Refute this, Yas Forums
Refute this, Yas Forums
if socialism was so great why has it never led to true communism before
>Refute a twitter post that lacks any logical foundation.
No thanks, I have a pandemic to survive right now.
>Socialist governments killed millions? NOOOO SOCIALISM ISNT WHEN THE GOVERNMENT DOES STUFF!
>Capitalist government paid money to people for free? NOOOOOO ITS SOCIALISM BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT DID IT!
That's not a coherent argument to refute. Socialism is state ownership of the means of production, not a welfare state or a government bailout.
The very concept of a bailout is essentially the polar opposite of nationalization.
>These two are the same thing
Twitter is truly worse than reddit.
It doesn't.
>Socialism bails Capitalism out
>Capitalism bails Socialism out
>Jews laughing inbetween
If socialism is so great, why does it need capitalism to get any food?
Capitalism is the only system that isnt such a totalitarian piece of shit that it allows for other systems to contribute
This, Marxist were traditionally very skeptical of social welfare, as they (correctly) feared it would undercut the appeal of Socialism by alleviating material conditions and therefore prevent a proletarian revolution
>Refute this, Yas Forums
There's nothing to refute, it's a total lie.
As always, commies distort and lie about what socialism is, commies distort and lie about what capitalism is.
he is not wrong. unironically all insurance companies, banks and other faggots should be allowed to go bankrupt
Utter brainlet.
Most of the western world has a mixed model.
Capitalism works until government programs hide and amplify market distortions until they break.
Smartest post I've read in awhile. Thanks user
>Socialism is state ownership of the means of production
no its not, that's a command economy. Under socialism, the workers and labors owns the means of production
>this isn't true capitalism!!!11
There is nothing in the USA that even remotely resembles the concept of Capitalism.
- Education/Schools: run and financed by Government at all levels
- Healtlhcare: run or regulated or financed by Government at all levels
- Police/Fire/Military: all run by Government
- Retirement: run and regulated by Government
- Transportation: government owns roads, bridges, owns most major airports, Amtrak
- Research: government funds $Billions in research, tells the researchers what to research
The only thing in the USA that resembles Capitalism is your local Tire Shop or 7/11 convenience store, everything else is either a direct government enterprise or else it is so heavily regulated by the government - that it might as well be a government enterprise.
Our system is definitely late stage monopolist capitalism. Karl Marx wasn't wrong it should've failed. SJWs killed socialism and capitalism copied socialist welfare and safety nets.
imagine spending 10 minutes to come up with the dumbest argument ever and then click on post with no shame whatsoever
The irony goes over their head
>Money printing machines controlled by handful of literally communist, subhuman kike families
>free-market capitalism
Social market economy? Ever heard of it? The German economic miracle after the war?
And the state owns the workers and laborers.
According to leftards, real socialism has never been tried. So how can it bail anything it?
Go back and stay there, Checkmark.
>own the means of production!
literally nothing is stopping you or anybody else from doing that
It doesnt. We have a monetary debt system based heavily on speculation combined with a service economy. Neither are based productive valuable labor. Combine this with panic and you get chaos. This nothing to do with capitalism and technically does not need to be bailed out. The bailout is all about continuing the monetary debt system.
At least we don’t build border walls to keep people in
capitalism is great because i like money
Socialism is good.
(((Socialism))) is bad.
all socialism is jewed
what if both systems are antagonistic
Based rabbi
>capitalism is bad because people with lots of money do bad things
>"give the state control over all the money, trust me they wont do anything bad!"
we must stop bailouts asap
I don't want to live in the same country as these people anymore Yas Forums
It's actually exactly the other way around there refuted shut the fuck up nigger faggot
i dont want to live with jews anymore either
me neither, I'm on long island and we have more of you than israel does
In every field
im not a jew im a romanian
if eating is so great, why do people who eat too much get fat and have to stop eating? if being awake is so great, why do we have to sleep? duhhhhhhhhh
This. No such thing as too big to fail. Abolish corporations as legal entities and hold owners responsible when shit hits the fans. Fuck them.
Probably because capitalism fucks it up before it does by embargoes, war, etc, leaving the people without an option but the failures of capitalism
>Run Away From The Argument: The Post
if socialism is so great why don't socialist governments have any capital to meet their promises with? who exactly is meant to provide all these gibs?
>hit person in the mouth with a hammer
>argument defeated
>The caloric intake of the average USSR citizen was more than the American citizen
>Cuba is being requested by the entire Western world to save them with their doctors despite having half a century of economic sabotage by Capitalism
Is there any nation more based than Communist nations that survive against all odds?
ok jew
>cast lvl 75 magic missile at the right wing retard nerd faggot
>critical hit
ggnore you closet case
Well it isn't.
Real capitalism hasn't been tried
>teleports behind you
heh, nothing personal kid
>Refute this, Yas Forums
capitalims does not need to be bailed out, jew ask free money because we keep giving it, but capitalism would be just fine without
If capitalism is so bad, why does it get bailed out by socialism every ten years?
Not true.
The average vodka nigger was a noodle armed manlet compared to the average amerifat.
And that was after the US was selling their surplus grain to the Russians to stave off the Holodomor 2: electric boogaloo.
it's true
plz gib monies
>survives any onslaught unaffected, like Fidel Castro
*smirks* never had a chance...
Without a capitalism base, socialism couldn't even exist.
Careful you don’t want to make these right wing retards so mad
If socialism is so great why dies it need to be bailed out by violent revolution and overthrow the the government every 30 years?
>why does socialism need to bail out capitalism
>Greedy globalist jews who established anti capitalists laws and rules crash economy and then use socialism to further pack their pockets of wealth, none of which the middle and lower class ever see.
True capitalism has never actually been tried because the only way Jews can surpress us is with socialism and communism.
Because it keeps getting bailed out every 10 years rather than letting bad bets fail like capitalism demands
We don’t have true capitalism you retard hence the bailouts, but you knew this and just wanted to disrupt retards anyways
Because you wouldn't just let it be capitalism, instead you and the government had to make it pseudo capitalism.
It doesn't need to be bailed out. The people in charge just get to steal more money if they do a bail out.
its not you brain dead nigger
If Socialism is so great why does the Communist Party of China infuse their system with capitalism to the point it's a mixed economy?
right, we should live in perpetual misery because the alternative is a periodic crisis
American education, folks! Facts < Feelings for capitalists, they think they can afford it! lmao
this is a NatSoc board, I don't have to refute shit
Commies and Bankers are just two faces of the same kike
Huh? Without capitalism there would be nothing to bail out and nothing to bail out with.
We’d already be starving to death.
That means the state, as there is no private ownership either and its not syndicalism
Why do socialist believe the people would be given any type of control by a socialist government?
Because the current economic system isn't capitalism. It's a government controlled bubble that exists only for the sake of inflation because it measures GDP instead of personal wealth and a healthy economy, and thus, it relies on unending inflation to constantly boost GDP. This concept is pushed by Keynesians which most countries in the world worship because it enables governments to take an active role in the economy and actively gives them a tool for corruption by encouraging governments to restrict and manipulate markets by pumping money into it to hand pick winners and subvert companies they don't like by fluffing the competition until they capitulate, assuming the government doesn't outright ban them or make it prohibitively expensive to access.
Thus, the government strangled system demands government strangulation to "Correct", and the bubble continues, the same corruption grows.
In this event however, the fucking government outright shut down the economy. That's the absolute fucking opposite of "Capitalism needing saved", that's "The country goes communist for a day and everyone suffers"
>bailouts capitalism
>thinks we have capitalism
One of the core tenets of capitalism is that we allow enterprises to fail. If we’re bailing shut out, we don’t live in a capitalist society.
if not having sars virus is so bad why dont we have it every 20 years?
>the top 1% puts laws that don't benefit them as capitalists and owners of companies
>n-no d-d-don't tax the job creators that are also the evil people that also create laws that also don't benefit capitalist companies
And that's how you know the right wing is retarded
That's not how Socialism works.
>my feelings are very strong, stronger than the toughest facts to deal with!!
USSR ate better than Americans you clueless cockslobber lmfao
The government giving money to people/businesses is the exact opposite of socialism.
Go back to Shitter, NIGGER
if communism is so great then why does it need an infusion of capitalism to even work at all
If it's being bailed out it's not capitalism, it's a controlled economy
It doesn't need to be bailed out to continue functioning, it's just done to preserve an already invested cabal's interests at the expense of everyone else
>Socialism is when the government does stuff
>i have never read what socialism is, the post
The average right wing retard is usually a boomer, so think of coronavirus as a cleansing