Is "you need to be tall to get laid" a meme?

Is "you need to be tall to get laid" a meme?

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Is "pay your debts" a meme?

no you fag, you just need to try and not be an autist. its that simple. and if you are ugly as fuck then you just need to play the numbers game, eventually youll find a girl that will let you fuck her.

>TFW no towering giraffe nazi gf


well you can always be the beta bux, just dont expect to enjoy it

>he gets to have the sloppy leftovers that actually needed to brand itself with a swastika to get someone desperate enough to settle

oh boy wowww

who says they're even fucking

You need to be tall to not get Hep C when you get laid.

she looks like she sucks a mean cock
probably spits, deep throats, gags and strokes you all at once

>No towering shield maiden gf to peg your boipussz

Why even live

Its photoshop, who would put a swastika on their tits? Its counter productive, the whole point of tits is to show them off but then you cant because of the nazi symbol.

"Getting laid" is the meme

Look at the neck on that giraffe

Just have to be taller then what ever woman you wanna bang

its actually not
look her up lmao

It makes things easier but you can still get laid if you’re short as long as you’re not ugly and have a good personality, be cool my man.


What a disgusting woman

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Long neck

how do i get a big gf, bros?

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Giraffa camelopardalis

Any tips for an average 30 year old virgin bro trying to get hot 25 yo bobs and vagene?

absolutely disgusting

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It's real, that's just a big bitch.

So this the type of women Yas Forums is trying to save?

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>tfw no Nazi giraffe necked gf

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dont let some dumb hole with a swastika tell you shit, ever

If you have standards, yes.

That's a big guy

You can get pussy when you’re short, but you need a lot of charisma, and a lot of girls aren’t going to be turned on by you

she looks like a fun fuck, plus you can salute hitler while hitting it

Any woman who does shit like "must be 6 feet tall and a millionaire" isn't someone you would want in your life anyway. Lots of women who aren't that full of themselves.

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dude so fucking hot, she probably learned by sucking muh BBC, so fucking sexy, man!

Have you ever asked a woman what she looks for in a man?
Usually height is one of the first things she says, especially if you ask for physical features.

>fun fuck
dude imagine humping some drugged up whore! so fun!

Imagine putting a baby in that poorly painted graffitti wall. Modern men would even fornicate with a sow if it gave them attention.

the last blind date I had she told me as soon as we met I thought you were taller, I'm 6'2" and she was like 5'6"....
Still fucked her, so no

Fag, kys

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Start mewing. Start walking/stretching - and when your bodily pains ease up a bit go start lifting or something of this style.
Start going outside - preferably doing something productive or healthy - with other men. Social status is perhaps the strongest attractor - for normie women that is.

I'm 5'5 and never had troubles. I've never gone after Tindersluts though. They all end up as single moms anyway.

Workout, make good money, have a skill and hobbies, have a big dick and big dick energy, stop giving a fuck about pussy. Do these things and you will attract a nice girl.

She just needs a dose of vitamin penis
if you know what I mean

Depends on your culture. In America you have to be a 6'2, muscular bad boy/fuckboi to get laid in 2020. Or beta bux. Or go for fatties. Slim uggos and cute single moms can get Chad so dont bother. Good luck, user.

Source: I had sex last night and am a mere 7/10 white man


How do I get weeb ones that won't mind me using 4chins

Where do you find women then?

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Of course it's a meme. Manlets would have been bred out of existence if it wasn't.

Yes, because they never will.

for you

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needing to get laid is a meme entirely

is her neck really that long?

I'm 6'4", married, and still dont get laid, so yeah it's a meme of course

No its not a meme, anyone that says it is just a coping manlet

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5That's not a tranny, is it? Sauce
Also, how are poster bypassing the infinite captchas/ 3 audio captchas per post?

Is that his GF?

Her tattoo says: I am the only one I trust

This won´t change no matter how much you debate the perceived hypocrisy that "men can´t have preferences". Women want to feel safe, especially so in modern "society" which isn´t stable or safe, for several reasons.

Just date shorter women, there are tons of them.

Various places. So dating has existed before Tinder, user.

This meme would be better if the speech bubble was transparent

She's only 5'8

So unpleasant to look at. She looks like she has some crippling skin disease.

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I had that yesterday, it's gone now

Women love short handsome men like Tom Cruise.

its a meme
every woman is for sale

yeah. i think it's some kind of coping mechanism. guys with personality flaws blame their problems on something they can't fix, like genetics, to feel like it's not their fault.

being tall is attractive, but obviously not a guarantee, just like being short is not a guarantee of being a virgin. there really are no guarantees with this stuff. "incels" tend to focus too much on genetics, it's an obsession, with black pills etc instead of trying to be positive and try to work with it like normal men.

I don't have a problem with women who say that, just some manlets who are delusional need to try and ask it

Yeah they will say that and also don’t forget rich but if you ask a guy what he wants in a woman he would say he wants a top tier Victoria secret model and whatever other quality they see as preferable . We always say our preference ideal but people make or have to make exceptions a lot of times. Guys are more willing to make them but girls that do are out there as well. That’s the only reason it’s way easier for tall guys but I do see short guys with partners all the time as well.

No, it's not. The pic is real. That's "Eva van Hausen".

Money, it's number one, regardless of what they say, cash talks.
If you are above average in the cock department whores will flock to you just by word of mouth
Third fitness, you can have a short dick and be broke as fuck and a manlet but if you're semi fit, you don't even have to be roided buff you'll get phone numbers
Discipline is another, if you can prove you can be on time for zhit, be clean, have a decent living, you can nail a girlfriend

Being tall and fat with a short dick sucks specially if you're broke as fuck


Goddess Rapture

Eva van Hausen.

it's a giant meme

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They had online dating long before tinder, and there were dating newspapers and dating services before the internet.

Mutt's law

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gonna need a source on this, chief

Well you can work on not being fat and earn some more money.
It's the manlets who are in trouble, they need to get a real good sense of humor I guess

>you'll get phone numbers
How do you get phone numbers.

Im a 5'4 manlet

It is 100% harder. Now half my dates have been taller and half have been shorter but it was noy easy. Youbhave to hide all your weaknesses and seem perfect in every other way.

My current gf is 5'10" and she vowed to never date a shorter guy in HS. And now she changed her tune and literally wants babies.

The thing is girls dont knowbwhat they want, you have to tell them what they want

Just ask

Shoulders are same hight
>that neck

No. What it really means is to experience a woman’s love (physical, emotional). It makes you less angry. Chills you out. Let’s you see some of the brighter side of things even though life’s a bit shit really.

So it’s good advice delivered to incels in a way to hurt them. Because masculine and feminine are at war and trying to hurt each other.

A lot of the bitterness and anger on here is pent up pain. Women have the magic ability to take that away. They also lose. The get the physical love but that’s nothing to them and they crave the emotional one. Which the assholes they who’re themselves will never give.

So you should say back. If you want to stop being miserable.

You need to stop whoring yourself to assholes.

But that won’t makes things better for us all. Just worse till the penny drops and the Boogaloo kicks off. The nature resets things.

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Not a tranny. Just roided up with fake tits.


manlets can obviously get laid but it's harder especially on shit like tinder and yes it's something women think about and are overly preoccupied with even if they'll """accept""" a short guy

good wisdom

Shes in 7" clown heels

Go over to women in the shopping mall and ask them?

Bullshit. A strong successful man in his masculine can conquer anything. Height, cock size. You are just making excuses! Be the man you know you can user. Let the pussy chase you.

Ask, those who don't ask don't get to eat

we manlets do have feelings, you know.

Getting laid is a meme

Roids can make a chicks clit look like a tiny dick, clitoromegaly look it up

What does mewing mean like a cat? Girls do seem to like cats.

actually lots of bitches use his height to disparage him. obviously he has no idea they exist, is a rich celebrtiy who has spent his life fucking prime pussy and was even "used" by his sister's friends as a young teenager to practice kissing etc so he's not wanting for approval or gives a shit what some roastie on the net thinks of him, but it's there.

>m-muh personality
>literally wants babies.
*literally wants you to pay for her boyfriend's babies
you dumb little faggot

You Brits have it easier because bitches want to bone Harry Potter

The literal definition of a man in the US is over 6'2

Make small conversation depending on where you're at and then ask.
Or just read Bang by Roosh v, that helped me.
Also you have Tinder so that's about as easy as it gets

Her height is enough for me, assuming it's a female. I didn't knew I loved that type of woman until I saw that webm.

why would you ask at a shopping mall?

Are supermarkets and shopping malls appropriate places to ask?

>Yas Forums as a collective

bitch is obviously degenerate.

>muh getting laid
If you focus on "getting laid" rather than snatching the right woman, then you're a lost cause. Sex is overrated and the pursuit of it is a result of mob mentality and hedonism.

Stop it, Sven, that fetish isn't healthy for you.

This. For a female to naturally have our views she has to be mentally insane or something, because no sane woman in the west actually goes off the usual liberal ideological path unless she has had problems in life.

Also she will become like that if her bf has those views.

Most those nazi girls are just whores and attention seekers.

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I dont go anywhere much. Where is the right place?

Mark Collett is a straight badass though. Also married and popping out white babies.

Look at Fauci: dude is like 4 feet tall, yet he can walk into a room and slay at will.

Unless you're a literal midget, height is not a limiting factor. Dick size and personality win the day.

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You can compensate with money but it has to be a lot. Its why hindustanis in the USA are rich. Blacks also try hard to get rich (or die trying).

I'm 5'9, I'm average/above average in looks and only dated absolute pigs. I discovered shoe inserts in 2015 and figured out the best way to conceal them so my footwear looked natural. Anyway, at the height of 6' I had significantly more attractive girlfriends and hooked up with girls at parties without even having to court them. My knees fucking killed me but whatever, the difference is night and day

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Talk to tall grils and hope they’re into pegging

That chick is a walking warning sign.

>If you are above average in the cock department whores will flock to you just by word of mouth
i wish
i am tall and i have a big dick but apparently my beta male genes, beta face, lack of a job, low confidence, "boring" personality, etc etc etc makes me unfuckable actually yeah that does seem fair

That’s a man

>Also you have Tinder so that's about as easy as it gets

Tinder is easy for attractive men because most people just go on tinder for hookups and casual dating so the women want the hottest guy they can get.
I could probably bang some fat girls off tinder though.

That's fucking tragic man goddamn.

you should go to places where women also go to find guys, or at least where they go to socialize with new people. buses, super markets etc are bad places imo. going to parties, clubs, any social outing where you're basically supposed to socialize is a better idea.

I find a lot of women to be very reasonable about what they want in men. Not all, perhaps not even most, but plenty. Enough that Yas Forums shouldn't be complaining about there not being enough women out there to proliferate "the white race" with. As for them listing height as a preference, face is much more important. Roasties will date a handsome manlet like the aforementioned Tom Cruise without much convincing.

If you asked me what I looked for in a woman my first thing would be "honesty" or "maternal instincts" or something to that effect. If you asked me what I looked for physically in a woman, I would say "a kind face," or "a cute face." I don't think most men give a shit about having a Victoria's Secret model at all. I actually find women like that boring. We mostly just want someone who is attractive to us and it doesn't take much for young females to be attractive, just basic hygiene, brushed hair and a normal weight.

Roll for a new IP address to get by those captchas. You just know when google turns the captcha into a 10 page slideshow they are going to deny you no matter what. And then do it again, and again. It is easier to just cycle off/on your phone/modem and get a new IP.

It's not. Woman care about your physical abilities just as much as you care about theirs (curves -> making kids).
How are you gonna hunt, build shit if you are a little twink? It's just evolution, it's programmed into their brains. Same with money. You have to be able to provide.

Stop it, that fetish isn't healthy, it's unnatural.

Unless you're a bodybuilder yourself.

> white pride
> white trash
why do people who wear that shit as fashion tend to be white trash and covered in prison tier tats as well?

Isn't it strange that people who are obsessed with degeneracy are some of the most degenerate people? It's like people excused degeneracy if it was done by people on their "side".

idk I'm kind of good looking so I don't even have to start the convo
First time I went on there I got into a relationship that lasted 8 months so it's not only for hookups.
Honestly if you say you're not into that it might make you even more attractive to some, a man with morals.

>Roasties will date a handsome manlet like the aforementioned Tom Cruise without much convincing.
doubt, most women I've asked go to height straight away

What a shame, she's pretty and busty. Neck tattoos show very very poor judgment.

Its a meme that is spread by actual manlets.

No, but you need to be over 6’ if you want to have friends who are woven 6’ because they will constantly talk shit about you like carry bitches

After a fashion.
It's not a requirement but being tall and walking straight up makes you look confident which gets you laid

Fuck off back to 9fag u piece of shit

I've seen street interviews where a guy would ask rosaries if they'd rather date an ugly tall guy or a really hot short guy and they all said the tall guy every time

They are from wignat gangs. They're just attention seekers, just like OP pic, they were in the past though, now they're normal.

Problem is. Some on pol have an idea of the “right woman” is some non existent person. And of a good woman does come along they call her a tradwhore or some other shit. They can win with the deeply woman hating on here. They are far too gone. Can you blame them for hating the alt-right a bit when they know we have an element that hates even the best women? Let’s be fair. We have some deeply evil people here that want women and children mudered in some happening because they ain’t getting pussy. And that’s the basis of it.

Both sides have bad guys.

Good for you, I've seen the opposite.

nevermind you agree with me lol

Yeah stop covering up all that white skin


Only women believe they need to be runway models.

Just look at all the women getting 30,000 USD surgery to look like melted barbie dolls.

>the level of inceldom itt

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But imagine the kids, if I find a boricua like that I would pump her full of my seed times infinity. THE NEPHILIM WOULD BE PROUD

>Is "you need to be tall to get laid" a meme?

If you've ever dated a tol girl you know it makes the logistics of the bedroom a bit wierd.

You want at least a few inches of height on her for certain.. things.

I feel you Bro

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incel is a cope for ugly old women

So maybe ordinary women aren’t all the whore some on her claim. Maybe they are normal and a bit flawed like us and we should dial down the extreme rhetoric a bit?

I wouldn’t say murdered, but beaten in the streets and taught a lesson for using. birth control selfishly and recklessly resulting in a mutated generation of soiboys that grow tits

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Read Cory Wayne. Get his books audio books. Read them 10 time. It WILL get better. You have to try. Start of learning how to chat online. Build it up. Act don’t think.

>muh dick
Fucking mutts

>Honestly if you say you're not into that it might make you even more attractive to some, a man with morals.

Or a guy who has his shit together, I am a nearly 27 year old virgin still trying sort out what i am going to do for a career and I have terrible anxiety around women.