>Experts Fear 'Suicide Wave' As The Social Fabric Of America Becomes "Unstitched"
>Experts Fear 'Suicide Wave' As The Social Fabric Of America Becomes "Unstitched"
How do I open up a suicide counseling line? Any tips?
It’s fine because there will be a corona baby boom
aye just knocked up my wife last week. gonna be a shit load of babys born in December
hopefully all the spics decide to do this.
Why kill yourself when you will be surrounded with millions of people in the same boat?
Nice. My wife is due to give birth to my second son in about 3 months.
There was already a suicide in my country that I know of, because someone felt too anxious about all the news and its implications.
good can we please have a bit of it to clean up the eu thanks
I hear Ted bundy was good at the suicide hotlines
Good, less retarded NPCs on the world.
Massive boner RN not gonna lie.
Imagine ending your life because you lost your wageslave job. When i got fired it was a blessing for my life
Oh so now the media wants to discuss how their fear leading to fake shutdowns will kill more than covid.
You both better be white.
Good morning, Nigie boy. Put the kettle on for us, will you?
>generic killer #532812
Only real tips user pls
Do backflips, faggots.
corona is the gift that keeps on giving
Now that you mention it, I feel a little suicidal myself. And they said there was no cure.
america never had a social fabric, they even bragged about that shit
>entire generation of liberal soeboys offs themselves over corona paranoia
>survivors are left with overabundance of young pussy
It was a second chance for all of us
Nice, they are the worst types
wtf, imagine killing yourself because of news
It drives me mad how much they scared my mom with this shit, completely overblown
if you go around telling people that theres a big killer virus making its way through the west, and tell them that the symptoms are "slighty dizzy, dry cough"
how many people do you think will start feeling "slightly dizzy" and will cough then?
maybe they were right in shutting it all down for a month, for the healthcare people, but the way they implicate that it will never be "good" unless we all get vaccines for this shit makes people all see nothing but a grim future which leads to suicide -> family dramas -> raping -> gommunists being elected -> etc
Zoomer remover.
>The Social Fabric Of America Becomes "Unstitched"
Not possible! Diversity is our Greatest Strength!
That was the tip
This is when we get to see who actually was mentally ill.
Human beings aren't supposed to live like we had been living. I feel excited for what's about to come.
Absolutely user.
Perfect timing for some suicides by multiple gunshots to the back of the head for some political rivals
>>Experts Fear 'Suicide Wave' As The Social Fabric Of America Becomes "Unstitched"
Learn how to exist as a single thread
Jesus that chink is ugly as sin. Poor guy fucked himself over.
Cool. Finally.
Anyone else feeling a little suicidal?
Time for a nap.
You cant just wait for others to do your job
as a pregnant woman right now I can tell you this is the worst possible time to be pregnant. they're cancelling prenatal appts and skipping anatomy scans for fear of beer flu. then im sure you've heard of hospitals calling to quarantine newborns for 14 days separating them from their mothers.
there's gonna be a brownie and blackie baby boom...oh boy!
Show pregnant belly
most of the suicides will be alt-right extremists by two shots to the back of the head
Hahahahaha wtf nigga how do you kill yourself because of the news literally just turn off the tv
But I want to legitimately help people free of charge, what better way?
it's probably all the faggots who just have to better than other people no matter what. now they're about to be like everyone else and their fees fees can't handle it.
me and pew'ds are doing fine
If your disconnect from the harshness of the human condition is so pronounced that it an inconvenient but survivable crises causes you to self terminate --- then, man, you ain't meant to be here.
lol I just colonized my (american) wife. we are actually stuck here during quarantine although she is freaking out about the DHS message to come home.
Corona-chan giveth, and Corona-Chan taketh away
build for bbc
>"Come home to the country with the most infections and highest infection rate in the world!"
You're both already dead.
you are not a child and those are for children, so noone cares
My sister's due in May and everything you just said was complete horseshit.
People trying to make a vaccine isnt the same as saying that we wont survive without one
Back in Febuary or so some poo in loo hanged himself because he thought he had coronachan
My life honestly took a huge turn for the better when I got sent home from work and was cut off from interacting with my toxic fwb. Corona saved my life.
suicides will outnumber virus deaths by 10:1
>Look how edgy I am guys!
go on baby center and do a search there are thousands of women on there complaint their obs are cancelling their appts.
I have been prophesying the mass suicides for years.
What fucking social fabric Lmao.
So? Weak ppl should die. This is the easiest disease to battle, just stay home lmao and youre fine. And weak people off themselves.... 0 sympathy.
It's true, eventually every normie will end up in this hellhole.
Most will not survive the blackpills and off themselves.
Could just say nigger.
I feel for them desu. These are going to be trying times and a lot of snowflakes. Sad but parents and responsible adults should have been shaming some of the victim virtue signal. Now a lot of people only have left what they invested in themselves development wise and they are bankrupt. Can't blame em really
>So? Weak ppl should die.
well then we could have just killed all these elderly people in italy anyway if thats your philosophy
>the revolution will not be televised, it will be shared from phone to phone...Italy will be first - lead the way Wops!
"Experts" predict a lot of shit. Too bad these "experts" pull these predictions out of their ass.
Normies won't do shit, as usual, lest for bitching, complaining and spending their time on social media doing nothing to improve their life situation.
He was the best, really got through to me. I only suicide hookers now.
Why would you want to go out anyway? Half the population is going to have this virus eventually. Its nor worth it.
Why should we kill anyone? Thos elderly in Italy are dying as we speak, about 1000 a day...
People should actually be GLAD that they get to stay in the house.