they can't win a war even if their lives depended on it
German fighting forces were and are a joke to this day
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true, its funny how the nazis only succeded when they had the complete element of surprise and the enemies desire to not fight, as soon as the enemy resisted the g*rmans got their shit pushed in
Low quality bait
Did they not fight the war from all sides pretty much alone for like 4 years? i don't think that they were jokes
g*rmany lost in the summer offensive 1941
>reds lose millions of soldiers fighting a defensive war on their own territory against an outnumbered enemy even with ceaseless money and military support from US and UK
>ayy tone, if you look here you can see that the axis outnumbered the soviets in the beginning of unternemen barbarossa
Coomunist are truly a weak, sad lot
lol the reds had three times as many tanks and twice the number of planes as the germans you communist nigger
Reminder: never let the gypsies hold your flank
hmm, and the axis fielded more men and infantry divisions, youre narrative doesnt stick
Atleast germans today get to keep their foreskin..
Romania was in the axis no?
How many wars did you win except the ones you "won" by switching sides?
They were outnumbered and lacked resources. They also had useless allies. They fought three superpowers, they nearly knocked out two of them at one point.
kill yourself nigger
>german kill score against soviets was 20.1 even though they were fighting all of the allies at the same time
>germany literally killedover 15% of russias population
But they don't get to keep the balls
It's funny that the Germans steamrolled through Russia in just 1 year right to Stalingrad, where they would have won the war if they'd won. Funnily enough, they were encircled because the troops on the flanks were too weak and incompetent to hold off the Soviets. Those troops were all Romanian. Funny.
Commies and low brow subhumans still butthurt
Pic related your opinion doesnt mean much anymore.
Your narrative*
Go back to school shitkid.
And they would have won the whole fucking war if they didn't have useless gypsies covering the flanks.
>stoppade vid moskva
>stoppade vid leningrad
>stoppade vid stalingrad
>bbbut muh romanians
>they would have won if they won
wehraboos in a nutshell
Won the war if they won at Stalingrad, swedetard. Your wife is getting impatient, Muhammad and the gang are late.
>cuck fetish
checks out
u know the germans were not on there own?
soviets didnt kill their prisoners that explains the big difference
murdering civilians, impressive, also ofcourse germany had higher kill counts because after december 1941 they were on the defensive, attacking planned fortified positions is costly
LOL, read the fucking gulag archipelago, the reds killed everything that moved.
Fuck G*rmans, unironically ruined National Socialism for everybody with there autism.
No, fuck the eternal Jude for ruining this planet. And fuck the allies for siding with the vermin.
thats a historical fiction book
så stavar man inte Adolf Schicklegruber
Your gypsy incompetence is a significant part of why they lost their last war.
German Army 1940
Yes we had useful allies like italians and romanians with us
>soviet supremacy
>needed lend lease to not get raped
They couldn’t have done it if the US wasn’t supporting literally 100% of their war effort that wasn’t small arms.
Makes things easier desu
Imagine believing he was jewish, full retard confirmed.
Almost as retarded as thinking they were majority Christians.
he tried
han är allt det som sånna som du anklagar judarna för
lend lease did not have effect until 1942, the germans were defeated before december 41
Lend lease to the Soviet was literal scrap food compared to our shipments to UK and other European nations
That's not what Stalin said.
Vad menar du att jag har anklagat judarna för?
Snälla upplys mig.
Stalin was retarded and so was his generals. His statements do not prove anything
how many armored vehicles and p39 airacobras was received prior to the end of barbarossa in december?
the soviets received only 2.1 percent of total lend lease materiel in 1941
Adolf Hiedler startade kriget oavsett din mentala gymnastik
OK, I'll bait.
Varför startade han kriget?
Really Mohammed this shit again
inte av legitima skäl, avpopulering av polen och sovietunionen
its funny because it is true
My grandfather who seen kids be shot in the street would like a word. Worse part is he was a huge red supporter in the beginning
>source: my grandad said it lol
You just played yourself.
Med det svaret blir det uppenbart att du antingen inte har någon som helst koll på anledningarna eller så är du ett troll. Jag gissar på det senare.
försök o hitta på ett bra skäl till h*tlers utrotningskrig
socialism i form av nazism eller kommunism vars enda funktion är att mata människor och resurser in i en krigsekonomi till ständiga annekterings/utrotningskrig
hiedler och stalin var det värsta som hänt europa sen digerdöden
Ok kike, don't worry you loose this game soon.