So I used to be a hardcore Yas Forums user. Now not so much since I got married...

So I used to be a hardcore Yas Forums user. Now not so much since I got married. I work out 6 times a week and have read Mein Kampf over 10 times.

I wanted to discuss something with all of you which concerns us. It concerns women and in general how the different gender relations are viewed. I know female equality is something a lot of you care about.

I am a concervative who is against refugees and everything Liberal. My views concerning women's position in society were shaken after a certain event took place in my life.

One morning my wife left her phone on the kitchen table. I opened it up to find texts from some guy named Marcel who I later found out was her coworker who had immigrated from Spain. He was texting her about how delightful it was to carry her into bed and to kiss her breasts. She replied with hearts.

I was furious. Yet at the same time I found myself masturbating to what was happening. That morning I got the strongest orgasm I have ever felt in my entire life. Why?

By the time I confronted my wife, she had already been missing every second night while I jacked off fantasising what her and Marcel were doing, while I was smelling her panties and the bed sheets where my wife used to sleep.

I pretended to be angry at her. Because that was what was expected of me. Because I am a man and a Yas Forumstard. But then I hugged her and when given the choice to stay or leave the marriage, I chose to stay. Her and Marcel still keep in touch.

My point is that, not everything is so black and white. I managed to find joy in my wife's adventures even though I was ashamed and hated it at first. It was these feelings that gave rise to a new, stronger passion for me and lit up our sex life. The fact that her relationship with him was something secret to me, made it feel exciting and new to me. You may call it cuckoldry, but I call it "rediscovering your wife every single day in a new light". You can be like me, you can see relationships as complex as they are.

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concrats, you became a tradcuck.

This is the fakest thing I have ever read.

Those Spanish and italian guys


OP is a self-hating emotional masochist who found a way to punish himself that's less effort than race/body-image insecurity.

Norway, you've been spending too much time with Sweden lately, I suggest you quarantine and rethink your life

She could have actually been a solid 9.5 if she hadn’t fucked with her lips

What's wrong with you? She disrespected you in the most shameful way possible and you respond like a onions boy with no selfrespect and selfworth.
Your weird fetish doesn't make it any better. You're her doormat and now she knows she can do anything to you without feeling any consequeces.
You're better than that

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>"man" from scandinavia enjoys being a cuckold
what else is new

what a fucking fake slide and attempt to demoralize us. jump off an interstate overpass.

This is a LARP, you fuckheads.
Whoever didn't sage, I hope you die of coronavirus you lazy, worthless fucks. Stop bumping slide threads.

Fake and gay

You are way ahead of your time


if you think this is a real person with a real story that actually happened you are fucking retarded

do not bump this thread

>and have read Mein Kampf over 10 times
I'm sorry, but that's a big cringe and a yikes from me dawg

You are weak. See let me explain something to you. You're not weak because of what you did, you're weak because you don't understand what weakness even means. You pick up scraps and say, wait till you see for yourself user.

I have lived through hell. I am forged by hell. Inside hell weakness cannot survive. You let your women run wild and enjoyed it because you lack self respect. You are a mockery and she knows it. You don't think she doesn't know what the things you do alone? You think you could hide all your disgusting secrets from her, or me? And you liked it because you'd take whatever you can get, like scraps. But you work out 6 times a week or something.

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Fucking hell, bunker chan shills are out early. Fuck the Corona shit

> So I used to be a hardcore Yas Forums user.
No, you weren't. Go back to your tranny discord.

>read Mein Kampf over 10 times.
You’re worshipping a freemason book. Nice blog otherwise i guess

now that’s just mean, user

Your wife clearly wants to talk to other men. Send us pics and ways to contact her, we will make her happy don’t worry.

Yes, I am a real person and calling my story fake doesn't make it any less true. Giving women freedom is a thing to enjoy, just because you don't understand my point of view doesn't make it any less valid.

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Nice try kike

Sliding what?
Ever since 2015, Yas Forums has been nothing of value and people occasionally spamming redpill content to combat the new wave of leftards and trolls.

You’re german, your entire existence is about being occupied enslaved and a cuck and you actually talk to other people like they’re inferior????

Your wife needs to talk to me, I’ll satisfy her.

Go away jew.

Who's her? Looks like my ex

Imagine the amount of thought that went into OP. Even if its copy pasta someone sat down and wrote this.

Please kill yourself. Sage

>You’re worshipping a
1 post by id

>I was furious. Yet at the same time I found myself masturbating to what was happening
Käften din jävla cuck.

You deserve a medal. And a tall tree and a short rope

I want to see her tits and her mouth on my cock...

>Marcel who I later found out was her coworker who had immigrated from Spain
Marcel from Spain? ok

Also sage

How many times have you zieg hailed in the mirror faggot?

Is there one in Norway that isn't a colossal faggot?

You're also a woman. Get the point next time because it's obvious when you blab on about nothing that you have a vagina.

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...sure op

It's not a copy pasta. I wrote this and it's 100% my side of the story. Please don't invalidate it so carelessly now that I have finally learned to accept it and be proud of it. How can I explain it, the shame and guilt and secrecy of it give my love life a stronger flavor I can only compare to drinking a hot scorching whiskey in front of my fire cabin on a warm Saturday evening. There is literally nothing wrong with my feelings.

3 posts.

It seems like a lot of people are trying to call my post fake to avoid the fact that they might also enjoy themselves had they been in my shoes.
I am a Yas Forums heterosexual male and I enjoy this and there is nothing wrong with that. One can be alt right and still enjoy it and be open about it.

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Gender differences are real and women tend to be more emotional. Men could learn from this but instead the retards that post here acting like they're alpha males are just projecting this fantasy since most are basement dwelling losers that can't find the drive to do something about their situation.

Kek the average whitoid

Exactly, so they pretend like their female partners even talking to other men is a dealbreaker. This is the cause of the incel epidemic and its caused by insecurities.

I love my wife and she loves me. But I will never be new or exotic to her and that is okay. This makes our relationship more exciting and I enjoy that.

Are you talking about the self-declared neets or incels? You reddit women and butt-pirates are so out of your element.


Dude I want to see her tits, come on me your fucking wife’s tits

the LARPs are easy to spot becsuse they are low IQ cliches. You are incapable of writing any fiction that sounds authentic because you lack the creativity and intellect. You are most likely a commie IRL, unable to understand that others succeed while you fail because of your innate inferiority and not because of 'the system'.


Reddit spacing. Gtfo you stupid fucking faggot cuck

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Dude your wife is a whore and you are a weak vile pussy.

This type of thinking is exactly the reason why you'll be a kissless virgin wizard, son

Wow, I was gonna call you a cuck before finishing the first paragraph, but this is on another level entirely.

I know this is fake but I still hope you get ran over by a muslim you faggot.

Married to a non whore and have kids

You weak man


Stop responding you stupid faggots.

A Norwegian cuck poster, how surprising.
You can tell it is real with the way they give extraneous details about their former use of /pol and then hit on every point of self improvement /pol pushes.
There could be no possible way this is a shill of some kind just shit posting. be they Jew, government, tranny or chink.
not a chance of that at all

Well guess what it's not fake. I make a bit over 2 million a year and I'm happy with my marriage. You just can't cope with that so you're calling me fake, because you know you can't reach what I have and to know that I even slightly go against your perfect image of what a based alt righter is, you to against that.
I think you'll find that more men would find my situation to be enjoyable and acceptable if you actually got off the Internet for a bit and talked to real couples.

There's another guy unable to cope with the fact that he's in the wrong so he resorts to etos arguments against the validity of my character.
1. Everything I said is legit and 2. More and more men will be okay with this in the future. Because it is okay.

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Youre an absolute disgusting and pathetic waste of a man.

impregnate her and then leave her with the nigger.

Slide Thread

if you only knew how hot they are
assholes but sexy

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nice meme dude lol


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