Repill me on the USNS Mercy

What is going on with this ship that's so terrifying that it made this train driver this desperate to stop it?

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a single dose, more to come.

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do you think the elites spend all day long fucking around with gemetria to schedule their itinerary?

No, but I do believe we're in some kind of matrix of frequency and numbers

Gematria is the esoteric underpinning of the universe and is everywhere you look. It's not that the elite deliberately want to send these signals using it or structure their plans around it to accomplish a ritual magic effect (when they do it's usually using a non-standard number attribution of their own devising to obscure the meaning from outsiders), it's that it's impossible to do anything of significance without Gematric correspondences arising.

Ship is on pedo removal duty
CIA black hat glowniggers wanted to shut it down so they sent a MKULTRA slave


they force microchip people inside that ship

They'll all burn at the end of it, in the shit they planned into reality just to be become shit they'll get boiled in. Human condition, illusion of grandeur and narcissism. They'll get what they deserve. Fucking dumb fucks think they can engineer society. I just wish some coordinated assassination cult spawns into reality and starts the purge eventually.

I actually need someone to explain his plan to me. Was he carrying oil or something explosive?

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What's in the ship?
Sure as shit ain't medical beds.

Absolute retard

Why not explain where I've gone wrong then?

He was a Q boomer who wanted to bring attention to the plot to destroy America etc etc. He said the world is watching, which Q posts pretty often. If you bothered to google any of this you'd already have known without needing to be spoonfed.

this pandemic is causing people to isolate that never had to before, there are TONS of studies showing prolonged isolation can cause paranoia, so expect a sharp uptick in paranoid delusion caused violence

its called numerology and using maths in different ways helps you be ahead of the curve. if you think wealthy people dont follow fortune telling, then you are the low iq types that makes it easier to be ontop of.

But what does it all mean?

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This is another reason why I'm just going to stay in the house for the foreseeable future -_-

stay in my house*

Tenuous link.....I think you're a faggot

It means that there is a hidden design to the universe.

>Repill me on the USNS Mercy
Apparently you can get there by train now.


Here's Christine Lagarde, central banker and former head of the IMF, rattling on about the number 7.

If she's talking about it, then they all are.

These people have so much money that it gives them free time. How you and I spend our free time is very different to how they do.

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That particular trucking company has a reputation for violence, actually. Killing whistle blowers, etc.

They code numbers into events because they feel like they're in big boy clubs.

They're boring people that have boring rich friends that host gatherings and they all smell their own farts and think numbers are cool.

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I'm an HM1 in the Navy, I've got 8 friends on both ships, 3 on Mercy and 5 on Comfort. The train driver's a retard, if they were really "up to something" they wouldn't have chosen random Corpsmen to go on the ship, but there are normal sailors just doing normal shit, 3 hours of cleaning stations per day, 0715 muster, lots of packages full of supplies being moved on and off the ships. It's a conspiratorial nothingburger and I'm kinda jealous I didn't get to go. It would have at least gotten me away from Portsmouth Naval Hospital for a couple months.

At yet there's nothing you can do to prove any of this except cite important coincidences. Throw the most complex mathematical proof at me you can, I'm willing to look through it.

testing lab, they are trying to mix corona and ebola and infect China

Do they have full access to the ship?

What's wrong with being spoonfed? You couldn't have a Democrat party without it.

Yes, it's full of symbolism (Mercy, derailing, some place named Avalon nearby...), it's yet another histrionics by the tribe and its minions.

Yeah, you're acting like they have armed security on certain decks keeping people out, its not like the movies. Buddy of mine on the Comfort even got to see the mourge and engine rooms the first day they were out to sea

It is a complex matter to explain but here goes:

>All things can be traced back to a First Cause.
>Therefore, everything is connected in that respect at least.
>There is a chain of causation which goes from the immediate phenomena we see all the way back to the First Cause.
>Everything we see was caused by something, and that something was caused by something else, all the way back up the chain.
>If the same thing midway down the chain of causation caused two different things, they are naturally going to be more closely connected than things whose only common link is that they lead back to the First Cause
>The closer the common cause is to the immediate world of phenomena, the closer the connection.
>The closest connections take place in the exoteric world which we can all perceive. Those are usually fairly obvious.
>There are esoteric connections which bridge the gap between the apparent world of phenomena and the First Cause.
>We would expect apparently unconnected events which in fact have a common esoteric cause to be more closely connected than events which are genuinely unconnected save for their link to the First Cause
>Gematria reveals these connections

butt probing

Not implying that there are armed guards everywhere, but reality is people on the ships are professionals and will stay in their lane with what job they're doing.

I don't expect general navy folk to necessarily be looking out for anything beyond their programming, or even recognize something off if they see it other than what they've been trained in.

It's a floating FEMA camp.


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I mean I do things based on my numerological beliefs all the time, mathematics is the song of the archons

It means these schitzo q following faggots literally suck retard tranny dicks

You're implying we're programmed in the first place, as an HM1 with 17 years in, we are undoubtedly the single least-disciplined branch in the DoD. Best part is, one of my buddies on the Mercy right now is a bit of a nutjob as well, he went on there *looking* for suspicious shit, only thing he's mentioned is the fact that there's a lot of body bags, but seeing the scope of the COVID projections, it's not really out of the ordinary.

It's literally one of the most insanely bogus bits of nonsense I've ever seen the MSM pushing. Unless he had some kind of organic brain damage the train driver knew perfectly damn well he would never in a million years come anywhere near that ship. But for some reason it gets pushed all the same.

You people just keep trying different cyphers and reverse them and all this bullshit until you get something that seems significant.

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Cont. Not this particular company, but its parent company.

Packages you say


That’s the opposite of what the post he replied to is saying. You people need to get on the same page

Gematria and numerology is schizo bullshit that has literally never accomplished anything, change my mind

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Yep, lots of masks, some rocket lawn-chairs, a few thousand rounds of ammunition per agent, more handcuffs and zip-ties than I've ever heard of before, and these weird little RFID scanners being passed out to all the agents.

Honestly though, shit like masks, MRE's, nitrile gloves, ventilators (not enough), saline IV bags, etc. Like I said, nothingburger.


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And the esoteric connections are based on the letters in a word or phrase? Kek

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Explain why 9/11 has numbers in the name.

There are also cases of Delirium from covid19 survivors. Its supposedly common for near death experiences. People need psychological help after experiencing something like this / or lack of oxygen to brain. Im not a doctor.. do whatever you want with this opinion based on a journalist's article I read and cant site.

They have computers for that. Make simulations and see what reactions they get from the public.
Some are there to scare, derail or to boost the populace to think a certain way.
The term "we are living in a matrix" comes from this. Every little thing is artificial so those in power can sty in power. This is even more sinister ans cunning than 1984

Who you calling 'you people'?

Oh shit good point

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>nd these weird little RFID scanners being passed out to all the agents.

How many of these?

You and people like you who believe this shit and try to convince other people to. Wasn’t that obvious?

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Oh it was a nigger meme. That should’ve been obvious to me desu

about tree fiddy

It was a joke bud.


>the fact that there's a lot of body bags
FEMA just asked the Pentagon for another 100k the other day

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we all know very well what it is

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q tards think muh maga king is sending the military to clear out underground bunkers full of pedophile mole-men on adrenochrome.

beaners cannot into conspiracy.

It's mental gymnastics you fucking idiots. Truth is that there are several magnitudes more people who are into fortune telling, numerology, gematria and such than there are people in the elite. It's just like claiming your success is a reward from whatever deity you worship in your religion

Correlations can always be found everywhere you look, it just has to be vague enough to avoid being falsifiable. That way, you have lots of so called "proof" with all the coincidences you can find. While it is literally impossible to prove your theory wrong. And that is why people will call you a schizo