Why are women more likely to take antidepressants than men?

Why are women more likely to take antidepressants than men?

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because men are simps

thanks for the bump kind hue!

Men are more likely to just deal with their problems rather than bothering a doctor about their depression.

Women in my expirience are hypochondriacs - and they like to diagnose their feelings as diseases or medical problems. Men usually just assume its gonna pass or ignore the problem.

Both have their pros and cons

Let me correct that for you: they're ACTING as if they're hypochondriacs, women are addicted to receiving attention and they will run any lenght if that brings them there.
Pretending to have an illness is just another way to focus the attention on them.

Women are the top consumers in any market because they are easily persuaded. Big pharma has destroyed us. Including men.

Because men have pride, and won't admit to weakness unless it's genuine.

That and they cause ED. Every fucking drug kills your boners, you'd think it's by design.

Because they think a magic pill from a Jewish corp will stop women having woman feelings.

low t makes you more emotional.
whoring around also has massive impact on your mental health.

what a useless thread

arent like half of americans on some sort of pills?

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probably, thanks jews!
very cool

Because men are depressed due to actual tangible problems in their lives combined with an understanding of the uncomfortable aspects of the world they must fight to survive in. Neither of these go away just because you take some pills and stop getting boners.

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stop wasting time looking at twatter.
get a hobby, improve your home or property

According to my hospital reports, because the percent of women showing up for evaluation of their mental health is 87%. They seek help in larger numbers then men when they feel something is wrong.
Also, social support and encouragement to actually go through an evaluation.

I am supposed to be on antipsychotics but I stopped taking them 5 years ago. It's not really worth it. Just accept the problem and numb yourself to it.

They're too stupid to realize that those are poison.

But are the requests for help legitimate or attention whoring?

Men are seen as weak by both genders for having mental illness

Birth control makes women anxious and depressed. When they go to the Dr. The Dr. Only ADDS more pills they never tell you to stop birth control.

Also women don't question doctors. When the doctor says take an antidepressant or double the dose they just obey.

I actually have a legit answer if you are interested in knowing

women will murder their husbands or children if a doctor says so

Women are slightly more neurotic than men.

Neuroticism is a personality dimension which contains sensitivity to negative emotion. This is an evolved consiquence of the long dependencies of human infants on their mothers. Meaning that women must be sensitive to threat in concordance with the mother-child diad.

Every other post in this thread is abject retardation and you should all feel bad for being just as stupid as the people who you mock most viciously.

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Premarital sex damages women beyond repair.

Because they whore themselves out during their youth instead of being a good God fearing person and raising children. It catches up to them in their 20's. No matter how satanic women are, they just cannot withstand being alone with their thoughts when they choose to be thots.

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simple, men don't take depressants

Women are more likely to go to the doctor, and more likely to suffer psychosomatic physical illness. Antidepressants get prescribed for shit like nerve pain.

Because they need to be pregnant multiple times before age 25 and if they're not they biologically know they failed at life.

Cuz men think its funny to lie and say 'i love you' then fuck off the moment they get what they want.

Please tell

Men don’t air their sadness to world like weak willed women. Men would rather internalize their sadness and anger. A good man turns those emotions into into a life skill that serves a purpose that dwelling on emotions does not. Sources: Dude trust me.

Because women were weak minded prior to burdening themselves with empowerment

>This is an evolved consiquence of the long dependencies of human infants on their mothers. Meaning that women must be sensitive to threat in concordance with the mother-child diad.

Women think men who don't do this are creepy though.
It's "possessive" to want anything more than casual sex.

Dr. Gave me some stuff for anxiety and a took it for a couple weeks. Then I had no feels at all. No sadness or happiness, no passion or excitement for anything. I believe its called ‘emitional blunting’. I stopped taking that shit right away. The side effect was worse than the condition. I dont know if the blunting passes if you keep taking it, but i didnt want to find out.

>Why are women more likely to take antidepressants than men?
Theyve hit the wall

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But for real this though.
The science is settled.
Sweetie he's not wrong.

Probably why so many are killing themselves, honestly.

No its not creepy, I've done stuff then the guys like 'i gotta go', its horrible, i remember asking this one guy to stay, or take me out to dinner, he just left its made me put my guard up. I hate it, like just spend time with me.

Alright, this is especially true in America, but traditionally, the family unit used to be: Dad works and brings in the money, mom takes care of the children and makes dad's favorite dinner cause he's had a shitty day at work, I'm exaggerating a little but that's sort of how it used to be.

But the conditions of living progressively worsened and it went to the point where mom had to work too to be able to sustain the family's standard of living, and there comes new expenses, mom needs new clothes, a car, and all sorts of stuff.

Here's the kicker, every mom that had to do this thinks their family are the only case and they're just down on their luck. They've never had a discussion about this, and the result is this: The mom is expected to take care of the kids, make dad's favorite dinner and comfort him after his shitty day at work, but she ALSO has to work a whole day, help pay the bills and yknow, have her own shitty day.

It quickly became an absurd amount of responsibility for just one person, and the fact that the society never really addressed this, but choose instead of telling everyone it's their own fault, or bad choices, is what led to so much depression, and high amount of divorce rate and dysfunctional couples.

Probably some of both. Difference is when women have legitimate issues they end up getting help for them whereas men just bite the bullet and die alone and full of regret. “But at lease I have muh boomer pride, muh manhood”

I was on zoloft as a teenager. Couldn't get a boner. Made me more suicidal. Made my stomach bloated and made me lazy.

Because woman are more likely to not question the kikery of the pharma industry. Man are more likely to look at a doctor that gets "invited" to give a "talk" at benzo poppers inc. and go "hold up a second"

Women are emotionally weaker... next question.

I've been doing all those things while taking care of my son. You make it sound like it's incredibly difficult, but it really isn't. Stop being such a martyr.

That said women shouldn't work outside of the home, but should focus on three things; keeping the house clean, making food and sexing up the husband.

Spoiler alert: there is no source.

>three things; keeping the house clean, making food and sexing up the husband.

Yeah but the majority of attractive guys cant provide that, even having their own car is becoming more rare. And older guys tend to be pervy.

Women need a strong man to give them the dick and especially cum inside them.

This sexual liberation turns women into trash. Where they get more dicks but substantially less cum, cause condoms and what not.

They need antidepressants because they know that they're trash and can't take it.

Because women have to live with men, and we're a load to deal with.

Because women are never happy. No matter how good things are going, they always have something to complain about.

Because they are weak, decadent, low-IQ space cadets with defective survival instincts. They would rather just be happy then face the actual real-world issues that are making them depressed in the first place. Taking antidepressents is no different than drinking/smoking pot to avoid manning up to your issues.

Real, intelligent, responsible men understand that the purpose of life is to survive and thrive and not to "be happy". As such they tend to think through the problems they face, eat the pain, and come out stronger/wiser.

Happy pills of any kind are a crutch of the weak.

In the 1970s and 1980s people took Valium and Xanax and other sedatives if they were feeling anxious.
Then pharmaceutical companies realized anti-depressants were more more profitable
so they shilled against sedatives "they're so addictive" and pushed things like Prozac instead in the the late 1980s and early 2000s.
The problem is anti-depressants are a useless awful class of drugs.
I never met anyone who took them who liked them or got any benefit from them.
They just felt weird all the time and had to stop[ taking them.
Anyone who had to take Xanax for example for a few months thought they
were very beneficial and improved their outlook on life.
Anti-depressants are useless toxic shit.

>Why are women more likely to take antidepressants than men?

Hate their career
guilt over abortions
Neurotic about health

You probably shouldn't make this about you when the numbers show such a clear pattern. I am actually surprised you have a Norwegian flag to match with that dismissive rhetoric, you are among the countries who respond the best to these sorts of problems.


They feel guilty after fucking niggers and need something to blame.

"men just deal with their problems"
yeah dude, afterwards they just become another number for the 79% statistic.

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Men drink more

PhD. In psychology.

How do you even get antidepressants? I'd go to the "doctor", but I can't afford to pay hundreds of dollars for a little chat with some charlatan.


Look into it. Most men who commit suicide or on anti psychotics or are self medicating with drugs. One of the side effects of these medicines is suicidal thoughts or actions.