What is your honest opinion about Ukrainians Yas Forums?

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png (2000x1333, 1.5K)

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Great people, ~1000x better than r*ssian subhumans

Most people probably consider you discount-russia and think you live in a constant drunken stupor in your completely run-down, half-destroyed house.

A Khazarian stolen clay that they took back. Praise your jewish rulers.

kys hohol diasposhit

White, based, trad and nationalists. Fuck the Russian Pederation.

I like them

Every Ukrainian I've met has been cool. I generally like them

the romanian army can march all the way to kiev in a matter of hours

Best posters

They're allright. Too bad someone is trying to rebuild the USSR

You have to go back r*ssian pigdog

cool country with a lot of potential hampered by corruption. slava ukraina

Ukraine is a fake country like B*lgium, you should be split between Poland and Russia

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hospodeh pomeloi

i don't even know what i said hope it was friendly

Dont mind me, just posting some russian clay

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Ukrainian women are built like horses, tall and thicc. Seem pretty based as well - i like them a lot more than any shitskin.

shitty flag

Degenerate twin brother parasite craniophag

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>fake country like B*lgium
tell me something I don't know, r*ssian subhuman

r*ssia must be split between Poland and Ukraine.

Could be worse, they could be like pic related

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I love the fact that Kiev girls tend not to wear bras. Also the food; I can literally spend half days sitting in restaurants slowly eating gargantuan amounts.
>inb4 Amerilard
Are you an ethnic Ukrainian yourself, fren?
>the depth of my honest answer depends heavily on who is asking

Too bad the UN and NATO got pissy over kebab removal. Hindsight is 20/20

Azure sky above golden wheat fields. Can hardly imagine anything more expressively Aryan and beautiful when it comes to a flag.
>but that’s not expected to be understood by (you)

The most Beautiful Pink Pussies.

Attached: 109216.jpg (219x163, 5.62K)

Tpoллишь, нo вcё paвнo пpaвдy гoвopишь.


Як yмpy, тo пoхoвaйтeMeнe нa мoгилi,Cepeд cтeпy шиpoкoгo,Ha Bкpaїнi милiй,Щoб лaни шиpoкoпoлi,I Днiпpo, i кpyчiБyлo виднo, бyлo чyти,Як peвe peвyчий.Як пoнece з УкpaїниУ cинєє мopeКpoв вopoжy... oтoдi яI лaни, i гopи —Bce пoкинy i пoлинyДo caмoгo БoгaMoлитиcя... a дo тoгoЯ нe знaю Бoгa.Пoхoвaйтe тa вcтaвaйтe,Кaйдaни пopвiтeI вpaжoю злoю кpoв'юBoлю oкpoпiтe.I мeнe в ciм'ї вeликiй,B ciм'ї вoльнiй, нoвiй,He зaбyдьтe пoм'янyтиHeзлим тихим cлoвoм.

I love my home country, she is as beautiful as she is dangerous. There are none like her.

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Look at this self hating pidor. What a disgrace

he's ukranian

gib slim traditional Ukrainian qt virgin wife

Attached: Ukraine__virgins.jpg (2509x2179, 761.34K)


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>she is as beautiful as she is dangerous
Ihor, I have some honest questions to you: do you think the current hardliner, kinda “Ukrainian means not Russian” negative self-definition is a beneficial thing for Ukraine (and more precisely to the people - dare I say peoples - of the country)? Are you for it cozying up with the EU and the Globohomo by and large? What is your opinion on the war(ish) situation with Russia?

>кидaю кicтки

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>stable nine
No complaints.

A nation of retarded twats. I thought Russians are bad but then I approached hohols

Fuck knows women are tidy.
Heard you have aids and stds on a third world level though.

Very loyal friends. If you make a Ukrainian friend they will have your back forever.

Nothing at all. I listen to some of the Ukrainian bands, like Dub Buk.

You mean built for the BBC.

>russian (according to google translate): You’re scribbling, but all the same, you’re right.
>ukranian (google translate again): Tpolish, but everything is completely true you say.


Based and redpilled, plus the girls are from another world

They make great perogies.

I thought the Dutch Caribbean islands had their own respective flags.
How come Google Translate is unaware of the existence of the loanword “trolling” / “to troll” in Russian?!

Kike puppet state with some decent people living there

pierogi is already plural Enrique
plus they're a polish invention, named 'Ruthenian' because of Red Ruthenia, basically Galicia, which hohols stole from us with help of their beloved Stalin.

Based and redpilled. Join the Azov Battalion user

During the Soviet regime my family and others like us were targets from day 1. We are Protestant Christians in a very Nationalistic region of West Ukraine, also known prior to as Galicia, our patriotism went hand in hand with our faith. From 1917- on we were considered as “Enemy of the State.” Russian was a language of the “oppressor” spoken at school, on the radio, in the news, but not in our homes. Ukrainians know both Russian and Ukrainian, some Polish and German too, my father even speaks Latvian since he lived in Riga for University. I do not hate ethnic Russians, or Poles, or Belarusians, or any other Slavic country, I look at them as brothers. I do not believe the War in Donbass, the same as the 1st and 2nd Chechen Wars are supported by many Russians. In the US we are all seen as the same, some variation of Slavic. To myself and other Slavic Nationalists we are brothers, in blood and bond. We hated the Bolsheviks and the Communist Parties, we hate the drooling romantic image of a “Ukraine under the Reich” because with those who had family alive and survived through WW2 knew first hand Ukraine would never be truly “independent” under the 3rd Reich just as it wasn’t under the Soviets, new boss same as old boss type of mentality. Globohomo is being pushed worldwide and we know by who, as always. The Z-Gen is tapping into a very volatile patriotic feeling against it. Trans March was held the same day as Holodomor Memorial this past November in 2019. I don’t want to be in the EU or NATO. I want the Slavic countries to unite both financially to break away from the Euro, the Dollar and trade amongst themselves with a interest and debt free currency. I want to unify it with individual National patriotism and joint military alliance. I want the ZOG puppets at the very top of every government, from Putin to Zelensky, ousted and a true Slavic Union of brotherhood to begin, for The People, by The People for prosperity and safety.

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Better than russia

get the fuck out

Fuck Russia
Fuck China
Fuck Iran

Azov is literally sponsored by Israel you braindead faggot.


>fake country
more like a French region kek

yeah dude, let’s larp as neo nazis, shooting other white people with Tavors and Galils given to us by Israel so we can be in a better position to suck EU and USA cock.

Yeah but I thought it was the standard here.

Combine the worst side of Poles and Russians and you get Ukraine.

100% based bros

Why your flag look's like a nigger flag from Afr*ca ?


Nice people wish them all the best

same question goes to you


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They're my second favourite Russian state.

I think this is the most reasonable and open-spirited post I have read here under a topic like this.
Thank you.

FUCKING KEK lmao, no way fucking Belcuck you litterally Stole our flag and replace the color faggot create your own flag, are you for real ahaha

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>your head

simpletons ruled by cia assets, something like cz

Not proof it was supplied directly by Israel.

enriched by religion of special needs and african culture
never seen a nigger in my life

cope harder frenchcuck

>second favorite Russian state
>not Belarus
Not cool.


Half of them are Europeans but the other half are soviet lovers in disguise. I like the religious ones the most.

>hey geyz xd i don't have idea for you shithole country flag
>well let's stole the most powerful european country flag and replace color so we can look powerful too xd

Attached: stolen.png (564x418, 1.82K)

>never seen a nigger in my life
I can say the same you know

Those are made in Ukraine. they are Fort rifles.

Israel may fund Azov to hurt Russia because they see Azov as an easier problem to deal with later and gain more from prolonging the war and making Nazis the enemy of Russia again. Don't think the jew lacks hubris.

I saw a thirsty Ukrainian at the club once. I tapped him on the ass, gave him a hug, and wished him good luck

Sage this shitty thread that shows up every two days.
Ukraine and it's people exist only to fuck other people and each other over.
Women are beautiful but are bat shit crazy and every one of them has been abused in some form or another.
>Hohol be gone

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>I can say the same you know

now, this is the funny one

There is no way you haven't seen a nigger living in France