10 million jobs lost to slow the spread of a virus that is ravaging nursing homes

Was it worth it?

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Why do migatards think jew stock market and jew economy is worth more than millions of lives?

Still got my job so I don't care.

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>reddit cheers for this as they prepare to be removed from their apartments tey can no longer pay rent on
>still cheering as they load their possessions into their shitbox car and prepare to live on the street next to the river
who gives a fuck about hte stock market? PEOPLE NEED THEIR PAYCHECKS.

>we all need to stay home and shut down everything so that grandma doesn't die a year or two early!

Tell me why we're not just having the very old and/or sick people self-isolate and have normal people continue to work. This whole charade is just one last selfish "fuck you" from the boomer generation. Crash the economy so these morbidly obese geezers can cling to life.

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What a smooth-brained take. This isn't about "hurr durr green line go up", it's about real people, real jobs, and real wages that they're not able to earn right now because the entire country has been shut down. The economic ramifications for the common man due to the shutdown are going to be far, far worse than a couple octogenarians dying

this. this response is completely retarded. instead of the at-risk people, who already have pensions and don't need to work, just staying the fuck home, let's make EVERYONE stay at home. working age people are being fucked the hardest right now, especially people just entering the job market or new in their careers who probably don't qualify for work from home and don't have huge savigns to fall back on. we're crippling an entire generation of youth (again, this is like time #3) to protect boomers from themselves.

Just ignore science bro

Im not going outside with.......THEM.


Yes it is. Anything that brings even the slightest levels of discofort or misery to the Americans is worth it.

>Was it worth it?
6 million dead.

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Just ignore the indirect health effects (well established by science) of losing 10 million jobs bro.

>6 million dead.
Start here

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Americans are so obese that by their late 20s their hearts are as weak as the one in a 70 year old chinaman

There is a net benefit to the quarantine

Sure, let's quarantine forever then.

Fuck no

No , I've pointed out several times that Boomers are the most pompous and degenerate pieces of shit ever.

They never had to deal anything real, they didn't fight in WW2 and were too pussy to fight in Vietnam. They have enjoyed cradle to grave comfort and sold their Children's and Grandchildren's futures without thinking twice . Now so some faggot chink flu is around and they want to tank the economy one last time so they don't perhaps die from some chink flu.

They are holding on to life in a vain sickening way because the majority of them never accomplished anything and the ones that did are/were to sacrifice other people. Fuck them , if I had covid I would be at the nursing home bingo each fucking night.

>There is a net benefit to the quarantine
No there fucking isn't. This is even more ridiculous than the "masks don't work and also stop buying them because doctors need them" bullshit. Everyone's starting to see through it now and in another couple of months it will be common knowledge this lockdown experiment was one of the most destructive and idiotic large scale state policies ever attempted.

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>There is a net benefit
Yes, but not for you.

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>Tell me why we're not just having the very old and/or sick people self-isolate and have normal people continue to work

100% fucking this. If anyone doesn't want to catch it then they should stay at home. Those that choose to go out are doing so on their own account. Governments forcing everyone to stay at home using martial law has nothing to do with the virus, it's just an excuse to enact a totalitarian regime using humanitarian excuses.

Fucking weird how everybody just listened to the government without a second question asked

How in the fuck is this even legal, most countries have a right of movement, citizens can go wherever they like as per law. Can governments just prolong martial law forever that way you have to ask their permission to leave your house. This is far worse than any communist regime.

You do realize all that is tied together, right? And even if you don't, or don't believe in it, others (who have money and own a piece of the economy) do believe in it.

Should anyone care for capitalism at this point

I took a sensible wait-and-see attitude toward this but our media have done what they do best; distort, incite, divide, but tell us nothing.

We have no idea what's going on but from where I sit, it's not happening the way they said it would despite leftists cheering for mass death.

I know, right before they enacted martial law the streets were already empty. A little fear, a threat from the government here and there and all the NPCs went back to their cuck sheds. It's like I'm living in a nightmare.


this is 100% shill post, nobody even thinks on this level; that they should fuck themselves to stick it to the bankers?

I hope a jet engine falls on you

Imagine being this retarded.

Can I have a Coronatard address this question, they're were acting pretty righteous when this psyop started but they're getting more and more quiet lately.

>How in the fuck is this even legal
When bad things happen people panic and start asking for the government to trample over everyone's personal liberties for the sake of making the bad things go away.

NEET detected

Buy the dip.

Yet NPCs won't care and accept the "new normal" of a permanent leap towards totalitarianism.

they're drug addicts, tell them to fuck off and get a real job like growing their own food

Get a new job you loser.

No face masks for you, Leaf.

imagine being this retard. Its not the stock market dipshit small businesses are getting fuck and will likely go under after this is all done

6 gorillion jobs lost

t. employed by the state

Dude just trust the gatekeepers.

depends how much you hate your grandparents i suppose

Looks like capitalism cant even handle a little baby pandemic

>Was it worth it?

Let me work it!

*Edit* Wow thanks for the Gold!

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Its not worth millions of lives you are right. The stock market and jew economy is worth BILLIONS of lives you stupid fucking cock sucker. This is going to destroy the WORLD economy. Tonight as you lay in your race car bed next to your anime pillow i want you to try and imagine what will happen when 80% of the people in this country cant find food for their kids.

The stock market isn't the goddamn economy, you fucking fool. Most people I know have either been laid off or are working drastically reduced hours because of this bullshit lockdown. The "essential" Wall Street workers aren't in any danger of losing their homes or going hungry, but working class America is being destroyed before your eyes.

Precisely. Everything gets shut down so that 80 year olds with comorbidities have a slightly lower chance of catching the virus, but they're the ones who already have a ton of money and are coasting just fine on their 401ks, pensions, and investment properties. Meanwhile the millennials, the current working generation, have been fucked over again and again and can barely scrape by paycheck to paycheck, and are also expected to give up their wages in order to pad out the boomer's lifestyles even further.

And it didn't even slow it that much. Wasn't the point of all this to help spread out infection numbers so hospitals can handle the influx of patients? These same hospitals are already claiming they can't handle the current cases and are putting some patients in the DNR category. We are barely even a month into the lockdown. We haven't even hit peak infection numbers yet.

>the government forces most people not to work by keeping them at gunpoint under martial law
>leftists still try to blame this on capitalism

Typical communist nigger response.

I feel like a lot of people stopped asking as soon as free money and extended unemployment was mentioned.

They've also created a just-so scenario where, when they readjust the models and downscale the estimated deaths from millions to 100k, they get to claim that the reason for the new lower estimate is that their precautions are working. In reality, it's merely because initial faulty statistics lead people to believe it would be far deadlier than it really is, because they were only looking at confirmed coronavirus cases, while ignoring the fact that a supermajority of people who get this just have symptoms ranging from that of a cold or a flu and can get over it fine on their own without ever needing hospitalization or a test. Thus their death rate stats were far overblown. But ignore that, it's just because everyone is standing 6 feet apart that we saved the day.

>The "essential" Wall Street workers
They're at home too, user.
>Meanwhile the millennials, the current working generation, have been fucked over again and again and can barely scrape by paycheck to paycheck, and are also expected to give up their wages in order to pad out the boomer's lifestyles even further.
Should have saved some money, instead you acted like a child and spent it on a bunch of bullshit you don't need.

>Should have saved some money, instead you acted like a child and spent it on a bunch of bullshit you don't need.
Yeah, millennials are poor because of avocado toast

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Yes. It's fucking pathetic. The only sickness this virus has caused me is the nausea when I look at people who I thought were stand up people before all this.

I’m in the army so I have great job security and a pay check get fucked losers

in socialism if all service jobs had to shut down for a while due to pandemic it would be no problem
the fact that people are dependent on third party wages to have a home and survive is the fault of capitalism.

Lmao at all you retards freaking out about 10 million temporary job losses. Who gives a shit if you aren't essential then go find a job that is essential.

Oh great. Here comes the pencil neck commie right on time to try and sell his gay politoreligion for people who get bullied.

we should start slaughtering boomers in the streets.

>should have saved money
nigger how can people newly into a career have ANY money saved? we weren't all born with trust funds. entry level jobs pay the lowest. and since we weren't gibbed houses or deposits for them we all have to pay rent and have high costs of living. you stupid fuck. you're going to die choking on blood and phlegm as your lungs drown in your own body fluids. and your children will piss and shit on your grave.

Exactly. In my country they consider repair shops(cars, electronics), dentists, ophthalmologists etc as non essential. How the fuck are we supposed to have modern civilization without these?!

It will impact all of you, you smolbrained peon, you selfish, useless faggot. You are part of the problem, keep your head buried in the sand and await changs dick you buffoon.


Move back in with your parents.
Oh, don't forget to buy the new $1200 iphone, and subscribe to netflix and disney and all the other dumb shit you kids waste money on.

>still in denial of the full severity of the outbreak

sorry lad. i know these are hard times but youve gotta face the facts.

just because you dont understand what their models say don't make them faulty. at the white house, they didn't "revise" estimates down.

they clearly said, "hey america, you have two routes you can take: extreme precautions mean 100-200k will die, no precautions mean 1-2 million will die"

how is it that hard to wrap your head around?