Say it with me:




Attached: Can't Buck the Tuck.png (597x495, 258.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good job Tucker!

behold the power of Tucker

Fuck he'd be an awesome President.
But they'd just have him whacked, or set-up.
And even IF that didn't happen, he'd start his presidency all optimistic and ready to drain the swamp, but would have a thousand yard stare within a week when he realized just how bad things really were, like a cancer that has metastasized through everything

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Tucker unironically avoided WW3

Say it with me

I would vote for Tucker, instead of being his brown shirts we can be called his cargo shorts


>H-1B still allowed to flow in like a fucking fire hose

This is a token to dupe America Firsters.
Let's see if he falls for it and thanks them or shuts up rather than holding their feet to the fire until they fully give up.

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You think he'll run in 2024?

I'd vote for Tucker. He's one of the few politifags who hasn't changes his core beliefs in the 20 odd years he's been talking.

all awesome leaders have a quirk.
His is lego hair.

That talentless whore is rotting in hell
Feels good

How is this guy allowed on mass media? Don't get me wrong I love him but he's a radical by any msm standard. Is fox actually working for the good of the country? I have a hard time believing that.

>Is fox actually working for the good of the country?
Good lord no. Outside of Tucker everyone else is shit. Hannity is a neo con and everyone else is basically near lib-shit lefty or neo-cons. Fox has been dead for a while. Even my 66 year old neo-con boomer dad hates them now.

Damn Tucker Max has really changed.

I knew Comrade Stump was browsing this board. I fuckin knew it.

Daily Reminder

>Convinced Trump not to go to war in Iran
>Explained to Trump that he was being setup to failed on COVID-19, convinced him to close the borders
>Got Trump to reconsider masks
>Got Trump to Suspend Guest Worker programs

Tucker has been crushing it lately, and i fully intend to vote for him in 2024.

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Fucking based. He needs to do a " US needs to be a white only ethno state" now

Tucker is actually not that radical. He's right of center, if anything.

Thank God.
It seem like Tucker is the only person in Washington that give a shit about America.

^Found the knob gobbler.

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I bet Hannity is seething.

>He's right of center, if anything.
He's literally a communist

That's a drop in the bucket, but I'm glad he had a positive effect on it

So what are you gonna do with non whites? Kill us?

Can’t cuck the tuck.

>Nigger's first day on Yas Forums

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Laura Ingram doesnt seem that bad

MIGA all the way. Trump has turned back on almost every campaign promise, He still has not used his presidential power to end those "dreamers"

Tucker is secretly a nazi. I've seen several of his segments where he shows you the opening of serious rabbit holes

sell you to spain

He's a National Populist.

You will have designated reservation, of which you will not be allowed to leave without a pass.

You will join your ancestral people

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A majority of Silicon Valley is now made up people who were not born in the United States. These are the people running the tech sector and they don't have our best interests in mind. Get rid of them. All of them. American kids have turned away from tech fields because they know they need to be a foreigner to do it. Get rid of all non-citizens. We are capable of doing everything ourselves given the chance.

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His hair looks plain and normal.

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This, based pillow Merchants.

Chinks own most of our economy.

What? Dude used to be a lolbertarian. He's more NatSoc now. That's quite the change. Even his neckwear has changed with his ideology. This isn't a knock against him, people learn and grow, which he has.

Tucker would be what people wanted Trump to be

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I think might be just odd seeing someone sane and honest in the televised news media. That is incredibly rare, almost unheard of nowadays.

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What kind of nazi thinks we need to halt the advance of automation technology because it's going to work too well?

He does not believe in that. That is also unreasonable and impossible, so it would be a waste of time. Only balkanization could provide that, which would never be allowed.

One that put's the wellbeing of his countrymen over the wellbeing of foreigners in silicon valley.

Kys namefag

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Therefore a nazi

>“I’m not endorsing conspiracy theories; I try to resist them because I think they are often an attempt to make sense of a confusing world in the most simple way possible. But I also kind of wonder if older people believe in conspiracy theories because they’ve been around and they know they exist. And not just conspiracies where people meet off-site to subvert the system, but conspiracies of like-mindedness, of similar temperament, of instinct,” Carlson said. “Maybe if all the people in charge are from pretty much the same world and have the same preconceptions, maybe they, maybe unknowingly, act together to produce a certain result.”

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Correct. But optics matter. We need to call them National Populists.

This 10x

Tucker's a crypto Nazbol

Russia is still Russia after communism. We wont exist in a hundred years because of free market capitalism. Which is really better?

I hope for this every time I watch his show. Unfortunately, I don't think we could be so lucky.


Agreed but the Overton window is shifting quick the 2020s will be our time

Hey Leibowitz who looks like a 5 year old wearing a bow tie now.

He'd better. I have memes to make.

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Tucker is the one person keeping the Trump administration hanging on by a thread

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He's actually quite famous for shifting his core beliefs. He used to be a libertarian, but he acknowledges now how stupid he was.

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Probably not. Whomever runs in 2024 will be probably all be the standard 100% fake candidates, just like we had before, just like almost every candidate. And then we will be permafucked. Unless shit really really changes in the next 4 years, maybe?

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This is happening to a lot of libertarian people and conservatives in general; party is shifting.

Trump watches him closely and obviously fully agrees.
Honestly why won't american companies hire americans? wages.

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When you have no viable opposition party because they've gone insane, there's nothing holding the other party's feet to the fire.

Cenk Yuger's super-pac may have thwarted a once-in-a-century chance to fundamentally reform the GOP into a working-man's party.

i cant go play frisbee in the park but mutant romanians and nigmaicans can still get packed into planes and launched over here?

unironically based as fuck
Tucker is the last patriot

>i'm a communist too
die in a fire

God bless this man. Tuck should be Trump's advisor rather than all the faggots he has whispering in his ear

not possible amigo :^)

>hello retard department
>yeah we've got a guy here that's still defending the rule that led him to ruin

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Tell him to found the White American Socialist Party (WASP).


This. I was a lolbert till 2016ish...then i realized it is deeply flawed in the current context.

Lolbertarianism only works in a high trust ethnically homogeneous societies.

>implying he isn't

Remember when Bolton through a temper tantrum and quit?

You can't cuck the Tuck.