HAVE YOU HAD OVIN19 already?

So I was told to post this in Yas Forums Its my first time to do something like this and I was warned about the shills that will comment but I wanted to start a thread on this:
I was sick in Jan 5th 2020.
went to doc
doc did 5 tests
doc comes back and doesn't know what I have.
dock give me 4 pc for the sickness
2 antibiotics 1zpac 1tamaflu
I take all of them and I feel like shit still
Chest felt like someone was sitting on it
Head pounding
No fever
Hacked up a lung every hour.
Took a full MONTH to get over what it was.

My question is has anyone else been down this road?

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No fever means you just had something else.

Yep. February 5 I left work early because I didn't feel well. More of an annoyance than anything else. My sinuses and throat felt swollen and I had a headache at the base of my skull that hurt when I swallowed. Never had a fever. Lasted a couple of weeks.

The thing that gets me is that I coughed up a lung every 20mins. The doc didn't know what the hell I had and EVERYONE that i'm close to had it as well


I was sick for nearly 3 weeks at Christmas time. Worst flu I ever had. I doubt it was covid, but I'd be happy if I already unknowingly survived it.

I had the same thing they thought it was the flu. It wasn't because I had the shot for it. They gave the the tamaflu as well, anti's as well. Nothing and it lasted over a month for me. Awful yellow, brown, blood shit coming up too, The doc couldn't figure it out so I went to two more they tested me again and nothing. they all said they don't know.


me too i thought it was from vaping too much

Imagine being such a weak faggot you get this shitty virus.

that didn't take long ...;p

I got sick when they said there where 23 people infected in Wuhan. it was too late to put on my mask. The media was 3 weeks late in info. The people that had been exposed to SARS or MERS where asymptomatic. I got sick and kicked it out of my lungs with booze. The theory is it's like hand sanitizer for the lungs in my book. The only person Hospitalized with pneumonia was immuno compromised with hashimoto's disease. When I wanted tests there where no tests. Now that there's tests I want tests for antibodies. My blood is o+, meaning I'm most popular donor. If I carry antibodies I can give blood to people for inherited immunity. Now they wonder why my state is "mysteriously" not being effected as hard. It's like an inside joke with official response here and work procedure to avoid contamination. We're all pretty sure that we've got it and it's old news but everyone plays along afraid to say anything with no officials willing to question whether an antibody exists in their blood.

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I got sick in January but was only laid up for like 3 days. I don't remember shortness of breath. Maybe it was the flu? I've had the flu before. Very similar but this made me want to lay down more.

Early February I caught a nasty flu. Lasted about a week fever of 105 and a week after I recovered I felt It was relapsing for a few days and I recovered again. It was spreading around my office like crazy. Some black girl I worked with had pale skin and looked like she couldn’t function for over a week like running into walls and shit. When I thought The sickness was relapsing, I took 2 days off work and got terminated because my state doesn’t require employers to provide sick leave.

Shortly after the office closed down and they sent everyone home.

I want to sue those fucks especially if I actually had the virus.

My wife had the heavy cough, fever, fatigue at Christmas. My best friend had the same thing in late January.
>nb4 cuck

ever since 2 days before i feel something moving in my lungs which makes me cough sometimes, nothing serious though, i dont know if its covid 19 or not

Covid. It originated in china nigger. All communists must hang.

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Don’t people get sick like the every year though?

You had influenza H. It was going around.

Here. Forgot to mention I know someone who visits china regularly to give lectures. Ran into them After recovery(not before infection. He's not my patient zero). He said the truth about corona is they where doing heightened screening for people going INTO china since at least NOVEMBER(antibiological gear at the airport, checking people arriving with infrared thermometers). meaning they where attempting to keep something OUT. He can't be the only one that noticed this and Im not sure he understood the ramifications beyond me mentioning lucy BTFO'D the theory it originated in a fish market and said she suspected it was floating around since at least nov. and not sure where it originates in the article I read. The doctors claiming Fish market theory where just like "duly noted and we appreciate the insight" or something.

I have no fever, coof, pretty much any of the other symptoms aside from the sting in my lungs. But I pulled a muscle in my core a few days ago So I am not sure.

Had it from December to February

I think USA has had it for a fucking while. Pnemonia. Lethargy. All of it.

Doesn't explain that 3 doctors didn't know what was going on with me.

You should've been dead in forty minutes. Fake and gay

I am absolutely sceptical when it comes to all of this, but I had the same. it was literal weeks, always returned, at some point i kind of felt anxiety, probably not getting enough oxygen. got over it but made me think, it was really like weeks, usually illnesses only flare up shortly for me.
I thought it was the cold weather and it's because I am a smoker..

Try to tell the fuckers disemploying 10's of millions of Americans that their doom models are based on "death rates" that are inflated 20-40 fold due to selection bias and they screech at the sky like SJW's

Humanity hasn't evolved beyond bronze aged religion, they just worship people who go on news shows or wear lab coats.

i was warned about you

I had it in early January too. All the symptoms and I haven't been that sick in almost 20 years.

In theory booze shouldnt help, becuase your body will be busy taking care of all the poison you consumed instead of killing the virus. Yet it does!

Not everyone that gets covid has a fever, leaf.

Yep. And so did my dad. Both had fevers. We joke now that if we were 70 and had other respiratory issues this would have killed us. The virus has been stateside since december, lots of people have mild symptoms so once full testing for antibodies gets underway we will realize the hospitalization and death rates are actually on par with the flu.

The thing is I NEVER get sick. I might get a sniff but thats it. This took me out for almost a month.

I had chest pain like a month ago and a feel of a cold. No fever, no cough really developed. Was strange.

I had the same shit in January except I got a fever of 103, which is a full 6 degrees higher than my normal temp. The fever lasted for 3 days, went away, came back 3 weeks later with a vengeance. The coughing was absolutely horrible. Doctor tested for flu A/B, both negative, said "I dont know what this is..." and gave me Azythromycin and a steroid shot. Took another week after that until I started feeling better. My oxygen was 86%.

agreed, I have friends that are saying the same thing.

Early January had the same thing, told people while I was sick, that I had never had something like it before. Lasted 3 weeks or more. Terrible dry cough that was the worst when I laid down for the night.

Some covid pts only have a fever for one day but remain sick much longer, I am still learning about covid but work with covid pts daily, I’m in one of the hardest hit cities by this and I’m a medical professional, I have several coworkers who currently or have had the disease, I have been able to avoid it thus far. My healthy coworkers for the most part did not seem hard hit by it, aside from one, he’s in great shape, he’s literally a male stripper on his off days, no underlying medical conditions that we are aware of, And he is struggling with it still and getting worse, however another coworker that is obese and 55 had it and was over it in about 5 days, it honestly seems almost random how bad it is for each person as of now, I expect we will eventually figure out additional risk factors in the danger of covid

The flu shot doesn’t mean you can’t get the flu, it simply means you will not get last years prevalent strain, the flu shot is a joke

how long did the chest pain last?

a week

Same for me and my family, workplace, and many others. Had that shit for about one and half months.

>he’s literally a male stripper

Oh let me add, I know someone who tested positive and their only symptoms are fatigue and headache, they had no cough, no fever, nothing, they may have had a fever before we were monitoring him thoroughly but he never had a cough or body aches or any of the other symptoms, basically you have no idea if you have it or not without a test, and the tests often come out inconclusive

i've had lingering chest pain for over 3 weeks now. am i gonna die?

Here we go found the article Im attempting to cite here>sciencemag.org/news/2020/01/wuhan-seafood-market-may-not-be-source-novel-virus-spreading-globally

Ok my theory is is 5% of alcohol consumption exits through your lungs. You get a high enough blood alcohol and it floods the cells the virus is specialized in attacking with enough booze to disrupt the virus. Evolution didnt plan on me being piss drunk. The virus is opportunistic and gets kicked out of your lungs, enters the blood and gastrointestinal when it realizes you BTFO'D its strong hold where it hides from you immune system. Except it's evolved to hid out there. Now that it's not sure what to do and is opportunistic on the other cells where your immune system easily recognizes it and can deliver the an antibody.

Someone else mentioned a trench technique of huffing on a shot placed in the mouth for flu during ww1 or 2. But no ones heard of it and any alcohol used historically as medicine is shit tier click bait bullshit. fuck you jewgle and the corporate internet 2.0. My guess is "vaporizing alcohol" would be more effective. Which is some faggy shit where u smoke booze through a crack pipe


Maybe, I don’t think he’s a queer but I’m not very close to him, he works an alternate shift to mine, I’ve simply been in contact with his to assist monitoring him and know him from shift change, he very well could have real aids and Chinese lung aids at the same time, I won’t say it’s not possible, although it would be disappointing to know he’s on the wrong team

had a 40 degree fever for a couple days in early january but after day 3-4 I was pretty much back to normal. I always let my fevers run and never take any of that bitch ass tylenol jew shit

Alcohol is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

I was sick for a month on jan 20th. I have never been this sick before. Fever, coofing slimeballs like a mf, joints hurting. I think the weirdest was how long it lasted.

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>taking the flu shot
you dumb goy

I was sick for two weeks with fever and cough and couldn’t smell or taste in late February with my girlfriend. I think we had it senpai

im here on this thread.. so no

So gargling some booze should work?

do you smoke?

im not the only one then

Back in December felt like I had a golfball sized cold something in my chest, did have a headache that lasted a few days, onetime had to cough something hard because I just couldn't breathe, and zero snotty nose, and I've felt lungy all this year too
I may have been very lucky, considering fat beetus neet and I've previously had a pneumonia vaccine and have been dropping multivitamins a while, also my town is filled with chinese students, they are realistically the largest group of non locals there
Sure it's all just some kind of unrelated coincidence going on

no i dont

Yeah I have the same now. I didn't have a fever either, doc gave me ventolin and antibioticss. Still on my chest.

Makes you wonder if this thing was made to have some genetic targets
Tinfoil or not? I dunno

I'm pretty sure I had covid-1984 back at the end of december through early january. I had all the symptons and was sick for about three weeks and at the worst of it I was basically bedridden for three days. I didn't go to the doctor though because I'm not a weak immunelet and eventually recovered and am fine now.

I even doubled up on mucinex. no joke and anything that could dry me up... the coughs where awful.

I never got fever

>My question is has anyone else been down this road?
I was told by my doctor that this virus has swept through southern Ontario here last November and December and that I had it back in November already.
So yes I was down that road. For me it only lasted 2 days (36 hours I'd guess) because my families genetics doesn't play nice with viruses. My mum also only 2 days. My roommate was down for three weeks almost, my step sister was down for two weeks with it. The old age home next door to me had a ambulance there 3 to 5 times a day at least.

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2 high schoolers died from the flu in Norway in february

i am not allowed to disclose this kind of information
also huffing is bad for you
dont huff !

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wtf is OVIN19

not huffing, i'm a realist

Same story OP, had one of the worst colds/flus that lasted from December 30th 2019 to about January 25th 2020, almost a month long.

Many people were sick around that time now that I remember

If it's making its way from your nose down your throat. Taking the Oregon trail to your lung tissue a Hot toddy could disrupt it's migration. The idea here is to expose your lung tissue to high concentrations of booze to expel it from your lungs. Since it hanging out in your lungs is how it kills you. I think your missing the point with just gargling, so Im attempting to explain better.

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I had the regular flu around February 5th. Got well after 4-5 days.

Three coworkers were out with the flu in mid February. Two said they had a lingering cough while I don’t know about a third.

A fourth coworker, who’s 80+ years old, tested positive for coronavirus around March 11 (he was sick before then). He’s since returned to work.

>I was told by my doctor that this virus has swept through southern Ontario here last November and December

Man, this really explains whats going on with Canada on the Hopkins map. You guys are immune already.

"flu killed more people" living on the cusp of intelligence BTFO"D

there were several alcohol vaporizers marketed in the early 2000s but as you can imagine jackasses get a hold of one of those and get the gnarliest alcohol poisoning imaginable from continuously vaping alcohol while in da club

this isn't the flu.....
15tests in total by 3 doctors in Jan 2020. They had no idea what it was so the threw drugs at it. This wasnt the flu

I was incredibly sick throughout the entirety of January. I had swine flu back in 2008 and that wasn't half as bad.

I got a flu test too, and it came back negative.

Woke up with a sore throat a couple days ago that went away after I woke up, next morning I had a slight sore throat and a really weird pressure in my chest. Been about 4 days since the initial sore throat and my chest still feels weird and I have a slight cough. If this is it, it ain't too baf


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Yes. Wife had similar about a month ago. She even jumped outta bed one night into the shower because the chills were getting to her. And I've had a cough for about 3 weeks straight. First week felt like shit, am now in the coughing up mucus phase w no other symptoms. I'm 42.

I live in mid america too. so that means if it was ovin19 its spread like wildfire and no one knew it

They have a 5 minute test for flu viruses now. That is the first thing they would have done in the ER. Now if you just went to your family doctor, they may not have done the flu test kit - it is reserved mostly for determining who needs to be isolated in the hospital.

I've been fatigued for the last few days. Normally I only need about 6 hours of sleep but I've been sleeping 10 hours a night plus a nap all week and constantly feel exhausted. No other symptoms though