USA now holds the world record for corona deaths in 24 hours

>USA now holds the world record for corona deaths in 24 hours

Attached: rt.png (871x799, 921.09K)



if you counted EU as one country then they would hold the record.

nothing burger

At the end of the year, America will have the same number of deaths (adjusted for population) as last year. Screencap this.

It certainly doesn't.
How many Kung Flu daily deaths do you think China or shithole countries like Turkey and Iran have?
Stop propagating this jew-media bullshit.

>larger population of all reporting nations
>believing China’s number

>we're testing more people in population-dense areas
>he's surprised when our death numbers are higher than other countries that either aren't testing as much, or are flat-out lying

How's that statistical illiteracy treating ya?

Not per capita, end of discussion.

Per capita nigger