Anarchy is exploding in popularity

Hey Anons,

Vaush's YouTube channel is blowing up and is convincing many people of his positions, thoughts on this?

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>thoughts on this?
I think he perfectly represents what's wrong with the 21st century white man. If we were all like him, white people would not be worth saving at all.

Vaush is one of the few based white men if more people were like him this would would be a much better place

Why do you specifically mention that he's one of the few based white men, why not just say he's one of a few based men in general, why specify his race?

>A literal who representing the only ideology that got BTFO'd so hard in Spain that it effectively ceased to exist is bilking Chapokiddies out of their money

No refunds lol.

Just how there can be only a few a few MIGA based black men, There can only be a few based commie white men.

The only thing being threatened by Vaush is the chair he's sitting on

His ideology is completely anachronistic and inconsequential. It doesn't matter if he bluepills retards.

lol stop advertising yourself Vaush, you waste of skin

Literally who?

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He’s based on Israel, but for all the wrong reasons. And that’s the only thing that’s even remotely redeemable about this retard

A man who supports an ideology that would absolutely kill him for being a do nothing, bourgeois softling.

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Because rightwingers on YouTube have become stagnant and repetitive. Donald Trump is a massive flop

who ? what ? hide e-celeb threads, ignore e-celeb threads, don't reply to e-celeb posters


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Vaush is not an Anarchist... He is just a 19th century Socialist


That fat weirdo probably has diabetes

>Listening to fat genetic disasters on politics
This could only happen on the far left, because its just not serious in any way.

Post link proving it's fake

Just another fat man bun wearing faggot jewing you for the clicks. Fuck eceleb worshipping nupol niggers.

I just went to his Twitter and he seems to think tim pool is far right. This faggot is dumber than I thought.

Anyone right to a social democrat is a fascist in their eyes. They're irredeemable wastes of air.


What's that disgusting cyst on his earlobe? I only watch his videos waiting for it to rupture

the people who I see promoting anarchy also look like the first ones who will die under it

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I liked, when Ethan Gunt said nigger straight to his disgusting, greasy face

Vaush is a pathological liar .
At first he was downplaying the virus but after some time he realized that he can use the virus in order to criticize his poor management of the current situation . He can easily change his positions if it serves his political agenda and he is not to be trusted

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To criticize trump *

This guy is a retard
>Lost to Sargon of Akkad
>Lost to Stefan Molymeme

He is the MOST cringey,faggy weirdo to ever exist and you /leftypol/ faggots should be ashamed for stooping this low and shilling for this degenerate.
He is the

I like his stance on trannies.
However if he backpedalled on it then fuck him.


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Nice try sweety

He calls everyone even slightly right of the Overton window a nazi. Even if they’re libertarian.

Vaush gets the rope first

good thing i have one

He has the odd decent point, but like a lot of people these days he seems to think politicians and members of the public have to be ideologically pure in order to have an opinion. Completely misses the art of the compromise, one of the main tenants of politics.

Also he backpedels every 2 seconds, he never comes to a conclusion.
He also has this werid fetish were he likes to think he is a muscular chad with a 6 ft cocks when in reality he is a fatass faggot with a jew micropenis.

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>is exploding
kek yeah keep telling yourself that. Even Nick had more views on youtube.

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His girlfriend

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Look at his socialblade

Hes kind of a chad but his girlfriend.... holy shit, shes a 3dpd. Also he larps as pansexual


The guy constantly gets BTFO by a Racial Realist autist who is so autistic he willed himself into not being gay. Vaush is a sad, sad, sad pathetic excuse of a human.

how is vaushs ancom dream gonna work if his gf eats all the communal food stock

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>Goat devil tattoo

She's a keeper all right

who is it?


whiter than 90% of pol kek

Him trying to debate Molyneux was pretty funny

>his dick is fucking small a emoji can cover it easily.
Honestly I feel bad for him. It has to suck to be this pathetic.

Death to leftists. Anarchists are even worse than communists.

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What's wrong with communists/ anarchists themselves?

What hes supposed to be an anarchist? For someone with that supposed viewpoint the only things ive ever heard out of his mouth are the generic neoliberal conceptions of their opponents and the world that were not correct 40 years ago when they originated and are even more apparent in their objective falsehoods. Ie: the right is less intelligent than the left when the average iq of those who identify republican is 102-105 vs democrats 96-98. Or that the poor/rural vote conservative against their own interest because they are being manipulated. Just dishonest retard arguements that have to be made in order to allow the existence of an increasingly baseless field of idealogies.

Anarchy is the foundational assumption of all American politics, so it is nothing new for us.

I like it, if it is true. Anarchists are super easy to redpill.- Just make them read Sorel


you suck Vaush, you narcissistic bluepilled manchild. i enjoyed your sperg out when you debated Sargon for the first time.

I seriously dont get how he manages to lose, youd think he picks low hanging fruit retards to make his ideas look good against the living straw men opponents and yet


Fuck off faggot.

I can't even hear what his ideology is because he's such a fat, ugly, cringe lookin mf...

Sorry but id never go to war with a goofy manchild like him.

Hitler or bust

he labels everyone right of Biden as a nazi so it's not surprising. his whole brand depends on nazis being on the precipice of taking power and exterminating faggot, trannies and spics soooo