USA now holds the world record for corona deaths in 24 hours

>USA now holds the world record for corona deaths in 24 hours

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if you counted EU as one country then they would hold the record.

nothing burger

At the end of the year, America will have the same number of deaths (adjusted for population) as last year. Screencap this.

It certainly doesn't.
How many Kung Flu daily deaths do you think China or shithole countries like Turkey and Iran have?
Stop propagating this jew-media bullshit.

>larger population of all reporting nations
>believing China’s number

>we're testing more people in population-dense areas
>he's surprised when our death numbers are higher than other countries that either aren't testing as much, or are flat-out lying

How's that statistical illiteracy treating ya?

Not per capita, end of discussion.

Per capita nigger

Only because America is actually counting. No one in China knows how many died. And no one cares.

Most native NY'ers don't live in NYC anymore, it's loaded in immigrants and midwestern white people. I've had people comment on my accent when I've been visiting because it's rare in the city now.

usa also holds the record for the most tests done

now do it per capita

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This, we can only win America if we work together.

Niggers and people in jew york dropping like flies. I'm genuinely happy.

wow now compare that with our population and the other rates around the world.
fuck off, even if a million people were to die, which they fucking wont, i still wouldn't care and still wouldn't consider this shit to be ok.
we're giving leftists what they want, totalitarian control and surveillance mechanisms
shoot down drones, do not follow scare tactic bullshit like shelter in place orders, especially don't let some pink haired cunt brow beat you into going home.

Why do we have to have conversations with insane people? The world has gone mad and is spouting off skewed statistics as if they are fact. I get that the international NGOs and other shit have to appease China and pretend like developing countries are capable of recording this stuff but as far as internal conversations go how about we cut the delusional bullshit out? There is no way to devise a local solution when we are relying on obviously fraudulent numbers.

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Trump said he wanted to cut Social Security, well, this is one way to do that.

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death to america

It’s Dawnald’s fault. Time to put him on trial, find him guilty and terminate his command with the most extreme prejudice.

Let's be serious now, china obviously does but they lie their faces off.

America is large so not dividing it out by region or state is a bit misleading.

Old people die. Big fucking deal.

Fuck you nigger.

OPs mom is a favela whore and a drug mule for the local gang.

>almost 10 million abortions
Jesus and in such a small time frame

>Sour grapes

I hope Brooklyn is entirely depopulated.

There are no “corona deaths” you fucking jew piece of shit nigger

>p-per capita user!
>but muh china
>we testing all!!
everything really legit points i agree.
Yet Trumps slippery-slope strategy is really kinda ridculous to me. But then again, i'm not into 4D chess so ... meh, i don't care.

at least they have guns
quick exit.

per capita?

Go to california. People there think I'm from England. It's fucking weird.

>3rd world country full of niggers is a shithole
inb4 deflecting and lying mutt shills

But muh ekunermee

And I still don't know anyone who has it.



They also have a better healthcare mr.4monthstoseeadoctor

You’re goddamned right we have guns, and we will use them also.
What will you do? Bend over and take it like a cuckfag?

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We're done here.


unironically calling a European a nigger. Delicious

No we fucking wont

USA #1 its just a flu bro

well ... nigel... to be fair.
a mutt shouldn't throw stones in a glasshouse but neither should certain european areas right?

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whatever. Why would anyone give a fuck about an Israeli tax slave?

Maybe YOU won’t because you’re a pussy ass faggot

No you discuss it faggot bitch

>believing this dumb jewish shit when #filmyourhospital exists
even normal don't believe it anymore

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I live in the mountains mate. God's country

Ha! Yeah most Americans are. But you don’t have to be (legally, if you know how)

Pic related

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B-b-but GRORIOUS CHINA would never lie to cover their asses!

mountains are blessed.

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I heard the Jewish population is getting hit hard, better give isreal another 38 billion sheckles

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they are indeed fren

Didn’t France beat it last night with 1.4k deaths?

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Does anyone keep an archive of Chinese deliberately spreading the disease or buying out all the masks abroad? I need to redpill my friend who keeps saying that 'Chinese numbers are wrong' and 'China lied to us' is bullshit propaganda and they dindu anyffin wong

>U S A

lets create a list of countries with the least infected/deaths. This will probably lead to a lot of panic and confusion in the always #1 Country

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>Using Guns to fight a microscopic virus


How is 39 billion shekels going to help? Forty billion shekels is a lot of money.

You are too, your gun isn't going to save you from unemployment.

USA also holds the record for circumcisions of white babies

I'm glad this virus is cleansing the US of boomers, the weak, the ones who need to die. 2020 is quickly turning into the best year yet. Tfw immune.
Go to hell fags.