I want it all to be over Yas Forums

I want it all to be over Yas Forums.

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Why did the S*mali scum stab a 7 year old girl?



This dumb nigger should be dragged behind the back of a truck, slowly, until he bleeds out from road rash. Somalians are some of the dumbest, worst niggers on the face of the planet and that is saying a lot. Low IQs, a penchant for violence and should not be allowed in the western world.

>Stabbing of Bolton girl
Ramsay, get the knives

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With all the immigrants there he thought he was still in Mogadishu

because they have an average IQ of 68

Nice, i wouldn't of thought of that.

It’s traditional to kill your enemies

Multiculturalism is child sacrifice.

>why didn't you save me, Yas Forums?

What did that racist girl say to make that man so mad?
I hope he isn't permanently traumatized by the incident.
Being a black person is so tiring, because of all the hate they face every day.

Because they can. The weak (whites) will be dominated by the strong. I'm not saying it's right, but it is how it is.

but just imagine how much the press would be crying if a white guy stabbed some 7 year old somali girl
front page everywhere in the world

Yes, Somalians are one of the absolute worst they all have that inbred face

admit it: killing little girls is fun

Shut up bitch we're trying, but we got blocked in every attempt

nigs gon' noggin.

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somalis are subhuman animals

>Why did the S*mali scum stab a 7 year old girl?
according to the MSM the shitskin had 'mental health issues'

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-03 Girl, seven, 'is stabbed to death in a park in Bolton' .png (636x300, 41.59K)

Based leaf. These animals won't even get jail time.

Any links? Can't find anything mentioning a somali, in fact they won't even release details of the perpetrator until the prosecution has finished building the case.

Knew it would be a nigger

>weak (whites) will be dominated by the strong
adult shitskin vs 7yr white girl

>nothing mentioning ethnicity
so you know....

Imaging if this was your daughter and they gets 4 star living conditions in a Bong mental health institute. Unironically he would get beaten to death if this was in Somalia.

Don't worry, should anyone ever dare to act to revenge the stabbed little girl, the kikes owning Yas Forums will put up a neverending slander campaign to accuse the avenger of being Mossad.

>white men will never do anything to take revenge, goyim! It's all Mossad's doing, we are almighty, surrender and be replaced silently!

That's what would happen.

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>being this literal
This shitskin killed a 7 year old girl and nothing will happen to him. That's his strength.

A 30-year-old woman was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and assessed by specialist medical staff. She has been detained under the Mental Health Act and remains in a highly secure facility.

>*he gets

She tried to behead her too.

That's a funny way of saying he's a literal fucking ape


God dam i hate normies so much, i can't even feel bad for them anymore, we've done practically everything to wake them from the coma.

While the child is innocent the parents let this happen for even letting niggers near there kids in the first place.

Why the fuck is this monster still allowed to remain? If you stab a 7 year old kid, you're not even human

>nothing mentioning ethnicity
They never do until the prosecution has a case. That's the way it's always been. The only time they make an effort to hide the criminal's identity is when they're underage and the court orders it. You'd know this if you weren't a zoomer who gets all his info from Yas Forums.

It didn't happen beause it can't have. How do you stab someone from 6 feet away according to the latest guidlines for social distancig? Niggas be carrying pikes now? Lmao, Yas Forums fake news.

so does my dog, and she would never do such a thing, whenever she see sees children, she comes a little closer, sits down and waits til the children approach her and shake her paw

it was a woman

How man polacks does it take to read a news article?

This kind of shit makes my blood boil.

Imagine not having mental issues when u feel the need to stab 7 year olds.

Part and parcel, people love this stuff in our societies, why else would they vote people in to power who bring these people in?

100/10 underrated

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They come fresh from a war torn country- see pic related. Even nigs born here complain about how savage they are. The nigs of nigs...

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>'mental health issues'
kek, aka nigger brain

This. Almost all attack rapes and murders in Norway are committed by Somalis (or Iraqis) I hope Coronachan strangles them

>Why do animal attack people?
Fixed it

>They never do until the prosecution has a case. That's the way it's always been.
not true if the perp is white, or even under 18, plenty such cases!

She was also stabbed infront of her father.

>a girl vs a grown man
Go back to eating bat soup Chang.

Where are the men?

seriously? How the fuck did things get so bad and no one stands up when your own children get raped and murdered by imported hordes.

Because he's a filthy bulbhead

Yes but to call them human is taking it pretty far.

except the few times it's a white perpetrator, all media put it in giant flashing capital letters all over their lugenpresse pieces

fuck off paki

>I hope Coronachan strangles them
Apparently they are the main group dying in Sweden.

>not true if the perp is white
nah, the police only mentions gender and age range when arresting someone under the suspicion of something. Full details are only revealed before the first court hearing.

Because you are pussies and nobody over there is going to take revenge. No one over there is going to do a hit on a Somali child. Those people only understand one language. Violence. That's why Christ Church scared the s*** out of the Muslim so bad. They were spoken to in a language they understand. It was the first time people like isis saw their white Western counterparts. Done in a western style. And they were completely upstaged.

They're fucking idiotic.

Don't you have more bbc posts to spam chang?

>nothing will happen to him. That's his strength
privileges granted by a kiked system

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Show me an instance where the media revealed identifiable info about an arrested suspect before the prosecution had a case. Protip: you can't.


Why was the seven year old girl riding a scooter?

They are the over-represented minority of cases in flagrelated as well. Nettavisen removed the article, but I screenshotted just in time.

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No fucking shit

not true!

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It was compeltely at random, I actually live near bolton its a small town in north england, kind of place that probaly has half a dozen murders a year or something. Woman just attacked out of nowhere, stabbed kid to death, tackled and detained by a member of the public.

>what are accidents

stabbing a 7 year old. so strong!

Doesn't change the facts. Nice cope tho.

>american education

Just start to kill them

The fucking cunt should go have mental issues in his own country.

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Yeah. It's supposedly due to hygiene reasons as most don't really bother. You are talking about a group with an average IQ of 68, so I'm not surprised.

nothing wrong with a little nigger-brain now and then, user, sometimes you just have to let your inner chimp out

Cool, thats my hometown

>muh crusades!
as expected

The latest that comes to mind: the Hanau shooting in Germany.
A few hours after the fact everythingabout the guy was released by lugenpresse.
This happens all the times with whites being the culprit.
Meanwhile, sandniggers and filthy apes are never reported as such in the news, as in the case in OP and in ANY other case.
Go away from Europe, shitskin.

They can stab your children and get away with it. How is that not strong? Any healthy and strong animal on earth will protect its young with its life. Can you imagine harming a bear cub in front of its mother and getting away with it? Only weak faggot animals let you do that.

Because he knew he can behave like a savage and northern European cucks won't do a thing about it it and in fact will look after him and be even more generous and accommodating than before. Try pulling that shit off here in Italy and see what happens.

She didn't get away with it

I thought I read about a woman being arrested and charged when it had happened? Are we saying its now a male Somalian?

>meme flag


Brits belong in hell

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your country is full of niggers just like ours

It was a woman, nowhere in that headline does it mention male, people are just retarded and assuming

can you link it to me, as they havent come out with who has done it on msm

Probably turned him down for sex.
Built for BBC

are you guys fucking retarded or what? sub 50 iq monkey niggers who can't read talking shit?


This happened in Britain and I'm telling you what the rules are here. Suspects are not revealed at the point of arrest. Seethe harder.

i wonder if he achieved orgasm during the stabbing?

When is enough enough? When do euro cucks get spurred to action? What happened to sense of self preservation?

Tried to stop it by invading Poland ..
The real people behind Somalian immigration


Why is a 7 yr old driving a scooter in a park?

tradcucks and poltards are massive simps

>When do euro cucks get spurred to action?
You have guns and have done nothing , why do you expect Europe to suddenly start doing something?

Or torch a somalian school lol.


OH yes, all that crime by "Asians".

She probably deserved it somehow

>floods of retards reacting without reading or knowing naything


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Do you really censor out Somali? Fuck you and piss off

Nigger rape baby detected.

Not even remotely comparable, baguette.
The niggers here are a separate portion of population, very small and only irrelevant percentage will ever get citizenship.
Your own population is made of niggers and maghrebis, those apes are legit french citizen, many by birth because you started importing them and deeming them "french" decades ago.

Keep pushing your luck, shitskin. What could possibly go wrong?

The immigrant will get a slap on the wrist, because whites are weak

>I want it all to be over Yas Forums.
I loathe all forms of socialism - even National Socialism - but I'm with you here.
No matter our differences, we need to stand as Brothers against our ancient enemies... we can squabble among ourselves later.
Somali filth shouldn't even BE in the West.
>Message sent: We are at War with you, white man.
>You cannot protect your women, your children...
Message received, fuckheads...


It's a female niggress, you illiterate.

In 2017, there has been a 40 percent increase in the overall number of migrants arriving in Italy and in 2014 over 170,000 migrants arrived which represented the biggest influx of people into one country in European Union History.A large percentage of them arrive via Africa.

It was a female specimen

And people say B*enton did anything wrong.


Germany had reasonable claim to the lands they were actually trying to take. The world was against Germany long before that anyway, it was too dangerous for (((Angloid))) supremacy. Thankfully you won and Europe was saved

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to get to the other side xD

that girl is racist, just look in her eyes

We don't have shitskins mass raping children here or our major media playing mudshits prayers.

how do we know it wasn't self-defense?

He will get 10 years in British "prison", be let out in 5. Will then stab someone else.


>mental issues
Yea, it's called being a nigger

nevermind found it


Attached: s4.reutersmedia.net.jpg (1280x834, 114.56K)

Based memeflag

basically none of them is a citizen.
what's your point?

It's an old tactic used by racist whites for decades. Nothing new here.

Yes and those papers were fined, thanks for proving my point.

Nothing compares to the barbarism and violence of the white man. Nothing.

Trying to talk shit and failed.

Somali are this country's biggest fucking problem in mental health units. I work in a hospital and you would get 2/3 members of the same household under MHA section. It's fucking ridiculous, we need a solution before it gets worse. These people are not safe in a 1st world country, half of these morons are drug takers and still believe in stupid shit like black magic.

>basically none of them is a citizen
HAHAHAHA nice cope giuseppe

"because I am a scorpion"

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Do you realize that niggerpanzees will keep doing this because they know you are weak and won't react? Because they know they can get away with anything? Want to prevent more deaths of your kids like this? RETALIATE on the shitskins with unholy violence to the point they will DREAD even looking at one of you in the eyes, MAKE THEM PAY FOR EVERYTHING AND MAKE THEM AFRAID because talking and crying get you nowhere and I wish I had realized it sooner

Lmfao fuck wh*Tes

Whats happening to England makes me think karma is a real power in the universe. What a time to be alive.

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