Refute this, Yas Forums

Refute this, Yas Forums

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if socialism was so great why has it never led to true communism before

>Refute a twitter post that lacks any logical foundation.
No thanks, I have a pandemic to survive right now.

>Socialist governments killed millions? NOOOO SOCIALISM ISNT WHEN THE GOVERNMENT DOES STUFF!
>Capitalist government paid money to people for free? NOOOOOO ITS SOCIALISM BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT DID IT!

That's not a coherent argument to refute. Socialism is state ownership of the means of production, not a welfare state or a government bailout.

The very concept of a bailout is essentially the polar opposite of nationalization.

>These two are the same thing

Twitter is truly worse than reddit.

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It doesn't.

>Socialism bails Capitalism out
>Capitalism bails Socialism out
>Jews laughing inbetween

If socialism is so great, why does it need capitalism to get any food?

Capitalism is the only system that isnt such a totalitarian piece of shit that it allows for other systems to contribute