportunity' or something thats lacking? because there are institutions specifically for blacks, they're called historical black college universities
so you wanna explain that? and they just got a bunch of money. stop bullshitting you retard.
stop obsessing about numbers not looking fair.
>omg these numbers aren't the same that's problematic
kys you fucking moron.
IQ doesnt exis......
Pretty crazy, huh?
No Scandinavian considers Latinos as whites. It's not to be racist, not like we consider you black, but we definitely don't consider, Mex/Span/Italy and the likes for white.
Here is the thing.
White people force their kids to college because that is a thing middle class people do. If anything niggers have more an advantage since they are not burden by student loans. As far as degrees go four year degrees don't matter for most jobs unless you do engineering or some shit. A lot of middle class jobs ask for them because it gives companies an out to make a job exempt for salary purposes. But nah they are just so retarded any little thing that helps them they just burn it.
its also funny that these numbers cam out when there was literally a fucking Ni&&er in the white house, explain you fucking faggot. right in the middle of your chocolate jesus' term, how were nigs not getting more degrees? i guess obongo hated blacks.
This is also retard tier math. Tit isn't about admissions it's about who's actually there. Niggers have a significantly higher rate of acceptance than whites do.
Just more whites apply. This post is public tier math retardation.
this has to be bait
Remove race from the equation and focus entirely on grades mtard.
No but the privilege to stifle life does. Liberty’s prize. Liberty ask not for the right to exist without outside influences does it not? Abortions are the mantra to which you beat the drums of war. A war with life. With yourself. Blood. I have no time for bully pulpits on my watch. Voiceless creatures with a valueless than zero. You played the devaluation game rendering existence obsolete. Laws original purpose and design of survival and liberty to be. A price is needed of 50 million souls a year for your work. A celebration and feast is required in behalf of the voiceless life squashed.
>13% of the population, 28% of 4-year degrees
>aftrican Americans get more degrees per capita than white people
Funniest shit i've read all day
>Made up bullshit
>Not understanding math
>Not understanding genetics
Playing basketball does not make you taller
>According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of all associate degrees awarded to black students, as well as 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students.
but please, tell me how shaquawnda still needs more gibs.
Imagine testing the swimming capabilities of a dolphin against a kangaroo and then complaining that the dolphin's supremacy is purely a systemic bias.
post your face. let's see your blue eyes and blond hair. let's see your pinky white genitals and nips.
>equity = equality
the absolute state of shills
Intredesting, missed this
>Make claims about admission rates
>provides figures about graduation rates
Affirmative actions guarantee blacks can make it in with lower grades. We can't just force blacks to not drop out or lower the standards so much they can't fail at tests since that would make the degrees even more meaningless than they've already become.
Source i you wanted it
Reminder that kikes make up 2% of the country but 30% of Ivy League students, while whites make up 60% of the country and only 25% of Ivy League students.
Anyone who has been in mainland China for more than a day can tell you that chart is a blatant lie.
It's 56%. That number disincludes jews, arabs, hispanics, indians or any other meme group.
>19% of African ancestry comes from a "ghost" population of an unknown, non-Homo Sapiens species of Hominid
>made up numbers a picture made with MSpaint
wow you really proved your point here
doesn't exist
>Falling for the college meme
Tanks fren
"With test-only admissions, the share of White students at top colleges would rise from 66% to 75%; the combined share of Black and Latino students would decrease from 19% to 11%; and the share of Asian students would fall slightly, from 11% to 10%."
The system is rigged against whites. It seems if admittance was based solely on SAT scores every racial group, including Asians, would decline whereas whites would increase.
Niggers get knocked up at 14
they don't go to school
they get criminal records
Why is it white peoples fucking fault their parents didn't raise them and they have no fucking discipline and aspirations?
I hate chimpniggers so fucking much.
It gets worse. Arabs and Jews legally count as White too.
That's why they kept saying Whites do all the terror attacks.
Very accurate, if we allowed them to fend for themselves and sterilized those that wouldn't die from 0 aid then every nog that would have been born would be replaced by a human. Imagine a world with only white people? We would have conquered our solar system by now.
Have you met black people before?
From 1905 to 1923, Arab groups lobbied and sued for a change in their racial classification to White. Dow v United States (1915), established that Syrians were officially white. It was 1943 when the Immigration and Naturalization Service declared finally that all Arabs were to be considered white.
So this statistic is saying POC are less likely to finish school and get their degree? Is the school system racist because they don't make it through?
This. Teachers begging niggers to hand in term papers a month over due.
>white liberal fags passing niggers and spics even if they can't read or write
>white privilege
The bizarre thing about all of this diversity stuff is that Western culture is the first to bend over backwards for others, making room, reaching out. The Bantus, the Chinese, the Mesoamericans, literally EVERYONE has hands stained with oceans of blood and a history of genocide, forceful assimilation (=rape) and displacement. The ONLY difference is that they finished the job and didn't leave anyone alive to express grievances.
That's what you get for taking half-measures, I guess.
If you’re a statist faggot, then yes
"White Americans (including White Hispanics) constitute the historical and current majority of the people living in the United States, with 72% of the population identifying as white in the 2010 United States Census. Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,181,177 or 61.1% of the U.S. population."
>White Americans (including White Hispanics)
And here is the answer to a common slide thread - hispanics can be white if they are white.
How about you provide "data" that isn't a decade old, faggot.
>people of color
>people of color
>people of color
>people of color
My fucking God looks like reddit is here to stay, God have mercy on us all
There's not enough white privilege in white countries.
There's african privilege in african countries, asian privilege in asian countries, chinese privilege in china, indian privilege in india. Why should whites not have privilege in their own countries?
Also, blacks aren't 30% and their failure to finish school has nothing to do with waaycism, they're dumb niggers.
Imagine getting scholarships just for being whi...oh blacks do? Maybe they're just subhuman and have a statistically smaller brain plus their culture is pure cancer. Probably adds up.