No fucking way, there is no way this is real.
No fucking way, there is no way this is real
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He was just practicing (((capitalism))) though.
why do these disgusting people almost always have a german name? fucking cancer. true or not they need to be forced to change their last names
>trusting Albanians
The news is real, the twitter account is not.
>Why do these disgusting people almost always have a german name?
Because you had one fucking job, Hans.
fucking jews
When is it not real?
Because y’all weren’t good enough 80ish years ago.
you should be hung. unironically. you are anti-civilization. You should be garrotted like Vercingetorix.
funny how a jew hoarding some face masks is an outrage yet 1 % of the population hoarding 70% of wealth is normal. jeff bezos who is not a jew hoarding 117.3 billion dollars while his slaves piss inside bottles is totally legit
It's real
> Brooklyn man arrested for hoarding masks, coughing on FBI agents
It’s not. His name is spelled wrong
>you should be hung
I already am because of my BBC dicklet
All those years of memes are paying off boys
Among themselves they speak a language very close to German too bro.
civilization is shit
Today the West is the GI who dashes into Fallujah on an M1 Abrams tank, listening to heavy metal at top volume. It’s the tourist lost on the Mongolian plains, mocked by all, who clutches his credit card as his only lifeline. It’s the CEO who swears by the game Go. It’s the young girlchchases who chases happiness in clothes, guys, and moisturizing creams. It’s the Swiss human rights activist who travels to the four corners of the earth to show solidarity with all the world’s rebels — provided they’ve been defeated. It’s the Spaniard who couldn’t care less about political freedom once he’s been granted sexual freedom. It’s the art lover who wants us to be awestruck before the “modern genius” of a century of artists, from surrealism to Viennese actionism, all competing to see who could best spit in the face of civilization. It’s the cyberneticist who’s found a realistic theory of consciousness in Buddhism and the quantum physicist who’s hoping that dabbling in Hindu metaphysics will inspire new scientific discoveries.
The West is a civilization that has survived all the prophecies of its collapse with a singular stratagem. Just as the bourgeoisie had to deny itself as a class in order to permit the bourgeoisification of society as a whole, from the worker to the baron; just as capital had to sacrifice itself as a wage relation in order to impose itself as a social relation — becoming cultural capital and health capital in addition to finance capital; just as Christianity had to sacrifice itself as a religion in order to survive as an affective structure — as a vague injunction to humility, compassion, and weakness; so the West has sacrificed itself as a particular civilization in order to impose itself as a universal culture. The operation can be summarized like this: an entity in its death throws sacrifices itself as a content in order to survive as a form.
why do zebras have stripes? to fit in
There is no “clash of civilizations.” There is a clinically dead civilization kept alive by all sorts of life-support machines that spread a peculiar plague into the planet’s atmosphere. At this point it can no longer believe in a single one of its own “values”, and any affirmation of them is considered an impudent act, a provocation that should and must be taken apart, deconstructed, and returned to a state of doubt. Today Western imperialism is the imperialism of relativism, of the “it all depends on your point of view”; it’s the eye-rolling or the wounded indignation at anyone who’s stupid, primitive, or presumptuous enough to still believe in something, to affirm anything at all. You can see the dogmatism of constant questioning give its complicit wink of the eye everywhere in the universities and among the literary intelligentsias. No critique is too radical among postmodernist thinkers, as long as it maintains this total absence of certitude. A century ago, scandal was identified with any particularly unruly and raucous negation, while today it’s found in any affirmation that fails to tremble.
No social order can securely found itself on the principle that nothing is true. Yet it must be made secure. Applying the concept of “security” to everything these days is the expression of a project to securely fasten onto places, behaviors, and even people themselves, an ideal order to which they are no longer ready to submit. Saying “nothing is true” says nothing about the world but everything about the Western concept of truth. For the West, truth is not an attribute of beings or things, but of their representation. A representation that conforms to experience is held to be true. Science is, in the last analysis, this empire of universal verification.
How dare a Canadian say that? Wtf?
Since all human behavior, from the most ordinary to the most learned, is based on a foundation of unevenly formulated presuppositions, and since all practices start from a point where things and their representations can no longer be distinguished, a dose of truth that the Western concept knows nothing about enters into every life. We talk in the West about “real people,” but only in order to mock these simpletons. This is why Westerners have always been thought of as liars and hypocrites by the people they’ve colonized. This is why they’re envied for what they have, for their technological development, but never for what they are, for which they are rightly held in contempt. Sade, Nietzsche and Artaud wouldn’t be taught in schools if the kind of truth mentioned above was not discredited in advance. Containing all affirmations and deactivating all certainties as they irresistibly come to light — such is the long labor of the Western intellect. The police and philosophy are two convergent, if formally distinct, means to this end.
There are plenty of jews like him who didn't get caught. When the water and electricity get shut off, heading to the synagogues for supplies is a good survival strategy.
you also should be put against the wall.
Bezos created wealth and half of the modern world. He also doesn't just have pallets of food/gold sitting around. His wealth is in stocks.
Hanged not hung. Hung is a big peepee.
You sounds really poetic for a jew.
It's okay, we're a Chinese colony now. I'm only forbidden from saying Winnie th-
It's 100% real, the dude deals in medical equipment, and was selling at a price the hospital wanted to pay.
The crime is lying about not having masks I suppose, as he would probably be forced to sell them at no profit because of the emergency.
Jews gotta jew.
C'mon, just name him Jewy Sheckelstienbergfledman.
>garrotted like Vercingetorix.
He didnt deserve it. Fucking gweedos.
Also, its hanged, not hung.
Because when the kikes were living in the HRE centuries ago, the states there forced them to take surnames. So they took on german names.
jeff bezos and the rest of the 1% will get what's coming to them, coronavirus is the great equalizer. death to capitalism
>Bezos created wealth
Goddamn boy... you shine them boots good... keep licking boy..... those are lollipops....oooo yeahhh..... yeahhh boy.... shine them things ohhh...
Adherence to a dogmatic belief system will return only when society collapses.
People have forgotten the purpose of evolutionary strategies reinforced by religion.
Those who don't accept it will be ostracized and the cycle will continue until the world is built back up, then unbelief will return.
lynch this kike like u lynched leo frank!
Long live capitalism.
Death to corporatism, stock exchanges, derivatives and fractal banking.
This is rael
quality leaf post for once
how come hospitals sell their service at 2000% markup and get away with it?
because (((theyre))) all just imbred germans. not a drop of levantine blood in them. Thank Charlemagne for that
of course all this schizo word soup comes from an Israeli
There is more to this that the media is not printing. People (other Jews) walked in and out of his house with medical supplies. They don't state in any of the articles I read that these people paid for the medical supplies. Maybe he was giving it away to other Jews and charging the goyim more for the supplies he was hoarding? This is probably why info about his ethnicity being Jewish is relevant.
>implying medical companies don't force you to pay thousands for medication that costs them pennies
i hate kikes as much as the next guy but this jewish gentlemen was just doing what big pharma has been practicing for decades.
Ashkenazi Jews seem to have Irano/Turkic/Slavic origins.
Yiddish, the language itself, much the same.
It’s da juice.
They took on German names during the Holy Roman Empire because they had to. Please learn your history, Hans.
Kikes didn't have surnames in the middle ages and Germany was the only country that would take them in, but required the kikes take a last name, so they just named them after whatever town they were in, and most German towns have names ending in "berg" or "stein". It is also how Jews got the "kike" nickname, when they came to America again, they didn't speak English so they signed their names on the immigration paper with a Yiddish letter called a "kikel".
here some more soup for you faggot just so you kknow whats coming
It’s well known that the streets teem with incivilities. Between what they are and what they should be stands the centripetal force of the police, doing their best to restore order to them; and on the other side there’s us, the opposite centrifugal movement. We can’t help but delight in the fits of anger and disorder wherever they erupt. It’s not surprising that these national festivals that aren’t really celebrating anything anymore are now systematically going bad. Whether sparkling or dilapidated, the urban fixtures — but where do they begin? where do they end? — embody our common dispossession. Persevering in their nothingness, they ask for nothing more than to return to that state for good. Take a look at what surrounds us: all this will have its final hour. The metropolis suddenly takes on an air of nostalgia, like a field of ruins.
All the incivilities of the streets should become methodical and systematic, converging in a diffuse, effective guerrilla war that restores us to our ungovernability, our primordial unruliness. It’s disconcerting to some that this same lack of discipline figures so prominently among the recognized military virtues of resistance fighters.
just bosting in ebin thred bros :---D
Do not withhold grain for a higher price when the people are starving. - Zarathustra
God's chosen people remember? They gave you your Jesus, so they can't be immoral, alright. What did ol' JC say? "salvation comes from the Jews!"
As for methods, let’s adopt the following principle from sabotage: a minimum of risk in taking the action, a minimum of time, and maximum damage. As for strategy, we will remember that an obstacle that has been cleared away, leaving a liberated but uninhabited space, is easily replaced by another obstacle, one that offers more resistance and is harder to attack.
No need to dwell too long on the three types of workers’ sabotage: reducing the speed of work, from “easy does it” pacing to the “work-to-rule” strike; breaking the machines, or hindering their function; and divulging company secrets. Broadened to the dimensions of the whole social factory, the principles of sabotage can be applied to both production and circulation. The technical infrastructure of the metropolis is vulnerable. Its flows amount to more than the transportation of people and commodities. Information and energy circulates via wire networks, fibers and channels, and these can be attacked. Nowadays sabotaging the social machine with any real effect involves reappropriating and reinventing the ways of interrupting its networks. How can a TGV line or an electrical network be rendered useless? How does one find the weak points in computer networks, or scramble radio waves and fill screens with white noise?
The police are not invincible in the streets, they simply have the means to organize, train, and continually test new weapons. Our weapons, on the other hand, are always rudimentary, cobbled-together, and often improvised on the spot. They certainly don’t have a hope of rivaling theirs in firepower, but can be used to hold them at a distance, redirect attention, exercise psychological pressure or force passage and gain ground by surprise. None of the innovations in urban guerilla warfare currently deployed in the French police academies are sufficient to respond rapidly to a moving multiplicity that can strike a number of places at once and that tries to always keep the initiative.
Communes are obviously vulnerable to surveillance and police investigations, to policing technologies and intelligence gathering. The waves of arrests of anarchists in Italy and of eco-warriors in the US were made possible by wiretapping. Everyone detained by the police now has his or her DNA taken to be entered into an ever more complete profile. A squatter from Barcelona was caught because he left fingerprints on fliers he was distributing. Tracking methods are becoming better and better, mostly through biometric techniques. And if the distribution of electronic identity cards is instituted, our task will just be that much more difficult. The Paris Commune found a partial solution to the keeping of records: they burned down City Hall, destroying all the public records and vital statistics. We still need to find the means to permanently destroy computerized databases.
blackpilled but true
Hell yeah kang.
What does any of that shit have to do with you? If you're Jewish, you'll just move along when the going gets tough. That's what you Jews do.
don't know if we're disgusting or not but we're sure less disgusting than germans lmao
Kikes are filthy snakes but there is truth to this kikes statement.
“This business shows that we are not dealing with young people making social demands, but with individuals who are declaring war on the Republic,” noted a lucid cop about recent clashes. The push to liberate territory from police occupation is already underway, and can count on the endless reserves of resentment that the forces of order have marshaled against it. Even the “social movements” are gradually being seduced by the riots, just like the festive crowds in Rennes who fought the cops every Thursday night in 2005, or those in Barcelona who destroyed a shopping district during a botellion. The movement against the CPE witnessed the recurrent return of the Molotov cocktail. But on this front certain banlieues remain unsurpassed. Specifically, when it comes to the technique they’ve been perfecting for some time now: the surprise attack. Like the one on October 13, 2006 in Epinay. A private-security team headed out after getting a report of something stolen from a car. When they arrived, one of the security guards “found himself blocked by two vehicles parked diagonally across the street and by more than thirty people carrying metal bars and pistols who threw stones at the vehicle and used tear gas against the police officers.” On a smaller scale, think of all the local police stations attacked in the night: broken windows, burnt-out cop cars.
One of the results of these recent movements is the understanding that henceforth a real demonstration has to be “wild,” not declared in advance to the police. Having the choice of terrain, we can, like the Black Bloc of Genoa in 2001, bypass the red zones and avoid direct confrontation. By choosing our own trajectory, we can lead the cops, including unionist and pacifist ones, rather than being herded by them. In Genoa we saw a thousand determined people push back entire buses full of carabinieri, then set their vehicles on fire.
Just do it
>It's capitalism, a motivation entirely made up of greed, so it's ALWAYS good for the nation! We beat the USSR with it, they collapsed unexpectedly in 1991 but we kinda beat them definitely!
I wish you retards would stop this black and white crap about how capitalism is just, perfect when it patently is not.
No this does not mean I am advocating for communism. I don't want either system, in a perfect world we'd have some natural evolution of the capital system but people just stick their feet in the mud an won't even bother to at least think about or consider it.
>We still need to find the means to permanently destroy computerized databases
Is there any realistic hope for this? With computer databases and all
ITT: What happens to jews in isolation. Auschwitz-level insanity unlocked. Corona will be another holocaust for (((them))).
Based and Jewpilled. Should send 25% of his profits to Israel.
sure there is. computerized databases exist in the physical word. its a computer. and a computer can be smashed to bits.
The globalist jews hate orthodox jews though.
she looks like a chihuahua
>jews and chinks act like jews and chinks
>we need to get rid of capitalism!
No system is perfect. Look at what capitalism gives you when you introduce concepts like diversity. Foreign banks have moved in to take control of our money supply. Every group is vying for resources and power from a government that relies on a private bank to print money for it's citizens.
Fucking narcissistic Jews and their word soup... what a faggot, you think you sound intelligent? Fucking retard
Then we'll fuck her like chihuahua.
All your pontificating amounts to nothing my friend at the end of the day we still live in a dog eat dog world and the best way to be at the top of the food chain is to band together with those who are like you and try to look out for the interests of your group together. This is what westerners have been able to do up until recently via colonisation and capitalism, and its why we’re at the top. If not us it would just be some other group.
I couldnt care less about how other groups view us or about “what we really are”
The future won't remember that sort of nonsense, the future will only remember the legacies we left behind
Oh what, you thought Jews were all fine and innocent and all that?
>why do these disgusting people almost always have a german name?
German Juice, ever heard of it?
Why would a German man do such a thing?
He's basically just saying that it's a red flag to turn the people against their government. He's not wrong, as I'm sure there are people who are using this as an opportunity to do just that. I just think it's much simpler. A world crisis calls for world resolve and unity. The more of this we have the closer we move towards a one-world government.
Kike user dropping knowledge for everyone and no one is listening.